The Ghost of Feinstein Past


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This wack-job used to make some sense but the libtards forced her to remove her brain, I guess.

She's one of those "do as I say not as I do" California elitists - concealed carries (legally with one of the those very rare CA CCWs) into a hospital which is a prohibited area while she does all she can to legislatively prevent regular California residents from being able to carry for protection.
She's one of those "do as I say not as I do" California elitists - concealed carries (legally with one of the those very rare CA CCWs) into a hospital which is a prohibited area while she does all she can to legislatively prevent regular California residents from being able to carry for protection.
Libtard hypocrisy?

Who'd a thunk it?
Heck, even Obama talked tough on the illegals, before he was president. But then again Bush did also. Both failures on that one.

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