The Foley Beheading Video a Fake?

Steady mery, maybe you can comment on this video instead of name calling:
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not detected??? ok it's still on youtube:
If you dare question the Government/Corporate Media's narratives, you're immediately accused of 'Having a Tinfoil Hat, 'Hating America', Hating the Children, Hating God, and so on and so on...
You are worse than that which you rant about.

You keep chanting that the video is fake but can't provide a shred of evidence, and we know you haven't any evidence because you're reduced to telling people to go google it. You just accept it is fake without questioning it, without evidence, just because you have a predisposition to thinking everything is fake.

So don't be a hypocrite, you are the ultimate sheep.

Well, then we'll just have to agree to disagree. People will continue to question Big Brother's narratives. You loyal Goose Steppers are just gonna have to accept that. We are still a free Nation. Well, somewhat anyway.
Steady mery, maybe you can comment on this video instead of name calling:
Embedded media from this media site is no longer available
not detected??? ok it's still on youtube:

I'm not sure about the angle they're taking with this one. They all appear to be the same people. But who really knows? However, i did find it interesting that all three were adamant about blaming Assad for his supposed kidnapping. It fit the narrative perfectly at the time, no?

But of course now we're told that is was ISIS who kidnapped and murdered him. That seems to fit the current narrative perfectly. In the end, they'll likely get their war with Syria. That's what it was about from the beginning. After all, it was Foley's 'Kidnapping' in Libya that helped promote and justify that war.
Steady mery, maybe you can comment on this video instead of name calling:
Embedded media from this media site is no longer available
not detected??? ok it's still on youtube:

I'm not sure about the angle they're taking with this one. They all appear to be the same people. But who really knows? However, i did find it interesting that all three were adamant about blaming Assad for his supposed kidnapping. It fit the narrative perfectly at the time, no?

But of course now we're told that is was ISIS who kidnapped and murdered him. That seems to fit the current narrative perfectly, no? In the end, they'll likely get their war with Syria. That's what it was about from the beginning. After all, it was Foley's 'Kidnapping' in Libya that helped promote and justify that war.
Steady mery, maybe you can comment on this video instead of name calling:

My comment would be that the guy in the video looks like James Foley, there are far more angles than that video is showing.

Looks like Foley in this shot:

Compare below and note large mark about an inch off below corner of lip, and exact same freckles near left eyebrow.



So no, your video claiming it him with blurry pictures chosen to look dissimilar doesn't convince me, because when I examine better pictures from that video and of Foley they not only look alike but have exact same detail characteristic marks on face.
Whatever the case, the executioner is 1. Masked. 2. From a despot nation. 3. paid and sponsored by international bankers. the rest is non issue. issues are in the conspiracy theory sections, such as who shot down the passenger plane over Ukraine, who bombed the WTC7, etc.
Most Americans aren't aware of his supposed kidnapping in Libya. That was used as a pretext to attack Libya. And then, he's kidnapped in Syria too? The Government immediately blamed Assad for it. It's clear it was part of pushing the narrative to 'Regime Change' Assad. But it didn't work. The People didn't want war with Syria.

Now fast forward to today. The narrative is that it was ISIS who kidnapped and murdered him. Pretty convenient change in narrative, no? Anyway, something's wrong with this picture. Hopefully people will continue questioning.
Most Americans aren't aware of his supposed kidnapping in Libya. That was used as a pretext to attack Libya. And then, he's kidnapped in Syria too? The Government immediately blamed Assad for it. It's clear it was part of pushing the narrative to 'Regime Change' Assad. But it didn't work. The People didn't want war with Syria.

Now fast forward to today. The narrative is that it was ISIS who kidnapped and murdered him. Pretty convenient change in narrative, no? Anyway, something's wrong with this picture. Hopefully people will continue questioning.
All this typing and you still refuse to answer who the experts are that you keep saying declared the video fake.

