The fast way to solve California homeless?

California NIMBYs Kill Effort to Make Housing Affordable | The American Spectator | Politics Is Too Important To Be Taken Seriously.

California suffers from a severe housing shortage, as the state ranks 49th in housing density. Local governments have failed to allow sufficient home-building, and zoning requirements often prevent high-rise apartments in expensive cities with large populations like San Francisco and Los Angeles. San Francisco in particular has been hard-hit by a lack of housing — one report found that residents need to make more than $300,000 a year just to afford the median home in the city.

“Not In My Back Yard” activists (NIMBYs) teamed up with localists and “Public Housing in My Back Yard” (PHIMBYs) activists to oppose the “Yes In My Back Yard” (YIMBYs) supporting SB 827. Yet behind the whimsical acronyms is a serious coalition that aimed to prevent the unleashing of the California housing market. Localists feared SB 827’s pre-emption of local zoning regulation, PHIMBYs worried that SB 827 would replace efforts to build more public housing, and NIMBYs often just didn’t want poor people moving in near them.

Come one........Come all illegals..........Come to California and OUR SANCTUARY.....

Ok.......let's build some HIGH RISE APARTMENTS for them to LIVE IN.........


and every action has a opposite and equal reaction:
From 'Not in My Backyard' to 'Yes in My Backyard'

Yes in my back yard
California NIMBYs Kill Effort to Make Housing Affordable | The American Spectator | Politics Is Too Important To Be Taken Seriously.

California suffers from a severe housing shortage, as the state ranks 49th in housing density. Local governments have failed to allow sufficient home-building, and zoning requirements often prevent high-rise apartments in expensive cities with large populations like San Francisco and Los Angeles. San Francisco in particular has been hard-hit by a lack of housing — one report found that residents need to make more than $300,000 a year just to afford the median home in the city.

“Not In My Back Yard” activists (NIMBYs) teamed up with localists and “Public Housing in My Back Yard” (PHIMBYs) activists to oppose the “Yes In My Back Yard” (YIMBYs) supporting SB 827. Yet behind the whimsical acronyms is a serious coalition that aimed to prevent the unleashing of the California housing market. Localists feared SB 827’s pre-emption of local zoning regulation, PHIMBYs worried that SB 827 would replace efforts to build more public housing, and NIMBYs often just didn’t want poor people moving in near them.

Come one........Come all illegals..........Come to California and OUR SANCTUARY.....

Ok.......let's build some HIGH RISE APARTMENTS for them to LIVE IN.........


and every action has a opposite and equal reaction:
From 'Not in My Backyard' to 'Yes in My Backyard'

Yes in my back yard
And are the high rise apartments being built in Los Angeles......San me that........and then show me the expected cost of rent there........

Looks to me.......if you are a working class stiff out some desert land for cheap and deal with the commute.........May have to put in a offgrid system.......but it's a hell of a lot better than the CRAZY PRICES out there.
The Top States to Work in Construction: #49 California — Construction Junkie

#49 California
Much like Hawaii, which ranked #50 on our countdown, California fell victim to its extremely high cost of living. The state's raw hourly wage was consistently in the top 15, but it ranks as the second highest cost of living of all the states, which caused it to fall an average of 35.7 spots in the rankings after the adjustment. Average wages before adjustment for all 25 construction professions combined was a little over $29, but fell to $15.80 after adjusting.

If you’d like to see the breakdown of a specific profession, click the link the spreadsheet below:


We make more than that in low cost I work in Construction. Good luck finding people to build in California
The Top States to Work in Construction: #49 California — Construction Junkie

#49 California
Much like Hawaii, which ranked #50 on our countdown, California fell victim to its extremely high cost of living. The state's raw hourly wage was consistently in the top 15, but it ranks as the second highest cost of living of all the states, which caused it to fall an average of 35.7 spots in the rankings after the adjustment. Average wages before adjustment for all 25 construction professions combined was a little over $29, but fell to $15.80 after adjusting.

