The Goodwill thrift store

You have to remove all the trinkets, Dust the shelves and put the trinkets back up. Too many trinkets ! Currently downsizing. many hours????I don't know...:shock: oh well if you say so.
You have to remove all the trinkets, Dust the shelves and put the trinkets back up. Too many trinkets ! Currently downsizing.


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Nice ^^^ but it will never takes hours to dust, ok?

A few seconds. :biggrin: in my case at least.
I used to go to thrift stores.... very nice.... but I don't go anymore.
You have more money than the other women there, or your purse isn't chained around your neck, you have the keys to your own car, or did you forget and there's a professional locksmith on the way?
I haven't been in a thrift store for more than a year or more, with all this COVID shit and all....

Hell I haven't been to the Mall or to Sephora either.... too bad LOL

I go to the Bath & Body Works at the mall here and stock up on all of their lotion.

It's good stuff. So far I like the winter candy apple and the cucumber melon the best. But I get a bunch of whatever. The vanilla bean is alright. The Japanese cherry blossom is okay.

Then I hit the cinnabon on the way out.

In 1964 I bought a pair of elephant bell bottom pants with that kind of pattern on them. The School principal noticed and told me never to wear them again to school.

Hey, why'd you put this in the religion and ethics section, Stann?
I remember as a kid walking around a Goodwill with my grandfather. I was probably 8? I kinda meandered off as kids do, and while rummaging found an Iron Cross in a bin. Yeah, like one of those WW2, German Iron Crosses. I was like wow cool!
It had a pin on it, and I put it on my t-shirt and starting walking around the store. My grandfather saw that on me and almost lost his mind. I remember him hissing through his teeth.

"Get that shit off right now."

I doubt it was the real mccoy, but I still think it was pretty cool lookin.
Once a month are going to the Goodwill thrift store in our town. I figure anything I purchase is a bargain and it helps the local poor out. I usually just look to the books I love cookbooks, nature and garden books. When I glanced at the DVDs I noticed something interesting, a movie entitled what the bleep do we know !? It's a mind -bending trip down the rabbit hole that combines science and spirituality. Came out in 2004 a p20 th. Century Fox production. I enjoyed it hope you do too.
I visit Goodwill and other thrift stores quite often. Two other national thrift stores that are pretty nice are St Anthony’s and Thrift Town. But my favorite ones are local. One that supports an Urban garden and another that supports needy Senior Citizens. Lots of good things can be found at thrift stores.
In 1964 I bought a pair of elephant bell bottom pants with that kind of pattern on them. The School principal noticed and told me never to wear them again to school.

You're lucky you didn't get your rear end kicked. lol.

Oh, nm, you said 1964.

I guess that weas normal back then. i wasn't even born yet.
You have more money than the other women there, or your purse isn't chained around your neck, you have the keys to your own car, or did you forget and there's a professional locksmith on the way?

wow.....that was weird :rolleyes:
Hey, why'd you put this in the religion and ethics section, Stann?
Because of what I found, everybody's missing the point. I found a wonderful DVD called " What the Bleep do we Know !? " It combines science and spirituality, and had a beautiful synchronous message to it. I wasn't sure where to put this, but I figured at least spirituality should be part of religion, and ethics whatever its origin in science. Where would you have put it ? If you have a better idea I'll put it there too. Thanks, Stan.
Because of what I found, everybody's missing the point. I found a wonderful DVD called " What the Bleep do we Know !? " It combines science and spirituality, and had a beautiful synchronous message to it. I wasn't sure where to put this, but I figured at least spirituality should be part of religion, and ethics whatever its origin in science. Where would you have put it ? If you have a better idea I'll put it there too. Thanks, Stan.

I was just wondering.
Once a month are going to the Goodwill thrift store in our town. I figure anything I purchase is a bargain and it helps the local poor out. I usually just look to the books I love cookbooks, nature and garden books. When I glanced at the DVDs I noticed something interesting, a movie entitled what the bleep do we know !? It's a mind -bending trip down the rabbit hole that combines science and spirituality. Came out in 2004 a p20 th. Century Fox production. I enjoyed it hope you do too.
Stann, are you a female? I like some of the same type books that you do, so I was just wondering...? :)
Those were called silk screen shirts.

Yeah, that.

Those things are cool, though, I don't care what anybody says. Especially if you can find a double pleated cuff with a little bit of fluff.

Now, to be honest, I wouldn't wear that out in public, I'd probably get my rear end kicked. lolol.

But I lke em. They feel good. Plus they're groovy.

Think I only have three, so.
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