The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

"The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount"

The glaring evidence that continues to mount is how utterly wrong the OP is.
What a bizarre response. This thread is filled with thousands of facts illustrating what an overwhelming failure Obamacare has been and you didn't even attempt to dispute one of them, yet you want to attack the "OP"?!?

You just proved the time tested saying: "If you want to make a conservative angry, lie to him. If you want to make a liberal angry, tell him the truth".

Dear Rottweiler and C_Clayton_Jones
I really came close yesterday to trying to understand this idea of imposing ACA first,
and defending it second, buying time to either make it work or embed it so deeply it can't be removed and
has to be made to work because it's too late.

The closest I can come is what I learned from my friend Juda with Choices for Life.
She points out that just because the RAPE is wrong, doesn't mean the child born of rape can't be a blessing in disguise
and meant to come into the world anyway. And just because that child is a gift, doesn't mean the RAPE isn't still wrong.
It doesn't make the RAPE any more correct just because the child was meant to be. The RAPE may have been "meant to happen" but it is still RAPE, still WRONGFUL and punishable by law.

So that is what I understand going on here.
Even though pushing ACA against the will of the people, is like forcing sex on a wife because
she agreed to marry the husband and be under one marriage agreement,
and ONE side of the partnership agrees to "terms of relations" but the other OPPOSES and SAYS NO
repeatedly, and is overruled by the other side that WANTS these relations, this "baby" to start growing.

And by the time the baby is too big to remove, the woman is FORCED to have this baby whether she
ever consented or not.

So whatever comes of this, one side is saying SEE you want this baby anyway, it's going to be fine,
this is better in the long run.

And the woman in the relationship is still crying NO I didn't consent, you are forcing me and didn't
include me equally in this decision, it is RAPE.

And the imposing side says TOUGH "sux to be you" We're having this baby whether you like it or not.
My friends approved, and the Court including your family approved, so this is "consensus."

So REGARDLESS if the baby turns out all right or not,
that doesn't change the fact that the baby was conceived in RAPE.

RAPE is still wrong, and it looks like the RAPIST is trying to justify the RAPE
by * discrediting the victim as "wanting and asking for it anyway, you agreed to
have hospitals not turn people away so you agreed to these terms added on"
(typical of blaming rape victims to lessen the shock and reality of rape)
* saying the outcome justify the means. If it works anyway then it's okay to rape people.
using the good things about the baby to try to "lessen or justify" the wrongful act of rape.
* saying other people impose their political belief the same way, so "everybody does this"
like saying "boys will be boys" and just because bullying and coercion is common on
the playground, it's okay to look the other way because that's just how it's done.

And all this is coming from the party accusing the other of being anti-women
and promoting the rape culture.

That is what I find most shocking.

My friend Juda who is Prolife is Republican and is always disappointed that no candidates
can push for Prolife when the laws favor Prochoice. This whole conflict over ACA
showed me what it's like when the tables are turned, and liberals who believe in
"right to health care" are willing to push that right over the right to choose, and don't even see it,
while the people who used to push "right to life" now demand right to choose.
Now that side feels "raped" by the other overriding free choice with their own "political beliefs."

I still believe people should be able to CHOOSE the terms of their relations
and who they want to have a "baby" with.

Since this ACA is not a literal baby, we can logistically "split the baby in half"
and let each party fund and manage their own version of their own baby.

I vote to adopt out this current baby to the Democrats to fix;
and let Republicans and Greens form their own baby that is prochoice and proliberty,
per state or per party, and not these mandated regulations and taxes from federal govt.

If the Prolife people are going to be held to mandates,
they should have equal right to mandate "right to life" in all the programs they are mandated to pay for
as their belief, similar to Prochoice people who want to mandate right to health care as their belief.

If it's going to be mandatory, let each group choose to add their mandates equally.
And if you don't agree, well, maybe we need to make these programs prochoice.

If you want Right to Life to remain a choice and not mandatory, then
Right to Health Care and ACA mandates should be a choice and not mandated.