If you’d like to see the breakdown of a specific profession, click the link the spreadsheet below:


We make more than that in low cost I work in Construction. Good luck finding people to build in California
You'd think California would be swarming in illegals that work in construction, and that would bring construction firm's payroll cost down???
The Top States to Work in Construction: #49 California — Construction Junkie

#49 California
Much like Hawaii, which ranked #50 on our countdown, California fell victim to its extremely high cost of living. The state's raw hourly wage was consistently in the top 15, but it ranks as the second highest cost of living of all the states, which caused it to fall an average of 35.7 spots in the rankings after the adjustment. Average wages before adjustment for all 25 construction professions combined was a little over $29, but fell to $15.80 after adjusting.

If you’d like to see the breakdown of a specific profession, click the link the spreadsheet below:


We make more than that in low cost I work in Construction. Good luck finding people to build in California
You'd think California would be swarming in illegals that work in construction, and that would bring construction firm's payroll cost down???
They are leaving as well..........Imagine that...........they do the same thing as American Construction workers do..........go to where the money is and cost is low.
The Top States to Work in Construction: #49 California — Construction Junkie

#49 California
Much like Hawaii, which ranked #50 on our countdown, California fell victim to its extremely high cost of living. The state's raw hourly wage was consistently in the top 15, but it ranks as the second highest cost of living of all the states, which caused it to fall an average of 35.7 spots in the rankings after the adjustment. Average wages before adjustment for all 25 construction professions combined was a little over $29, but fell to $15.80 after adjusting.

If you’d like to see the breakdown of a specific profession, click the link the spreadsheet below:


We make more than that in low cost I work in Construction. Good luck finding people to build in California
You'd think California would be swarming in illegals that work in construction, and that would bring construction firm's payroll cost down???
They are leaving as well..........Imagine that...........they do the same thing as American Construction workers do..........go to where the money is and cost is low.
money talks and walks!
Homeless people are employed!

A 2017 survey of the homeless population in San Francisco
found 13 percent of respondents reporting part or full-time employment.
That's in a city with an estimated 7,499 people experiencing homelessness.

This year, an estimated 10 percent of the 4,990 people living unsheltered in San Diego
said they were currently working.

Working While Homeless: A Tough Job For Thousands Of Californians

WHY if they are working, can't they find a home?
Hmm... Rent for a 1 bedroom apt in San Francisco:
The average rent for an apartment in San Francisco is $3,733, a 3% increase compared to the previous year.
Average Rent in San Francisco & Rent Prices by Neighborhood - RENTCafé

What about San Diego:
The average rent in San Diego is around $2,400/month.
Average Rent in San Diego, CA: Median Prices + Trends

In fact there are nearly 1,500 homeless in these two cities that are working!


Flush the 10 million illegal wetbacks in Mexifornia back to Mehico and TA-DA!...problem solved.
Most homeless I see with my owns in SM and we get the most are whites.
That's why I call them DemocRats!

Look no further than Bush Jr and all you who voted for him, the Great Recession and the wars, remember!

But you right wings don't even want to talk about this seriously, all you do is blame the democrats.
California is run by Democrats...........and the worst problems are there including diseases there that have been wiped out for decades.........

Who da hell are we supposed to Blame..........Mickey Mouse......

Your political leaders out there caused the dang problems with policy. And the outbreaks that may force intervention from the Fed is because of your Sanctuary Cities.

The republican are too stupid and lazy to run cities. Tramp is the Potus, its his problem.

If Tramp is serious about the homeless he can start at home!!

You are so full of crap.

Dumbest people on the left-wing. You go wreck your city with non-stop bad policies, and then when your crap policies don't work.... magically it's the duty of the president?

Really? So I can just wreck my own house, and then blame you for my house being wrecked? That's how that works in your brainless world?

How can you possibly say stuff this ridiculous, and expect anyone to take you seriously?

As we are talking Tramp is cutting funding to Hud, all social programs, and soon to cut the ACA.

