The French didn't want Netanyahu at rally.



Jerusalem confirms Netanyahu wasn t wanted at Paris solidarity rally i24news - See beyond

According to Channel 2, France's President Francois Hollande has sent Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netnayhau a message over the weekend, requesting him not to arrive at the solidarity rally, which was held earlier on Sunday in Paris.

Sounds reasonable - I would want him there either.
That man would have just brought hate to a place where there is already far too much of it.

right Freddie------lots of muzzies around with klashnikovs harboring lots of HATRED------eager to worship their "god" by murdering for the pleasure of "allah" and score
a VICTORY FOR ISLAAAM over the dead bodies of infants
Jerusalem confirms Netanyahu wasn t wanted at Paris solidarity rally i24news - See beyond

According to Channel 2, France's President Francois Hollande has sent Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netnayhau a message over the weekend, requesting him not to arrive at the solidarity rally, which was held earlier on Sunday in Paris.

Sounds reasonable - I would want him there either.
That man would have just brought hate to a place where there is already far too much of it.
Shame the French didn't slip him Net and Yahoo in to Belgium,WHERE THEY HAVE AN INTERNATIONAL WARRANT FOR HIS ARREST<FOR WAR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.................
Jerusalem confirms Netanyahu wasn t wanted at Paris solidarity rally i24news - See beyond

According to Channel 2, France's President Francois Hollande has sent Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netnayhau a message over the weekend, requesting him not to arrive at the solidarity rally, which was held earlier on Sunday in Paris.

Sounds reasonable - I would want him there either.
That man would have just brought hate to a place where there is already far too much of it.
Shame the French didn't slip him Net and Yahoo in to Belgium,WHERE THEY HAVE AN INTERNATIONAL WARRANT FOR HIS ARREST<FOR WAR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.................

LOL poor liq------reminds me of FRAU RICHARD WAGNER (jr) She described herself as "the only Nazi left in Germany"
Jerusalem confirms Netanyahu wasn t wanted at Paris solidarity rally i24news - See beyond

According to Channel 2, France's President Francois Hollande has sent Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netnayhau a message over the weekend, requesting him not to arrive at the solidarity rally, which was held earlier on Sunday in Paris.

Sounds reasonable - I would want him there either.
That man would have just brought hate to a place where there is already far too much of it.

Well France has always had a severe anti-semitic problem, but only moderately more than Germany and Britain.

Naturally, the solution is to join with Israel... and just as naturally, the Ideological Left will do the exact opposite, then blame Israel, when they fail.
Jerusalem confirms Netanyahu wasn t wanted at Paris solidarity rally i24news - See beyond

According to Channel 2, France's President Francois Hollande has sent Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netnayhau a message over the weekend, requesting him not to arrive at the solidarity rally, which was held earlier on Sunday in Paris.

Sounds reasonable - I would want him there either.
That man would have just brought hate to a place where there is already far too much of it.

Well France has always had a severe anti-semitic problem, but only moderately more than Germany and Britain.

Naturally, the solution is to join with Israel... and just as naturally, the Ideological Left will do the exact opposite, then blame Israel, when they fail.

PUCK (mid-summer's night dream) had it right
right Freddie------lots of muzzies around with klashnikovs harboring lots of HATRED------eager to worship their "god" by murdering for the pleasure of "allah" and score
a VICTORY FOR ISLAAAM over the dead bodies of infants
Please. Have some decorum. This isn't the Israeli artillery bombardment of Gaza.
Jerusalem confirms Netanyahu wasn t wanted at Paris solidarity rally i24news - See beyond

According to Channel 2, France's President Francois Hollande has sent Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netnayhau a message over the weekend, requesting him not to arrive at the solidarity rally, which was held earlier on Sunday in Paris.

Sounds reasonable - I would want him there either.
That man would have just brought hate to a place where there is already far too much of it.
Shame the French didn't slip him Net and Yahoo in to Belgium,WHERE THEY HAVE AN INTERNATIONAL WARRANT FOR HIS ARREST<FOR WAR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.................

