The Go-Slow Zone

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
White lawyer discovers that "racism" doesn't always emanate from whites...

American Renaissance News: Dispatches from the Go-Slow Zone

It’s a safe bet that for many whites, exposure to blacks and Hispanics comes in controlled doses. Their positive attitudes toward “diversity” are shaped by isolated experiences with small handfuls of non-whites, often in majority-white settings. Until some years ago, my own life followed this pattern. I was a “colorblind conservative” and liked Newt Gingrich and Jack Kemp. Although I was beginning to lose my illusions, I thought all we needed to fix the race problem were free markets and “better values.”

That was about to change. After law school, I accepted a job with the civil division of a major metropolitan area’s legal office, which defends the city against lawsuits. If you were hit by a police car, for example, and decided to sue, we handled the case. Incoming lawyers were assigned to various locations around the city, and I landed in the least-white part of town—29 percent and falling.

There were mutterings about past lawyers who had refused this assignment for “safety” reasons, but I thought of it as a gritty, world-expanding adventure. Like a British explorer, I would venture out where others feared. How bad could it be?

Real bad. Read on.
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wow, this sounds terrible.

so what should america do about this problem?

Uh, pretty obvious. First, we have to separate the ******* and spics from Whites. We should start by placing them in special zones so that each ones race interests are protected. For safety, you see. Ideally, the subhuman races should be placed in smaller and smaller areas, specifically designed so that one is more numerous than the other, and that more power be given to the less numerous group. This ensures that they do not cooperate and that they remain divided by petty infighting. Later on, it would be useful to set up mass sweatshops in these areas; as special export-processing zones where there are no rights. Any previously held rights should be peeled off in small increments, to the point where there will be no pay. Eventually, though, the only real solution of course is to jumpstart American infrastructure by engaging on a massive project to further relocate the minorities into gigantic camps, where their hair, teeth, and all other useful external body parts may be extracted for raw materials, before their sent to gas chambers where they will be exterminated. That is the only real, and final, solution.

Right, Billy J?
White lawyer discovers that "racism" doesn't always emanate from whites...

American Renaissance News: Dispatches from the Go-Slow Zone

It’s a safe bet that for many whites, exposure to blacks and Hispanics comes in controlled doses. Their positive attitudes toward “diversity” are shaped by isolated experiences with small handfuls of non-whites, often in majority-white settings. Until some years ago, my own life followed this pattern. I was a “colorblind conservative” and liked Newt Gingrich and Jack Kemp. Although I was beginning to lose my illusions, I thought all we needed to fix the race problem were free markets and “better values.”

That was about to change. After law school, I accepted a job with the civil division of a major metropolitan area’s legal office, which defends the city against lawsuits. If you were hit by a police car, for example, and decided to sue, we handled the case. Incoming lawyers were assigned to various locations around the city, and I landed in the least-white part of town—29 percent and falling.

There were mutterings about past lawyers who had refused this assignment for “safety” reasons, but I thought of it as a gritty, world-expanding adventure. Like a British explorer, I would venture out where others feared. How bad could it be?

Real bad. Read on.
jesus, where did this guy grow up?

it is the inner city USA.

almost all the stereotypes he listed I've seen. I've seen them in white hispanic/latino and black people. there is a part of the inner city black culture that is disturbing, but almost all the whites in those areas act----black if that is what the author is getting at. the rudeness and crap is not because people are is class.
Uh, pretty obvious. First, we have to separate the ******* and spics from Whites. We should start by placing them in special zones so that each ones race interests are protected. For safety, you see. Ideally, the subhuman races should be placed in smaller and smaller areas, specifically designed so that one is more numerous than the other, and that more power be given to the less numerous group. This ensures that they do not cooperate and that they remain divided by petty infighting. Later on, it would be useful to set up mass sweatshops in these areas; as special export-processing zones where there are no rights. Any previously held rights should be peeled off in small increments, to the point where there will be no pay. Eventually, though, the only real solution of course is to jumpstart American infrastructure by engaging on a massive project to further relocate the minorities into gigantic camps, where their hair, teeth, and all other useful external body parts may be extracted for raw materials, before their sent to gas chambers where they will be exterminated. That is the only real, and final, solution.

Right, Billy J?

