The French didn't want Netanyahu at rally.

Daniel Pipes - Profile - Right Web - Institute for Policy Studies

Daniel Pipes, founder and head of the Philadelphia-based Middle East Forum (MEF), is an outspoken proponent of militarist U.S. foreign policies in the Middle East who is frequently criticized for espousing anti-Islamic views. A recognized Arabic-language expert and son of the well-known anti-communist crusader Richard Pipes, the younger Pipes frequently lambasts Arab politics, urges militarist policies aimed at overthrowing Mideast regimes, and pushes a hawkish "pro-Israel" agenda

Yep - I'll believe anything he writes - not.

the institute for policy studies is islamo Nazi hate site ----thanks for the citation Freddie-----your sources are just
as filthy as are you.

more to the point your source does not come close to
providing evidence that the USA funds and supplies
either the rebellion against Baathist pig Assad or Isis/
Daniel Pipes has no political power ----he is a commentator.
I absolutely disagree with any activity which involves putting
armaments in the hands of shariah scum ------The US government made a huge mistake when it funded the
TALIBAN pigs just because the Taliban shariah shit scum
were fighting Russia. That we did so in the 90s was NO SECRET so where is your evidence that the caliphate
dog is funded by the USA -----or the rebels against your fave dog----ASSAD? That your fellow scum are in POSSESSION of stuff from the USA does not come close
to being proof that the stuff was the GIFT TO THEM from
the USA government
some day------as an analogue of the VICHY GOVERNMENT---
there is going to be a French CALIPHATE GOVERNMENT
Oh-----you are referring to the places at which the weapons are MADE-----not the US government

Oh, you can't fucking read.

I can read well enough to understand that you are full of shit.
I can read and remember that which I read so well that that I know islamo Nazi shit has not changed in the past 80 years---except by adjustments to make it seem contemporary. I know the islamo Nazi shit so well that I can predict the islamo
Nazi take and version of events even before the islamo Nazi pigs express their shit publically. In fact----the Koran is written in the style of islamo Nazi shit-------in order to justify
that rape and murder campaign of the meccan dog and his
comprehensive genocide-----in Arabia

Daniel Pipes - Profile - Right Web - Institute for Policy Studies

Daniel Pipes, founder and head of the Philadelphia-based Middle East Forum (MEF), is an outspoken proponent of militarist U.S. foreign policies in the Middle East who is frequently criticized for espousing anti-Islamic views. A recognized Arabic-language expert and son of the well-known anti-communist crusader Richard Pipes, the younger Pipes frequently lambasts Arab politics, urges militarist policies aimed at overthrowing Mideast regimes, and pushes a hawkish "pro-Israel" agenda

Yep - I'll believe anything he writes - not.
He did not make up the data. You are a disingenuous Muslim. You asked for a LINK to show that there are over 700 no-go zones in France. I provided it. When you balked at accepting it because of the source, I gave you one that listed all of them...the list being generated by THE FRENCH GOVERNMENT. I don't really care what else Daniel Pipes believes. He is right about the no-go zones. You are rejecting factual information simply because you can't stand to face the truth.

Here's a list of 750 no-go zones...from the French government. Be sure to visit all of them next time you go to France.

Check out the web address after you get to the link....
Atlas des Zones urbaines sensibles Zus
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Netanyahu had the balls to show up. Obama was scared to.
Netanyahu showed such class too, not only showing up uninvited but where he was specifically asked not to come.

If you can't understand why Netanyahu attended there is something wrong with your attitude!

Despite not being invited by the cowardly, politically correct Hollande, it was essencial that he attended to pay his respects for the victims.

You haven't questioned the attendance of the Prime Minister of Turkey who is a sponsor of the Islamic State or Abbas the terrorist and financier supporter!
Here's a list of 750 no-go zones...from the French government. Be sure to visit all of them next time you go to France.

Check out the web address after you get to the link....
Atlas des Zones urbaines sensibles Zus

link said:
Decree No. 96-1156 of 26 December 1996 establishes the list of 750 sensitive urban zones (ZUS). Decree No. 2000- 796 of 24 August 2000 adds the neighborhood "New Mons» Mons-en-Baroeul to the list of Zus and Decree No. 2001-707 of 31 July 2001 amends the scope of Zus Grigny ( 91). The decrees No. 96-1157 and No. 96-1158 of 26 December 1996 fixing the list of 416 Urban Renewal Zones (ZRU) among 751 sensitive urban areas (396 in France, 20 in the departments of overseas). Download the list of Zus: ZUS_FR_SGCIV_20100701.xls

Where does it mention no go areas?
Urban renewal and sensitive is mentioned, but nothing about no go zones.
Here's a list of 750 no-go zones...from the French government. Be sure to visit all of them next time you go to France.

