The God of the gaps.

None of this prove god.

Shrug. I don't try to "prove" God. Proof requires physical evidence. God is Spirit. To demand proof of God is like putting someone in a vacuum and demanding they prove air from the lack of it; of asking a blind man to prove light; of using a rock to prove animation.

Interest in God/Spirit demands one transcend physical objects and look beyond. Some see the make-up of living beings as having a body (physical matter) a mind (operates the physical matter) and spirit (makes choices and creates from what the mind offers).

We have all been told, or heard the words, "Make up your mind." What entity within you makes up your mind? Is it your finger, your toe? Or is it the essential "you", your personality/spirit? The fact that you can make up your mind suggests there is something more to you than just a body and mind.

Then god does not exist except in your mind

If you believe in what is in your head, why should anyone else, and why do you care if anyone else believes or it is just your private thing?
I've lost count of how many times I've heard this ignorant argument from atheists. They say that the only reason I believe in a Creator is because science can't answer the question of how and why we exist. So GAWD must have done it.

Let's be clear about something. Science cannot answer these questions. However, that is not why I believe in God. I believe because of evidence. We have the Bible. A collection of writings that was written by 40 different authors over a period of about 1500 years. Think about that. All of those books by different authors, and they all agree with each other. There is a overarching theme to the whole thing. It tells us how we got here, why things are so messed up, and more importantly, what we can do to escape the penalty of sin. None of the 66 books of the Bible contradict each other. considering how it came to us, this is something that would normally be impossible. It is beyond the ability of humans to accomplish.

Finally, there is Biblical prophecy. No one has ever proven that any of the thousands of prophecies in the Bible are wrong. Sure, they claim to have done so, but there is always a way to explain how they got it wrong. Usually because they take passages of Scripture out of context. Also because they are being deliberately deceitful.

Gods word tells us that there were those who actually witnessed the miracles of Christ, yet they still rejected Him. There are still many people like that around. No evidence will ever convince them.

If you are still undecided, Gods word tells us that He will reveal Himself to those who diligently seek Him. Pay attention to the word used.


constant in effort to accomplish something; attentive and persistent in doing anything: a diligent student. 2. done or pursued with persevering attention; painstaking: a diligent search of the files.

If you wish to know God, you must make a dedicated effort to know Him. You must want it with all of your heart and soul. The information you need is out there. It's up yo you to find it. If you feel it is not worth the effort, then you deserve your ultimate fate. Nothing worthwhile is easy. But the reward is worth the effort.
You lost when you tried using the bible as evidence but I'll continue reading but you went off the tracks when you said the bible is proof. It is not. Not to atheists, scientists, Muslims, Jews. We all call bullshit on the whole story.
If all the bible is 'the word of god' then the Council of Nicea decided which 'words of god' were legitimate and which weren't. They tossed out many 'biblical' books and excluded them from being included in the bible.

Man ruling over god. What is new.
The Biblical cannon was decided long before the council of Nicea. All the council did was recognize what was already commonly accepted as the word of God. Certain books were not included, but that was because it was obvious that they did not belong. Usually because they contradicted the rest of the Bible. You might want to do a little research about the criteria they used to make their decisions.

On another note, if God doesn't exist, it doesn't matter what was included or excluded. If God does exist, then don't you think that He would have been present during the selection process?
You just admitted the bible had all the contradictions edited out. And just before that you marvelled at how similar all the books are. Are you as dumb as you seem?
Then god does not exist except in your mind

If you believe in what is in your head, why should anyone else, and why do you care if anyone else believes or it is just your private thing?

Like Biblical accounts, many of us have had experiences of God that take place outside of self or one's own mind or head. Actually, I don't care if anyone believes my experiences or even the Biblical accounts. My testimony--or interest, if you will--is to encourage people who may be interested in knowing and seeking God's presence in their own life. As a child, as fascinating as the stories are, I didn't want to just read about other people's experiences of God from the sidelines anymore than I wanted to just read about teachers instead of becoming a teacher myself.

When I was a child, my dad used to play the game of "Hide the Thimble" with us. When the thimble was hidden so well that we had difficulty finding it, he would tell us when we were "cold" so that we wouldn't continue to look in the places the thimble would not be found. Likewise, when I see people trying to find God in physical proofs, I can't help but suggest a more likely avenue.
Then god does not exist except in your mind

If you believe in what is in your head, why should anyone else, and why do you care if anyone else believes or it is just your private thing?

Like Biblical accounts, many of us have had experiences of God that take place outside of self or one's own mind or head. Actually, I don't care if anyone believes my experiences or even the Biblical accounts. My testimony--or interest, if you will--is to encourage people who may be interested in knowing and seeking God's presence in their own life. As a child, as fascinating as the stories are, I didn't want to just read about other people's experiences of God from the sidelines anymore than I wanted to just read about teachers instead of becoming a teacher myself.

When I was a child, my dad used to play the game of "Hide the Thimble" with us. When the thimble was hidden so well that we had difficulty finding it, he would tell us when we were "cold" so that we wouldn't continue to look in the places the thimble would not be found. Likewise, when I see people trying to find God in physical proofs, I can't help but suggest a more likely avenue.

