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The Fox and the Hen House on November 6th

his "innate intelligence" would carry the day.

Yet, here you are ready to fall for a different version of the same thing. How many times during that debate did Mitt Romney say, "I have the experience to do that" without revealing how? In other words...."trust me."

His whole campaign is built upon "trust me," yet we can't even trust him to tell the same story about anything from one day to the next!

Are you kidding me? Even Bill Clinton admitted that when it came to "experience" that Mitt Romney had an amazing record. When Mitt Romney says "trust me" it's because EVERYTHING he's been in charge of from when he was running a Mormon mission in France when he was in his early twenties right up until he was saving the Salt Lake Olympics...he's been successful with. When Romney says "trust me" it's because he has a track record of success.

Now contrast THAT with Barack Obama. The truth is...he's never done anything exceptional since leaving Harvard Law School some twenty years ago. If you dispute that then show me something exceptional that Obama did as a lawyer...as a college lecturer...or as a legislator! You can't...and the reason you can't is he's never really done anything except use his status as the "First Black President of the Harvard Law Review" to get himself a series of cushy jobs. Oh, he's great with a teleprompter reading someone else's speeches for him but he really NOT very gifted at anything else. I'm sorry but that's reality. It's why he doesn't write legislation. He leaves that to others and always has. That's hard work. Barry doesn't DO hard work.
Now contrast THAT with Barack Obama. The truth is...he's never done anything exceptional since leaving Harvard Law School some twenty years ago. If you dispute that then show me something exceptional that Obama did as a lawyer...as a college lecturer...or as a legislator! You can't...and the reason you can't is he's never really done anything except use his status as the "First Black President of the Harvard Law Review" to get himself a series of cushy jobs. Oh, he's great with a teleprompter reading someone else's speeches for him but he really NOT very gifted at anything else. I'm sorry but that's reality. It's why he doesn't write legislation. He leaves that to others and always has. That's hard work. Barry doesn't DO hard work.

Oh really? What is it you cons like to call our current health care system - OBAMAcare? Who is responsible for this? Answer: President Obama. He doesn't do hard work? The fighting he had to do against Republicans alone on getting that one through, was monumental.

He hasn't done anything? Where is Osama these days?

Take your teleprompter talking point and stick it where the sun doesn't shine. Pres. Obama is a great orator, far outshining Romney in this regard.

I would say that your post here pretty much smells of partisanship because it is not realistic. You are overstepping, sir. If you want to have any credibility here, I would suggest you back off a tad in that regard.
Now contrast THAT with Barack Obama. The truth is...he's never done anything exceptional since leaving Harvard Law School some twenty years ago. If you dispute that then show me something exceptional that Obama did as a lawyer...as a college lecturer...or as a legislator! You can't...and the reason you can't is he's never really done anything except use his status as the "First Black President of the Harvard Law Review" to get himself a series of cushy jobs. Oh, he's great with a teleprompter reading someone else's speeches for him but he really NOT very gifted at anything else. I'm sorry but that's reality. It's why he doesn't write legislation. He leaves that to others and always has. That's hard work. Barry doesn't DO hard work.

Oh really? What is it you cons like to call our current health care system - OBAMAcare? Who is responsible for this? Answer: President Obama. He doesn't do hard work? The fighting he had to do against Republicans alone on getting that one through, was monumental.

He hasn't done anything? Where is Osama these days?

Take your teleprompter talking point and stick it where the sun doesn't shine. Pres. Obama is a great orator, far outshining Romney in this regard.

I would say that your post here pretty much smells of partisanship because it is not realistic. You are overstepping, sir. If you want to have any credibility here, I would suggest you back off a tad in that regard.

LOL...You actually think Barack Obama "wrote" ObamaCare legislation? Seriously? That was written by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. Barack Obama had nothing to do with the crafting of that legislation. He sat on his ass in the Oval Office while that was going on.

The truth is...going WAY back to Barry's days as an Illinois State Senator he's always been inept at writing legislation. The first few years he was in office ZERO of the bills he wrote were passed. It wasn't until Emile Jones started giving him legislation that OTHER Democrats had worked hard on...letting him sign his name onto the work of those other Democrats that anything he proposed got passed. He was allowed to do the same thing when he became a Junior United States Senator. I'm sorry to burst your progressive "bubble", George...but Barack Obama has never been a legislator and from the looks of it does not desire to ever BECOME one. He lets others do the heavy lifting.

