The Goodwill thrift store

I don't need your luck.

If the FBI is so smart, why can't they figure out who's wiretapping them and posting audio wires online?
Sorry, you're talking a little too paranoid for me. I don't waste my time worrying about what might happen, I live in each and every day as if it was my last. I'm 70 years old and I don't really give a f*** anymore. So go spread your bad vibes somewhere else.
That's great, just wanted to say thank you again. Have a great day and have a great life, you deserve it.
FBI Agent. Transfer or new assignment. I don't say quit because you really can't ever get out of the crime fighting business once you start many hours????I don't know...:shock: oh well if you say so.
They are my treasures of a lifetime, I handle them carefully. My seashell collection consists of over 500 shells. I love the beach, been to many all over the world. If I couldn't find seashells on the beaches, I'd buy them in the local shops. I just have to look at them and I am back at the beach.
Ah well. I'm gonna try to find a movie to watch.

Cool thread, though, Stann. I get so tired of being moody all of the time on here and so much of the stuff we talk about on here is bad energy.

I like liquid flow, positivity, feel good conversation better, truth be told.

Even if we're a bunch of second hand cheapskates. Ha.
I enjoyed talking with you. Keep on enjoying life, let us both plan on that.
Once a month are going to the Goodwill thrift store in our town. I figure anything I purchase is a bargain and it helps the local poor out. I usually just look to the books I love cookbooks, nature and garden books. When I glanced at the DVDs I noticed something interesting, a movie entitled what the bleep do we know !? It's a mind -bending trip down the rabbit hole that combines science and spirituality. Came out in 2004 a p20 th. Century Fox production. I enjoyed it hope you do too.
I dunno who it helps out.Like everything else in The Great Satan I'm sure there's more to the story but to me it's like the greatest garage sale on earth.
We call them ropamericana here.I gotta a couple real nice dress shirts(tags on) and a pair of pierre...or tom...or J whatever cargo shorts all for $6.My housekeeper will supertune(square the bottom, hem) the dress shirts and short sleeve them this weekend.
Only assholes wear pullover shirts
I go the ones out in the burbs, as I find more bargains out there than in the big main stores. I visit our local one once or twice a week. I've picked up some great medium quality audio gear, lots of CD's, and brand new caps from places like the Belagio and assorted companies, all new and never worn for about $2, now they're $2,99 though. Also casserole dishes, bowls, and occasionally tools and furniture. I found a high quality wheelchair for my mother for $12, but it didn't have the feet; I found a place that sold them new, but had to pay $80 for the pair; still a bargain for a chair that lists for around $800. Lots of other small stuff, now and then, backscratchers, belts, etc.

WE also have a women's charity thrift store a few miles away, but I don't get there much, YWCA or something like that. A few books is about it for me at that one once or twice a year. Lots of nice furniture and glassware, though.
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Speaking of goodwill...go shopping online from every state.

You'll be gobsmacked at what people will pay to outbid someone else. Jeez. Take a gander!

Those auctions used to be at every store, on Saturdays being the final bids taken, and there were some great bargains on all kinds of stuff. Now it sucks that they put them all online now. They do make a lot more money on them now, which is good.
I bought a couple of those cool 70s buttton down shirts.

Well, I think they're cool anyway. Most sane folks probably think they look crazy. lol.

Kind of like this. lolol.


When I see those shirts I just think of the sex parties, drugs and how life was simpler back then…
I've been debating on what I'm gonna do with some of my guitars.

Whaddya' got?

I've got too many.

That's just crazy talk...

I'm probably gonna keep a strat, a tele, my six string and twelve string electric acoustics and find a new home for the rest.

It got to a point to where I was buying the same guitars over and over again just to have another color.

I like the pastels for some reason.

I used to have a pink paisley Tele. All my guy friends used to give me shit about it.

Their wives loved it, though.

I've owned a couple of 12-strings over the years. In fact, I learned to play on a 12-string Kent that I bought for 50 bucks from some guy who was on the New York Jets practice squad back in the 70's; Lou something.

Anyway, that guitar met its demise on my back patio in a Townsend-inspired whirlwind of would-be stage antics.

Over the years, I discovered that the 12-string was very much a niche instrument for me; so much so that it really didn't warrant keeping it. I think I sold my last one back in the late 90's. But, then again, I know a guy who plays every day at a local bar from 4-8pm on an Ovation 12-string. I think the thing sounds like shit, frankly, but that guy's making his mortgage payments with that guitar, so who am I to judge?

I almost bought an Ovation double-neck once. It was cool but not as cool as this one: This is me playing Richie Sambora's all Koa double-neck about ten years ago. There are three of these. Richie always has one, one is always at Taylor Guitars in El Cajon, California and one is always in a warehouse in Nashville:

Whaddya' got?

That's just crazy talk...

I used to have a pink paisley Tele. All my guy friends used to give me shit about it.

Their wives loved it, though.

I've owned a couple of 12-strings over the years. In fact, I learned to play on a 12-string Kent that I bought for 50 bucks from some guy who was on the New York Jets practice squad back in the 70's; Lou something.

Anyway, that guitar met its demise on my back patio in a Townsend-inspired whirlwind of would-be stage antics.

Over the years, I discovered that the 12-string was very much a niche instrument for me; so much so that it really didn't warrant keeping it. I think I sold my last one back in the late 90's. But, then again, I know a guy who plays every day at a local bar from 4-8pm on an Ovation 12-string. I think the thing sounds like shit, frankly, but that guy's making his mortgage payments with that guitar, so who am I to judge?

I almost bought an Ovation double-neck once. It was cool but not as cool as this one: This is me playing Richie Sambora's all Koa double-neck about ten years ago. There are three of these. Richie always has one, one is always at Taylor Guitars in El Cajon, California and one is always in a warehouse in Nashville:

View attachment 525499

It's all just off the shelf cookie cutter stuff. Nothing special.

Agreed on the niche aspect of the twelve string. Though I do like the sound.

It's hard to play, though. For me anyway.

Always thought Richie never really got the credit he deserved. Good song writer, too.

I have his solo albums.
Let me tell y'all something.... I"m not telling you not to shop at goodwill..Just KNOW...that they do nothing for the 'poor'. They are NOT christian. It is strictly a money making enterprise. Do you know how much the ceo of Goodwill makes on a yearly basis?? LOLOLOL

What other business takes in your cast offs, prices them and sells them to someone else. That's ...SELLS them to other folk...I repeat, They do NOTHING for the poor.

Now when you go in there to buy your books or dvds or your trinkets and they ask you if they can keep your change. Say no. Better in your pocket than in that fat cat CEO's pockets.

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