The Foley Beheading Video a Fake?

Paulitician (whom I consider much bigger expert than any kook on the establishment money controlled media) already explained
Paulitician repeatedly claimed experts had declared the video false.

When pressed enough about who the experts were, after initially giving some mysterious "the info is out there" he suddenly reverted to saying it was his personal feeling. He lied, and he is your expert.

And you wonder why people call you kooks.
Paulitician (whom I consider much bigger expert than any kook on the establishment money controlled media) already explained
Paulitician repeatedly claimed experts had declared the video false
And I claim Paulitician to be an expert, so what is the problem? that I don't believe the establishment media line of experts? In a court if you are caught lying, your whole testimony is thrown out - if we begin to examine all the times the "experts" on television lied to us, we have to begin to wonder why they have not yet been sent to ISIS for treatment.
And I claim Paulitician to be an expert, so what is the problem?
No problem here, sounds like a match made in heaven two mentally ill schizos can site each others' expertise while the sane people roll their eyes.
And I claim Paulitician to be an expert, so what is the problem?
No problem here, sounds like a match made in heaven two mentally ill schizos can site each others' expertise while the sane people roll their eyes.
And now, to get back to the sane world, we will let this expert on the establishment media to tell us how the universe was created:
Sometimes the best expert is your own common sense -
Especially when the experts in the appeal-to-authority argument are only identified as your own common sense after being subject to scrutiny, right?
You are free to believe career experts on television, such as "Obama" who are paid to expertise a certain way, but reality is, as Paulitician (whom I consider much bigger expert than any kook on the establishment money controlled media) already explained, this Foley guy was a useful tool for US interference in the sovereign nations, not once but already TWICE:
foley - definition of foley by The Free Dictionary
A technical process by which sounds are created or altered for use in a film, video, or other electronically produced work. 2. A person who creates or alters ...

Don't waste too much of your time & energy interacting with the loyal Goose Steppers. They're All-In on the Government/Corporate Media Propaganda. Anything outside that info sphere, infuriates and confounds them. Some will never change. But many others are beginning to. Anyway, good post. Keep em coming.
the loyal Goose Steppers.
You are the loyal goose stepper, marching lockstep with any conspiracy theory video that comes up on your youtube feed, completely blind sheep unwilling to ask questions just accepting at face value what you've been told, lying to others about the facts to try to carry the tune.

Sometimes the best expert is your own common sense -
Especially when the experts in the appeal-to-authority argument are only identified as your own common sense after being subject to scrutiny, right?
You are free to believe career experts on television, such as "Obama" who are paid to expertise a certain way, but reality is, as Paulitician (whom I consider much bigger expert than any kook on the establishment money controlled media) already explained, this Foley guy was a useful tool for US interference in the sovereign nations, not once but already TWICE:
foley - definition of foley by The Free Dictionary
A technical process by which sounds are created or altered for use in a film, video, or other electronically produced work. 2. A person who creates or alters ...

Don't waste too much of your time & energy interacting with the loyal Goose Steppers. They're All-In on the Government/Corporate Media Propaganda. Anything outside that info sphere, infuriates and confounds them. Some will never change. But many others are beginning to. Anyway, good post. Keep em coming.
fun fact pauly pulls the goose stepper line out of his ass when it's getting kicked.
Actually, very well-established and respected experts have concluded the video is fake.
You already said experts have concluded it was fake, I asked what experts.

supposedly forensic experts in the UK, because they don't think there was enough blood
the amount of blood?

Men, on average, have 8 to 10 pints, while women have 5 to 8 pints. That is just over a gallon or 4 - 5 liters for men and slightly less for women.

Larger people and populations can go much higher, up to 8-12 pints depending on the size of the person
Actually, very well-established and respected experts have concluded the video is fake.
You already said experts have concluded it was fake, I asked what experts.

supposedly forensic experts in the UK, because they don't think there was enough blood
the amount of blood?

Men, on average, have 8 to 10 pints, while women have 5 to 8 pints. That is just over a gallon or 4 - 5 liters for men and slightly less for women.

Larger people and populations can go much higher, up to 8-12 pints depending on the size of the person

They didn't see enough blood so they question the validity of the act on video. The head laid on the body was not enough for them.
Actually, very well-established and respected experts have concluded the video is fake.
You already said experts have concluded it was fake, I asked what experts.

supposedly forensic experts in the UK, because they don't think there was enough blood
the amount of blood?

