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The final obama scandal.

The release of a treasure trove of documents about bin laden must be a nightmare for obama....it is clearly revealed how inept he and his administration was in regards to islamic terrorism which he consistently sought to downplay...one must wonder why.

'Republicans on Capitol Hill have pushed to have the documents declassified and released as part of an effort to hold the Obama administration accountable for its relentless politicization of intelligence on al Qaeda and threats to the United States and its interests. Based on his conversations with analysts who have worked on the documents, Nunes believes that many of those not yet released will contradict Obama administration claims about al Qaeda, its relationships, and its operations.

In 2014, Nunes fought to include language in the Intelligence Authorization Act requiring the declassification and release of the bin Laden documents. The law mandated the release of all documents in the collection that could be disclosed without hurting U.S. national security. The intelligence community was required to specify any documents deemed too sensitive to release publicly and offer an explanation justifying that decision. Nunes says he has not yet received such an explanation for any of the tens of thousands of documents withheld from the public.

Why do the documents still matter? Over the course of eight years, President Obama and his advisers repeatedly downplayed the jihadist threat. The story of how bin Laden's documents were mischaracterized and mishandled offers important insights into how the administration pushed a deceptive narrative about al Qaeda and its branches around the globe. The jihadist threat grew—not diminished—over the course of the Obama administration. To this day, America and its allies continue to fight al Qaeda everywhere from West Africa to South Asia'

The Final Obama Scandal

Obama has taken intentional acts to help grow terrorism and even funded it. The Marxist Muslim from Hell is Fiction Come True, only in this case The Truth was exponential worse and stranger than fiction.

He is our Manchurian Candidate.

To the brain-dead right, a magna cum laude graduate from Harvard Law School, is a "moron."


Ahahaha go ahead tell us the biggest case Obama argued before the court? Tells us what he did between graduation and going on the public dole as a state senator? By all means lets discuss his resume :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Your silly strawman doesn't even begin to dent the fact that Obama graduated with honors from Harvard Law School.

And??? Nothing yes we thought so, go lick your wounds libwit.

You're even more brain-dead than I thought. No matter how many times you talk about Obama's career, he still graduated from Harvard Law School with honors. Not an achievement of a "moron."

Made possible by political correctness and politics. He was not even academically qualified to go to harvard in the first place.

Harvard is one of the most radicalized schools in America...highly over-rated.

He graduated among the top 10% of his class, clearly he was academically qualified to attend such fine university. Meanwhile, you look like you never even graduated pre-K.

To the brain-dead right, a magna cum laude graduate from Harvard Law School, is a "moron."


Ahahaha go ahead tell us the biggest case Obama argued before the court? Tells us what he did between graduation and going on the public dole as a state senator? By all means lets discuss his resume :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Your silly strawman doesn't even begin to dent the fact that Obama graduated with honors from Harvard Law School.

And??? Nothing yes we thought so, go lick your wounds libwit.

You're even more brain-dead than I thought. No matter how many times you talk about Obama's career, he still graduated from Harvard Law School with honors. Not an achievement of a "moron."


Why Obama is Mum About Harvard

Intellectual Fraud

On the surface, at least, Barack Obama’s single most impressive accomplishment has been his 1990 election to the presidency of the Harvard Law Review.

This position also provided Obama his only real executive experience as he supervised the law review's staff of 80 editors.

One has to wonder then why neither he nor wife Michelle emphasized this singular honor during the up-by-the-bootstraps biographical sections of their respective speeches at Denver.

In fact, neither of them so much as mentioned Obama’s time at Harvard, this despite his vulnerability on the executive experience charge.

Their silence likely derives from one verifiable fact: Obama’s record at Harvard was no more authentic than John Kerry’s record in Vietnam.

Kerry was justifiably swift-boated because he fraudulently positioned himself as a war hero. Obama seems to have learned from Kerry.

In the age of the Internet, the less said about a dubious credential the better, and Obama’s law presidency credential is dubious on any number of levels.

For starters, Obama did not do nearly well enough at his previous stop, Columbia University, to justify admission to Harvard Law.

According to the New York Sun, university spokesman Brian Connolly confirmed that Obama graduated in 1983 with a major in political science but without honors.

In the age of affirmative action and grade inflation, a minority in a relatively easy major like political science had to under-perform dramatically to avoid minimal honors. Obama apparently did just that.

The specifics we may never know. As the New York Times concedes, Obama “declined repeated requests to talk about his New York years, release his Columbia transcript or identify even a single fellow student, co-worker, roommate or friend from those years.”

Would that Bristol Palin could get off so easily!

There are any number of possible reasons for Obama’s reticence about Columbia: his grades, the courses he took, his writing samples, and, of course, his associations.

At that time, for instance, both Bill Ayers and Obama fell within the orbit of left wing Columbia superstar, Edward Said. Just recently out of hiding, Ayers was attending the Bank Street College of Education, which adjoins the Columbia campus.

Five years after leaving Columbia, Obama decided on law school. His lack of resources did not deter him from thinking big. Nor did his B-minus effort at his Hawaii prep school or his equally indifferent grades at Columbia.

As Obama relates in Dreams From My Father, he limited his choices to only three law schools--“Harvard, Yale, Stanford.” (It must be nice to be Obama.) He does not mention his connections.

Harvard law School is notoriously difficult to get into. Annually, some 7,000 applications apply for some 500 seats. Applicant LSAT scores generally chart in the 98 to 99 percentile range, and GPAs average between 3.80 and 3.95.

If Obama’s LSAT scores merited admission, we would know about them. We don’t. The Obama camp guards those scores, like his SAT scores, more tightly that Iran does its nuclear secrets.

We know enough about Obama’s Columbia grades to know how far they fall below the Harvard norm, likely even below the affirmative action-adjusted black norm at Harvard.

As far back as 1988, however, Obama had serious pull. He would need it. As previously reported, Khalid al-Mansour, principal adviser to Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal, lobbied friends like Manhattan Borough president Percy Sutton to intervene at Harvard on Obama’s behalf.

An orthodox Muslim, al-Mansour has not met the crackpot anti-Semitic theory he could not embrace. As for bin Talal, in October 2001, New York mayor Rudy Giuliani sent his $10 million relief check back un-cashed after the Saudi billionaire blamed 9/11 on America.


For an insight into the Khalid al-Mansour connection see the video Barack Obama & Khalid Al-Mansour


These are not connections that Obama would like to see broadcast, which further explains his shyness about the Harvard experience.