Thimble is a physical item. God exists in your mind.

No reason to seek or fear what does not exist and no need to worship a phantom
Thimble is a physical item. God exists in your mind.

No reason to seek or fear what does not exist and no need to worship a phantom

The mind collects data. Then each individual reviews the data and reaches a conclusion. We have all had the experience of overlooking something in plain sight. This does not mean that the thimble--or God--does not exist. It means that the mind has either neglected to register its presence--or, the individual has decided that the thimble (or God) simply isn't there.

We agree there is no need to worship a phantom....But God--now that's a different matter entirely. Convincing oneself that God is phantom absolves one from both the search and knowing. There is good reason to refuse the search. Some people (and my husband is one) want to see if they can live this life relying solely on themselves and their own strengths. My husband (and no offense to God) would rather not know.
I believe because of evidence.
You believe because of your faith. It is your faith that leads you to the "evidence". Without faith there is no evidence. That is quite clear to those of us without faith.

No one can dispute your faith but you'll find only those who share your faith will accept your evidence. And there are very few of those.
Thimble is a physical item. God exists in your mind.

No reason to seek or fear what does not exist and no need to worship a phantom

The mind collects data. Then each individual reviews the data and reaches a conclusion. We have all had the experience of overlooking something in plain sight. This does not mean that the thimble--or God--does not exist. It means that the mind has either neglected to register its presence--or, the individual has decided that the thimble (or God) simply isn't there.

We agree there is no need to worship a phantom....But God--now that's a different matter entirely. Convincing oneself that God is phantom absolves one from both the search and knowing. There is good reason to refuse the search. Some people (and my husband is one) want to see if they can live this life relying solely on themselves and their own strengths. My husband (and no offense to God) would rather not know.

You can't prove god exists outside your mind
If all the bible is 'the word of god' then the Council of Nicea decided which 'words of god' were legitimate and which weren't. They tossed out many 'biblical' books and excluded them from being included in the bible.

Man ruling over god. What is new.
The Biblical cannon was decided long before the council of Nicea. All the council did was recognize what was already commonly accepted as the word of God. Certain books were not included, but that was because it was obvious that they did not belong. Usually because they contradicted the rest of the Bible. You might want to do a little research about the criteria they used to make their decisions.

On another note, if God doesn't exist, it doesn't matter what was included or excluded. If God does exist, then don't you think that He would have been present during the selection process?
You just admitted the bible had all the contradictions edited out. And just before that you marvelled at how similar all the books are. Are you as dumb as you seem?
I've probably said this before. You should educate yourself. Your ignorance is offensive. Look up what the selection criteria was for including books into the Bible. You might learn something.
If all the bible is 'the word of god' then the Council of Nicea decided which 'words of god' were legitimate and which weren't. They tossed out many 'biblical' books and excluded them from being included in the bible.

Man ruling over god. What is new.
The Biblical cannon was decided long before the council of Nicea. All the council did was recognize what was already commonly accepted as the word of God. Certain books were not included, but that was because it was obvious that they did not belong. Usually because they contradicted the rest of the Bible. You might want to do a little research about the criteria they used to make their decisions.

On another note, if God doesn't exist, it doesn't matter what was included or excluded. If God does exist, then don't you think that He would have been present during the selection process?
You just admitted the bible had all the contradictions edited out. And just before that you marvelled at how similar all the books are. Are you as dumb as you seem?
I've probably said this before. You should educate yourself. Your ignorance is offensive. Look up what the selection criteria was for including books into the Bible. You might learn something.

Emperor who was not actually Christian and bishops with an agenda

There were at the time some 250 gospels and books related to Jesus
You can't prove god exists outside your mind

We've already discussed this. I am not trying to "prove" God. He is not a physical being and is beyond "proof" as proof involves physical, measurable objects. Rocks, being physical objects, can be proven. God, who is spiritual, cannot--by definition--be "proven." He can, however, be experienced and known.
If all the bible is 'the word of god' then the Council of Nicea decided which 'words of god' were legitimate and which weren't. They tossed out many 'biblical' books and excluded them from being included in the bible.

Man ruling over god. What is new.
The Biblical cannon was decided long before the council of Nicea. All the council did was recognize what was already commonly accepted as the word of God. Certain books were not included, but that was because it was obvious that they did not belong. Usually because they contradicted the rest of the Bible. You might want to do a little research about the criteria they used to make their decisions.

On another note, if God doesn't exist, it doesn't matter what was included or excluded. If God does exist, then don't you think that He would have been present during the selection process?
You just admitted the bible had all the contradictions edited out. And just before that you marvelled at how similar all the books are. Are you as dumb as you seem?
I've probably said this before. You should educate yourself. Your ignorance is offensive. Look up what the selection criteria was for including books into the Bible. You might learn something.

Emperor who was not actually Christian and bishops with an agenda

There were at the time some 250 gospels and books related to Jesus
But there were way fewer books that were accepted by the Church. By church, I mean the body of believers. Like I sad. Educate yourself.

