The first couple portrayed as apes


^^The dem depiction of Clarence Thomas


^^the dem depiction of Michael Steele

All these wrongs most certainly result in a right, right?

The left's hypocrisy flew right over your head.

Goddamnit, lol, can you please explain to me why I am charged to speak for and defend the "hypocrisy of the left"? Am I some sort of spokesperson for the "left"? I was addressing this particular newspaper, and calling these particular editors "trashy" for the pic they photoshopped. I don't even really recall talking about "the right" and the "left" until other folks who are seemingly obsessed with the paradigm thought it would be worthwhile to throw it into the mix.

Go on - buddy - read everything I posted here, and then come back and address me again.

I'm no Barack supporter. I know the Democrats do a lot of crony, crappy things. I know the KKK was started by Democrats. You don't have to "school" me. Obama is a wolf in sheep's clothing, and generally don't side with Democrats on a majority of things except for maybe some social issues.

Before you go accusing people of "things flying over their head", how about you know who you're talking to first. Just a little advice.

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comical really; first came the rationalization of left-wing bigotry; now the implication that American right-wingers are responsible for "racist" images of obama.

Challenge: Point out where I said US "right wingers" were "responsible" for this image. I'll hang around to see what you come up with.

if you're going to bring up history; europeans dont necessarily know or care bout our history.

liberals wanted to portray bush as an ignorant sub-human ape when they called him the Chimp; pretty much the same thing anybody doing it to obama is doing; regardless of history. that isnt ignoring history; it's just stating the facts

Why do you defend a piece of trash? Again it was designed to drive traffic. Racist controversial image of a famous person = more viewers. None of us would know about this paper if it weren't for the cover.

Can't you at least admit this is trash and serves no intellectual puprose?

reading comprehension; i said implication; it was implied
comical really; first came the rationalization of left-wing bigotry; now the implication that American right-wingers are responsible for "racist" images of obama.

Challenge: Point out where I said US "right wingers" were "responsible" for this image. I'll hang around to see what you come up with.

if you're going to bring up history; europeans dont necessarily know or care bout our history.

liberals wanted to portray bush as an ignorant sub-human ape when they called him the Chimp; pretty much the same thing anybody doing it to obama is doing; regardless of history. that isnt ignoring history; it's just stating the facts

Why do you defend a piece of trash? Again it was designed to drive traffic. Racist controversial image of a famous person = more viewers. None of us would know about this paper if it weren't for the cover.

Can't you at least admit this is trash and serves no intellectual puprose?

reading comprehension; i said implication; it was implied

Ah.. gotcha. It was "implied"? Why, because you said it was "implied"? lol.

What it comes down to is that you're too stubborn to admit that this picture serves no good intellectual or journalistic purpose, and was designed to incite controversy. Until you do that I don't think we'll see eye to eye.

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All these wrongs most certainly result in a right, right?

The left's hypocrisy flew right over your head.

Goddamnit, lol, can you please explain to me why I am charged to speak for and defend the "hypocrisy of the left"? Am I some sort of spokesperson for the "left"? I was addressing this particular newspaper, and calling these particular editors "trashy" for the pic they photoshopped. I don't even really recall talking about "the right" and the "left" until other folks who are seemingly obsessed with the paradigm thought it would be worthwhile to throw it into the mix.

Go on - buddy - read everything I posted here, and then come back and address me again.

I'm no Barack supporter. I know the Democrats do a lot of crony, crappy things. I know the KKK was started by Democrats. You don't have to "school" me. Obama is a wolf in sheep's clothing, and generally don't side with Democrats on a majority of things except for maybe some social issues.

Before you go accusing people of "things flying over their head", how about you know who you're talking to first. Just a little advice.


Dude, take a pill. I was referring to your comment on the pic that's all. The left is silent on their own racism and hypocrisy, your comment came across as glib. Chill.
Dude, take a pill. I was referring to your comment on the pic that's all. The left is silent on their own racism and hypocrisy, your comment came across as glib. Chill.

Sure (getting close to done w/the thread anyways). Just sort of annoyed by the "you did it so we can do it too argument". It doesn't solve much. And on top of it there's no verification whatsoever of who published those pics. Was it the left? Was it a fringe group? I mean, come on.

