The God of the gaps.


Senior Member
May 29, 2016
I've lost count of how many times I've heard this ignorant argument from atheists. They say that the only reason I believe in a Creator is because science can't answer the question of how and why we exist. So GAWD must have done it.

Let's be clear about something. Science cannot answer these questions. However, that is not why I believe in God. I believe because of evidence. We have the Bible. A collection of writings that was written by 40 different authors over a period of about 1500 years. Think about that. All of those books by different authors, and they all agree with each other. There is a overarching theme to the whole thing. It tells us how we got here, why things are so messed up, and more importantly, what we can do to escape the penalty of sin. None of the 66 books of the Bible contradict each other. considering how it came to us, this is something that would normally be impossible. It is beyond the ability of humans to accomplish.

Finally, there is Biblical prophecy. No one has ever proven that any of the thousands of prophecies in the Bible are wrong. Sure, they claim to have done so, but there is always a way to explain how they got it wrong. Usually because they take passages of Scripture out of context. Also because they are being deliberately deceitful.

Gods word tells us that there were those who actually witnessed the miracles of Christ, yet they still rejected Him. There are still many people like that around. No evidence will ever convince them.

If you are still undecided, Gods word tells us that He will reveal Himself to those who diligently seek Him. Pay attention to the word used.


constant in effort to accomplish something; attentive and persistent in doing anything: a diligent student. 2. done or pursued with persevering attention; painstaking: a diligent search of the files.

If you wish to know God, you must make a dedicated effort to know Him. You must want it with all of your heart and soul. The information you need is out there. It's up yo you to find it. If you feel it is not worth the effort, then you deserve your ultimate fate. Nothing worthwhile is easy. But the reward is worth the effort.

The God of the gaps.
God gave us free will to either ascend over our evil natures or descend into them.

Either way, God is off the hook for whatever way it goes.............
If all the bible is 'the word of god' then the Council of Nicea decided which 'words of god' were legitimate and which weren't. They tossed out many 'biblical' books and excluded them from being included in the bible.

Man ruling over god. What is new.
If all the bible is 'the word of god' then the Council of Nicea decided which 'words of god' were legitimate and which weren't. They tossed out many 'biblical' books and excluded them from being included in the bible.

Man ruling over god. What is new.
The Biblical cannon was decided long before the council of Nicea. All the council did was recognize what was already commonly accepted as the word of God. Certain books were not included, but that was because it was obvious that they did not belong. Usually because they contradicted the rest of the Bible. You might want to do a little research about the criteria they used to make their decisions.

On another note, if God doesn't exist, it doesn't matter what was included or excluded. If God does exist, then don't you think that He would have been present during the selection process?
if your evidence amounts to a large book by different authors agreeing with eachother, then that's wrong because the bible as a unit holds plenty of contradictions.
I've lost count of how many times I've heard this ignorant argument from atheists. They say that the only reason I believe in a Creator is because science can't answer the question of how and why we exist. So GAWD must have done it.

Let's be clear about something. Science cannot answer these questions. However, that is not why I believe in God. I believe because of evidence. We have the Bible. A collection of writings that was written by 40 different authors over a period of about 1500 years. Think about that. All of those books by different authors, and they all agree with each other. There is a overarching theme to the whole thing. It tells us how we got here, why things are so messed up, and more importantly, what we can do to escape the penalty of sin. None of the 66 books of the Bible contradict each other. considering how it came to us, this is something that would normally be impossible. It is beyond the ability of humans to accomplish.

Finally, there is Biblical prophecy. No one has ever proven that any of the thousands of prophecies in the Bible are wrong. Sure, they claim to have done so, but there is always a way to explain how they got it wrong. Usually because they take passages of Scripture out of context. Also because they are being deliberately deceitful.

Gods word tells us that there were those who actually witnessed the miracles of Christ, yet they still rejected Him. There are still many people like that around. No evidence will ever convince them.