Let's treat beliefs equally: if you mandate one, them mandate the others.
If you reject one as a choice, allow all citizens to reject yours as choice.
Politics aside, “Affordable health care “ is a misnomer, isn't it? besides a veiled attempt to force socialism on a free democratic society. Let's call Obamacare what it REALLY is: forced insurance on everyone. But, perhaps that is a good thing. I hope our well intended know- it -all federal government isn’t playing craps with our future here. I hope I didn't lose my job as a result of the ill informed politics of millennials good intentions.
Yes and no. If you are going to require insurance through govt,
at least have the Constitutional sense to vote on it per state, and let the
people have a say as the taxpayers who are going to be under that policy.

This precedent of allowing Congress and Courts to pass and approve such a bill
is DANGEROUS. It does what the liberals scream and rail against in terms of
violating "separation of church and state" by mandating either for or against people's personal beliefs in private matters,
and what the conservatives fear the most in terms of a "shariah law" being imposed by a political sect of beliefs over others.

If the liberals are going to mandate the right to health care and make everyone required to be under and pay for this policy,
then what's to stop conservatives to mandate the right to life? or the right to spiritual healing to reduce costs, and make
everyone go through that system.

This sets a terrible precedence, and I hope people on both the side of prochoice and prolife
come to realize this, so they can understand why the other side is so opposed to mandating such beliefs on a national scale.
Employees shouldering more of health costs, report finds

Employee health care premiums have risen an average of 19% since 2011, and workers are paying 28% more for health benefits compared with three years ago, finds a report by Towers Watson/National Business Group on Health. Employers are paying an average premium of $9,560 per worker in 2014, up from $8,364 in 2011.

Your workplace health insurance costs $1,200 more - Economy
I wonder though, would this have happened (the higher and higher rates) regardless of Obamacare or did it happen because of Obamacare ? Does anyone TRULY no the answer to this ?

Regardless, what remains is that people are being required by federal govt to buy insurance instead of this remaining a free business choice. There are other ways to cover health care, and this is neither the ONLY way, nor the most immediate relief to cover healthcare.

As for the complaints of rising insurance costs,
then why pass this bill that forces changes to the whole industry and to all consumers and citizens?

if you are not willing to take responsibility, then don't force reforms without the consent of others, especially the opposition.

Just like if a robber puts a gun in someone's face and causes a fatal heart attack,
how do you know that person wouldn't have a heart attack anyway?
Even if it turns out to be a fake gun, the person is still responsible
even if the person might have had a heart attack and died anyway, with or without
the armed confrontation, and regardless if it was a real gun or fake gun.

In this case, since people in opposition CLEARLY objected UP FRONT, and voted no,
and did NOT want to be responsible for the risks and changes
forced on the public, then the people pushing the bill should accept responsibility.

If not, then why push this bill against the opposition of others?

I'm also worried about the push for legalization for similar reasons.
It is one thing to push for decriminalization, but then I would make people
responsible for health care costs and consequences without
imposing that on people who said NO there is longterm damage from
unnecessary pot use and NO we don't agree to pay for those problems.
Oops and how many times has the teaparty tried to overturn it? You all have even gone so far as to shut down government to get Obamacare gone.. How embarrassing for you.

Dear Sarah G
Why is it a shame on the victim of rape or bullying
to have stated up front "NO we do not consent to giving up personal freedom to federal govt over health care choices"
and then REPEATEDLY defended our interests and consent, only to be ignored and violated repeatedly?

Do you blame the rape victim for fighting and resisting
so if she "fails" and injures herself more, it is her fault for fighting back?

Do you blame the bullying victim for giving up or being
pushed to suicide because someone else refused to stop when asked repeatedly?

Do you blame the Slaves for their own slavery
because it took centuries to fight for equal right and say when they were overruled.

Why are you blaming the victim of political bullying and censorship?

Do you like when people do this to you? To people you care about
who are being overrun and overruled by political bullying? Really?

