The following Liberals have used the term "Monkey Around": Obama, Durbin, Carney, Earnest.....

I've already said 245 times that I've never heard it used before, in any context. No one has.
That's exactly why it stands out.
So you have no evidence that it was ever used in a racial context, but you think that proves it was meant to be a racial epithet?

What am I missing here?

Again, I have no evidence that it was ever used in ANY context. In other words DeSantis made it up.

When you make something up, you have to intend to mean something. Obviously the phrases "mess this up" and "screw this up" and "foul this up" and "fuck this up" all existed already in common parlance. He declined all of them and went for "monkey" specifically.

Why he chose that route you'd have to ask him, but obviously he did choose it.
You and the other snowflakes are going out of your way to be offended.
Constant pretzel twisting to find a way to be offended. Must be tiring.
An easier method is to be confident and just brush the comment off but that would required strength of character and we all know how that goes in libbie land

They can’t run on the issues, so they have to engage in character assassination. It pathetic and those who fall for are useful idiots.
Karl Marx invented the technique over 150 years ago.
"When used in this context" means it has never been used as a racial epithet. You obviously can't find an example where it was.

I've already said 245 times that I've never heard it used before, in any context. No one has.
That's exactly why it stands out.
So you have no evidence that it was ever used in a racial context, but you think that proves it was meant to be a racial epithet?

What am I missing here?

Again, I have no evidence that it was ever used in ANY context. In other words DeSantis made it up.

When you make something up, you have to intend to mean something. Obviously the phrases "mess this up" and "screw this up" and "foul this up" and "fuck this up" all existed already in common parlance. He declined all of them and went for "monkey" specifically.

Why he chose that route you'd have to ask him, but obviously he did choose it.
You and the other snowflakes are going out of your way to be offended.
Constant pretzel twisting to find a way to be offended. Must be tiring.
An easier method is to be confident and just brush the comment off but that would required strength of character and we all know how that goes in libbie land
That's why they're called snowflakes.
The British band of the 60s, The Monkeys, probably had a sinister meaning to that according to anonymous informed liberal sources
The reruns on TV are now being pulled.
Only one member of the band was British.
Anyone of them use "monkey up"?
  1. monkey up

    To hack together hardware for a particular task, especially a one-shot job. Connotes an extremely crufty and consciously temporary solution. Compare hack up, kluge up, cruft together.
    1. monkey up

      Screw Up

    2. monkey up

      To screw something up. To do the job poorly.

Um... I believe the question was did anyone USE it. Not what it's supposed to mean.

So on the one hand you finally figured out how the quote function works, yet on the other hand you keep answering a question nobody asked.

Nice try but Pogo's Law wins again.
Pogo’s law does not apply. When stupid is implied by others, one must show them their stupid. Racist it is not.

You’re lucky I’m on my laptop is all. ;)

Definitions are not perma-fixed independent of context. If I said "good post" here you could easily infer that what I mean is the exact opposite.

Whelp --- in this case the speaker is specifically discussing his election opponent, who happens to be black. Coincidence? If "monkey this up" were a common phrase you could credibly claim coincidence. But it's not --- he went out of his way to go there. You can't just ignore context when it doesn't go where you wish it had gone, but didn't.

That doesn't make it "racist" for we have no way to determine that. What it makes it potentially is race BAIT. That's a crucial difference which you're also expending a great deal of energy running away from, again to answer a question that isn't on the table.

I guess what actually IS on the table is too much of a challenge.

That's it. You can go ahead and click "funny" now instead of coming up with a cogent argument.
Good post.
Sen. Angus King
Chuck Schumer
John Kerry
Robert Byrd
Bernie Sanders
Adam Schiff

on and on and on.....

Liberals are flash....



For the record, I don't think Gillum is articulate at all. He is VERY INARTICULATE and corrupt.

He rambles on and on about socialist nonsense that doesn't make any sense at all.

Wow. You really are this stupid.

I can say monkeying around all I want & it does not become racist until I make it about black people.

Thanks Dave your stupidity is noted.
So you have no evidence that it was ever used in a racial context, but you think that proves it was meant to be a racial epithet?

What am I missing here?

Again, I have no evidence that it was ever used in ANY context. In other words DeSantis made it up.

When you make something up, you have to intend to mean something. Obviously the phrases "mess this up" and "screw this up" and "foul this up" and "fuck this up" all existed already in common parlance. He declined all of them and went for "monkey" specifically.

Why he chose that route you'd have to ask him, but obviously he did choose it.
You and the other snowflakes are going out of your way to be offended.
Constant pretzel twisting to find a way to be offended. Must be tiring.
An easier method is to be confident and just brush the comment off but that would required strength of character and we all know how that goes in libbie land

They can’t run on the issues, so they have to engage in character assassination. It pathetic and those who fall for are useful idiots.
Karl Marx invented the technique over 150 years ago.

