The French didn't want Netanyahu at rally.

The 'Pure Laine' French hate: Protestants/Jews/Muslims/the Germans/gypsies/Russians/Romanians/especially the Turks/Americans/Blacks/the British/tourists/any military/anyone in any military uniform/ the Italians/ the Portuguese/the Spanish/especially the Belgians/ especially the Swiss/all Nordic countries/especially the KSA/Hindus/Pakistan.
They like the Iranians/Hezbollah/Hamas/Syrians/N. Korea and men's cologne.
The 'Pure Laine' French hate: Protestants/Jews/Muslims/the Germans/gypsies/Russians/Romanians/especially the Turks/Americans/Blacks/the British/tourists/any military/anyone in any military uniform/ the Italians/ the Portuguese/the Spanish/especially the Belgians/ especially the Swiss/all Nordic countries/especially the KSA/Hindus/Pakistan.
They like the Iranians/Hezbollah/Hamas/Syrians/N. Korea and men's cologne.

excuse me-----who is "PURE LANE" French? ----true that the French are known to hate passionately-----but it is a kind of endearing characteristic
French suddenly endure one episode of what Israelis have dealt with for decades and they still get suckered by their own rhetoric.
Fuck France.

My thoughts exactly.
Who better to get advice from when it comes to dealing with radical islam?
I guess thats assuming the cheese eating surrender monkeys plan on doing anything about their muslim problem.
Maybe the french gov will take a page from the US and use it as an excuse to implement massive intrusions into the lives of french citizens.
The 'Pure Laine' French hate: Protestants/Jews/Muslims/the Germans/gypsies/Russians/Romanians/especially the Turks/Americans/Blacks/the British/tourists/any military/anyone in any military uniform/ the Italians/ the Portuguese/the Spanish/especially the Belgians/ especially the Swiss/all Nordic countries/especially the KSA/Hindus/Pakistan.
They like the Iranians/Hezbollah/Hamas/Syrians/N. Korea and men's cologne.

excuse me-----who is "PURE LANE" French? ----true that the French are known to hate passionately-----but it is a kind of endearing characteristic

Nevah mind---I googled------why do the French like Iran?
The 'Pure Laine' French hate: Protestants/Jews/Muslims/the Germans/gypsies/Russians/Romanians/especially the Turks/Americans/Blacks/the British/tourists/any military/anyone in any military uniform/ the Italians/ the Portuguese/the Spanish/especially the Belgians/ especially the Swiss/all Nordic countries/especially the KSA/Hindus/Pakistan.
They like the Iranians/Hezbollah/Hamas/Syrians/N. Korea and men's cologne.

excuse me-----who is "PURE LANE" French? ----true that the French are known to hate passionately-----but it is a kind of endearing characteristic
Can't you fucking read? I posted "Pure Laine".
And the word you ought to have used is 'are' not 'is'.
I apologize for not finishing my thought. I ought to have pointed out that every group/organization/race/country I noted hate the 'Pure Laine' french just as much if not more.
It's not that the French didn't want Netanyahu there...exacty, it just that France's entire diplomatic core had been drafted into a cultural tradition they always celebrate at such times: tying white flags to a million assault rifles.

I'm proud of Netanyahu for following his heart and going. He is a leader! He isn't concerned about anything but showing his respect for the slaughtered innocents and disdain for the radicals that brought good men and women to their knees in a bloodbath etched forever in our minds.

RIP good people. Other good people are standing in numbers in your honor.
Daniel Pipes is one of the biggest Islam haters on the planet.

Anything that guy says is basically nonsense. .... :cuckoo:
Disparage the source! What a typical liberal tactic!

It's been all over the news, reported from many sources.

It is you that are loco, Bozo!:cuckoo:

European No-Go Zones for Non-Muslims Proliferating
In France, large swaths of Muslim neighborhoods are now considered "no-go" zones by French police. At last count, there are 751 Sensitive Urban Zones (Zones Urbaines Sensibles, ZUS), as they are euphemistically called. A complete list of the ZUS can be found on a French government website, complete with satellite maps and precise street demarcations. An estimated 5 million Muslims live in the ZUS, parts of France over which the French state has lost control.

Here's a list of them (in French)
Atlas des Zones urbaines sensibles Zus
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American supplied? what does that mean?

It means the weapons used by ISIS were either directly or indirectly supplied by America.
The CIA armed and trained the 'moderate' rebels to get rid of Assad (On behalf of Israel), but the newly armed groups were really part of ISIS.
The rest they got from the crap Iraqi army.
After the illegal US invasion of Iraq, the US arms trade sold the new Iraqi government loads of weapons, ISIS took them.



Daniel Pipes - Profile - Right Web - Institute for Policy Studies

Daniel Pipes, founder and head of the Philadelphia-based Middle East Forum (MEF), is an outspoken proponent of militarist U.S. foreign policies in the Middle East who is frequently criticized for espousing anti-Islamic views. A recognized Arabic-language expert and son of the well-known anti-communist crusader Richard Pipes, the younger Pipes frequently lambasts Arab politics, urges militarist policies aimed at overthrowing Mideast regimes, and pushes a hawkish "pro-Israel" agenda

Yep - I'll believe anything he writes - not.
American supplied? what does that mean?

It means the weapons used by ISIS were either directly or indirectly supplied by America.
The CIA armed and trained the 'moderate' rebels to get rid of Assad (On behalf of Israel), but the newly armed groups were really part of ISIS.
The rest they got from the crap Iraqi army.
After the illegal US invasion of Iraq, the US arms trade sold the new Iraqi government loads of weapons, ISIS took them.



Oh-----you are referring to the places at which the weapons are MADE-----not the US government. I am fully aware of the fact that arms made in the USA are being smuggled into
the hands of jihadist pigs and dogs in the Middle east----for the glory of the rapist pig of Arabia and his shit "god"
"friend" The weapons used by the pigs in France could very well have been "made in the USA" does that
mean that the JIHADI PIGS in France were sponsored
by OBAMA?-

I happen to know of a case of shit in the USA smuggling to
shit in the middle east------specifically to a shariah shit hole---
by a person born in that same shariah shit hole-----family still

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