P.S. As for the federal shutdown, the conservatives and leaders in Congress went out of their way to get opponents to AGREE to the budget with two concesions that most ppl AGREED on
* to delay the individual mandate for one year since the employer mandate was delayed for one year
* to remove the tax on medical devices that would punish service providers at a time the economy and businesses are struggling to recover

And Obama refused to sign any bill that had any changes at all.
So the fault was mutual. This was an incredible opportunity, and compromise
on behalf of opponents who wanted the whole ACA repealed but settled for
these two changes to prevent from deadlocking and shutting down govt.

This cannot be blamed on just the opposition.
The ACA should not have been passed without support in the first place,
but all conflicts should be resolved in advance. This was started by
the people like Obama who pushed the bill when it had Constitutional issues
that needed to be addressed first.

I would either hold the Democrat Party 75-100% responsible, given the above,
or split it 50/50 and let both parties fix their own health care programs
and quit imposing on the beliefs and members of the other party if they cannot resolve this.
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As the Dumbocrats on USMB love to crow about - Obamacare was passed into law by Congress, signed into law by the president, and upheld by the Supreme Court. So why exactly does the federal government have to piss away billions to promote an existing law?!? Has this ever been done with any other law in U.S. history?

They begged the NBA to help promote it and the NBA said yes. They begged the NFL to help promote it, and the NFL told them to go fuck themselves (doh!). So why are they so desperate to reach people through Hollywood and sports? Because even the Dumbocrats know this is a miserable failure, and they know it is going to be repealed eventually unless they can do major damage control and brainwash the masses (especially the young and impressionable - hence the NBA, NFL, etc.) that this is a "good" thing.

Super Bowl champ Baltimore Ravens getting paid $130,000 to promote Obamacare |
Plus he took a trip to India costing $200,000,000.00 a "day".

Rep. Michele Bachmann claims Obama s trip to India will cost the taxpayers 200 million a day PolitiFact

It has been repeated by nearly every conservative pundit in the land: Hannity, Limbaugh, Beck, Drudge. Always with a healthy dose of indignation.

It also got picked up by U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., who told CNN's Anderson Cooper on Nov. 3, 2010, it was just the latest example of government excess and spending from the Obama administration.

"The president of the United States will be taking a trip over to India that is expected to cost the taxpayers $200 million a day," Bachmann said. "He's taking 2,000 people with him.


Oh these Republicans and their honesty.
Oops and how many times has the teaparty tried to overturn it? You all have even gone so far as to shut down government to get Obamacare gone.. How embarrassing for you.

Dear Sarah G
Why is it a shame on the victim of rape or bullying
to have stated up front "NO we do not consent to giving up personal freedom to federal govt over health care choices"
and then REPEATEDLY defended our interests and consent, only to be ignored and violated repeatedly?

Do you blame the rape victim for fighting and resisting
so if she "fails" and injures herself more, it is her fault for fighting back?

Do you blame the bullying victim for giving up or being
pushed to suicide because someone else refused to stop when asked repeatedly?

Do you blame the Slaves for their own slavery
because it took centuries to fight for equal right and say when they were overruled.

Why are you blaming the victim of political bullying and censorship?

Do you like when people do this to you? To people you care about
who are being overrun and overruled by political bullying? Really?

P.S. As for the federal shutdown, the conservatives and leaders in Congress went out of their way to get opponents to AGREE to the budget with two concesions that most ppl AGREED on
* to delay the individual mandate for one year since the employer mandate was delayed for one year
* to remove the tax on medical devices that would punish service providers at a time the economy and businesses are struggling to recover

And Obama refused to sign any bill that had any changes at all.
So the fault was mutual. This was an incredible opportunity, and compromise
on behalf of opponents who wanted the whole ACA repealed but settled for
these two changes to prevent from deadlocking and shutting down govt.

This cannot be blamed on just the opposition.
The ACA should not have been passed without support in the first place,
but all conflicts should be resolved in advance. This was started by
the people like Obama who pushed the bill when it had Constitutional issues
that needed to be addressed first.

