The Future Is So Bright...Who am I Kidding? Our Future Is Bleak


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Unless the GOP take back the Housr and Senate in Nov


Un-Constitutional, Criminal illegal immigration, human / drug / child/ sex / traffickibg by the President

Destroying energy policies

Claiming the buck stops with him but blaming everyone and everything for his failure

Inflation, stocks crashing, retirements being wiped out, prices sky-rocketing - especially gas, baby formula shortages, feminine hygiene goods shortages, ridiculous deficit spending, supply chain issues...

And the leader of the United States is a dementia-ravaged, compromised, criminal traitor begging our enemies for oil, which we have an a undance of...

Our NSA, CIA. and FBI ate compromised rogue criminals, threats to the US....

Our DOJ, FBI, an WH have turned to labeling parents domestic terrorists while teachers unions secualize and indoctrinate our kids...our kids are being taken to gay bars to see drag queens dance - Pelosi is declaring Drag Queens what America Is about, and colleges have been turned into Indoctrination camps.

The WH, DOJ, & DHS are protecting leftist domestic terrorists & their 24+ bombings / attacks on churches, pregnancy centers, and pro-life centers.

Democrats politicians are back to e tremely violent rhetoric inciting political assassinations while making personal threats against USSC Justices, calling for illegal intimidation of and violence against Justices. Others are publicly calling for insurrection against the United States / USSC because they aren't getting their radical way.

And Congress is still obsessed after 6 years with 'getting Trump'...and still failing, instead of dealing with reality. As 'Rome' burns, they are fiddling...

...and we are not even halfway through half of the worst President in US history's term in office...

The radical Leftists who are currently in power are deliberately crashing the U.S. economy. They admitted as much after the last election by saying that they only had two years to implement their plans to reinvent America. The speed of that implementation has been breathtaking, and they still have at least six more months to complete their scorched earth policies.
Unless the GOP take back the Housr and Senate in Nov


Un-Constitutional, Criminal illegal immigration, human / drug / child/ sex / traffickibg by the President

Destroying energy policies

Claiming the buck stops with him but blaming everyone and everything for his failure

Inflation, stocks crashing, retirements being wiped out, prices sky-rocketing - especially gas, baby formula shortages, feminine hygiene goods shortages, ridiculous deficit spending, supply chain issues...

And the leader of the United States is a dementia-ravaged, compromised, criminal traitor begging our enemies for oil, which we have an a undance of...

Our NSA, CIA. and FBI ate compromised rogue criminals, threats to the US....

Our DOJ, FBI, an WH have turned to labeling parents domestic terrorists while teachers unions secualize and indoctrinate our kids...our kids are being taken to gay bars to see drag queens dance - Pelosi is declaring Drag Queens what America Is about, and colleges have been turned into Indoctrination camps.

The WH, DOJ, & DHS are protecting leftist domestic terrorists & their 24+ bombings / attacks on churches, pregnancy centers, and pro-life centers.

Democrats politicians are back to e tremely violent rhetoric inciting political assassinations while making personal threats against USSC Justices, calling for illegal intimidation of and violence against Justices. Others are publicly calling for insurrection against the United States / USSC because they aren't getting their radical way.

And Congress is still obsessed after 6 years with 'getting Trump'...and still failing, instead of dealing with reality. As 'Rome' burns, they are fiddling...

...and we are not even halfway through half of the worst President in US history's term in office...
In full response:

I believe we need to bring forth a Far Right Constitutional Conservative Party, let the GOP drift middle, and let the extremely corrupt Left go extinct. I'm willing to bring together a Far Right Constitutional Party, I have a few friends that have already raised flags to help, but they are few between.

I do agree Criminal illegal immigration needs to end soon, but I also see a strong counterpoint view, you arn't going to like this, but Manufacturer Cadillac has built several factories in Canada, and they want illegal aliens that pass over the US/Mexican Border to run straight North over the US/Canada Border and work for them for reduced wages, and they also get free green cards for Canada. Just so you understand what's really going on here. I don't know how many are crossing, but yeah Canada did several talks with both parties GOP+Dem to accomplish this, and they did put in a Giant Pile of Effort to have this happen. I think if I remember correctly they wanted to increase their Canadian population by at least 150%, possibly more? I barely remember details,, it didn't interest me at the time.

