The following issues that RW voters care about originated from GOP propaganda


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
As in, RW voters didn’t know or care about these issues until the GOP told them they matter:

1) Climate change being a hoax (this one is just embarrassing)

2) Transgendered people using the preferred bathroom (they have always done this for decades, but now the GOP pretended the issue was some crisis)

3) Voter fraud (The GOP made this an issue of faux outrage because of Obama’s re-election chances even though ACTIVE voting fraud is statistically rare. RW voters never even bothered thinking about this issue before hand)

4) Trickle Down Economics (god only knows when they’ll figure out. That has always been a sham).
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As in, RW voters didn’t care about these issues until the GOP told them they matter:

1) Climate change being a hoax (this one is just embarrassing)

2) Transgendered people using the preferred bathroom (they have always done this for decades, but now the GOP pretended the issue was some crisis)

3) Voter fraud (The GOP made this an issue of faux outrage because of Obama’s re-election chances even though ACTIVE voting fraud is statistically rare. RW voters never even bothered thinking about this issue before hand)

4) Trickle Down Economics (god only knows when they’ll figure out. That has always been a sham).

1) Not hoax but we don’t know what % is manmade vs nature. Spending just to spend to cure something that doesn’t need curing is foolish. But recycling, cleaner oceans and cleaner fuel is the right step.

2) As a father of two girls I believe if you are a biological male you should use the male restroom. Pretty easy. I dont Understand trans. How do you know that you feel like a woman when you have never been a woman? You don’t have ovaries and you cannot give birth. You are a dude. Just because I call myself BatMan it doesn’t make me a superhero.

3) I believe voters Should have to show ID.

4) I do not follow. How much of my hard earned money is someone who doesn’t work as hard entitled to.
The conservatives' concerns at least make sense. How about Dems? Let's see:

Climate change being a hoax (this one is just embarrassing)

Voter fraud (The GOP made this an issue of faux outrage because of Obama’s re-election chances even though ACTIVE voting fraud is statistically rare. RW voters never even bothered thinking about this issue before hand)

Trickle Down Economics (god only knows when they’ll figure out. That has always been a sham).

Are you kidding me?
  1. The nature of Climate is to always CHANGE. The question is whether and to what degree Man is really contributing to it.
  2. Voter Fraud is now a FACT. Half the Left just fought tooth and nail to STOP Trump and the Census Bureau from even asking on the 2020 Census if people are citizens. REASON GIVEN: THAT IT WOULD UNDULY IMPACT HIGH DEMOCRATIC AREAS by inhibiting illegals from filling them out.
  3. If wealth doesn't trickle down from those who have it in the form of jobs, etc., it certainly doesn't "trickle up" from the poor.
I don't consider myself a "right winger" but I will take a stab at your list.

1) Climate change being a hoax (this one is just embarrassing)
Man-made climate change is far from proven. People advocating serious economic damage via legislation based on incomplete science are perpetuation a hoax. That people actually believe the world will end in 12 years is what I find to be incredibly embarrassing.

2) Transgendered people using the preferred bathroom (they have always done this for decades, but now the GOP pretended the issue was some crisis)
I don't think we should decide who uses what restroom. Are we now going to start checking crotches at the door?

Everyone should accept the notion that public restrooms are not a place to flaunt your junk. Expect other people to oogle your goodies.
3) Voter fraud (The GOP made this an issue of faux outrage because of Obama’s re-election chances even though ACTIVE voting fraud is statistically rare. RW voters never even bothered thinking about this issue before hand)
There are legitimate concerns for voting integrity. To delegitimize them the way you have is bordering on dishonesty.

4) Trickle Down Economics (god only knows when they’ll figure out. That has always been a sham).
Taxing the shit out of high-income employers does NOT help the economy. At worst, trickle down has a benign effect.

The entire list is dishonest bullshit, but it doesn't warrant a response. The OP gives ZERO arguments. If he did he may have to start talking about things with their real names and not with his provocative bullshit terms.

In other words, yet a other far left scam artist.
As in, RW voters didn’t care about these issues until the GOP told them they matter:

1) Climate change being a hoax (this one is just embarrassing)

2) Transgendered people using the preferred bathroom (they have always done this for decades, but now the GOP pretended the issue was some crisis)

3) Voter fraud (The GOP made this an issue of faux outrage because of Obama’s re-election chances even though ACTIVE voting fraud is statistically rare. RW voters never even bothered thinking about this issue before hand)

4) Trickle Down Economics (god only knows when they’ll figure out. That has always been a sham).

1) Not hoax but we don’t know what % is manmade vs nature. Spending just to spend to cure something that doesn’t need curing is foolish. But recycling, cleaner oceans and cleaner fuel is the right step.

