The first couple portrayed as apes

Bush = Monkey = Funny
Obama = Monkey = Racist

Absolute BS.... It is called political satire and it has been going on for a long time.
Now because Obama is black, satire is off limits because you do no want to offend your messiah.
This is the part of free speech that is tough for you liberals to understand. Even speech or ideas that you do not agree with are covered under "Free Speech". Just as a reminder:

A few things. Is anyone calling for the arrest of the people running this paper or are they just criticizing it? No one is saying that they "shouldn't be allowed" to print this, folks are just saying that it's not very tasteful. There's a difference, Desperado.

Secondly, I don't know about you but I just don't find the "black people are monkeys" thing all that funny. You're right in that folks did this to Bush, but when you apply the concept to a black person there's a lot of racial connotations that get brought up that most of us want to leave behind in the past (ie blacks are savages, subhuman, etc).

Either way, this isn't journalism and I would bet you the paper is total garbage. I wish people could be a little more intellectual with their criticisms instead of driving our society down to the level of a trashy reality TV show.
just because there are racial connotations from the past in portraying Black people as apes; doesnt mean you can just assume that is what is meant by portraying obama and michelle as apes

you cant go making blanket judgements on people alive now based on the past

it is only fair that after years of left-wing losers and morons calling Bush "the Chimp" that the same thing be done to the half-White obama

iditos and hypocrites
just because there are racial connotations from the past in portraying Black people as apes; doesnt mean you can just assume that is what is meant by portraying obama and michelle as apes

Whether or not that was the "editor's" intention to drive a racial connotation I think in the realm of common sense and decency you should stay away from portraying black people - specifically - as apes. Again, I'm not saying make a law against it, I'm just saying it happened a lot in the past - to blacks specifically - and was designed to portray them as subhuman, less than people, savage, etc. Whites never had to deal with this which is why the Bush to Obama comparison isn't exactly apples to apples.

you cant go making blanket judgements on people alive now based on the past

it is only fair that after years of left-wing losers and morons calling Bush "the Chimp" that the same thing be done to the half-White obama

Yep, agree it was done to Bush (and that was trashy too) but Bush was white and that changes a lot of things. Again, I'm not saying "we should prohibit this", I'm just saying that a decent editor who actually cares about an intellectual discussion vs cheap thrills for ratings wouldn't dare post something as trashy as this. It's garbage, total trash.
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just like you have to go back into the last century to find examples of Dems doing anything right by Blacks you crybaby loser

oh and even then all you managed to really do is enslave them cycles of government dependence that spanned generations; destroyed the Black family, and led to near-genocidal rates of black on black violence

bedwetter...have you been in a coma the last 50 years?

GO ASK YOUR MOM what i been doing

just because there are racial connotations from the past in portraying Black people as apes; doesnt mean you can just assume that is what is meant by portraying obama and michelle as apes

Whether or not that was the "editor's" intention to drive a racial connotation I think in the realm of common sense and decency you should stay away from portraying black people - specifically - as apes. Again, I'm not saying make a law against it, I'm just saying it happened a lot in the past - to blacks specifically - and was designed to portray them as subhuman, less than people, savage, etc. Whites never had to deal with this which is why the Bush to Obama comparison isn't exactly apples to apples.

you cant go making blanket judgements on people alive now based on the past

it is only fair that after years of left-wing losers and morons calling Bush "the Chimp" that the same thing be done to the half-White obama

Yep, agree it was done to Bush (and that was trashy too) but Bush was white and that changes a lot of things. Again, I'm not saying "we should prohibit this", I'm just saying that a decent editor who actually cares about an intellectual discussion vs cheap thrills for ratings wouldn't dare post something as trashy as this. It's garbage, total trash.

um no; it is no less trashy as the ones done to Bush. they are the same, regardless of PAST connotations
um no; it is no less trashy as the ones done to Bush. they are the same, regardless of PAST connotations

Two pieces of trash usually don't equal something of value. And no, it's not the same.

If you jokingly tell a black person to "go the back of the bus", it will carry a lot more weight and history than if you jokingly tell a white person to "go to the back of the bus".

History is history.
um no; it is no less trashy as the ones done to Bush. they are the same, regardless of PAST connotations

Two pieces of trash usually don't equal something of value. And no, it's not the same.

If you jokingly tell a black person to "go the back of the bus", it will carry a lot more weight and history than if you jokingly tell a white person to "go to the back of the bus".

History is history.

I don't know about that. I say "all back of the bus shit" all the time...and that is from Riddick movies. Never crossed my mind someone would view that saying as racist. Yes, I know what it refers to but I don't live with that crap 24/7 while I tippy toe around being all pc.
RNC chairman Michael Steele had oreo cookies thrown in his path during his senatorial campaign:

um no; it is no less trashy as the ones done to Bush. they are the same, regardless of PAST connotations

Two pieces of trash usually don't equal something of value. And no, it's not the same.