There is more. Obama did not make the Harvard Law Review (HLR)the old fashioned way, the way HLR’s first black editor, Charles Houston, did 70 years prior.

To Obama’s good fortune, the HLR had replaced a meritocracy in which editors were elected based on grades-- the president being the student with the highest academic rank--with one in which half the editors were chosen through a writing competition.

This competition, the New York Times reported in 1990, was “meant to help insure that minority students became editors of The Law Review.”

It did just that. At the end of his first year, Obama was named along with 40 or so of his classmates an editor of the HLR.

Unlike most editors, and likely all its presidents, Obama was not a writer. During his tenure at Harvard, he wrote only one heavily edited, unsigned note.

In this note for the third volume of the 1990 HLR, he argued against any limits on abortion, citing the government’s interest in "preventing increasing numbers of children from being born in to lives of pain and despair."

Obama’s timing, however, was better than his writing. In the same spring 1990 term that he would stand for the presidency of the HLR, the Harvard Law School found itself embroiled in an explosive racial brouhaha.

Black firebrand law professor Derrick Bell was demanding that the Harvard Law School appoint a black woman to the law faculty.

This protest would culminate in vigils and protests by the racially sensitive student body, in the course of which Obama would compare the increasingly absurd Bell to Rosa Parks.

Feeling the pressure, HLR editors wanted to elect their first African American president. Obama had an advantage. Spared the legacy of slavery and segregation, and having grown up in a white household, he lacked the hard edge of many of his black colleagues.

“Obama cast himself as an eager listener,” the New York Timesreported, “sometimes giving warring classmates the impression that he agreed with all of them at once.”

In February 1990, after an ideologically charged all day affair, Obama’s fellow editors elected him president from among 19 candidates. As it happened, Obama prevailed only after the HLR’ssmall conservative faction threw him its support.

Curiously, once elected, Obama contributed not one signed word to the HLR or any other law journal. As Matthew Franck has pointed out in National Review Online, “A search of the HeinOnline database of law journals turns up exactly nothing credited to Obama in any law review anywhere at any time.”

One more thing: the 1990 Times article about Obama’s election notes that the president of the HLR usually goes on to serve as a clerk for a Supreme Court justice.

Not the Mansourian Candidate. Here, oddly, his ambition deserted him. He told the Times that he planned “to spend two or three years in private law practice and then return to Chicago to re-enter community work, either in politics or in local organizing.”

In this unlikely surrender to Chicago politics, the realist sees insecurity at best and, at worst, the quid for al-Mansour’s quo.

Jack Cashill - National Articles:

You poor thing, bless your heart. He still graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law School. :clap:
The FINAL Obama Scandal?

I'm still waiting for the FIRST Obama scandal.

I know the conspiracies, but so far, they've proven to be incredibly laughable.
Wait a sec, Barry Hussaine Obama's academic records have been unsealed!!! :p
Ahahaha go ahead tell us the biggest case Obama argued before the court? Tells us what he did between graduation and going on the public dole as a state senator? By all means lets discuss his resume :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Your silly strawman doesn't even begin to dent the fact that Obama graduated with honors from Harvard Law School.

And??? Nothing yes we thought so, go lick your wounds libwit.

You're even more brain-dead than I thought. No matter how many times you talk about Obama's career, he still graduated from Harvard Law School with honors. Not an achievement of a "moron."

Made possible by political correctness and politics. He was not even academically qualified to go to harvard in the first place.

Harvard is one of the most radicalized schools in America...highly over-rated.

He graduated among the top 10% of his class, clearly he was academically qualified to attend such fine university. Meanwhile, you look like you never even graduated pre-K.

Jack Cashill - National Articles:

Your silly strawman doesn't even begin to dent the fact that Obama graduated with honors from Harvard Law School.

And??? Nothing yes we thought so, go lick your wounds libwit.

You're even more brain-dead than I thought. No matter how many times you talk about Obama's career, he still graduated from Harvard Law School with honors. Not an achievement of a "moron."

Made possible by political correctness and politics. He was not even academically qualified to go to harvard in the first place.

Harvard is one of the most radicalized schools in America...highly over-rated.

He graduated among the top 10% of his class, clearly he was academically qualified to attend such fine university. Meanwhile, you look like you never even graduated pre-K.

Jack Cashill - National Articles:
Already saw that -- it fails to refute his honors from Harvard Law School.
Ahahaha go ahead tell us the biggest case Obama argued before the court? Tells us what he did between graduation and going on the public dole as a state senator? By all means lets discuss his resume :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Your silly strawman doesn't even begin to dent the fact that Obama graduated with honors from Harvard Law School.

And??? Nothing yes we thought so, go lick your wounds libwit.

You're even more brain-dead than I thought. No matter how many times you talk about Obama's career, he still graduated from Harvard Law School with honors. Not an achievement of a "moron."

Made possible by political correctness and politics. He was not even academically qualified to go to harvard in the first place.

Harvard is one of the most radicalized schools in America...highly over-rated.

He graduated among the top 10% of his class, clearly he was academically qualified to attend such fine university. Meanwhile, you look like you never even graduated pre-K.

Given we have elected a President who speaks and writes at a third grade level....the academic performance of the Great Obama is irrelevant

Your silly strawman doesn't even begin to dent the fact that Obama graduated with honors from Harvard Law School.

And??? Nothing yes we thought so, go lick your wounds libwit.

You're even more brain-dead than I thought. No matter how many times you talk about Obama's career, he still graduated from Harvard Law School with honors. Not an achievement of a "moron."

Made possible by political correctness and politics. He was not even academically qualified to go to harvard in the first place.

Harvard is one of the most radicalized schools in America...highly over-rated.

He graduated among the top 10% of his class, clearly he was academically qualified to attend such fine university. Meanwhile, you look like you never even graduated pre-K.

Given we have elected a President who speaks and writes at a third grade level....the academic performance of the Great Obama is irrelevant

The left is lying again :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:
Still butthurt over The Great Obama killing bin Laden?
Still butthurt over The Great Obama killing bin Laden?

Osama bin Laden aka "Tim Osman" died of marfan's syndrome in December of 2001 and always was a CIA asset. Whomever Seal Team Six murdered that night wasn't Osama. Shortly thereafter in order to keep it all on the "down low", Seal Team Six was piled on a Vietnam era Chinook helicopter (17 of them which is unheard of) were sitting ducks and got blown out the the sky that night in August 2011.

