The fast way to solve California homeless?

Trump’s Plan To Crack Down On California’s Homeless Camps Raises Alarms And Potential Solutions

Trump’s remarks come on the heels of a report released by the administration on Monday titled “The State of Homelessness in America.” The report stated that 47 percent of the country’s homeless population is concentrated in California, with San Francisco, Santa Rosa, San Jose and Los Angeles being the cities with the highest amount of homeless people.

California accounts for most of the country’s homeless population, and it’s growing. As of January 2018, there were an estimated 129,972 Californians on the streets on any given day, according to the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness. Of that total, 6,702 were family households, 10,836 were veterans, 12,396 were unaccompanied young adults (aged 18-24) and 34,332 were individuals experiencing chronic homelessness.

If we were to use my example of Katrina cottages with GIVEN LAND to 130000 units........the cost for building the cottages would require about 3.2 Billion dollars..........with LOANS for DISASTER pay for them............

And the big problem..........IS HOW to keep the GRUBBY LITTLE HANDS OF POLITICIANS away from the MONEY.
Trump: "We May Intercede" On Homelessness Crisis In California

So we're looking at it very seriously. We may intercede. We may do something to get that whole thing cleaned up. It's inappropriate.

Now, we have to take the people and do something. We have to do something.


TRUMP: And, you know, we're really not very equipped as a government to be doing that kind of work. That's not really the kind of work that the government probably should be doing.

We've never had this in our lives before in our country. And it's not only those few cities, it's a couple of other ones.

CARLSON: No, it's a lot of cities.

TRUMP: At the same time, most of our cities are doing great. But if you look at some of these, they are usually sanctuary cities run by very liberal people and the states are run by very liberal people.

But the thing that nobody can figure out is do these governors or mayors, do they really think this is a positive? Do they really think this is okay? Because it's not. It's destroying their city. And it's destroying a whole way of life, and it's not our country. It's not what our country is all about.
Any quick fix in California to fight the number of homeless now WILL NOT FIX THE PROBLEM LONG TERM

California has got to get rid of the politicians there...........Cut State Taxes........cut regulation for building homes and apartments........STOP being anti business.........and taxing everything that moves...........

They need investment there in the 30 billion plus range to build apartments and homes there.....and nobody is going to do that with the anti business gov't there............

They have caused this PROBLEM bad DISEASES that were once long gone are coming back to America..............
Homeless people are employed!

A 2017 survey of the homeless population in San Francisco
found 13 percent of respondents reporting part or full-time employment.
That's in a city with an estimated 7,499 people experiencing homelessness.

This year, an estimated 10 percent of the 4,990 people living unsheltered in San Diego
said they were currently working.

Working While Homeless: A Tough Job For Thousands Of Californians

WHY if they are working, can't they find a home?
Hmm... Rent for a 1 bedroom apt in San Francisco:
The average rent for an apartment in San Francisco is $3,733, a 3% increase compared to the previous year.
Average Rent in San Francisco & Rent Prices by Neighborhood - RENTCafé

What about San Diego:
The average rent in San Diego is around $2,400/month.
Average Rent in San Diego, CA: Median Prices + Trends

In fact there are nearly 1,500 homeless in these two cities that are working!

A Modest Proposal, by Jonathan Swift
You are one weird SOB
I see the point went over your head.
Any quick fix in California to fight the number of homeless now WILL NOT FIX THE PROBLEM LONG TERM

California has got to get rid of the politicians there...........Cut State Taxes........cut regulation for building homes and apartments........STOP being anti business.........and taxing everything that moves...........

They need investment there in the 30 billion plus range to build apartments and homes there.....and nobody is going to do that with the anti business gov't there............

They have caused this PROBLEM bad DISEASES that were once long gone are coming back to America..............

They're caught in a far leftist maze of their own undoing with no way out; they are now begging the Federal taxpayers for a lifeline, a shout out!
It's become 'Cash Cab' on amped up methedrine steroids to an algebraic Nth F'in degree!
Homeless people are employed!

A 2017 survey of the homeless population in San Francisco
found 13 percent of respondents reporting part or full-time employment.
That's in a city with an estimated 7,499 people experiencing homelessness.

This year, an estimated 10 percent of the 4,990 people living unsheltered in San Diego
said they were currently working.

Working While Homeless: A Tough Job For Thousands Of Californians

WHY if they are working, can't they find a home?
Hmm... Rent for a 1 bedroom apt in San Francisco:
The average rent for an apartment in San Francisco is $3,733, a 3% increase compared to the previous year.
Average Rent in San Francisco & Rent Prices by Neighborhood - RENTCafé

What about San Diego:
The average rent in San Diego is around $2,400/month.
Average Rent in San Diego, CA: Median Prices + Trends

In fact there are nearly 1,500 homeless in these two cities that are working!