As for Obama's oratory skills? He's probably the best I've ever seen when reading a speech from a teleprompter. Without one the drop off is rather precipitous. I'm not voting for Romney for his oratory skills...I'm voting for him because he's competent.

But to be honest with you I've never really cared what politicians "say". My father who was in politics always made the point that the only thing that mattered is what a politician had actually DONE.

You accuse me of "overstepping"? Was it my challenge to you to show me something "exceptional" that Barack Obama did either as a lawyer...a college lecturer...or as a legislator? I'm sorry, George...I KNOW how much you progressives HATE when I ask that question because when you look at Barack Obama's career...he gets all these wonderful positions and promotions because he's the first black President of the Harvard Law Review and looks and sounds so wonderful but when you REALLY examine what he's done since leaving Harvard the list of exceptional things that he's accomplished is non-existent. He's the poster child for Affirmative Action...he's continually been hired and promoted not because of what he's capable of doing and has done...but because of who he "was".
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his "innate intelligence" would carry the day.

Yet, here you are ready to fall for a different version of the same thing. How many times during that debate did Mitt Romney say, "I have the experience to do that" without revealing how? In other words...."trust me."

His whole campaign is built upon "trust me," yet we can't even trust him to tell the same story about anything from one day to the next!

I have a great idea for a new business start-up. I'm going to Bain Capital to see if they will help me. I don't have a business plan but I'm sure they'll give me the money because they should just trust me.
I can't get over how much the wingnuts have changed their tune since October 2008. Remember this golden oldie? : "No matter who gets elected, it's going to take more than 4 years to get the country back on track."

So it hasn't quite been 4 years and the President has been blocked by a do-nothing Party of No Congress that used a record number of filibusters and the wingnuts are bitching that Obama didn't completely fix everything that's wrong with the country.

Now contrast THAT with Barack Obama. The truth is...he's never done anything exceptional since leaving Harvard Law School some twenty years ago. If you dispute that then show me something exceptional that Obama did as a lawyer...as a college lecturer...or as a legislator! You can't...and the reason you can't is he's never really done anything except use his status as the "First Black President of the Harvard Law Review" to get himself a series of cushy jobs. Oh, he's great with a teleprompter reading someone else's speeches for him but he really NOT very gifted at anything else. I'm sorry but that's reality. It's why he doesn't write legislation. He leaves that to others and always has. That's hard work. Barry doesn't DO hard work.

Oh really? What is it you cons like to call our current health care system - OBAMAcare? Who is responsible for this? Answer: President Obama. He doesn't do hard work? The fighting he had to do against Republicans alone on getting that one through, was monumental.

He hasn't done anything? Where is Osama these days?

Take your teleprompter talking point and stick it where the sun doesn't shine. Pres. Obama is a great orator, far outshining Romney in this regard.

I would say that your post here pretty much smells of partisanship because it is not realistic. You are overstepping, sir. If you want to have any credibility here, I would suggest you back off a tad in that regard.

CLASSIC projection :)

Good god, textbook.

You have no idea how the ACA will affect America....you haven't the slightest clue...you don't even know what it says.

Hitler was a great Orator...not that Bammy is Hitler, he isn't isn't...but that is simply a stupid thing to say....and Obama cannot speak without his prompter, period.
Barry's in so far over his head the sides are starting to cave in around him.

Even his 'good friend' former president Clinton pissed on his leg yesterday.

A lot of folks fell for the inexperienced boob and his TelePrompter speeches, but in the end many now realize they were fools and have been duped by this incredible phony lightweight. And payback day is just around the corner.

Bye-bye, Barry. Chicago's wonderful in January.
A woman asked Romney a question during the debate. She said, basically, that while she was not all that happy with what has gone on with the Obama administration during the past four years, she is nonetheless mindful of the fact that it was eight years of a Republican administration that got Obama into the mess he inherited when he took office in 2008. So, she asked Romney, why should she vote for the same kind of administration now, that is largely responsible for the whole disaster to begin with. How does he (Romney) differentiate himself from George W. Bush? How does she know she isn't voting for more of the same from another Republican administration?