If you are still undecided, Gods word tells us that He will reveal Himself to those who diligently seek Him. Pay attention to the word used.


constant in effort to accomplish something; attentive and persistent in doing anything: a diligent student. 2. done or pursued with persevering attention; painstaking: a diligent search of the files.

If you wish to know God, you must make a dedicated effort to know Him. You must want it with all of your heart and soul. The information you need is out there. It's up yo you to find it. If you feel it is not worth the effort, then you deserve your ultimate fate. Nothing worthwhile is easy. But the reward is worth the effort.
This fails as an appeal to authority fallacy.
If all the bible is 'the word of god' then the Council of Nicea decided which 'words of god' were legitimate and which weren't. They tossed out many 'biblical' books and excluded them from being included in the bible.

Man ruling over god. What is new.
The Biblical cannon was decided long before the council of Nicea. All the council did was recognize what was already commonly accepted as the word of God. Certain books were not included, but that was because it was obvious that they did not belong. Usually because they contradicted the rest of the Bible. You might want to do a little research about the criteria they used to make their decisions.

On another note, if God doesn't exist, it doesn't matter what was included or excluded. If God does exist, then don't you think that He would have been present during the selection process?
Repeating the same fallacy doesn't make it any less of a fallacy.
If all the bible is 'the word of god' then the Council of Nicea decided which 'words of god' were legitimate and which weren't. They tossed out many 'biblical' books and excluded them from being included in the bible.

Man ruling over god. What is new.
The Biblical cannon was decided long before the council of Nicea. All the council did was recognize what was already commonly accepted as the word of God. Certain books were not included, but that was because it was obvious that they did not belong. Usually because they contradicted the rest of the Bible. You might want to do a little research about the criteria they used to make their decisions.

On another note, if God doesn't exist, it doesn't matter what was included or excluded. If God does exist, then don't you think that He would have been present during the selection process?

Spin it baby. Men decided which books to include in the bible. God didn't. So who's word is it really. It sounds like a spin job similar to how conservatives tried to spin Benghazi into something it wasn't.
If there were to be a god like figure, why would it care what we think about god? Would it care what animals think or what the dinosaurs thought? They were around millions of year.
I've lost count of how many times I've heard this ignorant argument from atheists. They say that the only reason I believe in a Creator is because science can't answer the question of how and why we exist. So GAWD must have done it.

Let's be clear about something. Science cannot answer these questions. However, that is not why I believe in God. I believe because of evidence. We have the Bible. A collection of writings that was written by 40 different authors over a period of about 1500 years. Think about that. All of those books by different authors, and they all agree with each other. There is a overarching theme to the whole thing. It tells us how we got here, why things are so messed up, and more importantly, what we can do to escape the penalty of sin. None of the 66 books of the Bible contradict each other. considering how it came to us, this is something that would normally be impossible. It is beyond the ability of humans to accomplish.

Finally, there is Biblical prophecy. No one has ever proven that any of the thousands of prophecies in the Bible are wrong. Sure, they claim to have done so, but there is always a way to explain how they got it wrong. Usually because they take passages of Scripture out of context. Also because they are being deliberately deceitful.

Gods word tells us that there were those who actually witnessed the miracles of Christ, yet they still rejected Him. There are still many people like that around. No evidence will ever convince them.

If you are still undecided, Gods word tells us that He will reveal Himself to those who diligently seek Him. Pay attention to the word used.


constant in effort to accomplish something; attentive and persistent in doing anything: a diligent student. 2. done or pursued with persevering attention; painstaking: a diligent search of the files.

If you wish to know God, you must make a dedicated effort to know Him. You must want it with all of your heart and soul. The information you need is out there. It's up yo you to find it. If you feel it is not worth the effort, then you deserve your ultimate fate. Nothing worthwhile is easy. But the reward is worth the effort.
This fails as an appeal to authority fallacy.
Your reply fails as an attempt to look like you have any intelligence.
I've lost count of how many times I've heard this ignorant argument from atheists. They say that the only reason I believe in a Creator is because science can't answer the question of how and why we exist. So GAWD must have done it.