Remember the photo -op of the Hildebeast and the Barrypuppet acting like they were watching the action live??? The Hildebeast puts her hand over her mouth in a gesture of surprise, shock and awe? Only that was a lie as well....... because the feed had been cut about 25 minutes or so before the SEALs even entered the building. Leon Panetta was quoted on PBS saying “Once those teams went into the compound I can tell you that there was a time period of almost 20 or 25 minutes where we really didn’t know just exactly what was going on. And there were some very tense moments as we were waiting for information.”

What a fucking joke and of course YOU fell for it......what a fucking tool you are. (snicker)
No, delusional dale, that was your brain that died in 2001.

The New York Times even wrote an article about bin Laden being dead on December 26, 2001. There are literally thousands of articles. Here is a particular good one by Nicholas Kollerstrom. I doubt that you will do any reading about it because you are one of the programmed sheeple....but for the others reading this thread???? Here is some pertinent information.

In Orwell’s novel 1984, there is a figure called Emmanuel Goldstein who functions as an all-purpose enemy, even though we gather that he may actually have died some time ago. Osama Bin Laden has been used in a similar manner by the Powers that Be, by a process of identity theft during the last days of his life. In reality there have been no sightings or reports of him since 2001. I here argue that he died on or around December 15th, 2001, in consequence of the intensive bombing of his then-residence the Tora Bora caves of eastern Afghanistan; and that he had no involvement in the events of 9/11.

Osama Bin Laden - Warrior of God or CIA Asset?

It is a life which needs to become a film, a transcontinental drama. But, any film company making such could expect a glowing future…. Far safer, to make a film of the bogeyman we all know and fear – but, who never existed. The Sunday Times in March 2007 had a nine-page article about where he might be lurking, and how no-one had been able to find ‘the world’s most wanted man.’ It gave not the slightest hint that he might have died five years ago (Christina Lamb, The Invisible Man, The Sunday Times Magasine, ‘Who is hiding the world’s most wanted man?’). Pakistan was blamed, as if it could have hid him through the years, even though he was over six foot six high and his distinctive appearance was known all round the world. The article conceded that ‘the last positive sighting’ of OBL had been in the December, 2001 US attack upon Tora Bora.

I did a book review concerning the speeches and videos allegedly produced by OBL. ‘Messages from Bin Laden,’ suggesting that all of them from 2002 onwards were faked.

His final months

The last months of Bin Laden’s life, July to December, are of world-historical importance. In July 2001 he was residing for a week in an American hospital in Dubai to treat his kidney trouble, as reported by the French paper Le Figaro. He had an operation on the 4th. This story was reported in Le Monde and the Guardian on 1st November but denied by the CIA and also reported by John Snow on Channel 4 News. Snow first confirmed the story with the British doctor in Dubai who treated Bin Laden: source Martin Summers, of the London 9/11 Sceptics and he there met CIA station chief Larry Mitchell on 12th July. Many members of the Bin Laden family came to visit him - ‘There goes the story that he’s a black sheep!’ was Mike Ruppert’s laconic comment. He flew off on the 14th in a private jet. We do not hear about Bin Laden him again until September 10th, when he reappears in a military hospital in Rawalpindi in Pakistan – with some military protection - again for kidney dialysis (Nafeez Ahmed, The War on Freedom, How and Why America was Attacked September 11, 2001, 2002, p.223; Thierry Meyssian, 9/11 The big Lie, 2002, p. 107.)

On September 12th a Pakistani newspaper reported OBL’s first denial that he had been involved in the event of 9/11, then on the 16th OBL’s assistant Abdul Samad faxed a message to the Afghan Islamic Press (in Islamabad, Pakistan) that was broadcast by al-Jazeera in Quatar. In it OBL declared, ‘I categorically state that I have not done this,’ adding that he had an agreement with Mohammed Omar, chief Mullah of the Taliban in Afghanistan, that prohibited his involvement in such political activity. A week later, on 22nd September, he gave a longer set of replies to questions from the Pakistani newspaper ‘Ummaut’:

"I was not involved in the September 11 attacks in the United States nor did I have knowledge of the attacks. There exists a government within a government within the United States. The United States should try to trace the perpetrators of these attacks within itself; to the people who want to make the present century a century of conflict between Islam and Christianity. That secret government must be asked as to who carried out the attacks.... The American system is totally in the control of the Jews, whose first priority is Israel, not the United States ... I have already said that we are not hostile to the United States. We are against the system, which makes other nations slaves of the United States, or forces them to mortgage their political and economic freedom."
Still butthurt over The Great Obama killing bin Laden?
Still butthurt over The Great Obama killing bin Laden?

Osama bin Laden aka "Tim Osman" died of marfan's syndrome in December of 2001 and always was a CIA asset. Whomever Seal Team Six murdered that night wasn't Osama. Shortly thereafter in order to keep it all on the "down low", Seal Team Six was piled on a Vietnam era Chinook helicopter (17 of them which is unheard of) were sitting ducks and got blown out the the sky that night in August 2011.

Remember the photo -op of the Hildebeast and the Barrypuppet acting like they were watching the action live??? The Hildebeast puts her hand over her mouth in a gesture of surprise, shock and awe? Only that was a lie as well....... because the feed had been cut about 25 minutes or so before the SEALs even entered the building. Leon Panetta was quoted on PBS saying “Once those teams went into the compound I can tell you that there was a time period of almost 20 or 25 minutes where we really didn’t know just exactly what was going on. And there were some very tense moments as we were waiting for information.”

What a fucking joke and of course YOU fell for it......what a fucking tool you are. (snicker)
No, delusional dale, that was your brain that died in 2001.

The New York Times even wrote an article about bin Laden being dead on December 26, 2001. There are literally thousands of articles. Here is a particular good one by Nicholas Kollerstrom. I doubt that you will do any reading about it because you are one of the programmed sheeple....but for the others reading this thread???? Here is some pertinent information.

In Orwell’s novel 1984, there is a figure called Emmanuel Goldstein who functions as an all-purpose enemy, even though we gather that he may actually have died some time ago. Osama Bin Laden has been used in a similar manner by the Powers that Be, by a process of identity theft during the last days of his life. In reality there have been no sightings or reports of him since 2001. I here argue that he died on or around December 15th, 2001, in consequence of the intensive bombing of his then-residence the Tora Bora caves of eastern Afghanistan; and that he had no involvement in the events of 9/11.

Osama Bin Laden - Warrior of God or CIA Asset?