He was not speaking specifically of his opponent. He was speaking to the voters concerning the upcoming election-

“Let’s build off the success we’ve had on Gov. Scott. The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases bankrupting the state. That is not going to work," DeSantis said.

Anyone of them use "monkey up"?
  1. monkey up

    To hack together hardware for a particular task, especially a one-shot job. Connotes an extremely crufty and consciously temporary solution. Compare hack up, kluge up, cruft together.
    1. monkey up

      Screw Up

    2. monkey up

      To screw something up. To do the job poorly.

Um... I believe the question was did anyone USE it. Not what it's supposed to mean.

So on the one hand you finally figured out how the quote function works, yet on the other hand you keep answering a question nobody asked.

Nice try but Pogo's Law wins again.
Pogo’s law does not apply. When stupid is implied by others, one must show them their stupid. Racist it is not.

You’re lucky I’m on my laptop is all. ;)

Definitions are not perma-fixed independent of context. If I said "good post" here you could easily infer that what I mean is the exact opposite.

Whelp --- in this case the speaker is specifically discussing his election opponent, who happens to be black. Coincidence? If "monkey this up" were a common phrase you could credibly claim coincidence. But it's not --- he went out of his way to go there. You can't just ignore context when it doesn't go where you wish it had gone, but didn't.

That doesn't make it "racist" for we have no way to determine that. What it makes it potentially is race BAIT. That's a crucial difference which you're also expending a great deal of energy running away from, again to answer a question that isn't on the table.

I guess what actually IS on the table is too much of a challenge.

That's it. You can go ahead and click "funny" now instead of coming up with a cogent argument.
He was not speaking specifically of his opponent. He was speaking to the voters concerning the upcoming election-

“Let’s build off the success we’ve had on Gov. Scott. The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases bankrupting the state. That is not going to work," DeSantis said.

Anyone of them use "monkey up"?
  1. monkey up

    To hack together hardware for a particular task, especially a one-shot job. Connotes an extremely crufty and consciously temporary solution. Compare hack up, kluge up, cruft together.
    1. monkey up

      Screw Up

    2. monkey up

      To screw something up. To do the job poorly.

Um... I believe the question was did anyone USE it. Not what it's supposed to mean.

So on the one hand you finally figured out how the quote function works, yet on the other hand you keep answering a question nobody asked.

Nice try but Pogo's Law wins again.
Pogo’s law does not apply. When stupid is implied by others, one must show them their stupid. Racist it is not.

You’re lucky I’m on my laptop is all. ;)

Definitions are not perma-fixed independent of context. If I said "good post" here you could easily infer that what I mean is the exact opposite.

Whelp --- in this case the speaker is specifically discussing his election opponent, who happens to be black. Coincidence? If "monkey this up" were a common phrase you could credibly claim coincidence. But it's not --- he went out of his way to go there. You can't just ignore context when it doesn't go where you wish it had gone, but didn't.

That doesn't make it "racist" for we have no way to determine that. What it makes it potentially is race BAIT. That's a crucial difference which you're also expending a great deal of energy running away from, again to answer a question that isn't on the table.

I guess what actually IS on the table is too much of a challenge.

That's it. You can go ahead and click "funny" now instead of coming up with a cogent argument.

Once AGAIN you have fucked up the quote nest. And you had two days to figure it out.

Apparently you do this to so screw up the chain of discourse that it can't be followed. But you're wrong anyway. When DeSantis speaks of such an agenda --- WHOSE agenda would it be? The voters'?

The entire statement was about his opponent. He's framing the election in terms of either "building on" Governor Scott -- himself -- or "monkeying this up. Guess who the 'builder' would be. And when you've figured that out guess who that leaves as 'monkey'.

You can take all these phrases and drop them into a blender so that they can't be read but there's no way to un-say what he said.
Don’t f**k with it
Don’t mess with it
Don’t play with it
Don’t monkey around with it
Dont fool with it
And more

Jesus. Emotional meltdown over nothing.
Anyone of them use "monkey up"?
  1. monkey up

    To hack together hardware for a particular task, especially a one-shot job. Connotes an extremely crufty and consciously temporary solution. Compare hack up, kluge up, cruft together.
    1. monkey up

      Screw Up

    2. monkey up

      To screw something up. To do the job poorly.

It’s a verb. Liberals are so poorly educated, they don’t know this.
Sen. Angus King
Chuck Schumer
John Kerry
Robert Byrd
Bernie Sanders
Adam Schiff

on and on and on.....