If you jokingly tell a black person to "go the back of the bus", it will carry a lot more weight and history than if you jokingly tell a white person to "go to the back of the bus".

History is history.

I don't know about that. I say "all back of the bus shit" all the time...and that is from Riddick movies. Never crossed my mind someone would view that saying as racist. Yes, I know what it refers to but I don't live with that crap 24/7 while I tippy toe around being all pc.

I'm with you in that I don't like all the hard lined PC all of the time. It's too much.

However portraying a black person as an APE; that carries a very significant racial connotation that was long standing for hundreds of years. It really just recently fell out of fashion (maybe in the 1940's). The ape thing is very significant, straightforward.

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um no; it is no less trashy as the ones done to Bush. they are the same, regardless of PAST connotations

Two pieces of trash usually don't equal something of value. And no, it's not the same.

If you jokingly tell a black person to "go the back of the bus", it will carry a lot more weight and history than if you jokingly tell a white person to "go to the back of the bus".

History is history.

and assumptions are assumptions; especially to thin-skinned, sanctimonious people looking for something that isnt there; making moral equivalencies
In light of data available through the Census Bureau, the Democrat party’s insistence that they care is shown to be a hollow statement. African-American adults living at or below the poverty level grew from 19.8 percent back in 2007, to 23 percent by the end of 2010. It is even worse for African-American children; their numbers in poverty rose from 34.5 in 2007, to a dismal and disappointing 39.1 percent by 2010.
The median income of African-American households under President Bush – while Bush enjoyed Republican majorities in the House and Senate – during 2005, was $12,124. Sadly, by 2009 – after only three years of Democrat party majorities in both houses and Obama’s first year in office – that number plummeted 53 percent to $5,677 according to the Pew Research Center. One might be forced to wonder what, exactly, the Democrat party truly cares for.
Furthermore, a look at jobs data shows that the plight of American minorities under the gentle guidance Democrat party, becomes even worse: Total numbers of employment aged African-Americans in the workforce, slid from 58.6 percent in June 2007, to 52.8 percent by August 2012. Fewer than 50 percent of young African-American males have full-time employment, today.
However, even in the face of all those irrefutable facts, 90 percent of African-Americans who did vote, gave their votes to the architects of their economic demise. Under the guise of Progressivism and misguided Liberalism, the Democrat party has been leading minorities – and everyone else – down the gilded path to an economic and social dystopia."

Democrat Party Still Racist After All These Years
Over the past 5000 years or more, mankind has domesticated thousands of wild animal species by inducing exactly that level of dependence. The practice has been thoroughly vetted; proven to be 99.99 percent effective, every time it is applied. Which is why tourists at many state parks are admonished to not allow the wild animals to become dependent on free food, given to them by humans. To survive, thrive and succeed, independent living creatures must have the knowledge and the will to provide for themselves.
The Democrat party wants to create and maintain that level of dependence in their fellow American citizens, so they can enjoy societal and economic mastery over them. They claim they are “helping” minorities, when all they are actually doing is making them more and more dependent. After all of these “progressive” years, the Democrat party is still just as racist as it has ever been, it has simply become more sophisticated in how it exercises that racism."

Democrat Party Still Racist After All These Years
nobody is really surprised left-wing nutjobs would rationalize their own bigotry and petty insults while insisting the same thing on the other side is somehow worse; because of historical context or some other reason. the loser left demands to frame every debate; demands to be the arbitor of context

group guilt in perpetuity is the rule of law for these intellectually dishonest cowards
and assumptions are assumptions; especially to thin-skinned, sanctimonious people looking for something that isnt there; making moral equivalencies

It's just a thing we used to do in the past, and best to avoid nowadays.

No one gains anything by portraying Bush or Obama as a monkey. It's all exploitation and trash. I wish people strove for something better.

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Over the past 5000 years or more, mankind has domesticated thousands of wild animal species by inducing exactly that level of dependence. The practice has been thoroughly vetted; proven to be 99.99 percent effective, every time it is applied. Which is why tourists at many state parks are admonished to not allow the wild animals to become dependent on free food, given to them by humans. To survive, thrive and succeed, independent living creatures must have the knowledge and the will to provide for themselves.
The Democrat party wants to create and maintain that level of dependence in their fellow American citizens, so they can enjoy societal and economic mastery over them. They claim they are “helping” minorities, when all they are actually doing is making them more and more dependent. After all of these “progressive” years, the Democrat party is still just as racist as it has ever been, it has simply become more sophisticated in how it exercises that racism."

Democrat Party Still Racist After All These Years

Your party has been demolished by just these analogies of the treatment of blacks being equivalent to wild animals

I'm surprised you still use such an offensive tract

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