The Feminine Face Of Tyranny

I don't suppose it even warrants mention that not one of the women mentioned in this thread are in any way tyrannical?

There are one or two realistic examples of female tyrants, although none that quite reach the scale of a Mobutu Sese, Stalin or Cristiani.

My Top 5:

Elena Caucescu

Madame Mao

Indira Ghandi

Emelda Marcos

Eva Peron
Flanders, just when I think your threads can't get any nuttier you've raised the bar.

To Grandma: You’re too stupid to see that it’s nutty Democrat women in high places who raised the bar. The things they’ve said and done is the only proof I need. In fact, if you tried to defend them instead of attacking me you’d win the Butterfly Net Award for Confused Liberals.

Incidentally, you might compare every Democrat woman I cited in this thread to Sarah Palin. She never did anything to harm the country or taxpayers, yet the Left’s attacks on Sarah and her daughters were vicious and unrelenting.

Have some issues, do ye, Ned? Me too. For example, the fonts you use undermine the boldness of the man tickling the keys.

Maybe you can stop attacking your mother by proxy from behind the the skirts of Bachmann, Paley, and Palin long enough to make your fonts bolder; more, uh... manly?
They might be genetically female, but I wouldn't describe any of them as "feminine".

Just sayin'.

To boedicca: Good catch. Perhaps feminazi is the better description.

Firstly, why do you link their looks with their political views?

Secondly, 'feminazi' would obviously only make any sense when describing a woman from the very extreme right wing. And even so, I strongly doubt you would describe Pinochet or Antonescu as "masculonazis", would you?
yes, we all know that republican women are submissive and never stray from walking behind their husbands silent.

To Moonglow: Would you call walking silently behind Hussein submissive:

WASHINGTON – A top IRS official in the division that reviews nonprofit groups will invoke the Fifth Amendment and refuse to answer questions before a House committee investigating the agency’s improper screening of conservative nonprofit groups.

Lois Lerner, the head of the exempt organizations division of the IRS, won’t answer questions about what she knew about the improper screening – or why she didn’t reveal it to Congress, according to a letter from her defense lawyer, William W. Taylor 3rd.


Since Lerner won’t answer questions, Taylor asked that she be excused from appearing, saying that would “have no purpose other than to embarrass or burden her.” There was no immediate word whether the committee will grant her request.

Top IRS official will invoke Fifth Amendment
By Richard Simon and Joseph Tanfani
May 21, 2013, 12:15 p.m.

Top IRS official will invoke 5th Amendment -

I sure hope the committee does not deny the public the pleasure of watching Lerner squirm. That’s about the only thing the public is going to get from IRS officials.


When did Lerner start working for the IRS?

About 12 years ago.
Tryrant --. an absolute ruler; a sovereign unrestrained by law or constitution; a usurper of sovereignty.
I believe Valerie Jarrett who is an Iranian is a far greater probem, Flanders. Do you recall the Washington Insider story on WH staff anonymous report? Valerie Jarrett told them during Obama's second campaign that there would be hell to pay for those who opposed them. She's a loose cannon and Obama can't afford to keep her.

I believe part of Jarretts problem is she stepped into too much power too fast. She is a classic example of the Peter principle. Moving her out of there should be the first thing they do. - Jeri
There is nothing about Sarah Palin that is role model worthy.

To Grandma: Who is nutty now? Name the top female Democrat of your choice and tell me why she should be a role model for decent young women.

I don't suppose it even warrants mention that not one of the women mentioned in this thread are in any way tyrannical?

To Saigon: Did you miss this in the OP:

Janet Napolitano and Kathleen Sebelius are every bit as vile as Clinton.


Few realize it but they actually hold more tyrannical power in their hands than Hillary Clinton ever held.

Top female Democrats in Congress like Nancy Pelosi, Senator Di Fi, and Senator Boxer are as slimy as a woman can get, but their hunger for tyrannical powers is constrained by their office. They cannot issue orders that everyone must follow —— or else.

