the fiery chariot that took Elijah up to heaven


Gold Member
Oct 8, 2013
We call them UFO's today. One took Enoch up to heaven too. I used to think that if I ever got the chance, I'd try to get a ride. But then I did get the chance, and I chickened out. My friend and I were traveling down a road toward Silver City NM, when one appeared in front of us about a quarter mile down the road. It was hovering about a hundred feet above the road, and we kept driving right up to it. But when we got to it, it cloaked(became invisible), and then reappeared down the road another quarter mile. We drove up to it again, and it cloaked again, and reappeared down the road again. The third time we drove up to it, my friend wanted me to stop so he could get out of the van and try to make contact. That's when I decided that if it took him and not me, I'd have real trouble explaining what happened to my buddy, so I kept driving. The third time it didn't cloak, and we drove right under it. My buddy was totally freaked out, because the night before I had told him about another time that I saw a UFO about a thousand miles up in the sky, and how it did maneuvers impossible for human space ships or satellites. And he was a skeptic because he'd never seen one before. Funny how some Christians "believe" Elijah, but think I'm :cuckoo:
I love it when I get to say, "told you so."
UFO's seem to appear to people who are involved in the Occult.

I think Satan has a vehicle like this.
UFO's seem to appear to people who are involved in the Occult.

I think Satan has a vehicle like this.

Wow! You're saying Elijah and Enoch were taken by the devil! Obviously you have your very own version of the bible.
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But then I did get the chance, and I chickened out.

10/4, unless Ursula Andrews & Co. were the bait ... might give it a thought.

heavy drugs those peoole were on back in the day

There is a theory that when God talked to Moses from burning bush, Moses had eaten some pretty good mushrooms.

There was also a study done on some Christians in a church, where half were given psilocybin, and the other half was given a placebo. Then they were told to go listen to the sermon. The half given the psilocybin claimed they felt the presents of God.
The ?Good Friday Experiment?: A case study for the Role of Psychedelics in Treatment and Research | Serendip Studio

No. You don't have to read what I write.
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