The Generous Democrats

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Diamond Member
Jun 30, 2018
Just read at Yahoo about this new bill and everything it is giving but not one word of what this 3,000 page bill is taking. Voting fraud happens and it happens the most by vote by mail. Just look to California for the perfect example. Hidden somewhere in those 3,000 pages is setting up future vote by mail. Don't let them get away with it.
Just read at Yahoo about this new bill and everything it is giving but not one word of what this 3,000 page bill is taking. Voting fraud happens and it happens the most by vote by mail. Just look to California for the perfect example. Hidden somewhere in those 3,000 pages is setting up future vote by mail. Don't let them get away with it.

Can you please provide a source to what it is you are reading? Thank you
There is
Don't let them get away with it.

This bill is DOA in the senate. The turtle probably wont even vote on it...and Trump would never sign it anyway!

No worries. Pelosi will not get her 3 trillion $ money grab!
There is an election in a few months and you can bank on it the next time these rabid democrats get control of our government the only thing that will stop them from gutting the Second is to finish what they started over 3 years ago.
I am so sick and tired of OUR elected representatives spending OUR tax dollars representing the interests of FOREIGNERS living in OUR country illegally. When are they going to do their job and PROTECT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!?!
Here is the house relief bill,
1 Trillion for state & local government s
2nd round of 1200 checks for family's
Extended unemployment benefits
Fed unemployment payments
175 billion to assist home owners & renters
200 billion hazard pay for essential front line workers
75 billion towards testing, contact tracing, &isolation
Just read at Yahoo about this new bill and everything it is giving but not one word of what this 3,000 page bill is taking. Voting fraud happens and it happens the most by vote by mail. Just look to California for the perfect example. Hidden somewhere in those 3,000 pages is setting up future vote by mail. Don't let them get away with it.

Feel free to provide any evidence to support your claim.

No one claims no voting fraud happens- but so far despite years of effort by the Right wing so far most of what we have found is a few isolated cases of Republicans voting illegally, or Republicans farming mail in votes.

Really your post is just another example of Republicans saying that Democrats shouldn't be allowed do what Donald Trump does- in this case- voting by mail.
Here is the house relief bill,
1 Trillion for state & local government s
2nd round of 1200 checks for family's
Extended unemployment benefits
Fed unemployment payments
175 billion to assist home owners & renters
200 billion hazard pay for essential front line workers
75 billion towards testing, contact tracing, &isolation
Those nasty Democrats!
There is
Don't let them get away with it.

This bill is DOA in the senate. The turtle probably wont even vote on it...and Trump would never sign it anyway!

No worries. Pelosi will not get her 3 trillion $ money grab!
There is an election in a few months and you can bank on it the next time these rabid democrats get control of our government the only thing that will stop them from gutting the Second is to finish what they started over 3 years ago.

Democrats lost last nights election IN CALIFORNIA! First time a repub won in that district in a quadrillion years! And they lost it by double digits! :banana:

The democrats are so fucked they may as well be porn stars!

I can't wait for the november elections!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here is the house relief bill,
1 Trillion for state & local government s
2nd round of 1200 checks for family's
Extended unemployment benefits
Fed unemployment payments
175 billion to assist home owners & renters
200 billion hazard pay for essential front line workers
75 billion towards testing, contact tracing, &isolation
This will never pass in the Senate -- there's no way the Republicans are going to go for a $1 T for state and local governments. They probably won't even support 1/2 that amount.
Just read at Yahoo about this new bill and everything it is giving but not one word of what this 3,000 page bill is taking. Voting fraud happens and it happens the most by vote by mail. Just look to California for the perfect example. Hidden somewhere in those 3,000 pages is setting up future vote by mail. Don't let them get away with it.

Feel free to provide any evidence to support your claim.

No one claims no voting fraud happens- but so far despite years of effort by the Right wing so far most of what we have found is a few isolated cases of Republicans voting illegally, or Republicans farming mail in votes.

Really your post is just another example of Republicans saying that Democrats shouldn't be allowed do what Donald Trump does- in this case- voting by mail.
Ha ha ha ha! ROTFLMAO! You do know vote by mail is the biggest offender of fraud. A fact you would rather not look at.
What you all fail to see is the windfall Nancy's bill is giving the affluent in doing away the $10,000 maximum deduction for state and county taxes paid. So who do you think these clowns really work for?
Keep printing those worthless Fed notes.
We need paper.
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