The first three things I'll demand from the next Republican Presidential Candidate


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Assuming Xi and his US operatives in the democrat Party don't screw things up to the point where we are no longer still a United nation, here are three things the next republican candidate ABSOLUTELY MUST address:
  1. Complete revamping of our Intel Agencies including the outright elimination of several of them.
  2. Secure national elections. Voter ID and blockchain voter database is essential. The next Republican can even call it the "Stop Putin Hacking" Act
  3. Use AGW against the ChiComs and Chinese economy. If CO2 is going to melt the ice caps and flood the Earth, OK, impose a 100% tax on all good leaving the biggest polluters
Assuming Xi and his US operatives in the democrat Party don't screw things up to the point where we are no longer still a United nation, here are three things the next republican candidate ABSOLUTELY MUST address:
  1. Complete revamping of our Intel Agencies including the outright elimination of several of them.
  2. Secure national elections. Voter ID and blockchain voter database is essential. The next Republican can even call it the "Stop Putin Hacking" Act
  3. Use AGW against the ChiComs and Chinese economy. If CO2 is going to melt the ice caps and flood the Earth, OK, impose a 100% tax on all good leaving the biggest polluters
1. Republicans must shrink the Deficit & Debt, but they always Explode them, so they won't get my vote!
1. Republicans must shrink the Deficit & Debt, but they always Explode them, so they won't get my vote!
Both parties do. It appears to be nothing more than an after thought.

Why should they worry about it when they can just manufacture more money out of thin air?
Use AGW against the ChiComs and Chinese economy. If CO2 is going to melt the ice caps and flood the Earth, OK, impose a 100% tax on all good leaving the biggest polluters
Well said

Libs only care about global warming as long as they can get cheap stuff from china

Libs only care about global warming as long as they can use it to justify TAX INCREASES and funneling money to their kickback schemes like Solyndra.
Assuming Xi and his US operatives in the democrat Party don't screw things up to the point where we are no longer still a United nation, here are three things the next republican candidate ABSOLUTELY MUST address:
  1. Complete revamping of our Intel Agencies including the outright elimination of several of them.
  2. Secure national elections. Voter ID and blockchain voter database is essential. The next Republican can even call it the "Stop Putin Hacking" Act
  3. Use AGW against the ChiComs and Chinese economy. If CO2 is going to melt the ice caps and flood the Earth, OK, impose a 100% tax on all good leaving the biggest polluters

Many of the dreamers are hard working and some even sign up for the military. deport the democrat leadership instead
Assuming Xi and his US operatives in the democrat Party don't screw things up to the point where we are no longer still a United nation, here are three things the next republican candidate ABSOLUTELY MUST address:
  1. Complete revamping of our Intel Agencies including the outright elimination of several of them.
  2. Secure national elections. Voter ID and blockchain voter database is essential. The next Republican can even call it the "Stop Putin Hacking" Act
  3. Use AGW against the ChiComs and Chinese economy. If CO2 is going to melt the ice caps and flood the Earth, OK, impose a 100% tax on all good leaving the biggest polluters

1. So you want the Intel Agencies to be in the pocket of the President... Would you be so willing if Biden started doing that now...

2. While there is no proof of any mass fraud there is wide proof of voter obstruction, voter purges,... The problem you have is that Selma Bridge violence was the police trying to stop black people voting mainly by restricting them access to Voter IDs... So how about a National ID first? (By the way Europe think this is too big Government)

3. US is easily the world largest source of pollution per captia... So what's you beef with Australia and Canada..

This just seems like your pissed you lost and you want to cheat to win back
Assuming Xi and his US operatives in the democrat Party don't screw things up to the point where we are no longer still a United nation, here are three things the next republican candidate ABSOLUTELY MUST address:
  1. Complete revamping of our Intel Agencies including the outright elimination of several of them.
  2. Secure national elections. Voter ID and blockchain voter database is essential. The next Republican can even call it the "Stop Putin Hacking" Act
  3. Use AGW against the ChiComs and Chinese economy. If CO2 is going to melt the ice caps and flood the Earth, OK, impose a 100% tax on all good leaving the biggest polluters

Many of the dreamers are hard working and some even sign up for the military. deport the democrat leadership instead
I couldn't care less. If you came here illegally, you should be deported. The kenyan created dreamers illegally.

America has plenty of it's own dreamers that are legal citizens that need a chance to succeed.
Assuming Xi and his US operatives in the democrat Party don't screw things up to the point where we are no longer still a United nation, here are three things the next republican candidate ABSOLUTELY MUST address:
  1. Complete revamping of our Intel Agencies including the outright elimination of several of them.
  2. Secure national elections. Voter ID and blockchain voter database is essential. The next Republican can even call it the "Stop Putin Hacking" Act
  3. Use AGW against the ChiComs and Chinese economy. If CO2 is going to melt the ice caps and flood the Earth, OK, impose a 100% tax on all good leaving the biggest polluters
The first thing I will demand is unwavering support of the Constitution. Specific support of free elections and representative Democracy. A history of nonsupport for those that would have overthrown free election, after they lost at the polls. Total and unequivocal rejection of white supremacists, anti-free election militia forces and clear denunciation of the January, 6 anarchist attacks on the seat of our government.
Assuming Xi and his US operatives in the democrat Party don't screw things up to the point where we are no longer still a United nation, here are three things the next republican candidate ABSOLUTELY MUST address:
  1. Complete revamping of our Intel Agencies including the outright elimination of several of them.
  2. Secure national elections. Voter ID and blockchain voter database is essential. The next Republican can even call it the "Stop Putin Hacking" Act
  3. Use AGW against the ChiComs and Chinese economy. If CO2 is going to melt the ice caps and flood the Earth, OK, impose a 100% tax on all good leaving the biggest polluters

At least a few words about cutting spending, fiscal conservatism, would be nice. We have had none of that since newt gave us a budget surplus, the best economy, all when the us federal debt was one fifth what it is now thanks to all the big spending Zionists aligned with W and Biden now....
Assuming Xi and his US operatives in the democrat Party don't screw things up to the point where we are no longer still a United nation, here are three things the next republican candidate ABSOLUTELY MUST address:
  1. Complete revamping of our Intel Agencies including the outright elimination of several of them.
  2. Secure national elections. Voter ID and blockchain voter database is essential. The next Republican can even call it the "Stop Putin Hacking" Act
  3. Use AGW against the ChiComs and Chinese economy. If CO2 is going to melt the ice caps and flood the Earth, OK, impose a 100% tax on all good leaving the biggest polluters

Many of the dreamers are hard working and some even sign up for the military. deport the democrat leadership instead
Deport the Dreamers too
Assuming Xi and his US operatives in the democrat Party don't screw things up to the point where we are no longer still a United nation, here are three things the next republican candidate ABSOLUTELY MUST address:
  1. Complete revamping of our Intel Agencies including the outright elimination of several of them.
  2. Secure national elections. Voter ID and blockchain voter database is essential. The next Republican can even call it the "Stop Putin Hacking" Act
  3. Use AGW against the ChiComs and Chinese economy. If CO2 is going to melt the ice caps and flood the Earth, OK, impose a 100% tax on all good leaving the biggest polluters
Do they supply you tRumplings with crack, or do you have to buy your own?

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