I would either hold the Democrat Party 75-100% responsible, given the above,
or split it 50/50 and let both parties fix their own health care programs
and quit imposing on the beliefs and members of the other party if they cannot resolve this.

Yeah. There's nothing embarrassing about fighting for what you believe in.
Oops and how many times has the teaparty tried to overturn it? You all have even gone so far as to shut down government to get Obamacare gone.. How embarrassing for you.

Dear Sarah G
Why is it a shame on the victim of rape or bullying
to have stated up front "NO we do not consent to giving up personal freedom to federal govt over health care choices"
and then REPEATEDLY defended our interests and consent, only to be ignored and violated repeatedly?

Do you blame the rape victim for fighting and resisting
so if she "fails" and injures herself more, it is her fault for fighting back?

Do you blame the bullying victim for giving up or being
pushed to suicide because someone else refused to stop when asked repeatedly?

Do you blame the Slaves for their own slavery
because it took centuries to fight for equal right and say when they were overruled.

Why are you blaming the victim of political bullying and censorship?

Do you like when people do this to you? To people you care about
who are being overrun and overruled by political bullying? Really?

P.S. As for the federal shutdown, the conservatives and leaders in Congress went out of their way to get opponents to AGREE to the budget with two concesions that most ppl AGREED on
* to delay the individual mandate for one year since the employer mandate was delayed for one year
* to remove the tax on medical devices that would punish service providers at a time the economy and businesses are struggling to recover

And Obama refused to sign any bill that had any changes at all.
So the fault was mutual. This was an incredible opportunity, and compromise
on behalf of opponents who wanted the whole ACA repealed but settled for
these two changes to prevent from deadlocking and shutting down govt.

This cannot be blamed on just the opposition.
The ACA should not have been passed without support in the first place,
but all conflicts should be resolved in advance. This was started by
the people like Obama who pushed the bill when it had Constitutional issues
that needed to be addressed first.

I would either hold the Democrat Party 75-100% responsible, given the above,
or split it 50/50 and let both parties fix their own health care programs
and quit imposing on the beliefs and members of the other party if they cannot resolve this.

Yeah. There's nothing embarrassing about fighting for what you believe in.

I'm more embarrassed for Obama and the Democrats,
who can't seem to recognize when they have a political BELIEF that is violating "separation of church and state"
similar to religious advocates who make this mistake with govt.
Dear boilermaker55
Regardless, it is not the authority of federal govt to dictate how citizens pay for health care,
unless they pass a Constitutional amendment or a state law the citizens vote on and agree on the process.
Here, there was not only disagreement but religious objection to using federal govt in this manner to bypass checks on govt. It was either wrongful as a violation of Constitutional laws directly, or indirectly by violating and discriminating on the basis of creed because of equal political beliefs that should have both been taking into account without excluding or favoring one over the other.

That is wrong regardless of the outcome.

1. slavery was still wrong although it allowed for the growth of the US industrial revolution and economy to dominate the word
2. taking over Hawaii was wrong and later apologized for officially by govt, even though it protected US security in the Pacific
3. if Christian spiritual healing were mandated for all citizens, that would reduce addictions, crime and disease
and save lives and resources, but would be wrongful by Constitutional laws and a violation of federal govt duties
4. rape can lead to conceptoin and birth of a lovely child, who is loved and cherished and brings meaning and purpose in life,
but the rape is still wrong and punishable by law. the outcome produced by a wrongful action does not justify breaching laws.

Think healthcare costs are soaring Think again. - Dec. 4 2014
Premiums for private health insurance grew 2.8% last year, compared to a 4% increase in 2012. Low overall enrollment growth, greater usage of high deductible plans and other benefit design changes and the health law's medical loss ratio and rate review provisions contributed to the decline, the Centers found.

Consumer out-of-pocket spending -- including co-payments and deductibles or payments for services not covered by a consumer's health insurance -- grew 3.2% in 2013, down from the 3.6% growth in both 2011 and 2012.

