“The future of white children will be a nightmare,” he said in the ad.


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
Miller’s KKK group, the Carolina Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, was one of the country’s largest regional KKK groups, according to Pitcavage. At the time, Pitcavage said, KKK groups were engaged in paramilitary activities involving military-style weapons. According to the SPLC, Miller received $200,000 to fund his activities from The Order, an underground white supremacist group that killed Jewish talk show host Alan Berg in 1984.

Read more: Neo-Nazi's Bloody Rampage Little Surprise to Those Who Track Extremists ? Forward.com
The loons in this nation are getting ever more bold. They are looking for their Horst Wessel.
Gummo is working hard on breaking TM's record for the number of active threads running in the Rubber Room and Flame Zone at once.
2nd thread on this stray retard

seems the kkk is a bit of a sore subject with dems, since one of their top members was a grand dragon
He's a Democrat.

He was a democrat then became a republican then an independent, He comes from the backward teaparty controlled county I now Live in and the same backward bible thumping cracker mentality that elected a teabagger for congress from this district. I have been talking to people that knew him he was a nasty racist antisemtic klan dixiecrat, thankfully they become republicans (now known as the white christian party)
In unrelated news;

Al Sharpton, the racist that convicted an innocent man, when he thought he was a white jew, on tv, owes over $2million in back taxes.

No word yet on how many hundreds of cops will raid msn just yet
White children have no future.

Can't be breaking the law and murdering people over it though.
Best to set up White enclaves/White towns/White cities to endure the future.
White children have no future.

Can't be breaking the law and murdering people over it though.
Best to set up White enclaves/White towns/White cities to endure the future.

Better do a DNA test on all those entering. Seems such tests have been going rather badly for some very hateful people:badgrin:
White children have no future.

Can't be breaking the law and murdering people over it though.
Best to set up White enclaves/White towns/White cities to endure the future.

Defect to Russia. They are white and Christian. White folks might like that tax structure. And American whites can take their innovation and enterprise with them.
White children have no future.

Can't be breaking the law and murdering people over it though.
Best to set up White enclaves/White towns/White cities to endure the future.

Defect to Russia. They are white and Christian. White folks might like that tax structure. And American whites can take their innovation and enterprise with them.

Don't let the door hit you in the ass.
White children have no future.

Can't be breaking the law and murdering people over it though.
Best to set up White enclaves/White towns/White cities to endure the future.

Defect to Russia. They are white and Christian. White folks might like that tax structure. And American whites can take their innovation and enterprise with them.

Don't let the door hit you in the ass.

I'm here for the subversion.

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