It is a life which needs to become a film, a transcontinental drama. But, any film company making such could expect a glowing future…. Far safer, to make a film of the bogeyman we all know and fear – but, who never existed. The Sunday Times in March 2007 had a nine-page article about where he might be lurking, and how no-one had been able to find ‘the world’s most wanted man.’ It gave not the slightest hint that he might have died five years ago (Christina Lamb, The Invisible Man, The Sunday Times Magasine, ‘Who is hiding the world’s most wanted man?’). Pakistan was blamed, as if it could have hid him through the years, even though he was over six foot six high and his distinctive appearance was known all round the world. The article conceded that ‘the last positive sighting’ of OBL had been in the December, 2001 US attack upon Tora Bora.

I did a book review concerning the speeches and videos allegedly produced by OBL. ‘Messages from Bin Laden,’ suggesting that all of them from 2002 onwards were faked.

His final months

The last months of Bin Laden’s life, July to December, are of world-historical importance. In July 2001 he was residing for a week in an American hospital in Dubai to treat his kidney trouble, as reported by the French paper Le Figaro. He had an operation on the 4th. This story was reported in Le Monde and the Guardian on 1st November but denied by the CIA and also reported by John Snow on Channel 4 News. Snow first confirmed the story with the British doctor in Dubai who treated Bin Laden: source Martin Summers, of the London 9/11 Sceptics and he there met CIA station chief Larry Mitchell on 12th July. Many members of the Bin Laden family came to visit him - ‘There goes the story that he’s a black sheep!’ was Mike Ruppert’s laconic comment. He flew off on the 14th in a private jet. We do not hear about Bin Laden him again until September 10th, when he reappears in a military hospital in Rawalpindi in Pakistan – with some military protection - again for kidney dialysis (Nafeez Ahmed, The War on Freedom, How and Why America was Attacked September 11, 2001, 2002, p.223; Thierry Meyssian, 9/11 The big Lie, 2002, p. 107.)

On September 12th a Pakistani newspaper reported OBL’s first denial that he had been involved in the event of 9/11, then on the 16th OBL’s assistant Abdul Samad faxed a message to the Afghan Islamic Press (in Islamabad, Pakistan) that was broadcast by al-Jazeera in Quatar. In it OBL declared, ‘I categorically state that I have not done this,’ adding that he had an agreement with Mohammed Omar, chief Mullah of the Taliban in Afghanistan, that prohibited his involvement in such political activity. A week later, on 22nd September, he gave a longer set of replies to questions from the Pakistani newspaper ‘Ummaut’:

"I was not involved in the September 11 attacks in the United States nor did I have knowledge of the attacks. There exists a government within a government within the United States. The United States should try to trace the perpetrators of these attacks within itself; to the people who want to make the present century a century of conflict between Islam and Christianity. That secret government must be asked as to who carried out the attacks.... The American system is totally in the control of the Jews, whose first priority is Israel, not the United States ... I have already said that we are not hostile to the United States. We are against the system, which makes other nations slaves of the United States, or forces them to mortgage their political and economic freedom."
You’re too crazy to know you’re crazy, delusional dale. :cuckoo:

The New York Times stated in 2001 that it was unconfirmed OBL was dead. They mentioned the existence of a Pakistani report claiming he was dead but that was nothing more than Pakistani’s trying to buy OBL cover because we were after him.

Face reality for once, you only want OBL to be dead in 2001 because it burns you that OBL was killed on Obama’s watch.
Still butthurt over The Great Obama killing bin Laden?
Still butthurt over The Great Obama killing bin Laden?

Osama bin Laden aka "Tim Osman" died of marfan's syndrome in December of 2001 and always was a CIA asset. Whomever Seal Team Six murdered that night wasn't Osama. Shortly thereafter in order to keep it all on the "down low", Seal Team Six was piled on a Vietnam era Chinook helicopter (17 of them which is unheard of) were sitting ducks and got blown out the the sky that night in August 2011.

Remember the photo -op of the Hildebeast and the Barrypuppet acting like they were watching the action live??? The Hildebeast puts her hand over her mouth in a gesture of surprise, shock and awe? Only that was a lie as well....... because the feed had been cut about 25 minutes or so before the SEALs even entered the building. Leon Panetta was quoted on PBS saying “Once those teams went into the compound I can tell you that there was a time period of almost 20 or 25 minutes where we really didn’t know just exactly what was going on. And there were some very tense moments as we were waiting for information.”

What a fucking joke and of course YOU fell for it......what a fucking tool you are. (snicker)
No, delusional dale, that was your brain that died in 2001.

The New York Times even wrote an article about bin Laden being dead on December 26, 2001. There are literally thousands of articles. Here is a particular good one by Nicholas Kollerstrom. I doubt that you will do any reading about it because you are one of the programmed sheeple....but for the others reading this thread???? Here is some pertinent information.

In Orwell’s novel 1984, there is a figure called Emmanuel Goldstein who functions as an all-purpose enemy, even though we gather that he may actually have died some time ago. Osama Bin Laden has been used in a similar manner by the Powers that Be, by a process of identity theft during the last days of his life. In reality there have been no sightings or reports of him since 2001. I here argue that he died on or around December 15th, 2001, in consequence of the intensive bombing of his then-residence the Tora Bora caves of eastern Afghanistan; and that he had no involvement in the events of 9/11.

Osama Bin Laden - Warrior of God or CIA Asset?

It is a life which needs to become a film, a transcontinental drama. But, any film company making such could expect a glowing future…. Far safer, to make a film of the bogeyman we all know and fear – but, who never existed. The Sunday Times in March 2007 had a nine-page article about where he might be lurking, and how no-one had been able to find ‘the world’s most wanted man.’ It gave not the slightest hint that he might have died five years ago (Christina Lamb, The Invisible Man, The Sunday Times Magasine, ‘Who is hiding the world’s most wanted man?’). Pakistan was blamed, as if it could have hid him through the years, even though he was over six foot six high and his distinctive appearance was known all round the world. The article conceded that ‘the last positive sighting’ of OBL had been in the December, 2001 US attack upon Tora Bora.

I did a book review concerning the speeches and videos allegedly produced by OBL. ‘Messages from Bin Laden,’ suggesting that all of them from 2002 onwards were faked.

