The first couple portrayed as apes


^^The dem depiction of Clarence Thomas


^^the dem depiction of Michael Steele

All these wrongs most certainly result in a right, right?

Mama Burger Milan, Italy

What's the point here? Do you see this as racist?

Only racists see this as racist. Lovers of soul food see this as complimentary. Just goes to show. . . .

Racism is in the mind of the beholder. . .

I don't see how this is a big deal after the Bush-Chimp meme the libs happily spread for 8 years.
What's the point here? Do you see this as racist?

Only racists see this as racist. Lovers of soul food see this as complimentary. Just goes to show. . . .

Racism is in the mind of the beholder. . .


Yep, some might see the cartoon below as racist, but others might see it as just a depiction of a kind white guy helping out some young, animal looking black people.

Over the past 5000 years or more, mankind has domesticated thousands of wild animal species by inducing exactly that level of dependence. The practice has been thoroughly vetted; proven to be 99.99 percent effective, every time it is applied. Which is why tourists at many state parks are admonished to not allow the wild animals to become dependent on free food, given to them by humans. To survive, thrive and succeed, independent living creatures must have the knowledge and the will to provide for themselves.
The Democrat party wants to create and maintain that level of dependence in their fellow American citizens, so they can enjoy societal and economic mastery over them. They claim they are “helping” minorities, when all they are actually doing is making them more and more dependent. After all of these “progressive” years, the Democrat party is still just as racist as it has ever been, it has simply become more sophisticated in how it exercises that racism."

Democrat Party Still Racist After All These Years

Your party has been demolished by just these analogies of the treatment of blacks being equivalent to wild animals

I'm surprised you still use such an offensive tract

It's so transparent when the Leftwing-Democrats try to blame the GOP for the Dems' appalling treatment of blacks over the decades.
And apparently Boop thinks it's our fault that Europeans (Belgians, in this case) are racist.

Yet THEY'RE the ones who are continually telling us we should emulate them!

Irony. It makes the best frying pan.

^^The dem depiction of Clarence Thomas


^^the dem depiction of Michael Steele

All these wrongs most certainly result in a right, right?

Doctor heal thyself.


so typical. throw some examples of the Left's massive hypocirsy on matters of race out there and someone out there will accuse you of implying two wrongs make a right

straw man; we arent admitting we've done anything close to the massively racist things Black Dems did in the past to Black people and still do nowadays to Black people who have the temerity to not be liberals

idiots and hypocrites
What's even funnier...Europeans are eternally calling AMERICANS racist!

If there's a more racist piece of earth in the universe than Europe and Great Britain, I would LOVE to see it! How many black PMs have the Brits had?
Over the past 5000 years or more, mankind has domesticated thousands of wild animal species by inducing exactly that level of dependence. The practice has been thoroughly vetted; proven to be 99.99 percent effective, every time it is applied. Which is why tourists at many state parks are admonished to not allow the wild animals to become dependent on free food, given to them by humans. To survive, thrive and succeed, independent living creatures must have the knowledge and the will to provide for themselves.
The Democrat party wants to create and maintain that level of dependence in their fellow American citizens, so they can enjoy societal and economic mastery over them. They claim they are “helping” minorities, when all they are actually doing is making them more and more dependent. After all of these “progressive” years, the Democrat party is still just as racist as it has ever been, it has simply become more sophisticated in how it exercises that racism."

Democrat Party Still Racist After All These Years

Your party has been demolished by just these analogies of the treatment of blacks being equivalent to wild animals

I'm surprised you still use such an offensive tract

It's so transparent when the Leftwing-Democrats try to blame the GOP for the Dems' appalling treatment of blacks over the decades.

What is appalling?

What did Republicans offer as an alternative?
An alternative to what?