2) As a father of two girls I believe if you are a biological male you should use the male restroom. Pretty easy. I dont Understand trans. How do you know that you feel like a woman when you have never been a woman? You don’t have ovaries and you cannot give birth. You are a dude. Just because I call myself BatMan it doesn’t make me a superhero.

3) I believe voters Should have to show ID.

4) I do not follow. How much of my hard earned money is someone who doesn’t work as hard entitled to.
Your side disagrees with the scientific community. More so, the people who specialize in this.

You’ve been convinced they, not BP, are lying for the money.

And you believe every other country believes in climate change because there are companies who tell them to because going green is an industry, and you believe it’s pointless and needless even though the experts disagree.

Every argument you make is bad. It’s lobbyist spin. They pay the gop millions to deny man made climate change. And their arguments have shifted over time. Now you don’t completely deny, now you just downplay it. Maybe that’ll hold off the truth for another decade.

We are like planet krypton. No on listened to jorell
As in, RW voters didn’t care about these issues until the GOP told them they matter:

1) Climate change being a hoax (this one is just embarrassing)

2) Transgendered people using the preferred bathroom (they have always done this for decades, but now the GOP pretended the issue was some crisis)

3) Voter fraud (The GOP made this an issue of faux outrage because of Obama’s re-election chances even though ACTIVE voting fraud is statistically rare. RW voters never even bothered thinking about this issue before hand)

4) Trickle Down Economics (god only knows when they’ll figure out. That has always been a sham).

1) Not hoax but we don’t know what % is manmade vs nature. Spending just to spend to cure something that doesn’t need curing is foolish. But recycling, cleaner oceans and cleaner fuel is the right step.

2) As a father of two girls I believe if you are a biological male you should use the male restroom. Pretty easy. I dont Understand trans. How do you know that you feel like a woman when you have never been a woman? You don’t have ovaries and you cannot give birth. You are a dude. Just because I call myself BatMan it doesn’t make me a superhero.

3) I believe voters Should have to show ID.

4) I do not follow. How much of my hard earned money is someone who doesn’t work as hard entitled to.
Your side disagrees with the scientific community. More so, the people who specialize in this.

You’ve been convinced they, not BP, are lying for the money.

And you believe every other country believes in climate change because there are companies who tell them to because going green is an industry, and you believe it’s pointless and needless even though the experts disagree.

Every argument you make is bad. It’s lobbyist spin. They pay the gop millions to deny man made climate change. And their arguments have shifted over time. Now you don’t completely deny, now you just downplay it. Maybe that’ll hold off the truth for another decade.

We are like planet krypton. No on listened to jorell

LOL what?
As in, RW voters didn’t know or care about these issues until the GOP told them they matter:

1) Climate change being a hoax (this one is just embarrassing)

2) Transgendered people using the preferred bathroom (they have always done this for decades, but now the GOP pretended the issue was some crisis)

3) Voter fraud (The GOP made this an issue of faux outrage because of Obama’s re-election chances even though ACTIVE voting fraud is statistically rare. RW voters never even bothered thinking about this issue before hand)

4) Trickle Down Economics (god only knows when they’ll figure out. That has always been a sham).

Well, imo the transgender folks pretty much sparked the outrage over demanding to be seen as just not different. I agree transgender people have been around possibly forever, and women who dressed and lived as men fought in both the Revolution and Civil War (not sure about on the Southern side … some things ladies just do not do. LOL) I really don't know with particularity the details of transgender life, but I assume there's on one size fits all (-:, and people are just individuals.

I've had lesbian and gay couples as neighbors over the years, and it doesn't make any difference. I've never thought the interpersonal dynamics of their relationships are exactly like a hetero couple, but that doesn't make them better worse or really different.

Trickle down was not actually a sham. The sham was how the tax cuts would balance the budget, and that's why I never voted for Reagan, who had his strong points as well. The Sham is that cutting taxes on the uber wealthy, when there effective tax rates are actually less than the middle classes, will stimulate econ activity. It doesn't. The don't SPEND the money, and there's actually a glut of money looking for a place to be invested (thank God too because of the deficits we run.

But in 1980, the very wealthy were paying higher effective rates than we were. And Carter first cut taxes on some capital gains because people really weren't selling stuff because they wanted to avoid taxes (ie even when an investment was no longer making money, selling it and paying taxes on gains from years past didn't make sense.) And Reagan's tax cuts did away with non-productive tax shelters. Every doctor had a stake in companies making storage units, it seemed. LOL
NASA has been tracking and recording show that the temperature is rising. The records date back to 1880.

Data collect shows sea levels rising

When you see people building houses on stilts, you got to scratch your head as man becomes so arrogant that he believes that he can control mother nature.

I am sure building those levee system in New Orleans was a good idea simply because man knew that he could do it.