Let's be clear about something. Science cannot answer these questions. However, that is not why I believe in God. I believe because of evidence. We have the Bible. A collection of writings that was written by 40 different authors over a period of about 1500 years. Think about that. All of those books by different authors, and they all agree with each other. There is a overarching theme to the whole thing. It tells us how we got here, why things are so messed up, and more importantly, what we can do to escape the penalty of sin. None of the 66 books of the Bible contradict each other. considering how it came to us, this is something that would normally be impossible. It is beyond the ability of humans to accomplish.

Finally, there is Biblical prophecy. No one has ever proven that any of the thousands of prophecies in the Bible are wrong. Sure, they claim to have done so, but there is always a way to explain how they got it wrong. Usually because they take passages of Scripture out of context. Also because they are being deliberately deceitful.

Gods word tells us that there were those who actually witnessed the miracles of Christ, yet they still rejected Him. There are still many people like that around. No evidence will ever convince them.

If you are still undecided, Gods word tells us that He will reveal Himself to those who diligently seek Him. Pay attention to the word used.


constant in effort to accomplish something; attentive and persistent in doing anything: a diligent student. 2. done or pursued with persevering attention; painstaking: a diligent search of the files.

If you wish to know God, you must make a dedicated effort to know Him. You must want it with all of your heart and soul. The information you need is out there. It's up yo you to find it. If you feel it is not worth the effort, then you deserve your ultimate fate. Nothing worthwhile is easy. But the reward is worth the effort.
Well you believe in God because of evidence? There are a number of problems you seem to have tough.
-If you believe in the bible because a lot of authors agreed, I say a more likely explanation is that the people who decided what was to become the bible only put in those text that agreed with their viewpoint. If you can pick and choose your sources putting out a coherent message is very much in the capability of man. Not to mention the fact that a lot of what is in the bible can be refuted quite easily by science today (the entire book of genesis for one).
-If you believe in the bible because of phropecy you have all the objections of point one, picking of sources quite easily explains phropecys coming to fruitation and not only that, but the original bible text are ambigious in its nature, if they wheren't so many different interpretations of the bible wouldn't be possible and the original bible text where written in ancient Arameic and Hebrew, translated into attic Greek, translated into Latin, translated into English. How much of that original text would have been lost after all these translations. So you source ( the bible) is incredibly unreliable, both in the way that it is written, put togheter and translated and citing it as proof is an exercise in futulity to any unbiased person.
I've lost count of how many times I've heard this ignorant argument from atheists. They say that the only reason I believe in a Creator is because science can't answer the question of how and why we exist. So GAWD must have done it.

Let's be clear about something. Science cannot answer these questions. However, that is not why I believe in God. I believe because of evidence. We have the Bible. A collection of writings that was written by 40 different authors over a period of about 1500 years. Think about that. All of those books by different authors, and they all agree with each other. There is a overarching theme to the whole thing. It tells us how we got here, why things are so messed up, and more importantly, what we can do to escape the penalty of sin. None of the 66 books of the Bible contradict each other. considering how it came to us, this is something that would normally be impossible. It is beyond the ability of humans to accomplish.

Finally, there is Biblical prophecy. No one has ever proven that any of the thousands of prophecies in the Bible are wrong. Sure, they claim to have done so, but there is always a way to explain how they got it wrong. Usually because they take passages of Scripture out of context. Also because they are being deliberately deceitful.

Gods word tells us that there were those who actually witnessed the miracles of Christ, yet they still rejected Him. There are still many people like that around. No evidence will ever convince them.

If you are still undecided, Gods word tells us that He will reveal Himself to those who diligently seek Him. Pay attention to the word used.


constant in effort to accomplish something; attentive and persistent in doing anything: a diligent student. 2. done or pursued with persevering attention; painstaking: a diligent search of the files.