Right.... because California was a perfect utopia just 3 years ago. All the housing was cheap, homeless lowest levels of any city, and everything was unicorns and rainbows.

Then magically "trump" and everything turned the crap? What is it with you left-wingers.... This is like the separation of families at the border, which happened in 2014 under Obama, and you all have this magic mental shut down any time "our guy" is in office, where nothing bad ever happens until "Our guy" leaves office, and then suddenly your magically shut eyes, magically open again. And when some other democrap takes office, your eyes will all shut and your are back in your make believe world.

I really don't understand you people. If California had an earth quake and slid into the ocean, you people wouldn't even notice it was gone until your guy was replaced by a Republican, and then "Ooo! California fell into the ocean! TRUMP! Darn you TRUMP!"

Dumbest things you people say.

Gracie, was that a joke dear? Do you actually think rent control is a solution? Because rent control will cause even more problems. Rent control has resulted in even fewer housing units, in every single city and state it has ever been tried.

Just think about it... if you knew you can't make money on your apartment complex... are you going to invest in building another apartment complex? Of course not.


Rent control not only virtually eliminates the incentive to build new apartments, but it also destroys existing apartments. See this building that is utterly abandoned in NYC? Why would the land lord abandon prime realestate in a city that desperately needs housing?

Because this building is under rent control.

Forget even the existing owner. Why hasn't a new investor, purchased the building, renovated it, and made it into usable housing?

Rent control.
That's why this building is an abandoned, instead of made into usable living quarters.

Rent control will make the housing issue in California even worse than it already is.

This is exactly why the left-wing can't blame Trump for the declining conditions in California. It isn't Trumps fault that they put in place rent-control.
Homeless people are employed!

A 2017 survey of the homeless population in San Francisco
found 13 percent of respondents reporting part or full-time employment.
That's in a city with an estimated 7,499 people experiencing homelessness.

This year, an estimated 10 percent of the 4,990 people living unsheltered in San Diego
said they were currently working.

Working While Homeless: A Tough Job For Thousands Of Californians

WHY if they are working, can't they find a home?
Hmm... Rent for a 1 bedroom apt in San Francisco:
The average rent for an apartment in San Francisco is $3,733, a 3% increase compared to the previous year.
Average Rent in San Francisco & Rent Prices by Neighborhood - RENTCafé

What about San Diego:
The average rent in San Diego is around $2,400/month.
Average Rent in San Diego, CA: Median Prices + Trends

In fact there are nearly 1,500 homeless in these two cities that are working!


Flush the 10 million illegal wetbacks in Mexifornia back to Mehico and TA-DA!...problem solved.
Most homeless I see with my owns in SM and we get the most are whites.

What? Engrish pleeese.

I have no idea what you were trying to say, because it wasn't coherent.
Homeless people are employed!

A 2017 survey of the homeless population in San Francisco
found 13 percent of respondents reporting part or full-time employment.
That's in a city with an estimated 7,499 people experiencing homelessness.

This year, an estimated 10 percent of the 4,990 people living unsheltered in San Diego
said they were currently working.

Working While Homeless: A Tough Job For Thousands Of Californians

WHY if they are working, can't they find a home?
Hmm... Rent for a 1 bedroom apt in San Francisco:
The average rent for an apartment in San Francisco is $3,733, a 3% increase compared to the previous year.
Average Rent in San Francisco & Rent Prices by Neighborhood - RENTCafé

What about San Diego:
The average rent in San Diego is around $2,400/month.
Average Rent in San Diego, CA: Median Prices + Trends

In fact there are nearly 1,500 homeless in these two cities that are working!


Flush the 10 million illegal wetbacks in Mexifornia back to Mehico and TA-DA!...problem solved.
Most homeless I see with my owns in SM and we get the most are whites.

