The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

If anyone could just give Listening a clue, he's on ignore and if Rottweiler doesn't stop with the talking points, he will be there too.

Run away Sarah.....

Why don't you post those numbers in the context of what other presidents have done. And baseline it to before the crash. You'll see Obama's been pretty pathetic.

You need the clue. You and all the people (including the hoard that has turned it's back on him) are the reason this country is still in such sucky shape.

And, of course, you have not addressed the declining popularity in Obamacare.

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Hey Sarah.....

Tough shit.

Even the asswipes on PSMNBC are calling this a wave.

Obamacare was right in the middle of it.
Scott Brown just gave his concession speech.


You win some....

But you lose less......
Oh the high Court is gonna jump in.

Who will be eating their words here?


The High Court is going to declare the unpopularity of Obamacare unconstitutional ?

You guys are right on track.....
Ouch! The Obama Administration not only on record admitting they had to deceive the American people about Obamacare, but they also refer to the American voter as "stupid". That's right liberals - this is what your masters in the Democrat Party think of you! They think you are stupid puppets who are not worthy of the truth....

In a newly surfaced video, one of Obamacare’s architects admits a “lack of transparency” helped the Obama administration and congressional Democrats pass the Affordable Care Act.

“Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage,” says the MIT economist who helped write Obamacare. “And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass.”

Obamacare Architect Admits Deceiving Americans to Pass Law
Ouch! The Obama Administration not only on record admitting they had to deceive the American people about Obamacare, but they also refer to the American voter as "stupid". That's right liberals - this is what your masters in the Democrat Party think of you! They think you are stupid puppets who are not worthy of the truth....

In a newly surfaced video, one of Obamacare’s architects admits a “lack of transparency” helped the Obama administration and congressional Democrats pass the Affordable Care Act.

“Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage,” says the MIT economist who helped write Obamacare. “And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass.”

Obamacare Architect Admits Deceiving Americans to Pass Law

This deserves it's own thread. It's a key reason they got their asses kicked.
Your arguments do not hold up. The big insurance companies were out of control and not affordable for ANYBODY. Obamacare makes it affordable. That's just one big helpful success. An honest assessment of the Obama presidency follows. I'm kind of sick of listening to you Teapartiers defining this president.

Wow - I would like to think that you wouldn't revert to lying but that's exactly what you did. I had exceptionally affordable healthcare before Obamacare. Paid about $150 per month for my entire family - my children were born and I don't think I even got a bill. My prescriptions were often free and never exceeded more than $30.

Nobody on earth could deny that is "affordable". Why is it that the left insists on lying Sarah? Why is it so hard for you guys to just have an honest discussion?
Your arguments do not hold up. The big insurance companies were out of control and not affordable for ANYBODY. Obamacare makes it affordable. That's just one big helpful success. An honest assessment of the Obama presidency follows. I'm kind of sick of listening to you Teapartiers defining this president.

Wow - I would like to think that you wouldn't revert to lying but that's exactly what you did. I had exceptionally affordable healthcare before Obamacare. Paid about $150 per month for my entire family - my children were born and I don't think I even got a bill. My prescriptions were often free and never exceeded more than $30.

Nobody on earth could deny that is "affordable". Why is it that the left insists on lying Sarah? Why is it so hard for you guys to just have an honest discussion?

You could very good plans for less than $100/month prior to Obummercare.
Your arguments do not hold up. The big insurance companies were out of control and not affordable for ANYBODY. Obamacare makes it affordable. That's just one big helpful success. An honest assessment of the Obama presidency follows. I'm kind of sick of listening to you Teapartiers defining this president.

Wow - I would like to think that you wouldn't revert to lying but that's exactly what you did. I had exceptionally affordable healthcare before Obamacare. Paid about $150 per month for my entire family - my children were born and I don't think I even got a bill. My prescriptions were often free and never exceeded more than $30.

Nobody on earth could deny that is "affordable". Why is it that the left insists on lying Sarah? Why is it so hard for you guys to just have an honest discussion?
Well mine is very inexpensive now. You revert to lying every time you use those stupid talking points. We ALL know what insurance used to be. Why would you think we believe that big insurance made you a special character while they bankrupted everyone else?

Btw, I had very good insurance where I worked and I never got free prescriptions.
democrats seem so fond of the word "lie" and now they have a chance to actually use it correctly for once. obamacare, like the obama administration, will go down in history as one of the most corrupt, dishonest clusterfucks in US history.
Your arguments do not hold up. The big insurance companies were out of control and not affordable for ANYBODY. Obamacare makes it affordable. That's just one big helpful success. An honest assessment of the Obama presidency follows. I'm kind of sick of listening to you Teapartiers defining this president.

Wow - I would like to think that you wouldn't revert to lying but that's exactly what you did. I had exceptionally affordable healthcare before Obamacare. Paid about $150 per month for my entire family - my children were born and I don't think I even got a bill. My prescriptions were often free and never exceeded more than $30.

Nobody on earth could deny that is "affordable". Why is it that the left insists on lying Sarah? Why is it so hard for you guys to just have an honest discussion?
Well mine is very inexpensive now. You revert to lying every time you use those stupid talking points. We ALL know what insurance used to be. Why would you think we believe that big insurance made you a special character while they bankrupted everyone else?