Men, on average, have 8 to 10 pints, while women have 5 to 8 pints. That is just over a gallon or 4 - 5 liters for men and slightly less for women.

Larger people and populations can go much higher, up to 8-12 pints depending on the size of the person

They didn't see enough blood so they question the validity of the act on video. The head laid on the body was not enough for them.
there is no way on tape or film to visually gage that.
there is no way on tape or film to visually gage that.
And taking it further how is any of this backing up Paulitician's claim that most experts agree the film is fake?

Was some survey taken among people with PhDs in decapitation blood loss video analysis, where the majority marked some form yes it was fake. Of course not, the only experts where in Paulititican's head, which by proxy become pvsi's experts, so you end up with the usual feedback loop of tin-hatters citing an appeal to authority arguments based on experts that doesn't even exist.
Both videos are very suspect. They just don't seem realistic. No panic at all expressed by either victim. Just seemed very staged and cheezy. That's my opinion anyway.
Yep.. All Fake...
Sarcasm off
I would like to know the actual names of the experts ( that's plural ) who claim that the videos are fake still.
Do not tell me Aymenn al-Tamimi.
He himself does not endorse the interview, and said it was just his own speculation same as yourselves.
NB: Please bear in mind I do not endorse the main argument here. I prefer not to speculate as I am no expert in forensics. I was merely asked to comment on the significance of the featuring of a British English-speaker to announce the execution.
You think one or two videos are suspect?

Photos of heads like this certainly are not. There is enough evidence of beheadings by ISIS that there should be no doubt that they are capable and willing to behead a couple of journalists, especially one that is Israeli.
You think one or two videos are suspect?

Photos of heads like this certainly are not. There is enough evidence of beheadings by ISIS that there should be no doubt that they are capable and willing to behead a couple of journalists, especially one that is Israeli.

Not questioning that. But i am questioning these recent videos.
You think one or two videos are suspect?

Photos of heads like this certainly are not. There is enough evidence of beheadings by ISIS that there should be no doubt that they are capable and willing to behead a couple of journalists, especially one that is Israeli.

Not questioning that. But i am questioning these recent videos.

ISIS is hardly squeamish about beheading prisoners. What reason do they have for faking a beheading? They don't care about the US and were not going to get any ransom or prisoner swaps. They live by their own rules, but respect for life of journalists and foreigners is not among them.
You think one or two videos are suspect?

Photos of heads like this certainly are not. There is enough evidence of beheadings by ISIS that there should be no doubt that they are capable and willing to behead a couple of journalists, especially one that is Israeli.

Not questioning that. But i am questioning these recent videos.

ISIS is hardly squeamish about beheading prisoners. What reason do they have for faking a beheading? They don't care about the US and were not going to get any ransom or prisoner swaps. They live by their own rules, but respect for life of journalists and foreigners is not among them.

Yet they didn't show the actual beheadings. Doesn't seem to fit. Something's amiss.
You already said experts have concluded it was fake, I asked what experts.
The experts which concluded that the video is fake, duh.
Nice circular definition.

Experts said it was fake.
What experts?
The experts who said so.

Reason for circular definition = bunch of mentally ill conspiracy nuts have no proof but blindly accept what they read on tin hat web sites.
- Russians separatists/Putin!
How do you know?
- The whole world community says so!
Where is the evidence?
- In the black box that Russians won't release!
Where's the black box? where's the air traffic control data explaining why the plane was derailed?
- But it is already clear who shot down the plane - Putin and Russians separatists KGB!
Where's the evidence?
- The experts of the world community have concluded the investigations, as in with the WTC7 are you a conspiracy nut!
What experts?
- The world community experts, get out of the basement! it's all over CNN, Fox News, PBS, MSNBC etc!
What experts?
- How about Bill Oreilly or Rachael Meadow, do you even own a TV!
No. I don't live in a basement any more, what experts?
- The experts who did the investigations!

Then name them or at least link to a site were the evidence can be seen and digested
When I saw the knife in the terrorist's hand, I instantly told myself there's no way he could use that puny thing to behead any creature – let alone a human being. A scimitar - yes. A sharp-edged sword – yes. But that little thing? No way!

Read the story @ Prison Experts James Foley Beheading Video Likely Fake

He was killed off camera. The first thing I noticed was the lack of blood on the knife. He was filmed and it was staged.

It is fake. People now have to question the whole story.

How do you know, can you prove it or link to a site that proves it. Mow there are 3 THREE videos from the same group that are guilty of barbaric crimes. In fact there are hundreds of instances of beheading by IS now

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