A farmer puts a fox in charge of watching his hen house. After a week or so, the farmer discovers that over half of his chickens are gone. The fox has put on weight and has been seen with chicken feathers on the corners of his mouth. The farmer fires the fox, and installs an electronic monitoring system designed to catch intruders who might be after his chickens. After several months of the electronic alarm system, the farmer is unhappy. He hasn't lost any more chickens, but the number of chickens in his hen house is not increasing to his satisfaction. So he gets rid of the electronic alarm system and re-hires the fox.


I have no intention of re-hiring the fox on November 6th.

You're a moron. Bush didn't cause the sub-prime mortgage debacle. Democrats did.
his "innate intelligence" would carry the day.

Yet, here you are ready to fall for a different version of the same thing. How many times during that debate did Mitt Romney say, "I have the experience to do that" without revealing how? In other words...."trust me."

His whole campaign is built upon "trust me," yet we can't even trust him to tell the same story about anything from one day to the next!

Romney actually has a record to stand on. Obama doesn't. Obama is the one saying "trust me, trust me", because he has no plan, and a record he isn't willing to stand by.
Getting WHAT Republicans online?

This was rammed through a Democrat-controlled Congress without ANY Republican support!!!!

Get your lying lefty ducks to line up.
Actually Obamacare wasn't written by ANY legislators. It was written by a left wing think tank before Obuma was elected.
A woman asked Romney a question during the debate. She said, basically, that while she was not all that happy with what has gone on with the Obama administration during the past four years, she is nonetheless mindful of the fact that it was eight years of a Republican administration that got Obama into the mess he inherited when he took office in 2008. So, she asked Romney, why should she vote for the same kind of administration now, that is largely responsible for the whole disaster to begin with. How does he (Romney) differentiate himself from George W. Bush? How does she know she isn't voting for more of the same from another Republican administration?


A farmer puts a fox in charge of watching his hen house. After a week or so, the farmer discovers that over half of his chickens are gone. The fox has put on weight and has been seen with chicken feathers on the corners of his mouth. The farmer fires the fox, and installs an electronic monitoring system designed to catch intruders who might be after his chickens. After several months of the electronic alarm system, the farmer is unhappy. He hasn't lost any more chickens, but the number of chickens in his hen house is not increasing to his satisfaction. So he gets rid of the electronic alarm system and re-hires the fox.


I have no intention of re-hiring the fox on November 6th.

Show how abjectly stupid you really are. Vote obama and get us to 20 Trillion dollars in debt. that's the fucking ticket. innit?
A woman asked Romney a question during the debate. She said, basically, that while she was not all that happy with what has gone on with the Obama administration during the past four years, she is nonetheless mindful of the fact that it was eight years of a Republican administration that got Obama into the mess he inherited when he took office in 2008. So, she asked Romney, why should she vote for the same kind of administration now, that is largely responsible for the whole disaster to begin with. How does he (Romney) differentiate himself from George W. Bush? How does she know she isn't voting for more of the same from another Republican administration?


A farmer puts a fox in charge of watching his hen house. After a week or so, the farmer discovers that over half of his chickens are gone. The fox has put on weight and has been seen with chicken feathers on the corners of his mouth. The farmer fires the fox, and installs an electronic monitoring system designed to catch intruders who might be after his chickens. After several months of the electronic alarm system, the farmer is unhappy. He hasn't lost any more chickens, but the number of chickens in his hen house is not increasing to his satisfaction. So he gets rid of the electronic alarm system and re-hires the fox.


I have no intention of re-hiring the fox on November 6th.

since Bush isn't a candidate, that means you're voting for Romney.... good for you...:clap2:
You're a moron. Bush didn't cause the sub-prime mortgage debacle. Democrats did.

Published: June 3, 2005
President Bush, hearing complaints about Mr. Donaldson's record from across the business spectrum, responded on Thursday by nominating Representative Christopher Cox, a conservative Republican from California, as a successor whose loyalties seem clear. And unlike the Supreme Court, where Justice Souter has a lifetime appointment, the S.E.C. provides the White House with an immediate opportunity to tip the balance of the five-person commission in a more favorable direction.

Mr. Cox - a devoted student of Ayn Rand, the high priestess of unfettered capitalism - has a long record in the House of promoting the agenda of business interests that are a cornerstone of the Republican Party's political and financial support.