You must get paid by the keystroke, and not for coherent thought.

so typical. throw some examples of the Left's massive hypocirsy on matters of race out there and someone out there will accuse you of implying two wrongs make a right

straw man; we arent admitting we've done anything close to the massively racist things Black Dems did in the past to Black people and still do nowadays to Black people who have the temerity to not be liberals

idiots and hypocrites

So that's the leading defense now in this OP over the news piece? That "the left" did a lot of racist stuff so this some how makes it okay for people to do racist things in the present? What are we all ten years old here?

Let me lay it to you straight. This newspaper knew that if they posted the President and his wife as apes, racial connotations would drive controversy and increase traffic. None of us would be talking about this obscure paper otherwise.

It's a cheap, grimy, exploitative publicity stunt, and anyone who defends it clearly doesn't have any regard for promoting good, wholesome, and unbiased news.

It's just trash, guys. That's it.
Which is worse:

- Portraying the Obamas as apes?


- Making a snuff film about George W. Biush?

so typical. throw some examples of the Left's massive hypocirsy on matters of race out there and someone out there will accuse you of implying two wrongs make a right

straw man; we arent admitting we've done anything close to the massively racist things Black Dems did in the past to Black people and still do nowadays to Black people who have the temerity to not be liberals

idiots and hypocrites

So that's the leading defense now in this OP over the news piece? That "the left" did a lot of racist stuff so this some how makes it okay for people to do racist things in the present? What are we all ten years old here?

Let me lay it to you straight. This newspaper knew that if they posted the President and his wife as apes, racial connotations would drive controversy and increase traffic. None of us would be talking about this obscure paper otherwise.

It's a cheap, grimy, exploitative publicity stunt, and anyone who defends it clearly doesn't have any regard for promoting good, wholesome, and unbiased news.

It's just trash, guys. That's it.

The racist image in question was published in BELGIUM. Not in the US, not by "rightwingers".

Good grief. READING IS FUNDAMENTAL. I suggest you brush up on it.
The racist image in question was published in BELGIUM. Not in the US, not by "rightwingers".

Good grief. READING IS FUNDAMENTAL. I suggest you brush up on it.

Haha, Kosher when did I say that this was published in the US?

And help me out here; do "social progressives" not exist in other countries? There's no such thing? The "left" / "right" political spectrum can only be applied to US politics? Is that the case?

Good grief. How about you use that brain of yours kit kat? Clear off the cobwebs.

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The racist image in question was published in BELGIUM. Not in the US, not by "rightwingers".

Good grief. READING IS FUNDAMENTAL. I suggest you brush up on it.

Haha, Kosher when did I say that this was published in the US?

And help me out here; do "social progressives" not exist in other countries? Does the left/right paradigm apply to only US citizens? Is that the case?

Good grief. How about you use that brain of yours kit kat? Clear off the cobwebs.


comical really; first came the rationalization of left-wing bigotry; now the implication that American right-wingers are responsible for "racist" images of obama.

if you're going to bring up history; europeans dont necessarily know or care bout our history.

liberals wanted to portray bush as an ignorant sub-human ape when they called him the Chimp; pretty much the same thing anybody doing it to obama is doing; regardless of history. that isnt ignoring history; it's just stating the facts
comical really; first came the rationalization of left-wing bigotry; now the implication that American right-wingers are responsible for "racist" images of obama.

Challenge: Point out where I said US "right wingers" were "responsible" for this image. I'll hang around to see what you come up with.

if you're going to bring up history; europeans dont necessarily know or care bout our history.

liberals wanted to portray bush as an ignorant sub-human ape when they called him the Chimp; pretty much the same thing anybody doing it to obama is doing; regardless of history. that isnt ignoring history; it's just stating the facts

Why do you defend a piece of trash? Again it was designed to drive traffic. Racist controversial image of a famous person = more viewers. None of us would know about this paper if it weren't for the cover.

Can't you at least admit this is trash and serves no intellectual puprose?

Moochelle's grandfather Clyde starred with Clint in Every Which Way But Loose.

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