The FBI and the CIA, or Trump’s gut. Which do you trust more?

You never get heartburn? Man you’re full of lies today.
Not since I quit drinking alcohol and smoking tobacco.
I can eat hot Mexican food all day and not get the slightest heartburn.
I also drink a half ounce of organic vinegar about every other day ( which supposedly prevents heartburn among other things). You're welcome.
The FBI and the CIA, or Trump’s gut. Which do you trust more?

We all heard Trump say our US intelligence agencies need to go back to school.

We’ve all heard Trump say that time will prove him right over the intelligence agencies.

And we’ve all heard Trump say that he relies on his gut feeling.

So who would you trust more? US intelligence agencies or Trump’ gut?
Well let's look at some of the failures of the intelligence community.
Iraq had WMDs.
9/11 complete surprise.
Russia will never invade the Crimea.
The CIA spying on congess and lying about it.
NSA spying on citizens without warrants.
The attack on Pearl Harbor. To name just a few.
Looks like anyone could be just as accurate.. Even you in your deranged imagination.
Iraq had WMDs? Only Republicans and Bush said that. No one else in the world did. They forced the CIA into writing a nonsense report. That’s why it was a lie.
Oh please. Stop lying. Bush thought Iraq had WMD because that's what British Intelligence told him.

You forgot and thought we all forgot too.
We Trust President Trump.

We will never trust deep state CIA or dirty cops from the FBI

The CIA and FBI kept this country safe for decades. Then came Democrats. Then came the politicization of the CIA and FBI. Now they can't be trusted any more.
The FBI and the CIA, or Trump’s gut. Which do you trust more?

We all heard Trump say our US intelligence agencies need to go back to school.

We’ve all heard Trump say that time will prove him right over the intelligence agencies.

And we’ve all heard Trump say that he relies on his gut feeling.

So who would you trust more? US intelligence agencies or Trump’ gut?
You want my honest answer ? I think Trump is in way over his head.
He's under-qualified for the job but who wouldn't be ? I think he's being controlled and shrouded by corporate-politicians and Wall Street hawks, he's being constantly trashed in the MSM and the intelligence community seems to hate him, which is probably the main reason I trust Trump over them
. I believe Bernie would have won if the DNC hadn't rigged the primaries, but I'm glad Hillary is not president.

America can be a force for good but there are rogue elements in charge taking us down another path.
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Oh please. Stop lying. Bush thought Iraq had WMD because that's what British Intelligence told him.

You forgot and thought we all forgot too.
It's deeper than that. Look.....We sold Saddam wmds in the early 80's to fight Iran, whose troops outnumbered Iraq's 10 to 1. (we gave him satellite surveillance on Iranian troop locations-all that.)

The problem was he did not use them all, some armed with anthrax, and then a few years later when he invaded Kuwait, he still never used them ( although they were afraid he would )
.see; Gulf War Syndrome settlements.

So, fast forward through occupation of the Persian Gulf in the 90's, sanctions on Iraq,, 9/11 to the push for war - Colin Powell and the infamous vial of anthrax at the UN....( starting to become clearer ?)

The CIA and the Bush admin knew he had the wmd's--but they didn't want it to go public how they knew - that Saddam got them from us.
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Cheney and Rumsfeld actually believed they could keep this from the American public, then something called the Internet came along.

Thank you YouTube.
The facts made up my mind. And the facts are that the bush administration told the CIA to write a report that they knew was a lie.

I hope that helped.

LOL....and you still trust the CIA?
You're stepping in it at every turn dumbass.

Oh...and I'd like a link to your assertion.
Wow, after all this time, you would think if the truth mattered to you, you would’ve looked it up.

Trump Is Right, Bush Lied: A Little-Known Part of the Bogus Case for War

A newly released investigative report from the UK government suggests that intelligence officials knew ahead of time that the war would cause massive instability and societal collapse and make the problem of terrorism worse — and that Blair and Bush went ahead with the effort anyway.
( we knew what the UK knew)

No, really, George W. Bush lied about WMDs

The intelligence agencies warned the Bush White House. But they weren’t having it. Bush and Cheney lied us into Iraq.

