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The first question if I were a Saudi being begged by Biden for more oil is this...

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Since when does a President "sign off" on production levels of oil production of other countries?


Read it

Nostra tucked tail and disappeared.

Nostra -1.
Spin that, or just admit you were WRONG.
Nice dodge of my question...

Did Trump drain our Strategic Oil Reserve, selling part of it to China?

Trump attempted to fill up the reserve when oil was cheap, but Democrats cut it out of a bill.

Now, after Biden basically killed US energy production, he sells China oil from the reserves while begging Saudi and Maduro for oil to reduce gas prices only until the mid-term elections are over.

What a fuck-up.

'Never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up.'
- Barak Obana

In 2019 we imported 7-9 million bpd. We exported 2-3 million bpd.

In 2020 we had COVID and market demand collapsed.

Basically you're the fuck up... too much magical thinking.
Simple research shows your statement "Biden reversed some of the Trump era regulation... increase oil production" is a LIE!

Biden administration reverses Trump-era rule limiting scrutiny of environmental impacts​

Supporters of allowing the development of petroleum resources on federal lands pointed out the change will be costly, and it was challenged immediately with the filing of a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court in Wyoming.
Restricting development on federal lands and waters is nothing more than an ‘import more oil’ policy,” Mike Sommers, president of the American Petroleum Institute, said.
With this move, the administration is leading us toward more reliance on foreign energy from countries with lower environmental standards and risks to hundreds of thousands of jobs and billions in government revenue for education and conservation programs.

Year One”: Assessing the Biden Regulatory Record Against Recent Administrations
Read more: “Year One”: Assessing the Biden Regulatory Record Against Recent Administrations - AAF
  • The Biden Administration capped off its first full year in office with more than $201 billion in regulatory costs and 131 million hours in new annual paperwork, putting it far ahead of the two immediately preceding administrations’ respective first years by a wide margin.

  • Actions related to vehicle emissions and COVID-19 safety measures provided the vast majority of these administrative burdens.
  • Additionally, in terms of executive orders issued during the first year of an administration, the 77 put forth by President Biden represent the highest number since the Ford Administration.
Again the ignorance of the Biden administration... write more rules and regulations costing taxpayers $201 billion more a year and adding 131 million hours to time spent by Americans on rules and regulations.
Any wonder we have inflation no at 8% and a recession at hand?

Our stats on production emissions are horrible.. almost as bad as Venezuela. Five times as much as Saudi Aramco's .. they are much more environmentally conscious than we are.
In 2019 we imported 7-9 million bpd. We exported 2-3 million bpd.

In 2020 we had COVID and market demand collapsed.

Basically you're the fuck up... too much magical thinking.
I see you're using one of Biden's free crack pipes...

I was never a druggie.. missed the whole hippie thing. I was going to school, having babies and working.
Surada, relax. It was a joke.
And good for you for having higher priorities and doing the right thing - seriously.
before asking the question the Saudis state the following:
Why with the United States with the largest known deposits of oil shale in the world, according to the Bureau of Land Management and holds an estimated 2.175 trillion barrels (345.8 km3) of potentially recoverable oil.
By the way with about 20 gallons of gas refined per 55 gallon barrel... at 2,175,000,000,000 barrels in oil shale,
AND with the fact that in 2022 American drivers using 369 million gallons per day.
So simple math...at 20 gallons per barrel and at 369 million gallons used per day..
OIL shale alone would provide 55 years of gasoline for Americans! 55 YEARS!!! And that's just shale oil!

The question is:
WHY is the President of the USA who has said ..." I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels and that he wants to throw oil executives into jail, why is he begging OPEC/Saudis to pump more OIL?

The answer is that oil is a global commodity and thus what we do here at home only has so much impact.

We are getting back to where we were prior to the 2020 slashing of production in the US

We are also exporting more than we have at anytime in our history.

We are also producing more than we consume.
The answer is that oil is a global commodity and thus what we do here at home only has so much impact.

We are getting back to where we were prior to the 2020 slashing of production in the US

We are also exporting more than we have at anytime in our history.

We are also producing more than we consume.
So when Biden says this what is your response to his desire, his guarantee to get rid of all US oil production?
I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”

Think. He sends oil to China from.."The SPR has now been depleted since President Biden took office from 640 million barrels to 450 million barrels."

What will you pay for car tires when Biden rids 300 million barrels of oil used in tire production?
What will your taxes be when Biden rids fossil fuels that asphalt uses 1.312 billion barrels a year in oil?
Again no thinking and much less planning when Biden said he guarantees to rid fossil fuels! This is just
one of the illustrations of Biden's ineptness, his intelligence, etc.
Biden guarantees to "get rid of fossil fuels" meaning

US Revenues from Fossil Fuels, Responsible for $138 Billion Annually, Expected to Fall Regardless of Climate Action​

Does Biden and all you that want fossil fuels to be gone, realize $138 billion a year in federal/state/local taxes will be gone! "Devil is in the details"!!!
before asking the question the Saudis state the following:
Why with the United States with the largest known deposits of oil shale in the world, according to the Bureau of Land Management and holds an estimated 2.175 trillion barrels (345.8 km3) of potentially recoverable oil.
By the way with about 20 gallons of gas refined per 55 gallon barrel... at 2,175,000,000,000 barrels in oil shale,
AND with the fact that in 2022 American drivers using 369 million gallons per day.
So simple math...at 20 gallons per barrel and at 369 million gallons used per day..
OIL shale alone would provide 55 years of gasoline for Americans! 55 YEARS!!! And that's just shale oil!