Spending for physician and clinical services grew 3.8% last year, a slowdown from 2012 when spending grew 4.5%. Expenditures for hospital care increased 4.3%, slower than the 5.7% rate of growth in 2012.
Catastrophic failure.............I think not.
But then, having evidence shown to those like you are of no consequence.


As the Dumbocrats on USMB love to crow about - Obamacare was passed into law by Congress, signed into law by the president, and upheld by the Supreme Court. So why exactly does the federal government have to piss away billions to promote an existing law?!? Has this ever been done with any other law in U.S. history?

They begged the NBA to help promote it and the NBA said yes. They begged the NFL to help promote it, and the NFL told them to go fuck themselves (doh!). So why are they so desperate to reach people through Hollywood and sports? Because even the Dumbocrats know this is a miserable failure, and they know it is going to be repealed eventually unless they can do major damage control and brainwash the masses (especially the young and impressionable - hence the NBA, NFL, etc.) that this is a "good" thing.

Super Bowl champ Baltimore Ravens getting paid $130,000 to promote Obamacare |
My Lawyer is better than anyone Harvards ever produced and he went to Notre Dame. My other Lawyer who is also better was that lawyers roommate.
Great, Judicial review. Can your Lawyer fix this whole mess over ACA mandates, political beliefs, and the Constitution?
I am ready for a national class-action lawsuit, is your Lawyer up for it?

1. First step, evaluate and assess how many citizens share the political beliefs about health care as a right through govt,
how many believe the ACA mandates are constitutional or not, and how many believe this violates either Constitutional laws directly or indirectly discriminates on the basis of creed.

2. Then ask the Parties to address and resolve these issues, either separate the bill into separate groups under separate policies, or leave it open as an equal option to participate in govt health care or not, and/or require other options besides ACA.

3. And if neither Party can fix this bill, then sue on behalf of the public for 24 billion in costs of the govt shutdown,
for passing a bill that couldn't be fixed, and demand that this money be invested as credits toward setting up
a system or system(s) that people agree to use according to our political beliefs without violating any of them.

can your lawyer do that?
My Lawyer is better than anyone Harvards ever produced and he went to Notre Dame. My other Lawyer who is also better was that lawyers roommate.
Great, Judicial review. Can your Lawyer fix this whole mess over ACA mandates, political beliefs, and the Constitution?
I am ready for a national class-action lawsuit, is your Lawyer up for it?

1. First step, evaluate and assess how many citizens share the political beliefs about health care as a right through govt,
how many believe the ACA mandates are constitutional or not, and how many believe this violates either Constitutional laws directly or indirectly discriminates on the basis of creed.

2. Then ask the Parties to address and resolve these issues, either separate the bill into separate groups under separate policies, or leave it open as an equal option to participate in govt health care or not, and/or require other options besides ACA.

3. And if neither Party can fix this bill, then sue on behalf of the public for 24 billion in costs of the govt shutdown,
for passing a bill that couldn't be fixed, and demand that this money be invested as credits toward setting up
a system or system(s) that people agree to use according to our political beliefs without violating any of them.

can your lawyer do that?

Yes. He embarrassed Dr Phil on TV in front of his audience he can do whatever.
As a long term employee of an insurance carrier I find it frightening how many people call me daily to blame Obamacare when they don't have a clue what is in their policies. If you can't afford a 10k deductible then why did you buy it? People are far more educated about their car insurance policies then they are their health insurance yet it is a single MRI or surgical procedure that can send them into bankruptcy. You can ditch the car and take the bus if your car insurance deductible is too high. You can die if you pass on an MRI or essential surgical procedure.

I agree Obamacare sux but place blame where it belongs. Your employer bought you a crappy policy and YOU signed up for it.

Under free market, they wouldn't be forced or rushed to buy insurance.
The issue of deadlines came from Obamacare, by requiring this.

In normal business practices, consumers are free to choose,
so if plans are bad, nobody will buy them. This factor has been lost.

