The Filibuster MUST Go

I like how the dems are laying this solely at the repubs feet.

It's not just the repubs holding it up. Dems have a sure fire way to raise the debt ceiling. You can just use your reconciliation, but you don't want to use it for that, you want to use it for the big spending bill coming down the line. So, if the debt ceiling isn't raised, it's as much your fault as it is the repubs.

Yeah, it sucks, but it's politics, and a game that the left would also play if the situations were reversed.

Having said that, if you do remove the filibuster, make it permanent. Don't want the dems trying to reestablish it should they find themselves in the minority.
"It's just politics"

Too bad your power game is going to cost the country
McConnell says how important it is to raise the debt ceiling

And then says he won't allow a single GOP vote to do it...and won't even allow a vote!

He KNOWS how disasterous his actions are and doesn't give a shit
McConnell says how important it is to raise the debt ceiling

And then says he won't allow a single GOP vote do it...and won't even allow a vote!

He KNOWS how disasterous his actions are and doesn't give a shit
Exactly right. He is seen as sticking a thumb in the eye of Democrats. That's all that matters.
I'd prefer we first try going back to the form before the changes in the 70s.
The filibuster must hold the floor and speak. No breaks, no help, no sitting.
Bring the Senate to a full halt and speak, on TV, on the internet, for hours and hours.
How 'bout some o that old school governing?
The Democrats, who got rid of this rule, would never agree to this.

So Mitch McConnell says the Debt Ceiling MUST be raised.

But he and all the GOP Senators are going to vote against it.

That's bad enough...but they are also FILIBUSTERING even the VOTE!

This has to stop.

Dem Senators have to remove that tool from these cynical bastards
"Own the libs" is the only republican party position.
Gotcha! Then all I said was:

I guess we are done here.
except of course, getting rid of the filibuster does not protect voting rights

It is funny how democrats want to get rid of the filibuster when they are the majority, yet in the past when they were the minority, the filibuster was a just tool.

Protecting voting rights? That is awfully vague and meaningless in regards to the history and use of the filibuster.

Try putting qualified nominees up and they won't be filibustered.
Try putting actual legislation up and it won't be filibustered.
BUT, Don't be like Mitch
Propose legislation then filibuster your own legislation when you find Obama likes it.
The point being Lesh's selective outrage at the use of the filibuster, not that both sides dont (ab)use it.
What happens when you toss the filibuster and then the republicans take over power?
Democrats rarely use the filibuster; it’s used by Republicans when they’re in the minority to thwart the will of the people.

Republicans excel at doing nothing and opposing necessary, proper, and Constitutional legislation.

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