If he would say that I would have more respect for him, but others would shut him down.


we need to be able to speak freely in order to speak to each other in honesty
Uh, pretty obvious. First, we have to separate the ******* and spics from Whites. We should start by placing them in special zones so that each ones race interests are protected. For safety, you see. Ideally, the subhuman races should be placed in smaller and smaller areas, specifically designed so that one is more numerous than the other, and that more power be given to the less numerous group. This ensures that they do not cooperate and that they remain divided by petty infighting. Later on, it would be useful to set up mass sweatshops in these areas; as special export-processing zones where there are no rights. Any previously held rights should be peeled off in small increments, to the point where there will be no pay. Eventually, though, the only real solution of course is to jumpstart American infrastructure by engaging on a massive project to further relocate the minorities into gigantic camps, where their hair, teeth, and all other useful external body parts may be extracted for raw materials, before their sent to gas chambers where they will be exterminated. That is the only real, and final, solution.

Right, Billy J?

Well, ED, I suppose I could parry you by parodying your final solution to the 'white problem'. I'm pretty handy that way myself, and it would be pretty funny. It would end with whites all being exterminated in giant camps overseen by Black Panthers reporting to Barack Obama.

But would that be productive?


Why don't you provide us with your ideas for solving racial dischord? What do you have to say about the racist behavior of the blacks and Hispanics in the article? Is that "OK" because "whitey is the devil"? Would you say that racial problems are exclusively caused by whites?

What if separation, far from causing the violence you attribute to it, actually lead to PEACE?
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Hey William, the Tiger Woods and Barak Obamas are already solving the problem. A few more generations and no race, just variation between pink and varying shades of brown, red, and yellow. No more William Joyces. But then, given the vitriolic response to the suggestion that a geneology be ran on him, one wonders if William Joyce really exists as advertised.
Well, ED, I suppose I could parry you by parodying your final solution to the 'white problem'. I'm pretty handy that way myself, and it would be pretty funny. It would end with whites all being exterminated in giant camps overseen by Black Panthers reporting to Barack Obama.

But would that be productive?


Why don't you provide us with your ideas for solving racial dischord? What do you have to say about the racist behavior of the blacks and Hispanics in the article? Is that "OK" because "whitey is the devil"? Would you say that racial problems are exclusively caused by whites?

What if separation, far from causing the violence you attribute to it, actually lead to PEACE?

What makes you think that I think there's a "White Problem"? I don't think there's any "White Problem" or "Jew Problem" or "Gnome Problem". I think what we have is a severe case of HUMAN problem. I don't know anything about this guy who wrote the article. He's some guy who had a shitty fucking job, for all I know. His argument boils down to "All these dirty, lazy brown people didn't speak my English." I can post you hundredsof links of entire VOLUMES on White Racism as well. Or just go to google and look up "Third Reich", "Segregation in America", "History of the British Empire in India/Africa/Australia", "Spanish Conquest of the Americas" and then you might read about things that are a little more serious than speaking with a bloody accent.

Maybe some of those volumes are even written by actual scholars, based on written records and not some guy's bad work experience. I used to live in New York City, I'd regularly go to Jamaica, Queens, sometimes at night, in the same subway cars full of blacks, and never did I hear any of that behaviour. Sometimes I had to go take some pictures at Randall's Island and then get on the 6 Train through the heart of *gasp* HARLEM. Didn't hear or feel a lot of racism. In fact, the only time I ever got mugged in the States was by two drunk white kids. SO WHAT? Conversely, the only person I knew from the NY high-school who went to Harvard was black. Should I write some blog about this and imply that Blacks are superior and whites are all a bunch of gangsters? Of course not.

But what about Separation? Well, you know, so let's say that keeping races separate is good, and promotes peace. Let's just pretend that's true for a second, despite the fact that there's absolutely no reason to believe that (Just read a book on European history. European history is basically the history of white-on-white mass murder. Or read a book on Asian history. I don't think anybody's killed more Asians than other Asians, and same goes for Africa today, and for South America, and for Europe as I just mentioned). But even then, let's say that it does promote peace. How do we get there? How do you propose that we separate the races? If that was REALLY the natural order of things, why aren't we all hell bent on just "sticking to our kind"? Is there a way to get to this fractionalized mono-ethnic paradise without mass bloodshed? Do we ask nicely that everyone go to their corner of the room? Do we build big walls so that people don't think of crossing over? Do we put men with guns guarding the doors?