A major recipient of contributions from business groups, the accounting profession and Silicon Valley, he has fought against accounting rules that would give less favorable treatment to corporate mergers and executive stock options. He opposes taxes on dividends and capital gains. And he helped to steer through the House a bill making investor lawsuits more difficult.

That measure, which Congress adopted over President Bill Clinton's veto, was hailed by business groups, which say it has reduced costly and frivolous cases.

It has also been criticized by consumer and investor organizations. They say its adoption in 1995 contributed to an unaccountable climate that fostered the big accounting scandals at companies like Enron and WorldCom a few years later.

Mr. Cox's legislative record was cited on Thursday by President Bush as a primary qualification.
Now contrast THAT with Barack Obama. The truth is...he's never done anything exceptional since leaving Harvard Law School some twenty years ago. If you dispute that then show me something exceptional that Obama did as a lawyer...as a college lecturer...or as a legislator! You can't...and the reason you can't is he's never really done anything except use his status as the "First Black President of the Harvard Law Review" to get himself a series of cushy jobs. Oh, he's great with a teleprompter reading someone else's speeches for him but he really NOT very gifted at anything else. I'm sorry but that's reality. It's why he doesn't write legislation. He leaves that to others and always has. That's hard work. Barry doesn't DO hard work.

Oh really? What is it you cons like to call our current health care system - OBAMAcare? Who is responsible for this? Answer: President Obama. He doesn't do hard work? The fighting he had to do against Republicans alone on getting that one through, was monumental.

He hasn't done anything? Where is Osama these days?

Take your teleprompter talking point and stick it where the sun doesn't shine. Pres. Obama is a great orator, far outshining Romney in this regard.

I would say that your post here pretty much smells of partisanship because it is not realistic. You are overstepping, sir. If you want to have any credibility here, I would suggest you back off a tad in that regard.

Oooh, Georgie got his panties in a bunch! How funny!

And to claim Obamacare as a shining example of Barry's 'abilities' is the height of absurdity, as Barry himself gave the credit to Romney in the last debate.
You're a moron. Bush didn't cause the sub-prime mortgage debacle. Democrats did.

Posted: February 26, 2006 01:49 AM
Eric J. Weiner: What the Hell Is Bush's SEC Doing?
I always figured my good friend and former colleague Carol Remond would wind up on the front page of The New York Times. But I never thought it would be like this.

In case you didn't see the story in Saturday's Times, the Securities and Exchange Commission issued a subpoena to Carol and another respected financial journalist, Herb Greenberg, seeking their notes on stories that were critical of certain companies, particularly those involving a sketchy outfit called Overstock.com.

Unless you follow the stock market fairly closely you probably don't know much about Overstock. But if you do, you've got to be wondering how the SEC ever allowed itself to get involved with these guys.

Ultimately the commission took the highly unusual step of essentially rescinding the subpoena, stating that for the time being it wouldn't be enforced. But the fact that it was even issued in the first place should be deeply troubling to investors...as well as anyone keeping an eye on the Bush administration. Not surprisingly, what you end up with is yet another grievous example of a Bush lackey - in this case SEC Chairman Christopher Cox - turning regulation on its ear, using it as a cudgel to protect corporate interests and muzzle the press.
A woman asked Romney a question during the debate. She said, basically, that while she was not all that happy with what has gone on with the Obama administration during the past four years, she is nonetheless mindful of the fact that it was eight years of a Republican administration that got Obama into the mess he inherited when he took office in 2008. So, she asked Romney, why should she vote for the same kind of administration now, that is largely responsible for the whole disaster to begin with. How does he (Romney) differentiate himself from George W. Bush? How does she know she isn't voting for more of the same from another Republican administration?


A farmer puts a fox in charge of watching his hen house. After a week or so, the farmer discovers that over half of his chickens are gone. The fox has put on weight and has been seen with chicken feathers on the corners of his mouth. The farmer fires the fox, and installs an electronic monitoring system designed to catch intruders who might be after his chickens. After several months of the electronic alarm system, the farmer is unhappy. He hasn't lost any more chickens, but the number of chickens in his hen house is not increasing to his satisfaction. So he gets rid of the electronic alarm system and re-hires the fox.


I have no intention of re-hiring the fox on November 6th.

Haven't read other answering posts yet, but I have to say I find the analogy interesting, amusing and not off target. For myself, there are other reasons to vote 'other'. Obama's actions have made it impossible to vote for him.

All I can say is, vote other!

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