The good night thread ( before we all get nuked)

I donā€™t wanna hide under an old school desk.
So I say, ā€œfuck it.ā€ Letā€™s just go ahead and nuke Moscow and see how Putin responds.
Ligten-up Skippy, some of us laugh in the face of nuclear Armageddon. ;)
Listening to the radio NPR has constant reports on Ukraine. They have declared Martial Law.
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The arsenals were getting old. It was time to use them or lose them anyway.

It makes sense that China would go ahead and attack Taiwan now. Then again....holding in place until Russia secures the Ukraine would then give Russia the ability to have Chinas back while it maybe they'll wait until Putin secures the Ukraine.
Europe should be shitting it's panties. I say fuck the Europeans. Let them defend themselves. Like all the Leftists have been saying for years...they all hate America anyway.

Biden and democrats....."Making the world normal again"


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Eons ago when I lived in Colorado Springs it was estimated there were up to 2k nukes aimed at NORAD alone. My plan of action was to grab a girl, a bottle of whiskey, bend over and kiss my ass goodbye. Now at my age the girl would have to kiss my ass goodbye, I no longer have that kinda flexibility.......... :thup:
I plan to sit in a lawn chair in my yard with a cold drink and a catcher's mitt if the nukes start flying.
Itā€™s amazing how far the Republicans have fallen, cheerleading Putin and Russia! Reagan must be spinning in his grave.
Itā€™s amazing how far the Republicans have fallen, cheerleading Putin and Russia! Reagan must be spinning in his grave.
just remember the ol left wing refrain "they were our allies in WWII" not sure why the said that as no reason was ever given but the absence of communism may have something to do with it no longer being used.
just remember the ol left wing refrain "they were our allies in WWII" not sure why the said that as no reason was ever given but the absence of communism may have something to do with it no longer being used.
Irrelevant to the current situation. Donā€™t try and deflect from Republican hypocrisy. If Reagan were alive, heā€™d be rejoining the Democratic Party in horror at what the Republicans have become.
Irrelevant to the current situation.
Of course its irrelevant, it was never relevant to any conversation, the point was to highlight that irrelevance so you could deal with that white liberal non-sense

Donā€™t try and deflect from Republican hypocrisy.
which ones? no doubt they are deep in them, but I am cleaning my own house and no white liberal gets away unscathed anymore

If Reagan were alive, heā€™d be rejoining the Democratic Party in horror at what the Republicans have become.
first he would destroy the white liberal [ussr] wing of the democratic party
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