Liberals are flash....



For the record, I don't think Gillum is articulate at all. He is VERY INARTICULATE and corrupt.

He rambles on and on about socialist nonsense that doesn't make any sense at all.
Hypocrisy is in the blood of the progressive
He was not speaking specifically of his opponent. He was speaking to the voters concerning the upcoming election-

“Let’s build off the success we’ve had on Gov. Scott. The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases bankrupting the state. That is not going to work," DeSantis said.

  1. monkey up

    To hack together hardware for a particular task, especially a one-shot job. Connotes an extremely crufty and consciously temporary solution. Compare hack up, kluge up, cruft together.
    1. monkey up

      Screw Up

    2. monkey up

      To screw something up. To do the job poorly.

Um... I believe the question was did anyone USE it. Not what it's supposed to mean.

So on the one hand you finally figured out how the quote function works, yet on the other hand you keep answering a question nobody asked.

Nice try but Pogo's Law wins again.
Pogo’s law does not apply. When stupid is implied by others, one must show them their stupid. Racist it is not.

You’re lucky I’m on my laptop is all. ;)

Definitions are not perma-fixed independent of context. If I said "good post" here you could easily infer that what I mean is the exact opposite.

Whelp --- in this case the speaker is specifically discussing his election opponent, who happens to be black. Coincidence? If "monkey this up" were a common phrase you could credibly claim coincidence. But it's not --- he went out of his way to go there. You can't just ignore context when it doesn't go where you wish it had gone, but didn't.

That doesn't make it "racist" for we have no way to determine that. What it makes it potentially is race BAIT. That's a crucial difference which you're also expending a great deal of energy running away from, again to answer a question that isn't on the table.

I guess what actually IS on the table is too much of a challenge.

That's it. You can go ahead and click "funny" now instead of coming up with a cogent argument.

Once AGAIN you have fucked up the quote nest. And you had two days to figure it out.

Apparently you do this to so screw up the chain of discourse that it can't be followed. But you're wrong anyway. When DeSantis speaks of such an agenda --- WHOSE agenda would it be? The voters'?

The entire statement was about his opponent. He's framing the election in terms of either "building on" Governor Scott -- himself -- or "monkeying this up. Guess who the 'builder' would be. And when you've figured that out guess who that leaves as 'monkey'.

You can take all these phrases and drop them into a blender so that they can't be read but there's no way to un-say what he said.
The most racist people in this country think that racism is rampant in this country
Liberals crack me up with their “dog whistle” hunts. They will map anything.

Ironic post from the same wag who this time a week ago tried to do the exact opposite with a McCain quote you didn't even remember and make that into a 'dog whistle' that never existed.

Having it both ways: Priceless.

“that one” was a dog whistle. How am I having it both ways? I’ve been consistent.... liberals site dog whistles anytime they can to perpetuate the race card.

You're having it both ways by trying to make "that one" into some kind of racial epithet, which it's never been, while simultaneously trying to deny the same status to "monkey this up" as it was used in its context.

Again ---- can't have it both ways. If you're going to hair-trigger on "that one" then you have to be all over "monkey this up". If you're giving "monkey this up" a pass, then you have even less ground than none to stand on for "that one".

Can't have both. Gotta pick one.

It was Liberals that felt McCain’s “that one” statement was racial, not me!
Liberals crack me up with their “dog whistle” hunts. They will map anything.

Ironic post from the same wag who this time a week ago tried to do the exact opposite with a McCain quote you didn't even remember and make that into a 'dog whistle' that never existed.

Having it both ways: Priceless.

“that one” was a dog whistle. How am I having it both ways? I’ve been consistent.... liberals site dog whistles anytime they can to perpetuate the race card.

You're having it both ways by trying to make "that one" into some kind of racial epithet, which it's never been, while simultaneously trying to deny the same status to "monkey this up" as it was used in its context.

Again ---- can't have it both ways. If you're going to hair-trigger on "that one" then you have to be all over "monkey this up". If you're giving "monkey this up" a pass, then you have even less ground than none to stand on for "that one".

Can't have both. Gotta pick one.

It was Liberals that felt McCain’s “that one” statement was racial, not me!

Apparently not. You already had that one shot down, now you wanna air it again KNOWING it'll be shot down the same way?

I think there's a quote somewhere about expecting different results....
Don’t f**k with it
Don’t mess with it
Don’t play with it
Don’t monkey around with it
Dont fool with it
And more

Jesus. Emotional meltdown over nothing.