Admit it... there are no experts that have said anything about that video.
My own personal take on the video is that it's likely a CIA/British Intelligence Production. I think Foley was a CIA operative. The video is just too convenient and fake. But hey, that's just my feeling.
Heh interesting transition.

Experts have concluded the Foley beheading video is fake.

(then repeatedly asked who these experts are)

My own personal take on the video is that it's likely a CIA/British Intelligence Production. I think Foley was a CIA operative. The video is just too convenient and fake. But hey, that's just my feeling.

So now your own feeling is the expert. Man don't you hate when people call you out on your bullshit?
You already said experts have concluded it was fake, I asked what experts.
The experts which concluded that the video is fake, duh.
Nice circular definition.

Experts said it was fake.
What experts?
The experts who said so.

Reason for circular definition = bunch of mentally ill conspiracy nuts have no proof but blindly accept what they read on tin hat web sites.
edited for irelevance
You are confusing evidence that you are dismissing with complete lack of evidence.

Who again are the experts that decided the video was fake? If the information is out there as Paulitician claims surely it would be quite easy for you to identify these experts. In fact there must be many of them since he also says "most experts" which implies some sort of survey of people with expertise in validating beheading videos took place.

Who are the experts Paulitican mentioned? Do you know?
Those people whom the establishment labels as crazies, kooks, nut jobs, conspiracy theorists, racists etc. You are either WITH the establishment, or you are AGAINST it. and all the experts are AGAINST the establishment and their long line of proven lies. WHO ARE THEY? they are the intelligent people who built this nation.

If you dare question the Government/Corporate Media's narratives, you're immediately accused of 'Having a Tinfoil Hat, 'Hating America', Hating the Children, Hating God, and so on and so on...

It's an attempt to silence, by way of ridicule and scorn. Big Brother has been employing that tactic for many years. He now has Thousands of paid Internet Trolls in service. There's probably a few of em on this Board right now. You can usually spot em. Their accusations are repetitive and stale. It's probably time for their handlers to give em some fresh material. The ole 'Tinfoil Hat' insult is soo lame at this point. Anyway, continue questioning Big Brother's narratives. Because he always lies. It's just what he does.
pauly, you really need to get some new material !:piss2:
Heh interesting transition.

Experts have concluded the Foley beheading video is fake.

(then repeatedly asked who these experts are)

My own personal take on the video is that it's likely a CIA/British Intelligence Production. I think Foley was a CIA operative. The video is just too convenient and fake. But hey, that's just my feeling.

So now your own feeling is the expert. Man don't you hate when people call you out on your bullshit?
Sometimes the best expert is your own common sense - ESPECIALLY when war propaganda is profitable and requires hiring of "experts" with experience to find what is convenient.
Bottom line here is, we all wish the man didn't have to die if he did, and that US government would have released the peace activist that ISIS was demanding them to release, the woman who has been in US prisons for a long time simply because she stands by her faith in Islam, accused of false charges according to all the experts.
Heh interesting transition.

Experts have concluded the Foley beheading video is fake.

(then repeatedly asked who these experts are)

My own personal take on the video is that it's likely a CIA/British Intelligence Production. I think Foley was a CIA operative. The video is just too convenient and fake. But hey, that's just my feeling.

So now your own feeling is the expert. Man don't you hate when people call you out on your bullshit?
Sometimes the best expert is your own common sense - ESPECIALLY when war propaganda is profitable and requires hiring of "experts" with experience to find what is convenient.
Sometimes the best expert is your own common sense -
Especially when the experts in the appeal-to-authority argument are only identified as your own common sense after being subject to scrutiny, right?
You are free to believe career experts on television, such as "Obama" who are paid to expertise a certain way, but reality is, as Paulitician (whom I consider much bigger expert than any kook on the establishment money controlled media) already explained, this Foley guy was a useful tool for US interference in the sovereign nations, not once but already TWICE:
foley - definition of foley by The Free Dictionary
A technical process by which sounds are created or altered for use in a film, video, or other electronically produced work. 2. A person who creates or alters ...

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