The "Fusion Hoax" again, and again, and again, and again.


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
Lawrence Livermore just made a spectacular BREAKTHROUGH in nuclear fusion!!

So says the headline
"Though developing fusion power stations at scale is still decades away, the breakthrough has significant implications as the world seeks to ween itself off of fossil fuels."

The standard joke about nuclear fusion is still good. Its always twenty years in the future. Pols keep throwing money at it and coming up snakeyes.

The US needs reliable power. Not pie in the sky.
I am sure the luddites said the same thing about the automobile and airplanes.
Fusion might actually happen. Knowledge is doubling every ~12-hours. Shit happens.
Luddites were right from 2000 BC to about 1900 AD. You need to factor in the state of technology, we're not there yet.

That said, you probably won't be alive to see fusion generate electricity on a useful scale.
Fusion might actually happen. Knowledge is doubling every ~12-hours. Shit happens.
Luddites were right from 2000 BC to about 1900 AD. You need to factor in the state of technology, we're not there yet.

That said, you probably won't be alive to see fusion generate electricity on a useful scale.
You are definitely correct.
First they have to build a scale model outside the laboratory that is functional. That's going to be expensive and fraught with all kinds of false starts and redesign issues. Probably have at least a dozen of them as the engineers try to figure out how not to make it a bomb or burn itself up.

Each larger scale of reactor will have all sorts of issues. Costing all kinds of money. Then...once they are finally ready to build a small functional reactor to generate power they have to pick a site. And who wants to live next to the thing? Water supplies are definitely going to be necessary. Meaning expensive homes next to a river. Meaning that they will have the political clout to stop it coming near their house.

I see a mess for the foreseeable future.
hold my beer......

Lawrence Livermore just made a spectacular BREAKTHROUGH in nuclear fusion!!

So says the headline
"Though developing fusion power stations at scale is still decades away, the breakthrough has significant implications as the world seeks to ween itself off of fossil fuels."

The standard joke about nuclear fusion is still good. Its always twenty years in the future. Pols keep throwing money at it and coming up snakeyes.

The US needs reliable power. Not pie in the sky.

Its that 'future energy source that has not been discovered yet' the Democrats say will replace fossil fuels.

Most intelligent people would wait until they actually have an alternate energy source before they ban / outlaw / abandon the #1 energy source on which people depend and on which our economy is based.

Not the Democrats. They follow the alternate non-science.

Their agenda is not based on science - their 'science' is based on their agenda.

- Birx proved that when she publicly admitted that while serving as COVID advisors to the WH she and Fauci just MADE SHIT UP - mask wearing, tbe lockdowns, the mandates - all of it.
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You are definitely correct.
First they have to build a scale model outside the laboratory that is functional. That's going to be expensive and fraught with all kinds of false starts and redesign issues. Probably have at least a dozen of them as the engineers try to figure out how not to make it a bomb or burn itself up.

Each larger scale of reactor will have all sorts of issues. Costing all kinds of money. Then...once they are finally ready to build a small functional reactor to generate power they have to pick a site. And who wants to live next to the thing? Water supplies are definitely going to be necessary. Meaning expensive homes next to a river. Meaning that they will have the political clout to stop it coming near their house.

I see a mess for the foreseeable future.

How small of a scale model do you think they could build?
They will ban fossil fuels before they realize we don't have a true replacement ready to go.
Economies will crash & mass starvation will result.
The proggies are always shocked at the obvious consequences of their poorly planned & executed ideas.
They never look down the tunnel & see that freight train coming until it's too late

They will ban fossil fuels before they realize we don't have a true replacement ready to go.
Economies will crash & mass starvation will result.
The proggies are always shocked at the obvious consequences of their poorly planned & executed ideas.
They never look down the tunnel & see that freight train coming until it's too late

View attachment 737999

Everyone EXCEPT Democrats could see this coming.
How small of a scale model do you think they could build?
Looking at the pictures of the current models probably about the size of a modern warehouse complex to start.

They have to generate steam to then have the turbines to turn the huge alternators....then a manufactured load for the current. Then there's all the testing and examinations of every weld and joint and seam.

Small scale lab stuff is nothing like full scale. There's vibration and harmonics to avoid at every turn. Also the heat has ways of destroying everything you build.

Think in terms of portable generator verses a full sized power plant. The engineering is almost a completely different animal.
Electricity is for sure. The "tubes" carry power at those levels. We don't use solid conductors inside the switches for electricity at those levels...they are hollow and are roughly ¼" thick walled tubes about 6" wide....and however long they need to be. (Silver coated aluminum)
A LOT different than a little copper wire....or even a big one.

So....I imagine that they are going to have a LOT of engineering to do AFTER they build a successful scale working model that is feasible. And that's not going to happen for a while. Lots of fits and false starts come with it all.
Forty-eight years AGO I recall my Physics lecturer saying Fusion was fifty years it's down to 20/30 years. lol

Forty-eight years AGO I recall my Physics lecturer saying Fusion was fifty years it's down to 20/30 years. lol

Yeah...still is a long way off.

At a modern coal plant there are several "smoke stacks". They don't use them all at the same time. Because furnaces tend to burn themselves up and need maintenance.
Now we are talking about a fusion reaction that is so hot it will burn every formulation of concrete we know about. There is no substance that will burn slow enough to last long enough for us to generate any electricity.

And that's a HUGE hurdle to overcome.

When three feet (a meter) of high temperature concrete won't last a week....Houston we have a problem!.
What about that engine that runs on water conspiracy theorists have assured us exists but is not on tbe market because evil car manufacturers and / or oil companies bought the patent and refuse to release it?!

Forty-eight years AGO I recall my Physics lecturer saying Fusion was fifty years it's down to 20/30 years. lol


Sorta like how Gore told us coastal cities would be under water by now...
Check out Russia , UK , South Korea and China developments .
Just wonder if this US announcement is more of a PR stunt to scam the world into believing they are ahead in the race for fusion .

The UK and Russian separate developments look most interesting .

Instead of being an absolute minimum 10 years away from a nuclear fusion plant , Russia with China collaboration might actually be ahead with their Hybrid fusion- fission reactor work :-
" Russia would benefit from improving its plant designs. A hybrid fusion-fission reactor may be several times more efficient than a traditional fission reactor. And building one is “a goal for tomorrow” rather than the distant future, as is the case for a fusion reactor like the famous France-based International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) that Russia collaborates on"

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