It just cost 1833 lives and 161 billion for one hurricane

ice caps are melting and most of us will be long dead when it matters but if you really care for the fetus then it you should worry about what type of plant that you leave them. Man VS Mother Nature - place your bets
As in, RW voters didn’t care about these issues until the GOP told them they matter:

1) Climate change being a hoax (this one is just embarrassing)

2) Transgendered people using the preferred bathroom (they have always done this for decades, but now the GOP pretended the issue was some crisis)

3) Voter fraud (The GOP made this an issue of faux outrage because of Obama’s re-election chances even though ACTIVE voting fraud is statistically rare. RW voters never even bothered thinking about this issue before hand)

4) Trickle Down Economics (god only knows when they’ll figure out. That has always been a sham).

1) Not hoax but we don’t know what % is manmade vs nature. Spending just to spend to cure something that doesn’t need curing is foolish. But recycling, cleaner oceans and cleaner fuel is the right step.

2) As a father of two girls I believe if you are a biological male you should use the male restroom. Pretty easy. I dont Understand trans. How do you know that you feel like a woman when you have never been a woman? You don’t have ovaries and you cannot give birth. You are a dude. Just because I call myself BatMan it doesn’t make me a superhero.

3) I believe voters Should have to show ID.

4) I do not follow. How much of my hard earned money is someone who doesn’t work as hard entitled to.
Ach, guys who dress as women have been using women's restrooms for a long time. There's a guy in my office who I'm not too sure is biologically a guy, but I have no doubt he does not wish to see my cock, nor do I have any interest in showing mine or seeing his, if he really has one.
NASA has been tracking and recording show that the temperature is rising. The records date back to 1880.
I wasn't aware that NASA has been in operation since 1880 back when Rutherford B. Hayes was president?? .. :dunno:
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As in, RW voters didn’t care about these issues until the GOP told them they matter:

1) Climate change being a hoax (this one is just embarrassing)

2) Transgendered people using the preferred bathroom (they have always done this for decades, but now the GOP pretended the issue was some crisis)

3) Voter fraud (The GOP made this an issue of faux outrage because of Obama’s re-election chances even though ACTIVE voting fraud is statistically rare. RW voters never even bothered thinking about this issue before hand)

4) Trickle Down Economics (god only knows when they’ll figure out. That has always been a sham).

1) Not hoax but we don’t know what % is manmade vs nature. Spending just to spend to cure something that doesn’t need curing is foolish. But recycling, cleaner oceans and cleaner fuel is the right step.

2) As a father of two girls I believe if you are a biological male you should use the male restroom. Pretty easy. I dont Understand trans. How do you know that you feel like a woman when you have never been a woman? You don’t have ovaries and you cannot give birth. You are a dude. Just because I call myself BatMan it doesn’t make me a superhero.

3) I believe voters Should have to show ID.

4) I do not follow. How much of my hard earned money is someone who doesn’t work as hard entitled to.
Ach, guys who dress as women have been using women's restrooms for a long time. There's a guy in my office who I'm not too sure is biologically a guy, but I have no doubt he does not wish to see my cock, nor do I have any interest in showing mine or seeing his, if he really has one.
Everybody should just assume that other people in public restrooms want to see their peepees and take precautions. That is the only fair way to address the "issue" (non-issue).

As in, RW voters didn’t care about these issues until the GOP told them they matter:

1) Climate change being a hoax (this one is just embarrassing)

2) Transgendered people using the preferred bathroom (they have always done this for decades, but now the GOP pretended the issue was some crisis)

3) Voter fraud (The GOP made this an issue of faux outrage because of Obama’s re-election chances even though ACTIVE voting fraud is statistically rare. RW voters never even bothered thinking about this issue before hand)

4) Trickle Down Economics (god only knows when they’ll figure out. That has always been a sham).

1) Not hoax but we don’t know what % is manmade vs nature. Spending just to spend to cure something that doesn’t need curing is foolish. But recycling, cleaner oceans and cleaner fuel is the right step.

2) As a father of two girls I believe if you are a biological male you should use the male restroom. Pretty easy. I dont Understand trans. How do you know that you feel like a woman when you have never been a woman? You don’t have ovaries and you cannot give birth. You are a dude. Just because I call myself BatMan it doesn’t make me a superhero.

3) I believe voters Should have to show ID.

4) I do not follow. How much of my hard earned money is someone who doesn’t work as hard entitled to.
Ach, guys who dress as women have been using women's restrooms for a long time. There's a guy in my office who I'm not too sure is biologically a guy, but I have no doubt he does not wish to see my cock, nor do I have any interest in showing mine or seeing his, if he really has one.
Everybody should just assume that other people in public restrooms want to see their peepees and take precautions. That is the only fair way to address the "issue" (non-issue).