The proper way would be to set up programs first, test them out and prove
they work through the people who CHOSE to be patrons, similar to businesses,
and then the programs that are more effective will attract more patrons while the
failed programs will lose customers.

Keep it voluntary, and then only the effectively run programs would sustain.
And people would naturally gravitate towards those, without being forced by law.
emily, how many debates do you want to start in one day? Spread them out.
Trying to resolve this one, by finding the central team to head it up.
Is your Lawyer up for it? The ACA mandate issue of political beliefs
and discrimination by creed. Can your Lawyer head a national team to address both parties to fix this mess?
I bet my lawyer can beat up his lawyer. I'll further posit that if the big bad "business owner" acted how he does here in my place of business, my employees would be escorting him out of the building post haste. Resistance is futile at Doc's.
Okay Ernie S.
let's pit your lawyer up against JR's lawyer.
and see who is willing to admit that the ACA mandates
either violate Constitutional laws directly or indirectly
discriminate on the basis of creed. Are you game?

or are both you and JR talking out of your hats?
My Lawyer is better than anyone Harvards ever produced and he went to Notre Dame. My other Lawyer who is also better was that lawyers roommate.
Great, Judicial review. Can your Lawyer fix this whole mess over ACA mandates, political beliefs, and the Constitution?
I am ready for a national class-action lawsuit, is your Lawyer up for it?

1. First step, evaluate and assess how many citizens share the political beliefs about health care as a right through govt,
how many believe the ACA mandates are constitutional or not, and how many believe this violates either Constitutional laws directly or indirectly discriminates on the basis of creed.

2. Then ask the Parties to address and resolve these issues, either separate the bill into separate groups under separate policies, or leave it open as an equal option to participate in govt health care or not, and/or require other options besides ACA.

3. And if neither Party can fix this bill, then sue on behalf of the public for 24 billion in costs of the govt shutdown,
for passing a bill that couldn't be fixed, and demand that this money be invested as credits toward setting up
a system or system(s) that people agree to use according to our political beliefs without violating any of them.

can your lawyer do that?

Yes. He embarrassed Dr Phil on TV in front of his audience he can do whatever.
Ok Judicial review so ask your Lawyer about researching the political beliefs
for and against ACA mandates, and ask your lawyer about putting together a national class action lawsuit,
demanding a refund of 24 billion in wasted resources to be invested in models by both parties, to PROVE their solutions work first BEFORE requiring citizens to fund one or the other(s), and require the political party leaders to separate
the funding by beliefs, so people have equal choice in participating in the program they believe in or which works best.

1. people who believe in right to health care through govt Singlepayer
2. people who believe ACA is the best way or the only way
3. people who believe in states rights or rights reserved to the people
4. people who believe in right to life and only funding programs consistent with their faith
5. people willing to pay for health care programs through the party or programs of their choice
Tell the truth about Republicans and they feel constantly attacked. In between their lies about Obama.
The individuals that interpret the constitution for the citizens of the US ruled contrary to your belief.

Dear boilermaker55
Regardless, it is not the authority of federal govt to dictate how citizens pay for health care,
unless they pass a Constitutional amendment or a state law the citizens vote on and agree on the process.
Here, there was not only disagreement but religious objection to using federal govt in this manner to bypass checks on govt. It was either wrongful as a violation of Constitutional laws directly, or indirectly by violating and discriminating on the basis of creed because of equal political beliefs that should have both been taking into account without excluding or favoring one over the other.

That is wrong regardless of the outcome.

1. slavery was still wrong although it allowed for the growth of the US industrial revolution and economy to dominate the word
2. taking over Hawaii was wrong and later apologized for officially by govt, even though it protected US security in the Pacific
3. if Christian spiritual healing were mandated for all citizens, that would reduce addictions, crime and disease
and save lives and resources, but would be wrongful by Constitutional laws and a violation of federal govt duties
4. rape can lead to conceptoin and birth of a lovely child, who is loved and cherished and brings meaning and purpose in life,
but the rape is still wrong and punishable by law. the outcome produced by a wrongful action does not justify breaching laws.