Energy Policies should cut wasteful creation + spending.

Biden, I did serve his cause for a few years, I got to know him as a person. He does have many problems, but I do consider him to be better than other Lefties, both intellectually and morality. I also do know that as a young man he was convinced that ingesting Hemp (weed) would assist his memories, but, I also know he was persistantly lied too by folk who wanted to use, abuse, and manipulate him. I did warn him, but he chose to ignore my advice before I left. That is the truth, but I do feel like sharing this knowledge, as we have seen in his Presidency they have been persistantly tossing him back and forth as a Corn doll, abusing his trust and taking great advantage of him. I greatly dislike this personally, which is part of why I left The Left and their corrupt manipulations long ago.

NSA, FBI, they always have their problems.

Pelousi has been supporting gays for at least 25 years...

I do not believe any true American would ever support a terrorist. Then again, thousands of people happily went to watch all of Disney's pirate movies, and pirates are just an old method of saying 'terrorist'.

Unfortunately, with my deep ties to The Left, I do see large amounts of Corruption, including 2 ranks of enemy agents surrounding Biden, the same as I saw surrounding W. Bush to the point where I could barely reach him with assistance :(

I know that the Inflation angers many, this IS partially my fault, I was given the task to encourage people save money against the current crisis and... I took on too much and failed greatly here. I am sorry. After this problem of inflation greatly diminishes try putting aside $20 weekly into a bank account, and encourage family and friends to do the same, for the future, for everyone to do better.

Otherwise, I might suggest combing tasks, carpooling with friends & neighbors.

I do not appreciate the very deep Democrat Corruption that I see in the news almost daily, unfortunately Trump also has deep 'corruption-level' problems that persist around him, he is also surrounded by enemy agents, thankfully only 1 rank deep, but they are attempting to probe him deeper right now, I suspect they caused his former wife's death. A hug or two might make him better.

I would certainly hope no one would protect a terrorist.

Sorry. The United States is certainly not Rome. We are something more evolved, advanced, and better.
Unless the GOP take back the Housr and Senate in Nov


Un-Constitutional, Criminal illegal immigration, human / drug / child/ sex / traffickibg by the President

Destroying energy policies

Claiming the buck stops with him but blaming everyone and everything for his failure

Inflation, stocks crashing, retirements being wiped out, prices sky-rocketing - especially gas, baby formula shortages, feminine hygiene goods shortages, ridiculous deficit spending, supply chain issues...

And the leader of the United States is a dementia-ravaged, compromised, criminal traitor begging our enemies for oil, which we have an a undance of...

Our NSA, CIA. and FBI ate compromised rogue criminals, threats to the US....

Our DOJ, FBI, an WH have turned to labeling parents domestic terrorists while teachers unions secualize and indoctrinate our kids...our kids are being taken to gay bars to see drag queens dance - Pelosi is declaring Drag Queens what America Is about, and colleges have been turned into Indoctrination camps.

The WH, DOJ, & DHS are protecting leftist domestic terrorists & their 24+ bombings / attacks on churches, pregnancy centers, and pro-life centers.

Democrats politicians are back to e tremely violent rhetoric inciting political assassinations while making personal threats against USSC Justices, calling for illegal intimidation of and violence against Justices. Others are publicly calling for insurrection against the United States / USSC because they aren't getting their radical way.

And Congress is still obsessed after 6 years with 'getting Trump'...and still failing, instead of dealing with reality. As 'Rome' burns, they are fiddling...

...and we are not even halfway through half of the worst President in US history's term in office...

Trump alone can fuck it up.

He couldn't even protect the election according to you nuts.
I'm going to inve t this thing I'll call the circle.

It helps you move things around with less effort. You can put it on carts and wagons to move things around with minimal effort.
Who needs to move things? I'm never leaving my cave.
Trump alone can fuck it up.

He couldn't even protect the election according to you nuts.


'B...b...b...BUT TRUUUUUUMP!'

😆 🤣 😂 the future might not look bright to you. But my future is brighter than its ever been. Have fun with your life that is not very bright.

I'm rocking the american dream.
I am sure it is / you are, comrade...or should I call you HUNTER?!

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