A Modest Proposal, by Jonathan Swift
You are one weird SOB
I see the point went over your head.
Nope........not at all.......I saw the Sarcasm and responded.......I stand by my comments to you.

California has caused this...........until the people there vote their sorry asses.....fitting symbol of the Dem long term fix can be implemented.......

Nobody is gonna invest there in that environment.......It's a self inflicted wound........We just need to contain the mental Liberals there so they don't infect the rest of the United States.
Any quick fix in California to fight the number of homeless now WILL NOT FIX THE PROBLEM LONG TERM

California has got to get rid of the politicians there...........Cut State Taxes........cut regulation for building homes and apartments........STOP being anti business.........and taxing everything that moves...........

They need investment there in the 30 billion plus range to build apartments and homes there.....and nobody is going to do that with the anti business gov't there............

They have caused this PROBLEM bad DISEASES that were once long gone are coming back to America..............

They're caught in a far leftist maze of their own undoing with no way out; they are now begging the Federal taxpayers for a lifeline, a shout out!
It's become 'Cash Cab' on amped up methedrine steroids to an algebraic Nth F'in degree!
Thats what politicians do............Blame others for their own mistakes.........same with the fires out there and the stupid policies.........Now paying out the butt to cut down 5 million plus dead bug infested trees......and now do more controlled burns and clearing of forests............It took the whole state burning down for them to finally dislodge their heads out of their asses.....

And NOW we here the SHRILL CRIES.....of why DADDY FED GOV'T will not fix this......LOL......they are amazing wankers now aren't they............
Any quick fix in California to fight the number of homeless now WILL NOT FIX THE PROBLEM LONG TERM

California has got to get rid of the politicians there...........Cut State Taxes........cut regulation for building homes and apartments........STOP being anti business.........and taxing everything that moves...........

They need investment there in the 30 billion plus range to build apartments and homes there.....and nobody is going to do that with the anti business gov't there............

They have caused this PROBLEM bad DISEASES that were once long gone are coming back to America..............

They're caught in a far leftist maze of their own undoing with no way out; they are now begging the Federal taxpayers for a lifeline, a shout out!
It's become 'Cash Cab' on amped up methedrine steroids to an algebraic Nth F'in degree!
Thats what politicians do............Blame others for their own mistakes.........same with the fires out there and the stupid policies.........Now paying out the butt to cut down 5 million plus dead bug infested trees......and now do more controlled burns and clearing of forests............It took the whole state burning down for them to finally dislodge their heads out of their asses.....

And NOW we here the SHRILL CRIES.....of why DADDY FED GOV'T will not fix this......LOL......they are amazing wankers now aren't they............

I say make the stupid bastards pay!
If they want more Fed monies, attach strings, very, very thick strings!!
"California leads the nation, by far, in both the number of homeless people, and the percentage increase in the homeless population - two terrible stats. Crazy Nancy should focus on that in her very down district, and helping her incompetent governor with the big homeless problem!" - President Trump right now on twitter
Homeless people are employed!

A 2017 survey of the homeless population in San Francisco
found 13 percent of respondents reporting part or full-time employment.
That's in a city with an estimated 7,499 people experiencing homelessness.

This year, an estimated 10 percent of the 4,990 people living unsheltered in San Diego
said they were currently working.

Working While Homeless: A Tough Job For Thousands Of Californians

WHY if they are working, can't they find a home?
Hmm... Rent for a 1 bedroom apt in San Francisco:
The average rent for an apartment in San Francisco is $3,733, a 3% increase compared to the previous year.
Average Rent in San Francisco & Rent Prices by Neighborhood - RENTCafé

What about San Diego:
The average rent in San Diego is around $2,400/month.
Average Rent in San Diego, CA: Median Prices + Trends

In fact there are nearly 1,500 homeless in these two cities that are working!


wow rent is insane there. If I lived there I would be homeless to. Where im at my wife and I rent a run down trailer for $350 month. We love our trailer its very basic and has everything need.
U.S. Infectious Diseases Surging in Public Health Decline, Include Syphilis, Typhus, and Measles

Typhus. This bacterial disease carried by insect vectors (fleas, lice, chiggers), causing fever, body ache, rash, and other constitutional symptoms, was once so uncommon in the U.S. that it was delisted by the CDC in 1994. But then, after reappearing in the 1990s in California, it now is showing up again in a pattern across the southern border states, from southern California to southeast Texas, extending into the Florida Gulf Coast. Murine, or flea-borne typhus is epidemic now in Los Angeles, associated there with homeless street dwellers, surrounded by trash, human waste and rats. The recent high-profile case is Deputy City Attorney Liz Greenwood, who fell ill with typhus last month, traced to rats in L.A. City Hall. But other animals are host to the infected fleas, from opossums to cats, which are now conveying the disease to Long Beach and other outer communities.