Check out the web address after you get to the link....
Atlas des Zones urbaines sensibles Zus

link said:
Decree No. 96-1156 of 26 December 1996 establishes the list of 750 sensitive urban zones (ZUS). Decree No. 2000- 796 of 24 August 2000 adds the neighborhood "New Mons» Mons-en-Baroeul to the list of Zus and Decree No. 2001-707 of 31 July 2001 amends the scope of Zus Grigny ( 91). The decrees No. 96-1157 and No. 96-1158 of 26 December 1996 fixing the list of 416 Urban Renewal Zones (ZRU) among 751 sensitive urban areas (396 in France, 20 in the departments of overseas). Download the list of Zus: ZUS_FR_SGCIV_20100701.xls

Where does it mention no go areas?
Urban renewal and sensitive is mentioned, but nothing about no go zones.
My god, you are obtuse! Do some fucking research on your own. Sensitive Urban Area is a euphemism for No_Go Zone.

Catch up with the real world!

Oh, I forgot! You're stuck with 5th Century tribal mentality!

In France, large swaths of Muslim neighborhoods are now considered "no-go" zones by French police. At last count, there are 751 Sensitive Urban Zones (Zones Urbaines Sensibles, ZUS), as they are euphemistically called. A complete list of the ZUS can be found on a French government website, complete with satellite maps and precise street demarcations. An estimated 5 million Muslims live in the ZUS, parts of France over which the French state has lost control.
European No-Go Zones for Non-Muslims Proliferating
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In France, large swaths of Muslim neighborhoods are now considered "no-go" zones by French police. At last count, there are 751 Sensitive Urban Zones (Zones Urbaines Sensibles, ZUS), as they are euphemistically called.

Sensitive urban zone - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

A sensitive urban zone (ZUS) is an urban area in France defined by the authorities to be a high-priority target for city policy, taking into consideration local circumstances related to the problems of its residents.[1]

There are 752 sensitive urban zones in France, including 718 in mainland France.[2]

Nearly five million people live in zones of difficulty

Their problems include:

Still, even though the stupid posters re claiming lies as facts, I suppose I'll have to make them look like idiots.
Are the sensitive zones majority Muslim areas?
No - the forum daft bastards are making it up.

The sensitive zones


Areas where Muslims live

You're right! There's already too much hatred in France. It's being promulgated in the over 700 no-go zones throughout the maniacal Mullahs and hateful Imams.

The French have stupidly let Islam destroy the sovereignty of their own nation by trying to be politically correct regarding an invading horde of murderers and their enslaved women and children.
. Speaking of, we need to take back the 80 miles of our southern border.
In France, large swaths of Muslim neighborhoods are now considered "no-go" zones by French police. At last count, there are 751 Sensitive Urban Zones (Zones Urbaines Sensibles, ZUS), as they are euphemistically called.

Sensitive urban zone - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

A sensitive urban zone (ZUS) is an urban area in France defined by the authorities to be a high-priority target for city policy, taking into consideration local circumstances related to the problems of its residents.[1]

There are 752 sensitive urban zones in France, including 718 in mainland France.[2]

Nearly five million people live in zones of difficulty

Their problems include:

Yeah, right! You dumb fuck! We have the so called Affordable Care Act...commonly called ObamaCare by the press and others. So which is it?

Now we have Sensitive Urban Areas, commonly called No-Go zones by the press and others.

From your own link:

A sensitive urban zone (ZUS) is an urban area in France defined by the authorities to be a high-priority target for city policy, taking into consideration local circumstances related to the problems of its residents.

That means the police don't interfere with the idiotic sharia laws being enforced by the local idiots within their self-defined enclaves throughout the country. The police don't go there. Infidels don't dare go there. Thus they are called No-Go zones and you are a dense idiot.

That is to be expected of you.

Hundreds of No-Go Zones Across France Are Off-Limits to Non-Muslims

I didn't generate that article. You can google and find many more like it, referring to No-Go Zones.
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You're right! There's already too much hatred in France. It's being promulgated in the over 700 no-go zones throughout the maniacal Mullahs and hateful Imams.

The French have stupidly let Islam destroy the sovereignty of their own nation by trying to be politically correct regarding an invading horde of murderers and their enslaved women and children.
. Speaking of, we need to take back the 80 miles of our southern border.
It won't be long before Dearborn, Michigan becomes a caliphate, ruled by a demented Muslim enforcing idiotic sharia law.
That means the police don't interfere with the idiotic sharia laws being enforced by the local idiots

The maps I posted show the sensitive zones don't match with areas of high Muslim population.
Perhaps you could fuck off and stick your pathetic head in a dung heap.
Thanks. :)
You're right! There's already too much hatred in France. It's being promulgated in the over 700 no-go zones throughout the maniacal Mullahs and hateful Imams.

The French have stupidly let Islam destroy the sovereignty of their own nation by trying to be politically correct regarding an invading horde of murderers and their enslaved women and children.
. Speaking of, we need to take back the 80 miles of our southern border.
It won't be long before Dearborn, Michigan becomes a caliphate, ruled by a demented Muslim enforcing idiotic sharia law.
Dearborn is already a caliphate. Sharia law is openly practised. The cops are all Muslim. 'Non-Believers' don't dare enter the precinct.
Mosques are recruiting centers for future terrorists.

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