Damn the French. :D
Jerusalem confirms Netanyahu wasn t wanted at Paris solidarity rally i24news - See beyond

According to Channel 2, France's President Francois Hollande has sent Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netnayhau a message over the weekend, requesting him not to arrive at the solidarity rally, which was held earlier on Sunday in Paris.

Sounds reasonable - I would want him there either.
That man would have just brought hate to a place where there is already far too much of it.
You're right! There's already too much hatred in France. It's being promulgated in the over 700 no-go zones throughout the maniacal Mullahs and hateful Imams.

The French have stupidly let Islam destroy the sovereignty of their own nation by trying to be politically correct regarding an invading horde of murderers and their enslaved women and children.
It's not that the French didn't want Netanyahu there...exacty, it just that France's entire diplomatic core had been drafted into a cultural tradition they always celebrate at such times: tying white flags to a million assault rifles.
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Jerusalem confirms Netanyahu wasn t wanted at Paris solidarity rally i24news - See beyond

According to Channel 2, France's President Francois Hollande has sent Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netnayhau a message over the weekend, requesting him not to arrive at the solidarity rally, which was held earlier on Sunday in Paris.

Sounds reasonable - I would want him there either.
That man would have just brought hate to a place where there is already far too much of it.

He was to arrive in name of the Jewish state, not in name of himself.
Jerusalem confirms Netanyahu wasn t wanted at Paris solidarity rally i24news - See beyond

According to Channel 2, France's President Francois Hollande has sent Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netnayhau a message over the weekend, requesting him not to arrive at the solidarity rally, which was held earlier on Sunday in Paris.

Sounds reasonable - I would want him there either.
That man would have just brought hate to a place where there is already far too much of it.
vile filth murder innocent people
set up zones where only filth can enter

but the leader of Israel showing up to lend support against that filth is a bad idea

kill yourself, you've lost all ability to reason
Im sorry Fred its not true, the French feared that Netanyahu's body guard might beat shit out of Marie Le Pens anti-semetic followers and maybe the Nazi bitch herself. Le Pen bottle it and BiBi marched with Abbas.
The source was right, he made it about anti Semitism , which it wasn't . I wonder how the non Jewish families members felt when he went on and on about it being an anti Semitism attack, probably like their loved ones deaths were devalued.

" The source also told Haaretz that the French were especially concerned that Netanyahu would use the event for his political campaign ahead of the March 17 elections, and make statements relating to French Jews that could hurt the show of solidarity the Elysee Palace was hoping for."
muzzies around with klashnikovs

Actually. most are using their American supplied weapons.

American supplied? what does that mean? -----islamo Nazi pigs living in America? I know----it is a fact that muzzie pigs in the USA are smuggling rifles to their fellow muzzie pigs---especially in Yemen-----and other muzzie pigs are smuggling Heroin into the US to fund muzzie filth.
I am getting to like that thing about executing such pigs
The source was right, he made it about anti Semitism , which it wasn't . I wonder how the non Jewish families members felt when he went on and on about it being an anti Semitism attack, probably like their loved ones deaths were devalued.

" The source also told Haaretz that the French were especially concerned that Netanyahu would use the event for his political campaign ahead of the March 17 elections, and make statements relating to French Jews that could hurt the show of solidarity the Elysee Palace was hoping for."

The islamo Nazi sows are actually claiming that a muslim attack on a FRIDAY---the day that jewish women shop in
kosher shops in preparation for Sabbath----and the day jihadist sluts and dogs like to murder in service of their lump of shit in the sky is not an attack on JEWS. ----just a normal holy jumah observance.
Muslim dogs and sluts like to observe
hindu holidays the same way. A few months ago I ran into Divali at a hindu enclave in my city (best place to buy
specific spices) ------since there is a muslim enclave nearby---I decided to leave before the muslims began
their "non anti-hindu" activities.
The islamo Nazi slut did observe correctly that muslims also shop in kosher stores-----but not on Friday----that is
their "DO THE MUSLIM THING" day. In my city---muslim owned shops are closed on Friday-----giving the dogs and sluts time to DO THE MUSLIM THING. Be not deceived,
fellow posters-----the fact that the dogs and sluts of mecca
chose FRIDAY is actually significant in shariah shit holes

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