"the last thing we need to do is to mess this up"
"the last thing we need to do is to screw this up"
"the last thing we need to do is to fuck this up"
"the last thing we need to do is to foul this up"
"the last thing we need to do is to bugger this up"

--- would be common expressions. Each one describing an action: "messing", "screwing", "fucking", "fouling", "buggering". All used commonly in myriad applications. DeSantis could have used any of these without raising eyebrows with the exceptions of "fuck" and possibly "bugger" but not for reasons that had anything to do with the subject of his electoral opponent.

But he didn't. The line he actually chose was:

"the last thing we need to do is to monkey this up".

--- An entirely new construction using an animal as a verb, and a specific animal. For that matter he could have said "the last thing we need to do is to louse this up" and used an insect as a verb. But again --- he didn't. He made up an entirely new expression.

Nothing in the world wrong with making up a new expression. We all do it. But he specifically and deliberately chose monkey as his building material. You can't create an entirely new expression without your ingredients being intentional.
Sen. Angus King
Chuck Schumer
John Kerry
Robert Byrd
Bernie Sanders
Adam Schiff

on and on and on.....

Liberals are flash....



For the record, I don't think Gillum is articulate at all. He is VERY INARTICULATE and corrupt.

He rambles on and on about socialist nonsense that doesn't make any sense at all.
obama says monkey around - Bing video
Don’t f**k with it
Don’t mess with it
Don’t play with it
Don’t monkey around with it
Dont fool with it
And more

Jesus. Emotional meltdown over nothing.

"the last thing we need to do is to mess this up"
"the last thing we need to do is to screw this up"
"the last thing we need to do is to fuck this up"
"the last thing we need to do is to foul this up"
"the last thing we need to do is to bugger this up"

--- would be common expressions. Each one describing an action: "messing", "screwing", "fucking", "fouling", "buggering". All used commonly in myriad applications. DeSantis could have used any of these without raising eyebrows with the exceptions of "fuck" and possibly "bugger" but not for reasons that had anything to do with the subject of his electoral opponent.

But he didn't. The line he actually chose was:

"the last thing we need to do is to monkey this up".

--- An entirely new construction using an animal as a verb, and a specific animal. For that matter he could have said "the last thing we need to do is to louse this up" and used an insect as a verb. But again --- he didn't. He made up an entirely new expression.

Nothing in the world wrong with making up a new expression. We all do it. But he specifically and deliberately chose monkey as his building material. You can't create an entirely new expression without your ingredients being intentional.
Blue Ribbon Grand Champion at the Fair of Pretzel Twisting Emotions
Sen. Angus King
Chuck Schumer
John Kerry
Robert Byrd
Bernie Sanders
Adam Schiff

on and on and on.....

Liberals are flash....



For the record, I don't think Gillum is articulate at all. He is VERY INARTICULATE and corrupt.

He rambles on and on about socialist nonsense that doesn't make any sense at all.
obama says monkey around - Bing video

Once AGAIN --- "monkey around" is not "monkey up". It is also not "monkey business", "monkeyshines", "Chunky Monkey" or "The Monkees".

WHO KNEW the same word could serve different functions in different phrases? Oh wait --- everybody.

Example: Melania reads the paper and says:

"Ze Donald has been fucking around? Zat is fucked up! I'll fucking kill him! Where ze fuck is he?"
Sen. Angus King
Chuck Schumer
John Kerry
Robert Byrd
Bernie Sanders
Adam Schiff

on and on and on.....

Liberals are flash....



For the record, I don't think Gillum is articulate at all. He is VERY INARTICULATE and corrupt.

He rambles on and on about socialist nonsense that doesn't make any sense at all.
obama says monkey around - Bing video

Once AGAIN --- "monkey around" is not "monkey up". It is also not "monkey business", "monkeyshines", "Chunky Monkey" or "The Monkees".

WHO KNEW the same word could serve different functions in different phrases? Oh wait --- everybody.

Example: Melania reads the paper and says:

"Ze Donald has been fucking around? Zat is fucked up! I'll fucking kill him! Where ze fuck is he?"

This is a new level of bull shit than even your usual.
Sen. Angus King
Chuck Schumer
John Kerry
Robert Byrd
Bernie Sanders
Adam Schiff

on and on and on.....

Liberals are flash....



For the record, I don't think Gillum is articulate at all. He is VERY INARTICULATE and corrupt.

He rambles on and on about socialist nonsense that doesn't make any sense at all.
obama says monkey around - Bing video

Once AGAIN --- "monkey around" is not "monkey up". It is also not "monkey business", "monkeyshines", "Chunky Monkey" or "The Monkees".

WHO KNEW the same word could serve different functions in different phrases? Oh wait --- everybody.

Example: Melania reads the paper and says:

"Ze Donald has been fucking around? Zat is fucked up! I'll fucking kill him! Where ze fuck is he?"

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