Do you think wetbacks are the catalyst to whiteys homelessness?
If you liveed in Mexifornia on a pay scale from the 80’s could you make it?
California's state level sales tax rate remains the highest in the nation as of 2018 at 7.25 percent.
Combined with local sales taxes, the rate can reach as high as 10 percent in some California cities, although the average is 8.54 percent as of 2018.
You'll pay an extra 33 percent if you buy fruit from a vending machine here.
A pack of cigarettes will cost you an extra $2.87 cents here.
Gasoline will run you an additional 53.49 cents a gallon under legislation that began increasing the tax incrementally effective November 1, 2017
Unfortunately, the state's homeowner and rental assistance program, which effectively reimbursed qualified taxpayers for a portion of property taxes paid on their homes or as part of their rental payments, has been discontinued.
The state also has some of the highest income tax rates in the country. California has 10 personal income tax rates ranging from 0 to 13.3 percent as of 2018. The state's standard deduction, however, is a fairly decent $4,236 per person.
If your sale is such that you must also pay the federal long-term capital gains tax rate of 20 percent, you'll end up paying the second-highest capital gains tax rate in the world—a combined 33.3 percent.

Prepare to Pay Hefty Taxes in California If You Live, Work, or Play There

With California sales tax, local sales tax, gas tax, and personal income tax taking about 41.22% before Federal taxes.
So all these taxes (excluding property taxes which are 16th lowest in US) and then with the average 1 bedroom apt going for
$3,733/month in San Francisco..Average Rent in San Francisco & Rent Prices by Neighborhood - RENTCafé

It is no wonder California has Almost half (47 percent) of all unsheltered homeless people are found in the State of California, about four times as high as California’s share of the overall U.S. population.

According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), there were roughly 554,000 homeless people living somewhere in the United States on a given night last year
California accounts for most of the country’s homeless population, and it’s growing.
In 2018, there were 129,972 people (nearly 24% of all homeless in America) on california streets on any given night statewide.
California has the most homeless people of any state. But L.A. is still a national model
If California passed a law allowing them to collect income taxes on anyone registered to vote for ten years, even if they moved out of state, I believe this shit would be fixed in short order.
Homeless people are employed!

A 2017 survey of the homeless population in San Francisco
found 13 percent of respondents reporting part or full-time employment.
That's in a city with an estimated 7,499 people experiencing homelessness.

This year, an estimated 10 percent of the 4,990 people living unsheltered in San Diego
said they were currently working.

Working While Homeless: A Tough Job For Thousands Of Californians

WHY if they are working, can't they find a home?
Hmm... Rent for a 1 bedroom apt in San Francisco:
The average rent for an apartment in San Francisco is $3,733, a 3% increase compared to the previous year.
Average Rent in San Francisco & Rent Prices by Neighborhood - RENTCafé

What about San Diego:
The average rent in San Diego is around $2,400/month.
Average Rent in San Diego, CA: Median Prices + Trends

In fact there are nearly 1,500 homeless in these two cities that are working!


Flush the 10 million illegal wetbacks in Mexifornia back to Mehico and TA-DA!...problem solved.
Most homeless I see with my owns in SM and we get the most are whites.

What? Engrish pleeese.

I have no idea what you were trying to say, because it wasn't coherent.
Didn't double check my typos.
I said most of the homeless i see with my own eyes here are mostly whites.
Rent control is the fastest way to destroy cities short of bombing them. Maybe it can destroy states just as fast.
Rent Control is Worse than Bombing - Econlib
Nobody can afford 1200 bucks a month for a studio; 2500 a month for a 1 bedroom; 3500 a month for a 3 bedroom. There are not enought hours in a day to work 3 jobs just to pay that, plus utilities, plus gas to get to work, plus food, plus health insurance. The only way that kind of money can be made on rent is to put bunk beds in each bedroom and charge rent PER HEAD, which is what is being done in college towns. For the regular joe and jane, its impossible to find something affordable. This lays on the home owner wanting as much as they can possibly get and that is set by others doing the same thing with their properties..hence, high rents nobody can afford as single or as families even with a job.

Rent control is needed. I stand by that.

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