The names at the bottom of the tyranny list include all of those women exercising an ounce of tyrannical power on the periphery of absolute power. The women Hussein empowered, alongside those women running organizations like Planned Parenthood, dominate the membership list. They should not be dismissed easily. Cecile Richards, Vanessa Cullins, and Lisa David run Planned Parenthood; a moneymaking, tax dollar funded, gold mine that is responsible for the murders of hundreds of thousands of infants every year; many of those brutal murders occur in clinics like the one Kermit Gosnell ran for decades.

Put all of the petty tyrants together with their positions in government, and in society, and they constitute a powerful force for tyranny, as well as unbridled support for a super-tyrant ally like Hussein.

It probably went over your head so I’ll make it clear for you. None of them were able to acquire the tyrannical powers exercised by a nation’s sovereign.

There are one or two realistic examples of female tyrants, although none that quite reach the scale of a Mobutu Sese, Stalin or Cristiani.

My Top 5:

Elena Caucescu

Madame Mao

Indira Ghandi

Emelda Marcos

Eva Peron

To Saigon: Fantastic response! Obviously, you could not find a conservative American woman to cite, and you dared not cite the well-known feminazi tyrants in American politics because they are all Democrats; so you went foreign.

How 'masculine' did you find Hitler?

To Saigon: Contact a psychic and put the question to JFK:

How JFK secretly ADMIRED Hitler: Explosive book reveals former President’s praise for the Nazis as he travelled through Germany before Second World War

By Allan Hall PUBLISHED:06:39 EST, 23 May 2013| UPDATED:10:24 EST, 23 May 2013

How JFK secretly ADMIRED Hitler: Explosive book reveals former President's praise for the Nazis as he travelled through Germany before Second World War | Mail Online

Tryrant --. an absolute ruler; a sovereign unrestrained by law or constitution; a usurper of sovereignty.

To editec: That’s a wannabe definition for Democrats of both sexes. My American Heritage computer dictionary adds this:

tyrant (noun)

1. An absolute ruler who governs without restrictions.

2. A ruler who exercises power in a harsh, cruel manner.

3. An oppressive, harsh, arbitrary person.

The feminazis I cited in this thread fit number 3 to a tee.

My $100 Random House Unabridged Dictionary says this:

tyrant n.

1. a sovereign or other ruler who uses power oppressively or unjustly.

2. any person in a position of authority who exercises power oppressively or despotically.

3. A tyrannical or compulsory influence.

4. an absolute ruler, esp. one in ancient Greece or Sicily.

Number 2 and number 3 define the Democrat women making decisions at the IRS. Receiving bonuses, being promoted or put on paid leave adds arrogance to their tyranny.

I believe Valerie Jarrett who is an Iranian is a far greater probem, Flanders. Do you recall the Washington Insider story on WH staff anonymous report? Valerie Jarrett told them during Obama's second campaign that there would be hell to pay for those who opposed them. She's a loose cannon and Obama can't afford to keep her.

To Jeri: Absolutely. See #14 permalink for Jarrett’s exact quote.
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Flanders -

To Saigon: Fantastic response! Obviously, you could not find a conservative American woman to cite, and you dared not cite the well-known feminazi tyrants in American politics because they are all Democrats; so you went foreign.

The US has never had a female head of state, thus is not an ideal candidate for any discussion concerning female tyranny, is it?

If you were a little smarter you might have noticed that of the five genuine tyrants I listed - three were left wing.

By all means explain to us exactly why Hilary Clinton is more tyrannical than Madame Mao.
The feminazis I cited in this thread fit number 3 to a tee.

Except that none of the three are actual leaders, of course.

As I explained above, it is also patent nonsense to describe a left wing leader as being right wing.
So Flanders hates women and can't stand that they can gain power.

I can't wait to see his head explode when Hillary becomes President.
I named Sarah Hall Ingram as the feminine face of tyranny. George Will defines another face:


Lois Lerner is the scowling face of this state, which has earned Americans’ distrust.

Scowling face of the state
By: George Will
6/12/2013 08:00 PM

Scowling face of the state

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