If you wish to know God, you must make a dedicated effort to know Him. You must want it with all of your heart and soul. The information you need is out there. It's up yo you to find it. If you feel it is not worth the effort, then you deserve your ultimate fate. Nothing worthwhile is easy. But the reward is worth the effort.
Well you believe in God because of evidence? There are a number of problems you seem to have tough.
-If you believe in the bible because a lot of authors agreed, I say a more likely explanation is that the people who decided what was to become the bible only put in those text that agreed with their viewpoint. If you can pick and choose your sources putting out a coherent message is very much in the capability of man. Not to mention the fact that a lot of what is in the bible can be refuted quite easily by science today (the entire book of genesis for one).
-If you believe in the bible because of phropecy you have all the objections of point one, picking of sources quite easily explains phropecys coming to fruitation and not only that, but the original bible text are ambigious in its nature, if they wheren't so many different interpretations of the bible wouldn't be possible and the original bible text where written in ancient Arameic and Hebrew, translated into attic Greek, translated into Latin, translated into English. How much of that original text would have been lost after all these translations. So you source ( the bible) is incredibly unreliable, both in the way that it is written, put togheter and translated and citing it as proof is an exercise in futulity to any unbiased person.
You don't really believe that. You're just making excuses. The Bible has more manuscript support than any other ancient writings. We have thousands of copies dating back as early as the first century. Those copies say exactly what my english translation says. And there are no contradictions in the Bible that change it's message Also, consider just how many prophecies are in the Bible. I believe that over 30 percent of the Bible is prophetic. That's quite a lot of stuff to cherry pick and make agree with each other. As far as accuracy goes, nothing compares to the Bible. That's a fact.
god, what is it, where is it, can you touch it, can you see it, what is it made of, what is it's purpose, is it consistant, what does it require?

Is it carbon based, what is its life span. How does it work, why does it kill, why does it need to be worshipped, can you measure it?

Can it be replicated, are there others and if so where?

Proof not fire side stores or fear mongering to control the masses
god, what is it, where is it, can you touch it, can you see it, what is it made of, what is it's purpose, is it consistant, what does it require?

Is it carbon based, what is its life span. How does it work, why does it kill, why does it need to be worshipped, can you measure it?

Can it be replicated, are there others and if so where?

Proof not fire side stores or fear mongering to control the masses
Your ignorance is appalling.
I've lost count of how many times I've heard this ignorant argument from atheists. They say that the only reason I believe in a Creator is because science can't answer the question of how and why we exist. So GAWD must have done it.

Let's be clear about something. Science cannot answer these questions. However, that is not why I believe in God. I believe because of evidence. We have the Bible. A collection of writings that was written by 40 different authors over a period of about 1500 years. Think about that. All of those books by different authors, and they all agree with each other. There is a overarching theme to the whole thing. It tells us how we got here, why things are so messed up, and more importantly, what we can do to escape the penalty of sin. None of the 66 books of the Bible contradict each other. considering how it came to us, this is something that would normally be impossible. It is beyond the ability of humans to accomplish.

Finally, there is Biblical prophecy. No one has ever proven that any of the thousands of prophecies in the Bible are wrong. Sure, they claim to have done so, but there is always a way to explain how they got it wrong. Usually because they take passages of Scripture out of context. Also because they are being deliberately deceitful.

Gods word tells us that there were those who actually witnessed the miracles of Christ, yet they still rejected Him. There are still many people like that around. No evidence will ever convince them.

If you are still undecided, Gods word tells us that He will reveal Himself to those who diligently seek Him. Pay attention to the word used.


constant in effort to accomplish something; attentive and persistent in doing anything: a diligent student. 2. done or pursued with persevering attention; painstaking: a diligent search of the files.