If that's the answer, then no, I don't think separation brings peace. I don't think that scenario brings peace at all. I don't think peace emanates from the barrel of a gun and barbed wire. Do you??
Uh, pretty obvious. First, we have to separate the ******* and spics from Whites. We should start by placing them in special zones so that each ones race interests are protected. For safety, you see. Ideally, the subhuman races should be placed in smaller and smaller areas, specifically designed so that one is more numerous than the other, and that more power be given to the less numerous group. This ensures that they do not cooperate and that they remain divided by petty infighting. Later on, it would be useful to set up mass sweatshops in these areas; as special export-processing zones where there are no rights. Any previously held rights should be peeled off in small increments, to the point where there will be no pay. Eventually, though, the only real solution of course is to jumpstart American infrastructure by engaging on a massive project to further relocate the minorities into gigantic camps, where their hair, teeth, and all other useful external body parts may be extracted for raw materials, before their sent to gas chambers where they will be exterminated. That is the only real, and final, solution.

Right, Billy J?

what a a buzz harsher you are
But what about Separation? Well, you know, so let's say that keeping races separate is good, and promotes peace. Let's just pretend that's true for a second, despite the fact that there's absolutely no reason to believe that (Just read a book on European history. European history is basically the history of white-on-white mass murder. Or read a book on Asian history. I don't think anybody's killed more Asians than other Asians, and same goes for Africa today, and for South America, and for Europe as I just mentioned). But even then, let's say that it does promote peace. How do we get there? How do you propose that we separate the races? If that was REALLY the natural order of things, why aren't we all hell bent on just "sticking to our kind"? Is there a way to get to this fractionalized mono-ethnic paradise without mass bloodshed? Do we ask nicely that everyone go to their corner of the room? Do we build big walls so that people don't think of crossing over? Do we put men with guns guarding the doors?

Fair question, but I tend to think it isn't SEPARATION that requires so much force, it's INTEGRATION. For instance, the first act of forced integration between blacks and white happened when slavers kidnapped/bought them from Africa, in CHAINS. Blacks did not voluntarily come to America.

When you let people go their own way, they naturally separate, like oil and water.
Fair question, but I tend to think it isn't SEPARATION that requires so much force, it's INTEGRATION. For instance, the first act of forced integration between blacks and white happened when slavers kidnapped/bought them from Africa, in CHAINS. Blacks did not voluntarily come to America.

When you let people go their own way, they naturally separate, like oil and water.

And all of us breeds really do prove your point, correct?:lol:
Before the 1890s every county in the continental U.S. had at least one Black family and most counties even in states that today have almost no Blacks (like my native Montana) had significant numbers of Black people. Over the next 40 or so years Blacks were forcibly driven out of rural areas by violent pogroms culminating in the Tulsa race riot of 1922 which killed over 300 people. If that's not enough proof that segregation relies on violence, and you choose to ignore the bombings of Black churches, attacks on peaceful anti-segregation marches, etc., just look at the history of apartheid in S. Africa or at Israel today.

Also, Blacks and whites interacted for centuries before the transatlantic slave trade, both peacefully and in warlike situations.
Well, ED, I suppose I could parry you by parodying your final solution to the 'white problem'. I'm pretty handy that way myself, and it would be pretty funny. It would end with whites all being exterminated in giant camps overseen by Black Panthers reporting to Barack Obama.

But would that be productive?


Why don't you provide us with your ideas for solving racial dischord? What do you have to say about the racist behavior of the blacks and Hispanics in the article? Is that "OK" because "whitey is the devil"? Would you say that racial problems are exclusively caused by whites?

What if separation, far from causing the violence you attribute to it, actually lead to PEACE?

black panthers?

you are living in a time warp

call ground control
This man is clearly exaggerating inner city issues. I live in the inner I should know. It also just so happens that I am black. I believe the article was an indirect form of racism. What the author really wanted to say was, "those ******* and wetbacks need to be put back in chains". The entire article was nothing more than complete propaganda, stereotyping, and exaggerating. This is nothing different from the exaggerations that was used after the liberation of slaves. The article actually reminds me of the Sambo, Mammy, and the Pickananny. I guess if you tell lies along enough and people start to believe it, specially if first expression is the only contact they have with minorities and people of different social classes.
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This man is clearly exaggerating inner city issues. I live in the inner I should know. It also just so happens that I am black. I believe the article was an indirect form of racism. What the author really wanted to say was, "those ******* and wetbacks need to be put back in chains". The entire article was nothing more than complete propaganda, stereotyping, and exaggerating. This is nothing different from the exaggerations that was used after the liberation of slaves. The article actually reminds me of the Sambo, Mammy, and the Pickananny. I guess if you tell lies along enough and people start to believe it, specially if first expression is the only contact they have with minorities and people of different social classes.

What I read was a recitation of plain observations, not "exaggerations." Also, as a black person, your reaction is obviously going to be different to life amongst blacks. It's doubtful you'd be shoved around or shot hate looks on grounds of your race!

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