So what you're saying is the three letter agencies let Bush lie about the reason we went to war?
And you still trust them?
They didn’t LET him. He was in charge.

Where did Bush get his intelligence?
It wasn't from his dad. That's very obvious.
The FBI and the CIA, or Trump’s gut. Which do you trust more?

We all heard Trump say our US intelligence agencies need to go back to school.

We’ve all heard Trump say that time will prove him right over the intelligence agencies.

And we’ve all heard Trump say that he relies on his gut feeling.

So who would you trust more? US intelligence agencies or Trump’ gut?
Well let's look at some of the failures of the intelligence community.
Iraq had WMDs.
9/11 complete surprise.
Russia will never invade the Crimea.
The CIA spying on congess and lying about it.
NSA spying on citizens without warrants.
The attack on Pearl Harbor. To name just a few.
Looks like anyone could be just as accurate.. Even you in your deranged imagination.
Iraq had WMDs? Only Republicans and Bush said that. No one else in the world did. They forced the CIA into writing a nonsense report. That’s why it was a lie.
Oh please. Stop lying. Bush thought Iraq had WMD because that's what British Intelligence told him.

You forgot and thought we all forgot too.
George W. Bush's CIA briefer admits Iraq WMD "intelligence" was a lie

On Tuesday night, former CIA Deputy Director and Bush's intelligence briefer Michael Morell appeared on MSNBC's "Hardball," where he, under an amount of good cable news duress, admitted that the administration intentionally misrepresented intelligence.

The show played a clip of Cheney saying, "We know [Saddam Hussein] has been absolutely devoted to trying to acquire nuclear weapons. And we believe he has, in fact, reconstituted nuclear weapons."

"Was that true or not," host Chris Matthews asked.

"No, that was not true," he finally said.


It was Bush and Cheney who lied. They lied............period!
LOL....and you still trust the CIA?
You're stepping in it at every turn dumbass.

Oh...and I'd like a link to your assertion.
Wow, after all this time, you would think if the truth mattered to you, you would’ve looked it up.

Trump Is Right, Bush Lied: A Little-Known Part of the Bogus Case for War

A newly released investigative report from the UK government suggests that intelligence officials knew ahead of time that the war would cause massive instability and societal collapse and make the problem of terrorism worse — and that Blair and Bush went ahead with the effort anyway.
( we knew what the UK knew)

No, really, George W. Bush lied about WMDs

The intelligence agencies warned the Bush White House. But they weren’t having it. Bush and Cheney lied us into Iraq.

So what you're saying is the three letter agencies let Bush lie about the reason we went to war?
And you still trust them?
They didn’t LET him. He was in charge.

Where did Bush get his intelligence?
It wasn't from his dad. That's very obvious.

Are you mentally challenged?
The FBI and the CIA, or Trump’s gut. Which do you trust more?

We all heard Trump say our US intelligence agencies need to go back to school.

We’ve all heard Trump say that time will prove him right over the intelligence agencies.

And we’ve all heard Trump say that he relies on his gut feeling.

So who would you trust more? US intelligence agencies or Trump’ gut?
Well let's look at some of the failures of the intelligence community.
Iraq had WMDs.
9/11 complete surprise.
Russia will never invade the Crimea.
The CIA spying on congess and lying about it.
NSA spying on citizens without warrants.
The attack on Pearl Harbor. To name just a few.
Looks like anyone could be just as accurate.. Even you in your deranged imagination.
Iraq had WMDs? Only Republicans and Bush said that. No one else in the world did. They forced the CIA into writing a nonsense report. That’s why it was a lie.
There must be something wrong with my reading comprehension this morning. I understood you to mean no dimocrats said Iraq had WMDs. But everyone with a brain knows how stupid that is, huh? Need another shot of coffee I guess.
The FBI and the CIA, or Trump’s gut. Which do you trust more?

We all heard Trump say our US intelligence agencies need to go back to school.

We’ve all heard Trump say that time will prove him right over the intelligence agencies.

And we’ve all heard Trump say that he relies on his gut feeling.

So who would you trust more? US intelligence agencies or Trump’ gut?
Why would I trust any of them

People who work for the government do so because they're not good enough to get a job in the private sector

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