His final months

The last months of Bin Laden’s life, July to December, are of world-historical importance. In July 2001 he was residing for a week in an American hospital in Dubai to treat his kidney trouble, as reported by the French paper Le Figaro. He had an operation on the 4th. This story was reported in Le Monde and the Guardian on 1st November but denied by the CIA and also reported by John Snow on Channel 4 News. Snow first confirmed the story with the British doctor in Dubai who treated Bin Laden: source Martin Summers, of the London 9/11 Sceptics and he there met CIA station chief Larry Mitchell on 12th July. Many members of the Bin Laden family came to visit him - ‘There goes the story that he’s a black sheep!’ was Mike Ruppert’s laconic comment. He flew off on the 14th in a private jet. We do not hear about Bin Laden him again until September 10th, when he reappears in a military hospital in Rawalpindi in Pakistan – with some military protection - again for kidney dialysis (Nafeez Ahmed, The War on Freedom, How and Why America was Attacked September 11, 2001, 2002, p.223; Thierry Meyssian, 9/11 The big Lie, 2002, p. 107.)

On September 12th a Pakistani newspaper reported OBL’s first denial that he had been involved in the event of 9/11, then on the 16th OBL’s assistant Abdul Samad faxed a message to the Afghan Islamic Press (in Islamabad, Pakistan) that was broadcast by al-Jazeera in Quatar. In it OBL declared, ‘I categorically state that I have not done this,’ adding that he had an agreement with Mohammed Omar, chief Mullah of the Taliban in Afghanistan, that prohibited his involvement in such political activity. A week later, on 22nd September, he gave a longer set of replies to questions from the Pakistani newspaper ‘Ummaut’:

"I was not involved in the September 11 attacks in the United States nor did I have knowledge of the attacks. There exists a government within a government within the United States. The United States should try to trace the perpetrators of these attacks within itself; to the people who want to make the present century a century of conflict between Islam and Christianity. That secret government must be asked as to who carried out the attacks.... The American system is totally in the control of the Jews, whose first priority is Israel, not the United States ... I have already said that we are not hostile to the United States. We are against the system, which makes other nations slaves of the United States, or forces them to mortgage their political and economic freedom."
You’re too crazy to know you’re crazy, delusional dale. :cuckoo:

The New York Times stated in 2001 that it was unconfirmed OBL was dead. They mentioned the existence of a Pakistani report claiming he was dead but that was nothing more than Pakistani’s trying to buy OBL cover because we were after him.

Face reality for once, you only want OBL to be dead in 2001 because it burns you that OBL was killed on Obama’s watch.

No, Osama bin laden was always a CIA asset. I gave you the article and it has been confirmed that bin Laden got treatment at a Dubai military hospital and was visited by numerous intel agents including the CIA. Now, wasn't bin Laden wanted for the Cole bombing in 2000? CNN got an exclusive interview with bin Laden in 1999 but yet the most powerful intel agents could find him but a CNN reporter and a TV crew could???? You believe that they dumped bin Laden's body at sea as part of a (snicker) muslim burial ceremony????? Osama bin Laden had Marfan's disease but yet no kidney dialysis machine was there??? Every bin Laden video shown to the sheeple over the years kept showing a younger and heavier Osama bin Laden?

Think, son.....think!!!! Hell, even dems thought that he was dead and that Bushpuppet would bring him out before the 2004 election.
Still butthurt over The Great Obama killing bin Laden?
Still butthurt over The Great Obama killing bin Laden?

Osama bin Laden aka "Tim Osman" died of marfan's syndrome in December of 2001 and always was a CIA asset. Whomever Seal Team Six murdered that night wasn't Osama. Shortly thereafter in order to keep it all on the "down low", Seal Team Six was piled on a Vietnam era Chinook helicopter (17 of them which is unheard of) were sitting ducks and got blown out the the sky that night in August 2011.

Remember the photo -op of the Hildebeast and the Barrypuppet acting like they were watching the action live??? The Hildebeast puts her hand over her mouth in a gesture of surprise, shock and awe? Only that was a lie as well....... because the feed had been cut about 25 minutes or so before the SEALs even entered the building. Leon Panetta was quoted on PBS saying “Once those teams went into the compound I can tell you that there was a time period of almost 20 or 25 minutes where we really didn’t know just exactly what was going on. And there were some very tense moments as we were waiting for information.”

What a fucking joke and of course YOU fell for it......what a fucking tool you are. (snicker)
No, delusional dale, that was your brain that died in 2001.

The New York Times even wrote an article about bin Laden being dead on December 26, 2001. There are literally thousands of articles. Here is a particular good one by Nicholas Kollerstrom. I doubt that you will do any reading about it because you are one of the programmed sheeple....but for the others reading this thread???? Here is some pertinent information.

In Orwell’s novel 1984, there is a figure called Emmanuel Goldstein who functions as an all-purpose enemy, even though we gather that he may actually have died some time ago. Osama Bin Laden has been used in a similar manner by the Powers that Be, by a process of identity theft during the last days of his life. In reality there have been no sightings or reports of him since 2001. I here argue that he died on or around December 15th, 2001, in consequence of the intensive bombing of his then-residence the Tora Bora caves of eastern Afghanistan; and that he had no involvement in the events of 9/11.

Osama Bin Laden - Warrior of God or CIA Asset?

It is a life which needs to become a film, a transcontinental drama. But, any film company making such could expect a glowing future…. Far safer, to make a film of the bogeyman we all know and fear – but, who never existed. The Sunday Times in March 2007 had a nine-page article about where he might be lurking, and how no-one had been able to find ‘the world’s most wanted man.’ It gave not the slightest hint that he might have died five years ago (Christina Lamb, The Invisible Man, The Sunday Times Magasine, ‘Who is hiding the world’s most wanted man?’). Pakistan was blamed, as if it could have hid him through the years, even though he was over six foot six high and his distinctive appearance was known all round the world. The article conceded that ‘the last positive sighting’ of OBL had been in the December, 2001 US attack upon Tora Bora.

I did a book review concerning the speeches and videos allegedly produced by OBL. ‘Messages from Bin Laden,’ suggesting that all of them from 2002 onwards were faked.

His final months

The last months of Bin Laden’s life, July to December, are of world-historical importance. In July 2001 he was residing for a week in an American hospital in Dubai to treat his kidney trouble, as reported by the French paper Le Figaro. He had an operation on the 4th. This story was reported in Le Monde and the Guardian on 1st November but denied by the CIA and also reported by John Snow on Channel 4 News. Snow first confirmed the story with the British doctor in Dubai who treated Bin Laden: source Martin Summers, of the London 9/11 Sceptics and he there met CIA station chief Larry Mitchell on 12th July. Many members of the Bin Laden family came to visit him - ‘There goes the story that he’s a black sheep!’ was Mike Ruppert’s laconic comment. He flew off on the 14th in a private jet. We do not hear about Bin Laden him again until September 10th, when he reappears in a military hospital in Rawalpindi in Pakistan – with some military protection - again for kidney dialysis (Nafeez Ahmed, The War on Freedom, How and Why America was Attacked September 11, 2001, 2002, p.223; Thierry Meyssian, 9/11 The big Lie, 2002, p. 107.)

