The first couple portrayed as apes

When it comes to government meddling in the affairs of sovereign private citizens? All government officials are apes. . . .


That being said, of course there has been a tradition to depict blacks as apes. To deny it is to be anti-intellectual. But to not understand the humorous irony here is to be woefully obtuse. . . this is the POTUS we are talking about. . . blacks are now, "THE MAN." They have been part of the establishment for some time. I remember a black Secretary of State. I remember a black Secretary of defense. To my recollection, there are minority congressmen and Senators. In fact, correct me if I'm wrong here, there have even been black supreme court justices going back several decades. It would be fool hardy to say that racism doesn't exist, but then again, it just seems that in this case, freedom of the press is probably a more compelling interest.

That is the whole point. Generally in the past when blacks were referred to as apes, they were done so because they were not in charge, they were a subordinate class. Now? Well, it seems it doesn't make sense any more to get so upset when such a powerful political figure is ridiculed, even if it IS racist. It does more harm than good, and it divides us more as a society than it unites us.

Frankly, it should say more about the magazine than the Belgian people or European society. But curtailing everyone's freedom over it is definitely wrong.

Truly it is being done as satire. The only way it could've been done in a racist way is perhaps if you think we live in a post apocalyptic world and the POTUS' policies were responsible for destroying the world and the Belgian people. Then I suppose they might have a notion to tell him this about his policies and his initiatives. . . . :lol:

Take your stinking paws off me you damn dirty ape! - YouTube

Not to mention the fact that the Progressives are arguing that the depiction of the Obamas is "racist" based on the "history of THIS country." However, the pictorial occurred in a Belgian newspaper so that argument falls flat on its face.

European soccer fans throw bananas at black soccer players

Racism is not restricted to our borders
why dont you go cry on a message board for european soccer fans that they arent respecting your Messiah obama enough leftard?
RWer is a racist. He sees the black man as a monkey, so it hurts the delicate sensibility he's spent years keeping PC to see such a picture. While the white man as a monkey is just distasteful. Because clearly the white man is not a monkey.

You're a racist, dude. Embrace it like you embrace your ideological hypocrisy.
The photo of Bush is in poor taste. The photo of Obama is racist

No, YOU are a racist, that's why you separate them out as if one is different from the other. You see the black man as a monkey, so it offends the years of trying to control such racist thoughts by putting it out there like this for you. You only think it's poor taste for Bush because you see him as a white man who is superior, so it's just in poor taste.

Stop projecting your racism onto others.

Our society has not had a history of portraying whites as apes

However, we have a 300 year history of portraying blacks as apes. We used it as a justification to enslave them (they are nothing more than animals) and to segregate them from society (who wants to sleep in a bed that a "negro" has used)

Even today, European Soccer fans throw bananas at black players. They do not do it for whites

That is why it is not equivalent

they threw bananas at oliver kahn, though.
When it comes to government meddling in the affairs of sovereign private citizens? All government officials are apes. . . .


That being said, of course there has been a tradition to depict blacks as apes. To deny it is to be anti-intellectual. But to not understand the humorous irony here is to be woefully obtuse. . . this is the POTUS we are talking about. . . blacks are now, "THE MAN." They have been part of the establishment for some time. I remember a black Secretary of State. I remember a black Secretary of defense. To my recollection, there are minority congressmen and Senators. In fact, correct me if I'm wrong here, there have even been black supreme court justices going back several decades. It would be fool hardy to say that racism doesn't exist, but then again, it just seems that in this case, freedom of the press is probably a more compelling interest.

That is the whole point. Generally in the past when blacks were referred to as apes, they were done so because they were not in charge, they were a subordinate class. Now? Well, it seems it doesn't make sense any more to get so upset when such a powerful political figure is ridiculed, even if it IS racist. It does more harm than good, and it divides us more as a society than it unites us.

Frankly, it should say more about the magazine than the Belgian people or European society. But curtailing everyone's freedom over it is definitely wrong.

Truly it is being done as satire. The only way it could've been done in a racist way is perhaps if you think we live in a post apocalyptic world and the POTUS' policies were responsible for destroying the world and the Belgian people. Then I suppose they might have a notion to tell him this about his policies and his initiatives. . . . :lol:

Take your stinking paws off me you damn dirty ape! - YouTube

Not to mention the fact that the Progressives are arguing that the depiction of the Obamas is "racist" based on the "history of THIS country." However, the pictorial occurred in a Belgian newspaper so that argument falls flat on its face.

European soccer fans throw bananas at black soccer players

Racism is not restricted to our borders

I think you completely missed my point though. Fine, so let's say it IS racist. So what? This is supposed to be the leader of the Free World. They are some piddly ass magazine. Do you think HE is going to dignify them with a response? So why should you?