BTW. Show me one book that was excluded, and I'll show you why it didn't belong.
If all the bible is 'the word of god' then the Council of Nicea decided which 'words of god' were legitimate and which weren't. They tossed out many 'biblical' books and excluded them from being included in the bible.

Man ruling over god. What is new.
The Biblical cannon was decided long before the council of Nicea. All the council did was recognize what was already commonly accepted as the word of God. Certain books were not included, but that was because it was obvious that they did not belong. Usually because they contradicted the rest of the Bible. You might want to do a little research about the criteria they used to make their decisions.

On another note, if God doesn't exist, it doesn't matter what was included or excluded. If God does exist, then don't you think that He would have been present during the selection process?
You just admitted the bible had all the contradictions edited out. And just before that you marvelled at how similar all the books are. Are you as dumb as you seem?
I've probably said this before. You should educate yourself. Your ignorance is offensive. Look up what the selection criteria was for including books into the Bible. You might learn something.

Emperor who was not actually Christian and bishops with an agenda

There were at the time some 250 gospels and books related to Jesus
But there were way fewer books that were accepted by the Church. By church, I mean the body of believers. Like I sad. Educate yourself.

BTW. Show me one book that was excluded, and I'll show you why it didn't belong.

There many types of believers, Christians. The "church" decided only one should be allowed.
Now there are many types again. One church, one correct type of Christians did not last. Why should one "bible" be the only books? Why should one god or any god?
The Biblical cannon was decided long before the council of Nicea. All the council did was recognize what was already commonly accepted as the word of God. Certain books were not included, but that was because it was obvious that they did not belong. Usually because they contradicted the rest of the Bible. You might want to do a little research about the criteria they used to make their decisions.

On another note, if God doesn't exist, it doesn't matter what was included or excluded. If God does exist, then don't you think that He would have been present during the selection process?
You just admitted the bible had all the contradictions edited out. And just before that you marvelled at how similar all the books are. Are you as dumb as you seem?
I've probably said this before. You should educate yourself. Your ignorance is offensive. Look up what the selection criteria was for including books into the Bible. You might learn something.

Emperor who was not actually Christian and bishops with an agenda

There were at the time some 250 gospels and books related to Jesus
But there were way fewer books that were accepted by the Church. By church, I mean the body of believers. Like I sad. Educate yourself.

BTW. Show me one book that was excluded, and I'll show you why it didn't belong.

There many types of believers, Christians. The "church" decided only one should be allowed.
Now there are many types again. One church, one correct type of Christians did not last. Why should one "bible" be the only books? Why should one god or any god?
Hey, clueless. Go educate yourself. Then, maybe, we can talk.
If all the bible is 'the word of god' then the Council of Nicea decided which 'words of god' were legitimate and which weren't. They tossed out many 'biblical' books and excluded them from being included in the bible.

Man ruling over god. What is new.
The Biblical cannon was decided long before the council of Nicea. All the council did was recognize what was already commonly accepted as the word of God. Certain books were not included, but that was because it was obvious that they did not belong. Usually because they contradicted the rest of the Bible. You might want to do a little research about the criteria they used to make their decisions.

On another note, if God doesn't exist, it doesn't matter what was included or excluded. If God does exist, then don't you think that He would have been present during the selection process?
You just admitted the bible had all the contradictions edited out. And just before that you marvelled at how similar all the books are. Are you as dumb as you seem?
I've probably said this before. You should educate yourself. Your ignorance is offensive. Look up what the selection criteria was for including books into the Bible. You might learn something.

Emperor who was not actually Christian and bishops with an agenda

There were at the time some 250 gospels and books related to Jesus
But there were way fewer books that were accepted by the Church. By church, I mean the body of believers. Like I sad. Educate yourself.

BTW. Show me one book that was excluded, and I'll show you why it didn't belong.
Educate yourself at

Reading the Bible is not educating yourself. It's brainwashing
The Biblical cannon was decided long before the council of Nicea. All the council did was recognize what was already commonly accepted as the word of God. Certain books were not included, but that was because it was obvious that they did not belong. Usually because they contradicted the rest of the Bible. You might want to do a little research about the criteria they used to make their decisions.

On another note, if God doesn't exist, it doesn't matter what was included or excluded. If God does exist, then don't you think that He would have been present during the selection process?
You just admitted the bible had all the contradictions edited out. And just before that you marvelled at how similar all the books are. Are you as dumb as you seem?
I've probably said this before. You should educate yourself. Your ignorance is offensive. Look up what the selection criteria was for including books into the Bible. You might learn something.

Emperor who was not actually Christian and bishops with an agenda

There were at the time some 250 gospels and books related to Jesus
But there were way fewer books that were accepted by the Church. By church, I mean the body of believers. Like I sad. Educate yourself.

BTW. Show me one book that was excluded, and I'll show you why it didn't belong.
Educate yourself at

Reading the Bible is not educating yourself. It's brainwashing
Why would I want to look at a anti Christian website? They are completely biased. That would be like me asking you to study the answers in genesis website. Well. Not really. At least they are experts on the Bible. Something you and your silly website are not.
My father, who is a professor with two PhD's, told me once that the statement "1 = 1" cannot be proven.

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