If you wish to know God, you must make a dedicated effort to know Him. You must want it with all of your heart and soul. The information you need is out there. It's up yo you to find it. If you feel it is not worth the effort, then you deserve your ultimate fate. Nothing worthwhile is easy. But the reward is worth the effort.
Well you believe in God because of evidence? There are a number of problems you seem to have tough.
-If you believe in the bible because a lot of authors agreed, I say a more likely explanation is that the people who decided what was to become the bible only put in those text that agreed with their viewpoint. If you can pick and choose your sources putting out a coherent message is very much in the capability of man. Not to mention the fact that a lot of what is in the bible can be refuted quite easily by science today (the entire book of genesis for one).
-If you believe in the bible because of phropecy you have all the objections of point one, picking of sources quite easily explains phropecys coming to fruitation and not only that, but the original bible text are ambigious in its nature, if they wheren't so many different interpretations of the bible wouldn't be possible and the original bible text where written in ancient Arameic and Hebrew, translated into attic Greek, translated into Latin, translated into English. How much of that original text would have been lost after all these translations. So you source ( the bible) is incredibly unreliable, both in the way that it is written, put togheter and translated and citing it as proof is an exercise in futulity to any unbiased person.
You don't really believe that. You're just making excuses. The Bible has more manuscript support than any other ancient writings. We have thousands of copies dating back as early as the first century. Those copies say exactly what my english translation says. And there are no contradictions in the Bible that change it's message Also, consider just how many prophecies are in the Bible. I believe that over 30 percent of the Bible is prophetic. That's quite a lot of stuff to cherry pick and make agree with each other. As far as accuracy goes, nothing compares to the Bible. That's a fact.
How do you know it is what your English translation sais? I'm perfectly bilingual and I can attest that translating something from one language to another inevitably leads to faults. Sentences, idioms, words have a tendency to not have to same value from one language to the next. Even if you are fluent a perfect translation is impossible. And I'm talking about translating 2 modern languages. You claim, a perfect translation was made between 2 languages 1500 years apart. And not just that even the text wich was translated from was a translation from another acient language wich again was split in time by in some case 1000 years. In other words saying the translation was perfect is insane. As for accuracy. Man being created by God, A global flood. To name 2 obvious inacurracies flies in the face of modern science. So claiming the bible is accurate is another clear falsehood. As to phropecies, it's nothing new. The Greeks did it, the bible does it, modern day astrologers do it. If you keep your statements vague enough, the human mind will succeed in finding meaning in it, fulfulling phropecy for that person. And if you then as an editor have the capability of cherry picking sources it becomes easier still.
If all the bible is 'the word of god' then the Council of Nicea decided which 'words of god' were legitimate and which weren't. They tossed out many 'biblical' books and excluded them from being included in the bible.

Man ruling over god. What is new.
The Biblical cannon was decided long before the council of Nicea. All the council did was recognize what was already commonly accepted as the word of God. Certain books were not included, but that was because it was obvious that they did not belong. Usually because they contradicted the rest of the Bible. You might want to do a little research about the criteria they used to make their decisions.

On another note, if God doesn't exist, it doesn't matter what was included or excluded. If God does exist, then don't you think that He would have been present during the selection process?
If God does exist, then don't you think that He would have been present during the selection process?

not after moses destroyed their etched commandments, why be a witness to a repeat performance.

god, what is it, where is it, can you touch it, can you see it, what is it made of, what is it's purpose, is it consistant, what does it require?

Is it carbon based, what is its life span. How does it work, why does it kill, why does it need to be worshipped, can you measure it?

Can it be replicated, are there others and if so where?

Proof not fire side stores or fear mongering to control the masses
Your ignorance is appalling.

showing you that you cannot prove god only believe in a story
If there were to be a god like figure, why would it care what we think about god? Would it care what animals think or what the dinosaurs thought? They were around millions of year.

God is a being of love...and love, by definition, cares.

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