Frankly, I chuckle every time this numb nuts of a President addresses his critics, by NAME even. He actually gives them that satisfaction and recognition. Talk about lowering himself to their level. I don't have very good memory, but I can't remember any other president actually ever doing that. Did Nixon actually ever criticize Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein in public? Did he lash out at Hunter Thompson? I don't know, I wasn't around.

Did Bush snipe back at the comedians on SNL? Did he lower himself to specifically criticize Bill Marr when he was under attack?

Yet Obama does these things, he doesn't let himself rise above the fray, as any good POTUS should do. Why this is the first POTUS that should need the plebs to defend him and his reputation is beyond me.

Unnecessary thread.
Ben Carson and Allen West would be much better leaders but thanks to the Resident in Chief they will never be judged on the content of their character because of the degeneracy of Obama's.
I don't believe that at all. If either one of them won the nomination, and they could, Republicans would come out of the woodwork and vote for them. This time with the conservative base. Don't let the dems convince you that it's a racist country. Sure it exists but it is not the driving force with most folks. The extreme left uses it to get votes, I believe that's where most of the racism is.

If America IS a racist nation the greatest amount of racism is by non-whites against whites. The most hated organism on earth is the white male. Not too sure why but it might have something to do with all of those pesky inventions, discoveries, and civilizations but I'm just guessing.
Ben Carson and Allen West would be much better leaders but thanks to the Resident in Chief they will never be judged on the content of their character because of the degeneracy of Obama's.
I don't believe that at all. If either one of them won the nomination, and they could, Republicans would come out of the woodwork and vote for them. This time with the conservative base. Don't let the dems convince you that it's a racist country. Sure it exists but it is not the driving force with most folks. The extreme left uses it to get votes, I believe that's where most of the racism is.

If America IS a racist nation the greatest amount of racism is by non-whites against whites. The most hated organism on earth is the white male. Not too sure why but it might have something to do with all of those pesky inventions, discoveries, and civilizations but I'm just guessing.

We need to do more to save the white male. At least we have the Republican Party standing up for them
I think because of you people and Obama himself, the people will think twice before voting for another black man for president

and it's all because of BS like this over a picture

bravo to you all

Because of you and folks like Santorum and Perry, the electorate will never consider another reactonary for president.

lol, jake you're just so funny reactionary what do you call Obama pushing OScamCare on us...? stable and clam? no he was and still is a raving mad man over it please stop

And you have written like a low-information reactionary.

The liberal hypocrisy knows no boundaries. They embrace that shit like they invented it.

Do you not realize how a Black being compared to a monkey is a totally different type of hatred? Come on, you are sharper than this.

No. I do not see how it is different. I'm not a racist, or a race hustler like you leftie lunatics.

For years Blacks have been portrayed as being no better or more developed than monkeys by people with racial hatred.
I think because of you people and Obama himself, the people will think twice before voting for another black man for president

and it's all because of BS like this over a picture

bravo to you all

Because of you and folks like Santorum and Perry, the electorate will never consider another reactonary for president.

^ Reactiony, reflexive defense of Obama
I don't believe that at all. If either one of them won the nomination, and they could, Republicans would come out of the woodwork and vote for them. This time with the conservative base. Don't let the dems convince you that it's a racist country. Sure it exists but it is not the driving force with most folks. The extreme left uses it to get votes, I believe that's where most of the racism is.

If America IS a racist nation the greatest amount of racism is by non-whites against whites. The most hated organism on earth is the white male. Not too sure why but it might have something to do with all of those pesky inventions, discoveries, and civilizations but I'm just guessing.

We need to do more to save the white male. At least we have the Republican Party standing up for them

Actually ... the reason we don't need anyone standing up for us is because we've been able to do it on our own for centuries. We've had our trials and tribulations throughout history but we don't whimper and whine about it. We just stand up and march in a forward direction. I'm certainly not ashamed of my heritage and history.

By the way ... here are a few black Republicans so apparently the Republican Party is pretty neutral concerning who it will "stand up for."

Do you not realize how a Black being compared to a monkey is a totally different type of hatred? Come on, you are sharper than this.

No. I do not see how it is different. I'm not a racist, or a race hustler like you leftie lunatics.

For years Blacks have been portrayed as being no better or more developed than monkeys by people with racial hatred.

Who has "portrayed" them that way? Themselves or someone else?


I didn't take the above picture but it was recently taken in Africa. Notice the murder of one black by another as bystanders kick back and watch. Again ... not my doing and I'm not doing the "portraying."
No. I do not see how it is different. I'm not a racist, or a race hustler like you leftie lunatics.

For years Blacks have been portrayed as being no better or more developed than monkeys by people with racial hatred.

Who has "portrayed" them that way? Themselves or someone else?


I didn't take the above picture but it was recently taken in Africa. Notice the murder of one black by another as bystanders kick back and watch. Again ... not my doing and I'm not doing the "portraying."

of course you are doing the "portraying", you silly muppet.

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