The question is:
WHY is the President of the USA who has said ..." I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels and that he wants to throw oil executives into jail, why is he begging OPEC/Saudis to pump more OIL?
Biden isn't begging anymore... He is simply saying that you do the friendly thing or we are going to be less friends...

Friendship goes both ways...

And yes we are actively trying to stop our dependence on your product and looking to diversify our energy needs to a more reliable source... That is called good business..
So when Biden says this what is your response to his desire, his guarantee to get rid of all US oil production?
I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”

Just like most things he does, he has failed at that. You look at words, I look at data. Thus the difference between us.

Think. He sends oil to China from.."The SPR has now been depleted since President Biden took office from 640 million barrels to 450 million barrels."

He does not send the oil anywhere. There are rules and regulates for the sale of oil from the SPR and the POTUS has no power over those.
Just like most things he does, he has failed at that. You look at words, I look at data. Thus the difference between us.

He does not send the oil anywhere. There are rules and regulates for the sale of oil from the SPR and the POTUS has no power over those.
He DOES NOT have the power to reduce SPR by nearly 30% (from 640 million barrels to 450 million barrels) in the first place! The SPR is for emergency uses... NOT to lower prices!
No where in the law creating SPR is there any mention of releasing oil to lower gas prices.
The SPR wasn't technically designed to help the U.S. government manage the price consumers paid for gasoline at the pump, but it has been used that way by multiple administrations. Whether it works or not is another question.

Screen Shot 2022-10-14 at 8.34.14 AM.png

See above... "kept price trigger considerations out".....
A) Biden signs the fewest federal oil leases..since 1945!
The Biden administration has leased fewer acres for oil-and-gas drilling offshore and on federal land than any other administration in its early stages dating back to the end of World War II, according to a Wall Street Journal analysis.Sep 6, 2022
B) Biden increases the COST of oil exploration!
Biden increases oil royalty rate and scales back lease sales on federal lands
The royalty rate for new leases will increase to 18.75% from 12.5%.
That's a 50% jump and marks the first increase to royalties for the federal government since they were imposed in the 1920s.
But when the oil industry is told Biden guarantees to get rid of them... this is just one of the oil industry's
U.S. Will Never Build Another Oil Refinery, Chevron CEO Says
My personal view is there will never be another new refinery built” on U.S. soil, said Wirth. “You’re looking at committing capital 10 years out, that will need decades to offer a return for shareholders, in a policy environment where governments around the world are saying,
We don’t want these products.’

Finally who in the hell are YOU? Why can't you provide links like I do so intelligent people don't jump to conclusions based on your subjective, personal, and uninformed opinions? Are you that damn lazy? Are you that damn dumb? Do you think given the links I provide to substantiate what I write versus YOUR zero substantiation... which do more people at least perceive as potentially being MORE ACCURATE and less a personal opinion? Why don't you provide your proof when you make those comments?
He DOES NOT have the power to reduce SPR by nearly 30% (from 640 million barrels to 450 million barrels) in the first place! The SPR is for emergency uses... NOT to lower prices!

What was the emergency when it was sold under the previous Admin?

Do you have post whining about that?

Why can't you provide links like I do so

I provided links and you ignored them totally and pretend they did not exist.

Why should I waste my time doing it again for you?
What was the emergency when it was sold under the previous Admin?

Do you have post whining about that?

I provided links and you ignored them totally and pretend they did not exist.

Why should I waste my time doing it again for you?
It's not me you should be concerned about it is other readers who then question your veracity!
You are a liar if you can't show proof of your comments.
NOW as far as your Nebulous question...
Emergency Drawdowns: The SPR exists, first and foremost, as an emergency response tool the President can use should the United States be confronted with an economically-threatening disruption in oil supplies.

Crude Oil Test Sales: The SPR has also conducted Test Sales to ensure the readiness of the Reserve and its personnel to carry out a Presidentially-ordered drawdown.

Exchanges Agreements: Oil can also be released from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve under exchange arrangements (similar to loans) with private companies. Exchange contracts provide for a loan of crude oil to be repaid, in kind, within a date certain, with additional premium barrels (similar to interest).

2017 Hurricane Harvey Exchange
2012 Hurricane Isaac Exchange
2008 Hurricanes Gustav and Ike Exchanges
2006 Ship Channel Closure Exchange
2006 Barge Accident Exchange
2005 Hurricane Katrina Exchange
2004 Hurricane Ivan Exchange
2002 Hurricane Lili Exchange
2000 Heating Oil Exchange
2000 Ship Channel Closure Exchange
1999 Maya Exchange
1996 Pipeline Blockage Exchange

There was no results on a search of presidents that released SPR to lower prices... except for Biden!
And that was not a valid reason.
I truly don't comprehend why you Gator... don't comprehend that if oil companies are guaranteed to be put out of business, they will raise their prices and not do any more exploration for a product that is going to be banned! They will raise prices because Biden guarantees to get rid of their business so in the meantime the oil companies need to make money. It is called supply vs demand. If people's supplies are reduced their demand means higher prices. Why is that so hard to understand... Supply will be "rid of" under Biden so therefore the prices go up!

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