The full absurdity of the Biden Administration's COVID protocol


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
Before you let relatives in your home you should require they are immunized (with proof)
But it is okay for the Biden administration to allow millions across the border into America.. OUR HOME... without checking a damn thing.

Indeed... the Biden administration has gone full retard.
Before you let relatives in your home you should require they are immunized (with proof)
But it is okay for the Biden administration to allow millions across the border into America.. OUR HOME... without checking a damn thing.

Indeed... the Biden administration has gone full retard.

I can hardly wait for this boogaloo to kick off.

:piss2:Biden :death:
Has anyone seen a response from the WH about the obvious hypocrisy of trying to force every American to get the vaccine but is doing nothing to prevent hordes of illegals coming across our southern border, who are untested and many are infected with the virus? Far as I can tell, the Biden Admin has said and done nothing about it. One wonders how many Americans unnecessarily caught the virus from one of them?

It's really the same argument about the wall; obviously nothing is going to completely stop the inward flow of illegals, the best we can do is try to reduce it as much as possible. Well, it's the same deal with the virus, maybe we cannot stop people from getting infected from an illegal, but we oughta be doing something to combat or reduce the number of those cases.

And why isn't the Biden Admin doing that? Politics. Mother fucking politics.
Has anyone seen a response from the WH about the obvious hypocrisy of trying to force every American to get the vaccine but is doing nothing to prevent hordes of illegals coming across our southern border, who are untested and many are infected with the virus? Far as I can tell, the Biden Admin has said and done nothing about it. One wonders how many Americans unnecessarily caught the virus from one of them?

It's really the same argument about the wall; obviously nothing is going to completely stop the inward flow of illegals, the best we can do is try to reduce it as much as possible. Well, it's the same deal with the virus, maybe we cannot stop people from getting infected from an illegal, but we oughta be doing something to combat or reduce the number of those cases.

And why isn't the Biden Admin doing that? Politics. Mother fucking politics.
Honestly, and believing myself to be objective in saying this... if Democrats have a problem... they just ignore it. Just pretend the problem isn't there. The left media simply doesn't report on the border catastrophe. So *POOF* - problem solved! We just wish it away!
If inflation was where it is and Trump was the President - OH MY GOD!!!! - Trump is a disaster!!! He will destroy our economy!!!
But Biden is President - so, as you can see here, they just pretend it isn't a problem.
Which, consequently, is what children do.
Honestly, and believing myself to be objective in saying this... if Democrats have a problem... they just ignore it. Just pretend the problem isn't there. The left media simply doesn't report on the border catastrophe. So *POOF* - problem solved! We just wish it away!
If inflation was where it is and Trump was the President - OH MY GOD!!!! - Trump is a disaster!!! He will destroy our economy!!!
But Biden is President - so, as you can see here, they just pretend it isn't a problem.
Which, consequently, is what children do.

And the media, academia, and the Hollywood celebrities and sports stars aid and abet the pretension that there is no problem or it isn't worth consideration. You're right, it's like night and day depending on who the president is.

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