The Funny Thing About the 'Trump Doesn't Give Specifics' Journo Bilge...


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
The reigning Political Class specializes in wonkery and policy papers that amount to little more than fantasy, as no one really knows enough about the various topics until they get in the Cat Bird Seat at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Once they are in office, hidden special interests come out and lobby to death half of what a President wants done then opponents stonewall half the rest.

All these wonderful fully detailed glossy policy reports and budgets and so forth are just bullshit to allow the candidate to pose as though they really understand the reality that the words they read are supposed to describe.

Trump is not a wonk and so his enemies attack him as light on details and slam Trumps speeches for being vague and nonspecific. But Trump is not trying to win the Wonk Word Salad Contest, he is trying to fire up his base and get the nomination of the GOP. The target audience of Tea Party people and independents are not going to ever read the boring detailed compilations of bullshit and pretentious nonsense, and Trump knows it. So he is there doing what the Entertainer in him feels the need for; to work the crowd, and he can do that quite well.

So Trump wont get the Wonk vote, but DC doesn't get an electoral vote anyway 'so fuck them' is probably what Trump thinks in a nutshell. And in tonight's debate, Trump will use his Entertainer skills to work the crowd again just like last time. And the wonks will think he did poorly and Trump will go up in the polls, because his supporters are not looking for a Master Debater; they are looking for a leader who intends to get things done.

And that is why people are supporting Trump, not because he can memorizes speeches well that some staffer wrote for him. And the pundits don't get it, so fuck them.

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