On September 12th a Pakistani newspaper reported OBL’s first denial that he had been involved in the event of 9/11, then on the 16th OBL’s assistant Abdul Samad faxed a message to the Afghan Islamic Press (in Islamabad, Pakistan) that was broadcast by al-Jazeera in Quatar. In it OBL declared, ‘I categorically state that I have not done this,’ adding that he had an agreement with Mohammed Omar, chief Mullah of the Taliban in Afghanistan, that prohibited his involvement in such political activity. A week later, on 22nd September, he gave a longer set of replies to questions from the Pakistani newspaper ‘Ummaut’:

"I was not involved in the September 11 attacks in the United States nor did I have knowledge of the attacks. There exists a government within a government within the United States. The United States should try to trace the perpetrators of these attacks within itself; to the people who want to make the present century a century of conflict between Islam and Christianity. That secret government must be asked as to who carried out the attacks.... The American system is totally in the control of the Jews, whose first priority is Israel, not the United States ... I have already said that we are not hostile to the United States. We are against the system, which makes other nations slaves of the United States, or forces them to mortgage their political and economic freedom."
You’re too crazy to know you’re crazy, delusional dale. :cuckoo:

The New York Times stated in 2001 that it was unconfirmed OBL was dead. They mentioned the existence of a Pakistani report claiming he was dead but that was nothing more than Pakistani’s trying to buy OBL cover because we were after him.

Face reality for once, you only want OBL to be dead in 2001 because it burns you that OBL was killed on Obama’s watch.

No, Osama bin laden was always a CIA asset. I gave you the article and it has been confirmed that bin Laden got treatment at a Dubai military hospital and was visited by numerous intel agents including the CIA. Now, wasn't bin Laden wanted for the Cole bombing in 2000? CNN got an exclusive interview with bin Laden in 1999 but yet the most powerful intel agents could find him but a CNN reporter and a TV crew could???? You believe that they dumped bin Laden's body at sea as part of a (snicker) muslim burial ceremony????? Osama bin Laden had Marfan's disease but yet no kidney dialysis machine was there??? Every bin Laden video shown to the sheeple over the years kept showing a younger and heavier Osama bin Laden?

Think, son.....think!!!! Hell, even dems thought that he was dead and that Bushpuppet would bring him out before the 2004 election.
You’re a fucking nut. :cuckoo:

It’s never been confirmed if he even had a kidney problem; if he did, how serious it was or if he received medical treatment for it.

Your silly strawman doesn't even begin to dent the fact that Obama graduated with honors from Harvard Law School.

And??? Nothing yes we thought so, go lick your wounds libwit.

You're even more brain-dead than I thought. No matter how many times you talk about Obama's career, he still graduated from Harvard Law School with honors. Not an achievement of a "moron."

Made possible by political correctness and politics. He was not even academically qualified to go to harvard in the first place.

Harvard is one of the most radicalized schools in America...highly over-rated.

He graduated among the top 10% of his class, clearly he was academically qualified to attend such fine university. Meanwhile, you look like you never even graduated pre-K.

Given we have elected a President who speaks and writes at a third grade level....the academic performance of the Great Obama is irrelevant

he had much help at all levels from the shadow group that groomed him.

Former FBI Weatherman Task Force supervisor, Max Noel, noted that the FBI utilized a CARL test when it conducted background checks on various suspects. The acronym CARL stands for Character, Associates, Reputation, and Loyalty is used to assess candidates' fitness to hold the highest office in the country. On each of these four points of power, Obama fails and fails miserably. Like many FBI law enforcement agents and officials, Noel was alarmed by the fact that someone like Barack Obama could capture the presidency. For some unexplained reason, Obama was never vetted before he became a candidate for the presidency by the FBI. This is an unacceptable result of our national security system and is wholly suggestive of internal plot to allow the installation of a blatantly communist advocate into the highest political position in America.

The How and Why Behind Obama’s Mysterious Rise to the Presidency - Freedom Outpost

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Your silly strawman doesn't even begin to dent the fact that Obama graduated with honors from Harvard Law School.

And??? Nothing yes we thought so, go lick your wounds libwit.

You're even more brain-dead than I thought. No matter how many times you talk about Obama's career, he still graduated from Harvard Law School with honors. Not an achievement of a "moron."

Made possible by political correctness and politics. He was not even academically qualified to go to harvard in the first place.

Harvard is one of the most radicalized schools in America...highly over-rated.

He graduated among the top 10% of his class, clearly he was academically qualified to attend such fine university. Meanwhile, you look like you never even graduated pre-K.

Given we have elected a President who speaks and writes at a third grade level....the academic performance of the Great Obama is irrelevant
Maybe that's the point.

When Republicans say they hate elite, maybe they are saying they love crap.
Osama bin Laden aka "Tim Osman" died of marfan's syndrome in December of 2001 and always was a CIA asset. Whomever Seal Team Six murdered that night wasn't Osama. Shortly thereafter in order to keep it all on the "down low", Seal Team Six was piled on a Vietnam era Chinook helicopter (17 of them which is unheard of) were sitting ducks and got blown out the the sky that night in August 2011.

Remember the photo -op of the Hildebeast and the Barrypuppet acting like they were watching the action live??? The Hildebeast puts her hand over her mouth in a gesture of surprise, shock and awe? Only that was a lie as well....... because the feed had been cut about 25 minutes or so before the SEALs even entered the building. Leon Panetta was quoted on PBS saying “Once those teams went into the compound I can tell you that there was a time period of almost 20 or 25 minutes where we really didn’t know just exactly what was going on. And there were some very tense moments as we were waiting for information.”

What a fucking joke and of course YOU fell for it......what a fucking tool you are. (snicker)
No, delusional dale, that was your brain that died in 2001.

The New York Times even wrote an article about bin Laden being dead on December 26, 2001. There are literally thousands of articles. Here is a particular good one by Nicholas Kollerstrom. I doubt that you will do any reading about it because you are one of the programmed sheeple....but for the others reading this thread???? Here is some pertinent information.