In Texas, the number of flea-borne typhus cases rose from 30 a year, to 519 a year in the 14-year period from 2003-2017. Hidalgo County has been number one in incidence, with 99 cases over that period. Harris County, where Houston is the main city, is second, with 71 cases.

Measles. There are now several measles outbreak locations in the U.S., reflecting the vulnerability to infection, when it is introduced from outside, to a community with low vaccination rates. The CDC reported this week, that the year 2019 is set to be the worst year for measles cases in 17 years. Over January and February, more than 200 cases have been reported, with outbreaks in 11 states.

Indigenous measles was declared to have been eliminated in North America, after the last endemic case was reported in 2002. But wherever the microbe strikes in a low-vaccination community, the disease can easily take hold. The pathogen is exceptionally transmissible. It remains infectious for two hours after the human carrier exits. Many state legislatures are now tightening requirements for waivers from vaccinations, which had come to be granted loosely for “philosophical” objections to vaccination.
Post 34 is the reason this will eventually become a DECLARED NATIONAL EMERGENCY......

If the streets in these large cities are NOT CLEANED UP...........the outbreak could spread to a large portion of the population.............

We don't need that.............and why the Federal Gov't will eventually be forced to step in.
Post 34 is the reason this will eventually become a DECLARED NATIONAL EMERGENCY......

If the streets in these large cities are NOT CLEANED UP...........the outbreak could spread to a large portion of the population.............

We don't need that.............and why the Federal Gov't will eventually be forced to step in.

That's why I call them DemocRats!
Post 34 is the reason this will eventually become a DECLARED NATIONAL EMERGENCY......

If the streets in these large cities are NOT CLEANED UP...........the outbreak could spread to a large portion of the population.............

We don't need that.............and why the Federal Gov't will eventually be forced to step in.

That's why I call them DemocRats!
Infectious Diseases Making the Border Crisis Worse

The changing demographic of aliens who are entering the United States illegally (unaccompanied alien children (UAC) and family units from Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador, as I described in great detail in recent testimony before the House Appropriations Committee's Labor-HHS subcommittee) heightens the danger that such diseases will make their way to this country.

With respect to youths, for example, the World Health Organization (WHO) states: "Mumps is an acute disease of children and young adults." And notably, in September 2018, GardaWorld reported:

The Honduran Ministry of Health announced a medical state of emergency on Wednesday, September 19, for northern Cortés department amid an ongoing mumps epidemic that has infected at least 5500 people since January. Cortés department is among the areas most affected by the outbreak with 3788 cases reported — 855 of which have been reported in the region's capital, San Pedro Sula. Health authorities estimate that 3.2 million adults are susceptible to the disease due to low vaccination rates and have expanded a nationwide measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccination program to stop the spread of the disease. [Emphasis added.]

These points echo ones previously made by Peter Edelstein, M.D., in Psychology Today in January 2017, shortly after Donald Trump's inauguration:

In the end, it is hard to completely ignore the health risks posed by those whose entry into the country avoids medical examination and treatment. Whether you sit on the "build a wall" end of the spectrum or the "they're just seeking a better life" end, accepting that treatable major health risks are freely entering into our general population is an unwise strategy, regardless of your political leaning (assuming those risks are meaningful, a debate we can have). [Emphasis in original.]
Homelessness will have to exceed critical mass. It's close now. When disease and plague explodes then something will be done.

Our homeless do not even rise to the level of Neanderthal. Starting with this mass of crawling humanity, civilization is starting to fall away.
Homelessness will have to exceed critical mass. It's close now. When disease and plague explodes then something will be done.

Our homeless do not even rise to the level of Neanderthal. Starting with this mass of crawling humanity, civilization is starting to fall away.
The Disease factor will FORCE Federal is only a matter of time...........The Border Patrol has been having to treat these diseases and Isolate them because of the South America Immigrants coming...........They then are forced to hold others there to ensure they weren't infected as well...........

Then the Media goes...........look what they are doing..........holding these people........... Then a judge says you must release them............After released they get the mumps..........measles........typhoid.....cholera ............and give it to the population in general where they go.............

Why its now becoming Very serious in places on the border.

The Fed has options using Federal land there bypass California in creating cheaper fixes via the housing crisis..........Of course the water is a problem...........and dealing with the fire hazard is another problem....The Federal Gov't owns a lot of land out west.........might be time to use it.

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