I'll chill though, lol. All this discussion just gets me nice and fired up.
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Here's Mooch's aunt Koko and her husband.

No, that's Mr. Rogers and Koko - a Gorilla.

Where were you educated sir? I feel like they may have failed you miserably.

Some see this whole thread as comical. Because Negroes skin color is closer to simians , than to Caucasian, it has been used as satire for centuries. Just as there are more than enough jokes about what Jews, Italians, Greeks, etc. look like!

Today, the RACIST card has been played so often, and especially by the left, that few, if any, give any credence to the idiots making the charge, such as the OP!
Challenge: Point out where I said US "right wingers" were "responsible" for this image. I'll hang around to see what you come up with.

Why do you defend a piece of trash? Again it was designed to drive traffic. Racist controversial image of a famous person = more viewers. None of us would know about this paper if it weren't for the cover.

Can't you at least admit this is trash and serves no intellectual puprose?

reading comprehension; i said implication; it was implied

Ah.. gotcha. It was "implied"? Why, because you said it was "implied"? lol.

What it comes down to is that you're too stubborn to admit that this picture serves no good intellectual or journalistic purpose, and was designed to incite controversy. Until you do that I don't think we'll see eye to eye.


no; becaue you implied it

sorry try again

no; becaue you implied it

sorry try again


But I didn't imply it, lol. That was something that you made up with your own head. I didn't start talking "right/left" until I had to address someone else talking "right/left".

You can't just make things up and expect people to believe it, my friend.
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Some see this whole thread as comical. Because Negroes skin color is closer to simians , than to Caucasian, it has been used as satire for centuries. Just as there are more than enough jokes about what Jews, Italians, Greeks, etc. look like!

Today, the RACIST card has been played so often, and especially by the left, that few, if any, give any credence to the idiots making the charge, such as the OP!

Vigilante, what I'm most upset about is a paper USING these images that they KNOW will stir controversy to get cheap hits and views. Do you think people on this forum would be talking about an article from a Belgian newspaper otherwise?

If you disagree, than why else would they post this pic? Was it to stir an intellectual discussion?

From the onset of this thread, my whole position is this was a trashy, exploitative gesture on the part of the newspaper. Shame on them. It's driving everyone's minds straight into the ground.
Some see this whole thread as comical. Because Negroes skin color is closer to simians , than to Caucasian, it has been used as satire for centuries. Just as there are more than enough jokes about what Jews, Italians, Greeks, etc. look like!

Today, the RACIST card has been played so often, and especially by the left, that few, if any, give any credence to the idiots making the charge, such as the OP!

Vigilante, what I'm most upset about is a paper USING these images that they KNOW will stir controversy to get cheap hits and views. Do you think people on this forum would be talking about an article from a Belgian newspaper otherwise?

If you disagree, than why else would they post this pic? Was it to stir an intellectual discussion?

From the onset of this thread, my whole position is this was a trashy, exploitative gesture on the part of the newspaper. Shame on them. It's driving everyone's minds straight into the ground.

You must realize that the people of Belgium have a different MORAL CODE than many in America. They dislike JEWS, just as much, More so even, and use them as a foil also. They started to do that with muslims, BUT the muslims decide to riot and kill some native Belgium people, and being, from Europe, those people are cowards when someone REALLY fights back and it causes death. Just an observation of one, whose sister in law is from Belgium, and tells us what really goes on!
You must realize that the people of Belgium have a different MORAL CODE than many in America. They dislike JEWS, just as much, More so even, and use them as a foil also. They started to do that with muslims, BUT the muslims decide to riot and kill some native Belgium people, and being, from Europe, those people are cowards when someone REALLY fights back and it causes death. Just an observation of one, whose sister in law is from Belgium, and tells us what really goes on!

Sure. But I'm sure you can agree this pic was published solely to drive traffic vs. make a worthwhile journalistic point, right?
Why do Conservatives struggle so much with equivalence and context?

Adults are expected to understand the meanings of words and symbols. They are not always the same

Calling a white an ape is not the same as calling a black person an ape
Watermelon and Fried Chicken does not have the same connotation for whites as it does blacks

Spoken like a true racist that believes those racist stereotypes.
Thank you for telling us where your actual racist stereotypes live.