In Orwell’s novel 1984, there is a figure called Emmanuel Goldstein who functions as an all-purpose enemy, even though we gather that he may actually have died some time ago. Osama Bin Laden has been used in a similar manner by the Powers that Be, by a process of identity theft during the last days of his life. In reality there have been no sightings or reports of him since 2001. I here argue that he died on or around December 15th, 2001, in consequence of the intensive bombing of his then-residence the Tora Bora caves of eastern Afghanistan; and that he had no involvement in the events of 9/11.

Osama Bin Laden - Warrior of God or CIA Asset?

It is a life which needs to become a film, a transcontinental drama. But, any film company making such could expect a glowing future…. Far safer, to make a film of the bogeyman we all know and fear – but, who never existed. The Sunday Times in March 2007 had a nine-page article about where he might be lurking, and how no-one had been able to find ‘the world’s most wanted man.’ It gave not the slightest hint that he might have died five years ago (Christina Lamb, The Invisible Man, The Sunday Times Magasine, ‘Who is hiding the world’s most wanted man?’). Pakistan was blamed, as if it could have hid him through the years, even though he was over six foot six high and his distinctive appearance was known all round the world. The article conceded that ‘the last positive sighting’ of OBL had been in the December, 2001 US attack upon Tora Bora.

I did a book review concerning the speeches and videos allegedly produced by OBL. ‘Messages from Bin Laden,’ suggesting that all of them from 2002 onwards were faked.

His final months

The last months of Bin Laden’s life, July to December, are of world-historical importance. In July 2001 he was residing for a week in an American hospital in Dubai to treat his kidney trouble, as reported by the French paper Le Figaro. He had an operation on the 4th. This story was reported in Le Monde and the Guardian on 1st November but denied by the CIA and also reported by John Snow on Channel 4 News. Snow first confirmed the story with the British doctor in Dubai who treated Bin Laden: source Martin Summers, of the London 9/11 Sceptics and he there met CIA station chief Larry Mitchell on 12th July. Many members of the Bin Laden family came to visit him - ‘There goes the story that he’s a black sheep!’ was Mike Ruppert’s laconic comment. He flew off on the 14th in a private jet. We do not hear about Bin Laden him again until September 10th, when he reappears in a military hospital in Rawalpindi in Pakistan – with some military protection - again for kidney dialysis (Nafeez Ahmed, The War on Freedom, How and Why America was Attacked September 11, 2001, 2002, p.223; Thierry Meyssian, 9/11 The big Lie, 2002, p. 107.)

On September 12th a Pakistani newspaper reported OBL’s first denial that he had been involved in the event of 9/11, then on the 16th OBL’s assistant Abdul Samad faxed a message to the Afghan Islamic Press (in Islamabad, Pakistan) that was broadcast by al-Jazeera in Quatar. In it OBL declared, ‘I categorically state that I have not done this,’ adding that he had an agreement with Mohammed Omar, chief Mullah of the Taliban in Afghanistan, that prohibited his involvement in such political activity. A week later, on 22nd September, he gave a longer set of replies to questions from the Pakistani newspaper ‘Ummaut’:

"I was not involved in the September 11 attacks in the United States nor did I have knowledge of the attacks. There exists a government within a government within the United States. The United States should try to trace the perpetrators of these attacks within itself; to the people who want to make the present century a century of conflict between Islam and Christianity. That secret government must be asked as to who carried out the attacks.... The American system is totally in the control of the Jews, whose first priority is Israel, not the United States ... I have already said that we are not hostile to the United States. We are against the system, which makes other nations slaves of the United States, or forces them to mortgage their political and economic freedom."
You’re too crazy to know you’re crazy, delusional dale. :cuckoo:

The New York Times stated in 2001 that it was unconfirmed OBL was dead. They mentioned the existence of a Pakistani report claiming he was dead but that was nothing more than Pakistani’s trying to buy OBL cover because we were after him.

Face reality for once, you only want OBL to be dead in 2001 because it burns you that OBL was killed on Obama’s watch.

No, Osama bin laden was always a CIA asset. I gave you the article and it has been confirmed that bin Laden got treatment at a Dubai military hospital and was visited by numerous intel agents including the CIA. Now, wasn't bin Laden wanted for the Cole bombing in 2000? CNN got an exclusive interview with bin Laden in 1999 but yet the most powerful intel agents could find him but a CNN reporter and a TV crew could???? You believe that they dumped bin Laden's body at sea as part of a (snicker) muslim burial ceremony????? Osama bin Laden had Marfan's disease but yet no kidney dialysis machine was there??? Every bin Laden video shown to the sheeple over the years kept showing a younger and heavier Osama bin Laden?

Think, son.....think!!!! Hell, even dems thought that he was dead and that Bushpuppet would bring him out before the 2004 election.
You’re a fucking nut. :cuckoo:

It’s never been confirmed if he even had a kidney problem; if he did, how serious it was or if he received medical treatment for it.

He was depended on the kidney dialysis machines because there is no cure for Marfans Syndrome and there is no cure for it. That was why Osama bin Laden aka "Tim Osman" was so gaunt. He lived longer than most do with the disease but once the kidneys start failing, the clock is ticking and those with it are not candidates for a transplant. LIKE I said, the CIA produced videos of the Osama bin laden look a likes seemed to get younger and healthier when that could never happen when one is afflicted with the disease. One of your biggest faults (of which there are many) is that you never question anything you are fed.......you are one of the sheeple. I would pity you and feel sorry for ya if you weren't such a trolling douche with no debating skills.

Hope this helps!!!
And??? Nothing yes we thought so, go lick your wounds libwit.

You're even more brain-dead than I thought. No matter how many times you talk about Obama's career, he still graduated from Harvard Law School with honors. Not an achievement of a "moron."

Made possible by political correctness and politics. He was not even academically qualified to go to harvard in the first place.

Harvard is one of the most radicalized schools in America...highly over-rated.

He graduated among the top 10% of his class, clearly he was academically qualified to attend such fine university. Meanwhile, you look like you never even graduated pre-K.

Given we have elected a President who speaks and writes at a third grade level....the academic performance of the Great Obama is irrelevant

he had much help at all levels from the shadow group that groomed him.

Former FBI Weatherman Task Force supervisor, Max Noel, noted that the FBI utilized a CARL test when it conducted background checks on various suspects. The acronym CARL stands for Character, Associates, Reputation, and Loyalty is used to assess candidates' fitness to hold the highest office in the country. On each of these four points of power, Obama fails and fails miserably. Like many FBI law enforcement agents and officials, Noel was alarmed by the fact that someone like Barack Obama could capture the presidency. For some unexplained reason, Obama was never vetted before he became a candidate for the presidency by the FBI. This is an unacceptable result of our national security system and is wholly suggestive of internal plot to allow the installation of a blatantly communist advocate into the highest political position in America.

