The goal of American leftwing politics is about ensuring that no one working 40 hours a week lives in poverty.

Regardless, you're full of shit! You're creating content to be popular! Which you may be, but in my book, you're not!!! I am a Communist, in the true sense. Tell me why you are Communist.
You can easily verify that what I write isn't copied and pasted from websites. I actually create content here in the forum, so what you're reading is brand spanking new right off the press.
Aight, I'll give you a chance!!! But I'm not going to post much till tomorrow, or maybe Friday!
There are many who will argue with science and logic that grain is not intended for man and that people would be far better off without any grain. I tend to agree with them.

The problem for me is that I make bread every week; sometimes twice a week. I make white bread, sourdough bread, whole wheat bread, half-white/half-wheat bread, rye bread. I grind my own whole wheat but I buy my rye flour already ground.

I haven't bought a loaf of bread in years. I also make my own hamburger, hotdog, submarine rolls. I make a to-die-for cinnamon roll. I shouldn't do it but I also make cakes - never from a mix; always scratch cakes and icings.

I've kept a spreadsheet with all of the exact measurements, costs, process or baking changes, of every loaf for the past several years, along with the results and quality of the result so I can track what works well and what are the effects of various changes and if something fails, I can troubleshoot based on the data.

I almost always bake in two-loaf batches. In the past year, with Biden inflation, I have exceeded two dollar cost for two loaves four different times. In those times, there were two that cost $2.01 per two-loaf batch and two that cost $2.02 per two-loaf batch - and I include an allowance for the cost of energy for baking as well in that figure.

I was cutting the poor some slack, allowing that they may not work as hard as I do to get the very best quality bread but, if they are only willing to do the work, and if they feel that whole grain is something they want in their diets, the very best quality breads available to mankind in the history of mankind can be had for the same price as that cardboard loaf of Walmart brand.

So what other meats can go on that menu that cost less than the boneless, skinless, chicken?

I remember when my wife and I were much younger, very, very, much younger, those chicken breasts were $1.99 a pound. Until Biden inflation hit, from the mid-70s until 2021, they were still $1.99 a pound. They went from something we couldn't even dream of buying to becoming the very cheapest meat in the store. Then, of course, you elected Biden and while the news suggests a 30% increase in chicken prices in the past year, it's actually about 60 to 70 per cent.

So, let's look at what's cheaper than $3.24 a pound.

First is tuna, even though you badmouthed it. My wife and I have a grilled tuna sandwich a couple of times a month. A 5-ounce can (used to be a 6.5 ounce until Obama's shrinkflation) makes up to enough tuna salad for both of us to have one delicious grilled tuna on homemade sourdough. Because we've worked hard in our life and have earned it, can afford it, we get the more expensive solid-light in olive oil but for a poor family of 4 get the 12 ounce can, always in oil, not in water, for $2.63. Add a bit of mayo (less because you bought tuna in oil rather than in water and then adding the oil afterwards in the expensive mayo. For us, we put in a bit of diced onion and dill relish. Still, in total,less than the price per serving as the price of the chicken.

Then there's bologna. Fried bologna, thick sliced, with a little homemade mayo on rye. I'm getting hungry thinking of it. We like to buy the german beef balogna at the deli because we've worked hard and make enough that we can. But we sill eat the Bar S from time to time, too, so we know it's edible. it's $1.48 a pound so less than half the price of the chicken. The extra savings can get a sweet treat for dessert.

There are several boneless pork cuts for less than $2.50 up to $2.84 a pound on Walmart's site tonight. I can cook some amazing pork roast, or pulled pork barbecue, or other things to do with pork. Every protein serving with as much or more protein than the chicken and costing less than the chicken.

Eye of round roast is $3.28 a pound at Sam's Club. That's 4 cents more than the chicken. Can we accept that as the same or are you going to bitch over 4 cents? We grind our own ground beef from it, mixing it with most of a whole brisket until we get great proportions and saving the very best of the brisket for making our own corned beef. Also, the eye of round make amazingly good breaded round steak if you put it in foil and in the oven after frying, letting it tenderize. Great meal for no more than the chicken.

So, the poor have no right to variety but, even so, there are still a lot of options, all cheaper than that boneless, skinless, chicken breast meal.

Your premise of poverty is a lie. Hunger is a lie. Most of those living in the streets get enough to eat and can get housing as well. Those living on the street do so by choice, just as do all people living in poverty do so by choice.
Lol my premise is a lie? You keep saying all these meals account for $2 per meal. That’s ridiculous. Adequate fruits, Vegatables and meat is sure as hell going to cost more than $2. That bagged salad you keep talking about does not count a vegetable. Fucking iceberg lettuce does not have nutritional value. Adding a single goddamn tomato won’t cut it either. Tuna is only safe to eat a few times a month. Oh and btw, they still need a meal 3x per day.
Lol my premise is a lie? You keep saying all these meals account for $2 per meal. That’s ridiculous. Adequate fruits, Vegatables and meat is sure as hell going to cost more than $2. That bagged salad you keep talking about does not count a vegetable. Fucking iceberg lettuce does not have nutritional value. Adding a single goddamn tomato won’t cut it either. Tuna is only safe to eat a few times a month. Oh and btw, they still need a meal 3x per day.
Do you hate liberty?
Damn right i do! What a rancid concept! Bunch of sissies came up with it! We should all be in camps right now serving the needs of our autocratic leader, Donald Trump!
I don't know whether to take you seriously or not but I'll go ahead and take you literally.
I don't know whether to take you seriously or not but I'll go ahead and take you literally.
Absolutely 100% you should. I want Trump to do all my thinking for me. When he rambles incoherently like 9 year old, I listen! When he creates a random self-serving law, I follow it! When he whines like a little bitch on social media I repost it!
I've never said that all poor people are lazy. Poor people make the choice to be poor and it's a perfectly reasonable, valid, choice. But when they make the choice they should live with their decision and the consequences of that decision. They should not be allowed to choose to live off of my work. That's slavery.
I know you think you’re special or whatever but no one lives off your work. You just delude yourself into thinking you’re important when in reality you are just like the other 96.4% of people who have jobs lol
Absolutely 100% you should. I want Trump to do all my thinking for me. When he rambles incoherently like 9 year old, I listen! When he creates a random self-serving law, I follow it! When he whines like a little bitch on social media I repost it!
I am not Trump. I never mentioned Trump.

This is awkward.
I know you think you’re special or whatever but no one lives off your work. You just delude yourself into thinking you’re important when in reality you are just like the other 96.4% of people who have jobs lol
You are mad because he does not want to vote to redistribute the property and possessions of others.

Stay mad. It looks good on your communist ass.

O and Joe made many progressive campaign promises, then failed to follow through on any of them. This should tell voters there is little difference between the two parties, but it doesn’t. Both are right wing parties controlled by billionaires, big corporations, and the MIC.
stop being silly dude...all governments since the beginning of time are controlled by the wealthy...come on now
stop being silly dude...all governments since the beginning of time are controlled by the wealthy...come on now
So my pointing this out means I’m silly. Did you miss the further point I made about the duopoly? Is that silly too?

Are you trying to claim lying politicians controlled by the wealthy is something we must accept without criticism?

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