Btw, I had very good insurance where I worked and I never got free prescriptions.
Sarah - you're lying through your teeth and you know it. First of all - you just contradicted yourself (someone can't keep track of her lies). You said that insurance companies were killing people with costs and wouldn't make a special exception for me. Then you turn around and admit " I had very good insurance where I worked". Oops... You didn't just say good. You said very good. Oops...

Second, I don't know what world you live in, but where I live there are actually several antibiotics that the pharmacies give away free even if you don't have insurance (I doubt the pharmacies eat the cost on this - I'm not sure who is subsidizing it). On top of that, my insurance covered many other prescriptions in full. I didn't have to pay one damn dime. I've included links below that are really going to be humiliating for you. Now quick - scream "talking points" and put me on ignore rather than being a big girl and admitting that you were caught lying.

A Healthy Dose of Compassion - Pharmacy Savings - Pharmacy Overview - Giant Eagle

Generic Drug Program - 4 10 Drug Program - Pharmacy Savings - Save - Giant Eagle

Giant Eagle Pharmacy Free Antibiotics Program Surpasses 3.2 Million in Free Prescriptions - News Releases - About - Giant Eagle
democrats seem so fond of the word "lie" and now they have a chance to actually use it correctly for once. obamacare, like the obama administration, will go down in history as one of the most corrupt, dishonest clusterfucks in US history.
Did you see my post (#3246) on the previous page Unk? A member of the Administration admitted that they lied to get Obamacare passed.

The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount Page 325 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
democrats seem so fond of the word "lie" and now they have a chance to actually use it correctly for once. obamacare, like the obama administration, will go down in history as one of the most corrupt, dishonest clusterfucks in US history.

Not one of the most...THE MOST......
Your arguments do not hold up. The big insurance companies were out of control and not affordable for ANYBODY. Obamacare makes it affordable. That's just one big helpful success. An honest assessment of the Obama presidency follows. I'm kind of sick of listening to you Teapartiers defining this president.

Wow - I would like to think that you wouldn't revert to lying but that's exactly what you did. I had exceptionally affordable healthcare before Obamacare. Paid about $150 per month for my entire family - my children were born and I don't think I even got a bill. My prescriptions were often free and never exceeded more than $30.

Nobody on earth could deny that is "affordable". Why is it that the left insists on lying Sarah? Why is it so hard for you guys to just have an honest discussion?
Well mine is very inexpensive now. You revert to lying every time you use those stupid talking points. We ALL know what insurance used to be. Why would you think we believe that big insurance made you a special character while they bankrupted everyone else?

Btw, I had very good insurance where I worked and I never got free prescriptions.

Insurance bankrupted everyone else ????

Now that goes in some kind of category for hyper-stupidity.
USA Today Obamacare Accelerates Demise of Rural Hospitals - Katie Pavlich

Article quotes U.S.A. Today as saying that Obamacare is crushing rural hospitals.

Yes, there is that affordable health insurance that makes health care available to everyone.


The Affordable Care Act was designed to improve access to health care for all Americans and will give them another chance at getting health insurance during open enrollment starting this Saturday. But critics say the ACA is also accelerating the demise of rural outposts that cater to many of society's most vulnerable. These hospitals treat some of the sickest and poorest patients — those least aware of how to stay healthy. Hospital officials contend that the law's penalties for having to re-admit patients soon after they're released are impossible to avoid and create a crushing burden.

USA Today Obamacare Accelerates Demise of Rural Hospitals - Katie Pavlich
democrats seem so fond of the word "lie" and now they have a chance to actually use it correctly for once. obamacare, like the obama administration, will go down in history as one of the most corrupt, dishonest clusterfucks in US history.

"THE"... .

The obama cult is an enemy insurgency; but no more so than the Berkley City counsel, the Harvard Academic Staff and the Congressional Caucus of Socialist who happen to be BLACK.

The distinction being that none of those are known to have taken official action to DECEIVE The US Public through a maze of thousands of pages IDIOCY, which directly opposes everything from common sense to even a BASIC understanding of the purpose of INSURANCE... all toward the goal of destroying the US Insurance industry, as a means to socialize 1/7th of the entire US Economy.

Not that they wouldn't if they had the POWER, and therein rests the point: The Ideological Left rests ENTIRELY upon RELATIVISM... and relativism rejects objectivity. And Objectivity is the ESSENTIAL ELEMENT OF TRUTH.

What you see in obamacare is little more than the overt attack upon TRUTH, as an official function of the obama cult presently in power, sitting as the US Executive Branch. A piece of Legislation which was passed ENTIRELY, WHOLLY by the Ideological Left, without so much as a single vote by a single Republican.

The resultant law is, therefore... rests entirely upon the obama-cult, thus the deceit within the bill and the fraudulence used to pass the law, is the SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE IDEOLOGICAL LEFT, with ALL OF IT falling to the representatives thereof: in the persons of obama, Pelosi, Reid and every single individual who is directly associated with them. Most of those in the Legislature who voted to pass it, are ALREADY GONE.

Now, as the New Congress is about to be seated, we will begin the process of ferreting out the evidence of those who can be shown to have tampered with the evidence, which will inevitably prove their guilt in abusing the public trust, which stands as the basis of the power they abused to SCREW THOSE PEOPLE WHO TRUSTED THEM!

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