The Fix Is In to Cheat Bernie Out of the Nomination Again

Democrats hate it when the voters decide elections. 2016 Trump win, Brexit They try to overthrow elections every time they lose.

That’s why the Bee hit a homer with this:

Democrats Warn That American People May Tamper With Next Election

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Egypt, Israel, Libya, Brexit, US-2020?
is that an oxymoron or something? don't americans vote in american elections? how can americans tamper with their own elections? that seems very odd. what do you think he is trying to actually say?
Democrats attempting to distract sheep by accusing others of what they have done / are doing...
but they don't use americans, they use britians, ukrainians and russians. not americans.
How was Bernie cheated last time?

He lost the popular vote, lost the most states, had fewer delegates
A big factor is the collusion with the media. They get their talking points from the DNC, and they pushed Hillary just as much as they pushed against the Donald.
Collusion over what?

They report the primary results and Bernie lost
It is still a matter of votes and he didn't get the votes. People will believe that it was a conspiracy but if you do not get the votes you are not going to win

Donna made statements then she retracted them

who knows its politics

Still Hillary was very popular with the people maybe because she was the first woman running for presidency just as Obama the first black man who was running

This is Bernie shot, he seems to be gaining momentum
Bernie won caucuses
That is not votes
Sanders allies in new uproar over DNC convention appointments.

“Sanders’s allies are incensed by two names in particular – former Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.), who will co-chair the rules committee, and Hillary Clinton’s former campaign chairman John Podesta, who will have a seat on that committee. The Sanders campaign unsuccessfully sought to have Frank removed from the rules committee in 2016, describing him as an ‘aggressive attack surrogate for the Clinton campaign.’ . . . One of Podesta’s hacked emails from 2016 showed him asking a Democratic strategist where to ‘stick the knife in’ Sanders, who lost the nomination to Clinton after a divisive primary contest.”

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Pass the popcorn, this summer is going to be fun.
Looks like Cankles will the the man for the Dimwingers again.

Barry interfered in Israel's election.

Barry interfered in Egypt's election.

Barry interfered in Libya.

Barry allowed Russia to interfere 2014 - 2016.

Barry interfered in 2016.

Dems have been attempting to reverse the 2016 election from 2016 - 2020

Democrats are interfering in the 2020 election....

...yet they claim Trump & Americans will?

'nuff said.
If Biden goes down, Bernie will be screwed again & Hillary will step in and assume the nomination....

If Trump is Impeached, Hillary will make sure Biden & Bernie are screwed, & she'll step in and take the nomination.
Of course it is. The D Party is the party of the billionaires and the establishment, much like the R party. They can’t allow Bernie the nomination, which is why disgusting assholes like Hillary and Ears have attacked Bernie. Many in the MSM have attacked him. They can’t allow someone who is for the working class and against the billionaires to win the WH.

These disgusting Dems will vote for Donnie over Bernie. That should tell Democrats everywhere that their party is compromised.

Bernie's a fucking scumbag Billionaire wannabe but without ever making anything useful except getting himself elected to something big.

Fuck him.
Right wing propaganda.
Sanders allies in new uproar over DNC convention appointments.

“Sanders’s allies are incensed by two names in particular – former Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.), who will co-chair the rules committee, and Hillary Clinton’s former campaign chairman John Podesta, who will have a seat on that committee. The Sanders campaign unsuccessfully sought to have Frank removed from the rules committee in 2016, describing him as an ‘aggressive attack surrogate for the Clinton campaign.’ . . . One of Podesta’s hacked emails from 2016 showed him asking a Democratic strategist where to ‘stick the knife in’ Sanders, who lost the nomination to Clinton after a divisive primary contest.”

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Pass the popcorn, this summer is going to be fun.

Bernie Sanders is NOT Democrat. He's an independent hoping to co-opt the Democrat Party's data bases and organizing committees but his is not a registered Democrat. Bernie is only a Democrat when he's running for President.
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why does it say he's an independent in the senate?

Sanders sits as an independent in the Senate. Don't they tell you this stuff in your troll farm talking points? How could you be an American, living and working in the USA and politically aware and not have known that?

80,000 posts in 7 years, all of them lavishly praising the right and denigrating the left. That's the kind of posting record that a professional poster would have. Someone who is paid to post 31 times a day, 7 days a week, for 7 years.
Bernie is a Democrat when it suits him

He has no reason to complain if he doesn’t get full DNC support
Hotair ^ | 01/31/2020 | John Sexton


It seems there’s a new story like this published once or twice a week now. They are all slightly different but reflect the same general concern emanating from moderate Democrats, i.e. Bernie Sanders is going to lead Democrats to disaster. Today’s edition of this story was published by the LA Times under the headline “Sanders’ rise fueling internal fight as some Democrats fear a November wipeout.”

Pete Buttigieg, the former mayor of South Bend, Ind., stokes anxiety about a Sanders victory in a plea for donations. Former Vice President Joe Biden throws shade in a new Iowa ad saying, “This isn’t the election to take a risk.” Third Way, a centrist Democratic group, sent a panicky memo to hundreds of Iowa Democrats warning against a Sanders nomination.

In one of the most assertive moves, a Democratic political action committee is airing a statewide TV spot questioning Sanders’ ability to beat Trump and raising the issue of his health by reminding viewers of the 78-year-old candidate’s heart attack in October.

“Iowa is a vital choke point,” said Mark Mellman, a veteran Democratic strategist who produced the ad but is not allied with any 2020 candidate. “If he wins Iowa, he wins New Hampshire, then very likely wins Nevada,” Mellman added, naming the first three states to vote. “He’d be very hard to stop at that point.”

Here’s the ad which a pro-Israel Democratic super PAC is now running in Iowa. Sample quote: “Michigan, Pennsylvania, Iowa—they’re just not going to vote for a socialist.”

There’s some evidence the gist of the ad is correct, i.e. the rust belt is not going to be fond of some of Sanders’ policy positions. Today Sanders introduced a bill designed to create a national ban on fracking. Elected Democrats have already warned that position is likely to be a loser in the state.

But an even bigger problem for Bernie is his support for Medicare for All. Today Third Way, the center-left group which has been raising the alarm about a Sanders nomination, published poll results showing M4A is underwater in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Here’s a chart the group produced showing the results:........


What the fuck. a moderate DemonRAT is now a Conservative....finally found their minds!
"He could easily win the nomination—unless somebody stops him. So why aren’t his opponents trying?"

Last time around the DNC screwed him over and the bitter old bag lost to Trump...

:laugh: ... Trump would easily destroy Bernie and his instant depression .. so what now? ... :popcorn:

The Democrats’ Bernie Bind
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But I want to go to college and have my children and grandchildren pay for it too.

Anything less would be age discrimination!


Is this the agreed to talking point? What is this, the 10th post on this same thing?
Is this the agreed to talking point? What is this, the 10th post on this same thing?

Do you believe Bernie Sanders could win in November?

If Bernie win Iowa and New Hampshire then the question will be who can stop him and can he win in November?

My opinion is simple and Trump and the GOP will eat him alive and many Americans will either go third party or just stay home...

This is almost as bad as 1984...

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