The How and Why Behind Obama’s Mysterious Rise to the Presidency - Freedom Outpost

And I thought Dale had crazy theories
No, delusional dale, that was your brain that died in 2001.

The New York Times even wrote an article about bin Laden being dead on December 26, 2001. There are literally thousands of articles. Here is a particular good one by Nicholas Kollerstrom. I doubt that you will do any reading about it because you are one of the programmed sheeple....but for the others reading this thread???? Here is some pertinent information.

In Orwell’s novel 1984, there is a figure called Emmanuel Goldstein who functions as an all-purpose enemy, even though we gather that he may actually have died some time ago. Osama Bin Laden has been used in a similar manner by the Powers that Be, by a process of identity theft during the last days of his life. In reality there have been no sightings or reports of him since 2001. I here argue that he died on or around December 15th, 2001, in consequence of the intensive bombing of his then-residence the Tora Bora caves of eastern Afghanistan; and that he had no involvement in the events of 9/11.

Osama Bin Laden - Warrior of God or CIA Asset?

It is a life which needs to become a film, a transcontinental drama. But, any film company making such could expect a glowing future…. Far safer, to make a film of the bogeyman we all know and fear – but, who never existed. The Sunday Times in March 2007 had a nine-page article about where he might be lurking, and how no-one had been able to find ‘the world’s most wanted man.’ It gave not the slightest hint that he might have died five years ago (Christina Lamb, The Invisible Man, The Sunday Times Magasine, ‘Who is hiding the world’s most wanted man?’). Pakistan was blamed, as if it could have hid him through the years, even though he was over six foot six high and his distinctive appearance was known all round the world. The article conceded that ‘the last positive sighting’ of OBL had been in the December, 2001 US attack upon Tora Bora.

I did a book review concerning the speeches and videos allegedly produced by OBL. ‘Messages from Bin Laden,’ suggesting that all of them from 2002 onwards were faked.

His final months

The last months of Bin Laden’s life, July to December, are of world-historical importance. In July 2001 he was residing for a week in an American hospital in Dubai to treat his kidney trouble, as reported by the French paper Le Figaro. He had an operation on the 4th. This story was reported in Le Monde and the Guardian on 1st November but denied by the CIA and also reported by John Snow on Channel 4 News. Snow first confirmed the story with the British doctor in Dubai who treated Bin Laden: source Martin Summers, of the London 9/11 Sceptics and he there met CIA station chief Larry Mitchell on 12th July. Many members of the Bin Laden family came to visit him - ‘There goes the story that he’s a black sheep!’ was Mike Ruppert’s laconic comment. He flew off on the 14th in a private jet. We do not hear about Bin Laden him again until September 10th, when he reappears in a military hospital in Rawalpindi in Pakistan – with some military protection - again for kidney dialysis (Nafeez Ahmed, The War on Freedom, How and Why America was Attacked September 11, 2001, 2002, p.223; Thierry Meyssian, 9/11 The big Lie, 2002, p. 107.)

On September 12th a Pakistani newspaper reported OBL’s first denial that he had been involved in the event of 9/11, then on the 16th OBL’s assistant Abdul Samad faxed a message to the Afghan Islamic Press (in Islamabad, Pakistan) that was broadcast by al-Jazeera in Quatar. In it OBL declared, ‘I categorically state that I have not done this,’ adding that he had an agreement with Mohammed Omar, chief Mullah of the Taliban in Afghanistan, that prohibited his involvement in such political activity. A week later, on 22nd September, he gave a longer set of replies to questions from the Pakistani newspaper ‘Ummaut’:

"I was not involved in the September 11 attacks in the United States nor did I have knowledge of the attacks. There exists a government within a government within the United States. The United States should try to trace the perpetrators of these attacks within itself; to the people who want to make the present century a century of conflict between Islam and Christianity. That secret government must be asked as to who carried out the attacks.... The American system is totally in the control of the Jews, whose first priority is Israel, not the United States ... I have already said that we are not hostile to the United States. We are against the system, which makes other nations slaves of the United States, or forces them to mortgage their political and economic freedom."
You’re too crazy to know you’re crazy, delusional dale. :cuckoo:

The New York Times stated in 2001 that it was unconfirmed OBL was dead. They mentioned the existence of a Pakistani report claiming he was dead but that was nothing more than Pakistani’s trying to buy OBL cover because we were after him.

Face reality for once, you only want OBL to be dead in 2001 because it burns you that OBL was killed on Obama’s watch.

No, Osama bin laden was always a CIA asset. I gave you the article and it has been confirmed that bin Laden got treatment at a Dubai military hospital and was visited by numerous intel agents including the CIA. Now, wasn't bin Laden wanted for the Cole bombing in 2000? CNN got an exclusive interview with bin Laden in 1999 but yet the most powerful intel agents could find him but a CNN reporter and a TV crew could???? You believe that they dumped bin Laden's body at sea as part of a (snicker) muslim burial ceremony????? Osama bin Laden had Marfan's disease but yet no kidney dialysis machine was there??? Every bin Laden video shown to the sheeple over the years kept showing a younger and heavier Osama bin Laden?

Think, son.....think!!!! Hell, even dems thought that he was dead and that Bushpuppet would bring him out before the 2004 election.
You’re a fucking nut. :cuckoo:

It’s never been confirmed if he even had a kidney problem; if he did, how serious it was or if he received medical treatment for it.

He was depended on the kidney dialysis machines because there is no cure for Marfans Syndrome and there is no cure for it. That was why Osama bin Laden aka "Tim Osman" was so gaunt. He lived longer than most do with the disease but once the kidneys start failing, the clock is ticking and those with it are not candidates for a transplant. LIKE I said, the CIA produced videos of the Osama bin laden look a likes seemed to get younger and healthier when that could never happen when one is afflicted with the disease. One of your biggest faults (of which there are many) is that you never question anything you are fed.......you are one of the sheeple. I would pity you and feel sorry for ya if you weren't such a trolling douche with no debating skills.

Hope this helps!!!
What would help would be if you weren't a fucking loon. :cuckoo:

No such illness was ever confirmed. As usual, you're "evidence" is nothing more than just another conspiracy theory.

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