I dont Care about dudes. If you cannot handle yourself then learn. I care about women. Despite what feminists say, women are weaker and need our protection.
As in, RW voters didn’t care about these issues until the GOP told them they matter:

1) Climate change being a hoax (this one is just embarrassing)

2) Transgendered people using the preferred bathroom (they have always done this for decades, but now the GOP pretended the issue was some crisis)

3) Voter fraud (The GOP made this an issue of faux outrage because of Obama’s re-election chances even though ACTIVE voting fraud is statistically rare. RW voters never even bothered thinking about this issue before hand)

4) Trickle Down Economics (god only knows when they’ll figure out. That has always been a sham).

1) Not hoax but we don’t know what % is manmade vs nature. Spending just to spend to cure something that doesn’t need curing is foolish. But recycling, cleaner oceans and cleaner fuel is the right step.

2) As a father of two girls I believe if you are a biological male you should use the male restroom. Pretty easy. I dont Understand trans. How do you know that you feel like a woman when you have never been a woman? You don’t have ovaries and you cannot give birth. You are a dude. Just because I call myself BatMan it doesn’t make me a superhero.

3) I believe voters Should have to show ID.

4) I do not follow. How much of my hard earned money is someone who doesn’t work as hard entitled to.
Ach, guys who dress as women have been using women's restrooms for a long time. There's a guy in my office who I'm not too sure is biologically a guy, but I have no doubt he does not wish to see my cock, nor do I have any interest in showing mine or seeing his, if he really has one.
Everybody should just assume that other people in public restrooms want to see their peepees and take precautions. That is the only fair way to address the "issue" (non-issue).


I dont Care about dudes. If you cannot handle yourself then learn. I care about women. Despite what feminists say, women are weaker and need our protection.
Again, everyone should assume that all other people in a public restroom want look at them nekkid (naked) and cover that beaver.

Have you ever been to a unisex restroom? It's designed in a way where nobody can see anybody else's twat or dong. All restrooms should be designed this way.


As in, RW voters didn’t care about these issues until the GOP told them they matter:

1) Climate change being a hoax (this one is just embarrassing)

2) Transgendered people using the preferred bathroom (they have always done this for decades, but now the GOP pretended the issue was some crisis)

3) Voter fraud (The GOP made this an issue of faux outrage because of Obama’s re-election chances even though ACTIVE voting fraud is statistically rare. RW voters never even bothered thinking about this issue before hand)

4) Trickle Down Economics (god only knows when they’ll figure out. That has always been a sham).

1) Not hoax but we don’t know what % is manmade vs nature. Spending just to spend to cure something that doesn’t need curing is foolish. But recycling, cleaner oceans and cleaner fuel is the right step.

2) As a father of two girls I believe if you are a biological male you should use the male restroom. Pretty easy. I dont Understand trans. How do you know that you feel like a woman when you have never been a woman? You don’t have ovaries and you cannot give birth. You are a dude. Just because I call myself BatMan it doesn’t make me a superhero.

3) I believe voters Should have to show ID.

4) I do not follow. How much of my hard earned money is someone who doesn’t work as hard entitled to.
Ach, guys who dress as women have been using women's restrooms for a long time. There's a guy in my office who I'm not too sure is biologically a guy, but I have no doubt he does not wish to see my cock, nor do I have any interest in showing mine or seeing his, if he really has one.
Everybody should just assume that other people in public restrooms want to see their peepees and take precautions. That is the only fair way to address the "issue" (non-issue).


I dont Care about dudes. If you cannot handle yourself then learn. I care about women. Despite what feminists say, women are weaker and need our protection.
Again, everyone should assume that all other people in a public restroom want look at them nekkid (naked) and cover that beaver.

Have you ever been to a unisex restroom? It's designed in a way where nobody can see anybody else's twat or dong. All restrooms should be designed this way.



IDGAF if you look at my junk but if you touch me I will beat your ass.
As in, RW voters didn’t know or care about these issues until the GOP told them they matter:

1) Climate change being a hoax (this one is just embarrassing)

2) Transgendered people using the preferred bathroom (they have always done this for decades, but now the GOP pretended the issue was some crisis)

3) Voter fraud (The GOP made this an issue of faux outrage because of Obama’s re-election chances even though ACTIVE voting fraud is statistically rare. RW voters never even bothered thinking about this issue before hand)

4) Trickle Down Economics (god only knows when they’ll figure out. That has always been a sham).

1. Whether or not Global Warming, Global Cooling or Climate Change is caused by man is still to be determined. But what harm is there to do your part to conserve energy, demand to have clean air, water and land?

It will only save you money in the long run and it will teach your children how to save money as well.

2. If you have a penis, use the men's bathroom. If you have a vagina, use the women's's not that difficult.

3. There has always been voter fraud and there will always be voter fraud. Remember the old saying, "Vote early and often", it's not just a joke. Why not make sure everyones vote counts?

4. I've never in my life seen a person who lives on the street create a job.

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