Think healthcare costs are soaring Think again. - Dec. 4 2014
Premiums for private health insurance grew 2.8% last year, compared to a 4% increase in 2012. Low overall enrollment growth, greater usage of high deductible plans and other benefit design changes and the health law's medical loss ratio and rate review provisions contributed to the decline, the Centers found.

Consumer out-of-pocket spending -- including co-payments and deductibles or payments for services not covered by a consumer's health insurance -- grew 3.2% in 2013, down from the 3.6% growth in both 2011 and 2012.

Spending for physician and clinical services grew 3.8% last year, a slowdown from 2012 when spending grew 4.5%. Expenditures for hospital care increased 4.3%, slower than the 5.7% rate of growth in 2012.
Catastrophic failure.............I think not.
But then, having evidence shown to those like you are of no consequence.


As the Dumbocrats on USMB love to crow about - Obamacare was passed into law by Congress, signed into law by the president, and upheld by the Supreme Court. So why exactly does the federal government have to piss away billions to promote an existing law?!? Has this ever been done with any other law in U.S. history?

They begged the NBA to help promote it and the NBA said yes. They begged the NFL to help promote it, and the NFL told them to go fuck themselves (doh!). So why are they so desperate to reach people through Hollywood and sports? Because even the Dumbocrats know this is a miserable failure, and they know it is going to be repealed eventually unless they can do major damage control and brainwash the masses (especially the young and impressionable - hence the NBA, NFL, etc.) that this is a "good" thing.

Super Bowl champ Baltimore Ravens getting paid $130,000 to promote Obamacare |
Tell the truth about Republicans and they feel constantly attacked. In between their lies about Obama.

Dear rdean I'm beginning to think this is their own karma come back to them.

When Conservatives were pushing PROLIFE and assuming "prochoice" means killing babies and proabortion,
they pushed for laws that impose this belief WITHOUT PROVING FIRST that a person's conscious free will begins at conception for ALL CASES. Since this is on a spiritual realm, based on belief, laws cannot be based on belief.
But instead of proving it first, they want to push the laws "making other people responsible for THEIR beliefs" so this got nixed in favor of PROCHOICE.
the "burden of proof" should be on the proponents, not the defense; so the prolife laws
keep getting blocked because they haven't been proven yet, but are still based on FAITH.

Now the burden and offense is on the other side!

Now the liberals are pushing pro health care through Govt and requiring insurance or tax penalties against people's consent and liberties, based on the "BELIEF" that health care is right that can ONLY be provided equally through govt and that INSURANCE and mandates are the best way to reduce costs etc. so these MUST be required and cannot just be FREE CHOICE
but must be MADE LAW. Similar to how prolife are not content with prochoice but want their laws MANDATED.

But now, instead of the liberals having "burden of proof" to show their system is true,
they JUMPED THE GUN and passed a LAW FIRST, mandating that people pay into this system and are made responsible for beliefs NOT PROVEN YET, and then expect to prove it AFTER THE FACT. But they refuse to let prolife do this with their beliefs and laws, and demand they prove it FIRST BEFORE passing laws "based on beliefs."

If the restriction or loss of liberty is IMPOSED onto the side of Opponents,
then the 'burden of proof' should be on the side of Proponents of this belief and law.
NOT pushed onto the Opponents to prove their side in DEFENSE of choice/liberty.

But the proponents keep using the "fact the bill passed" as proof that it is lawful. That is after the fact.
That is like atheists contesting "proof of God using the Bible" that is already after the fact, after it was already assumed!!!

So now BOTH sides are getting a taste of their own medicine.

Prolife people are screaming for proliberty similar to prochoice arguments they slammed before this.
And Prochoice people are pushing their values and beliefs WITHOUT PROOF in violation of separation of church and state.

What a circus. Too bad the tent is on fire and elephants and donkeys are stampeding.
We could have a lovely show with these theatrical dramatics going on,
if people could see what they are doing to each other. This should be a reality show to straighten out this mess!
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