Actually, I do believe there are racist stereotypes and depicting blacks as apes and making watermelon references are at the top of the list
Of course you do, because you are racist.

For conservatives to assume that those stereotypes appy equally to all races shows how out of touch they are with society
Racists like you hold stereotypes, and then apply those stereotypes in a biased and racist manner while trying to claim those stereotypes and biases belong to somebody else. You just did it again. :cuckoo:
Spoken like a true racist that believes those racist stereotypes.
Thank you for telling us where your actual racist stereotypes live.

Actually, I do believe there are racist stereotypes and depicting blacks as apes and making watermelon references are at the top of the list

For conservatives to assume that those stereotypes appy equally to all races shows how out of touch they are with society

So if a black person says that he likes watermelons would he be considered racist? What if someone says that a white guy likes watermelons -- is that racist too? Just what in the hell do you want? Should folks just stop talking altogether? It seems that it doesn't matter what anyone says there's going to be some crybaby screaming -- RACISM. Sorry but I'm not going to walk on eggshells for you. I happen to know some black people who like watermelon. I happen to like it to. It's a tasty fruit and wonderful summertime refreshment (racist or not).

I like watermelon also.
If I ask my black friends and coworkers to enjoy some watermelon with me, does that make me racist?
What about Buffaloe wings? It's chicken, but certainly, culturally a white person food.
Where does this imagined racism begin and end.
When it comes to government meddling in the affairs of sovereign private citizens? All government officials are apes. . . .


That being said, of course there has been a tradition to depict blacks as apes. To deny it is to be anti-intellectual. But to not understand the humorous irony here is to be woefully obtuse. . . this is the POTUS we are talking about. . . blacks are now, "THE MAN." They have been part of the establishment for some time. I remember a black Secretary of State. I remember a black Secretary of defense. To my recollection, there are minority congressmen and Senators. In fact, correct me if I'm wrong here, there have even been black supreme court justices going back several decades. It would be fool hardy to say that racism doesn't exist, but then again, it just seems that in this case, freedom of the press is probably a more compelling interest.

That is the whole point. Generally in the past when blacks were referred to as apes, they were done so because they were not in charge, they were a subordinate class. Now? Well, it seems it doesn't make sense any more to get so upset when such a powerful political figure is ridiculed, even if it IS racist. It does more harm than good, and it divides us more as a society than it unites us.

Frankly, it should say more about the magazine than the Belgian people or European society. But curtailing everyone's freedom over it is definitely wrong.

Truly it is being done as satire. The only way it could've been done in a racist way is perhaps if you think we live in a post apocalyptic world and the POTUS' policies were responsible for destroying the world and the Belgian people. Then I suppose they might have a notion to tell him this about his policies and his initiatives. . . . :lol:

Take your stinking paws off me you damn dirty ape! - YouTube

Not to mention the fact that the Progressives are arguing that the depiction of the Obamas is "racist" based on the "history of THIS country." However, the pictorial occurred in a Belgian newspaper so that argument falls flat on its face.

European soccer fans throw bananas at black soccer players

Racism is not restricted to our borders
Bananas are from the tropics and South America, not from Africa.
Black people are from Africa, not South America.
What is the connection?
You must realize that the people of Belgium have a different MORAL CODE than many in America. They dislike JEWS, just as much, More so even, and use them as a foil also. They started to do that with muslims, BUT the muslims decide to riot and kill some native Belgium people, and being, from Europe, those people are cowards when someone REALLY fights back and it causes death. Just an observation of one, whose sister in law is from Belgium, and tells us what really goes on!

Sure. But I'm sure you can agree this pic was published solely to drive traffic vs. make a worthwhile journalistic point, right?

I can easily see it doing both, as obuma isn't such a hit anymore in Europe. His weakness in handling Putin has been duly noted in all the different European press....Have you seen the articles in The Guardian?
I don't recall the US mainstream media ever apologizing for the outrageously racist cartoons portraying Dr. Condie Rice as a slave mammy during the Bush administration. The hypocrites on the left applauded a foreign made movie depicting the assassination of a sitting president because they hated George Bush.

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