The Goodwill thrift store

I remember as a kid walking around a Goodwill with my grandfather. I was probably 8? I kinda meandered off as kids do, and while rummaging found an Iron Cross in a bin. Yeah, like one of those WW2, German Iron Crosses. I was like wow cool!
It had a pin on it, and I put it on my t-shirt and starting walking around the store. My grandfather saw that on me and almost lost his mind. I remember him hissing through his teeth.

"Get that shit off right now."

I doubt it was the real mccoy, but I still think it was pretty cool lookin.

I've gone 5 years thinking a poster or two or three were one gender, but they turned out to be another!

So now I just come right out and ask! early on as possible! :)

I was just messing around, you don't have to explain.

But I know what you mean.
Ah well. I'm gonna try to find a movie to watch.

Cool thread, though, Stann. I get so tired of being moody all of the time on here and so much of the stuff we talk about on here is bad energy.

I like liquid flow, positivity, feel good conversation better, truth be told.

Even if we're a bunch of second hand cheapskates. Ha.
Yep, I take my son there. He calls it the bookstore as we started going when he was maybe three and we'd buy loads of books for a buck each and a giant bag of toys for next to nothing.

Still loves it.
Ah well. I'm gonna try to find a movie to watch.

Cool thread, though, Stann. I get so tired of being moody all of the time on here and so much of the stuff we talk about on here is bad energy.

I like liquid flow, positivity, feel good conversation better, truth be told.

Even if we're a bunch of second hand cheapskates. Ha.
If you get a chance watch the movie I mentioned, " What the Bleeb do we Know " you most likely will enjoy that too. Have a great night.Thanks, Stan.
Because of what I found, everybody's missing the point. I found a wonderful DVD called " What the Bleep do we Know !? " It combines science and spirituality, and had a beautiful synchronous message to it. I wasn't sure where to put this, but I figured at least spirituality should be part of religion, and ethics whatever its origin in science. Where would you have put it ? If you have a better idea I'll put it there too. Thanks, Stan.
Oh please. If you ONLY wanted it to be about some dvd you found that nobody has heard of, you should have said ONLY to talk about that specific dvd and nothing else. This is or rather...was an interesting thread, but then you had to go and ruin it.

So...I started a new one where people can talk about anything from any thrift store. It's in general discussion for those interested.

THis guy is going to keep harping on his dvd in this thread.

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Our Goodwill now sucks and has been on and off the chopping block several times in the last 5-10 years. They used to have a massive store that had pretty much everything but were in a older part of town. They replaced it with a much smaller store in a more high profile but outragiously expensive commercial area and in intersection that makes it a PITA to get out of. The DAV store became more like what the Goodwill used to be but alas it shut down too when Family Dollar decided it wanted to build at that location and the owners of the building sold out.
Ah well. I'm gonna try to find a movie to watch.

Cool thread, though, Stann. I get so tired of being moody all of the time on here and so much of the stuff we talk about on here is bad energy.

I like liquid flow, positivity, feel good conversation better, truth be told.

Even if we're a bunch of second hand cheapskates. Ha.
Try the movie I mentioned, " what the bleep do we know " entertaining and informative, and uplifting to boot.
Oh please. If you ONLY wanted it to be about some dvd you found that nobody has heard of, you should have said ONLY to talk about that specific dvd and nothing else. This is or rather...was an interesting thread, but then you had to go and ruin it.

Oh please don't misunderstand. I did want to let people know about that movie. But I'm glad so many people support Goodwill. I appreciate all the replies. No restrictions, I've been enjoying the conversations. All the conversations.
I'm a gay man, knew since I was 7 years old. Kind of close !? Lol
Yep, I take my son there. He calls it the bookstore as we started going when he was maybe three and we'd buy loads of books for a buck each and a giant bag of toys for next to nothing.
Oh please. If you ONLY wanted it to be about some dvd you found that nobody has heard of, you should have said ONLY to talk about that specific dvd and nothing else
Gay? 7 years old? The Bookstore? DVD you say? The adults in this chat room here are already on the FBI's Most Wanted list.
Oh please. If you ONLY wanted it to be about some dvd you found that nobody has heard of, you should have said ONLY to talk about that specific dvd and nothing else. This is or rather...was an interesting thread, but then you had to go and ruin it.

So...I started a new one where people can talk about anything from any thrift store. It's in general discussion for those interested.

THis guy is going to keep harping on his dvd in this thread.

I'm not going to keep harping about it, I don't have to, you will. I tried to be open in nice but it doesn't work with you. You took everything in the wrong way, you're way too serious . I wish you a good evening.
Gay? 7 years old? The Bookstore? DVD you say? The adults in this chat room here are already on the FBI's Most Wanted list.

Yes. My three year old son called it the bookstore because we went there to buy books, so he equated the store with books.

He also referred to both Target and Walmart as the toy store. Why, you may ask? Because we bought toys there.

Wow! Total FBI material. Please call them now, but promise to record the call and post a link.
You're lucky you didn't get your rear end kicked. lol.

Oh, nm, you said 1964.

I guess that weas normal back then. i wasn't even born yet.
They were wild times, everyone was exploring everything. No one was uptight except the older people.
I am selling my house and dropping a lot of good stuff at the Goodwill. Books, records, dvd's, golf clubs, catcher's equipment, toys, luggage.

I hope people enjoy the stuff as much as I did. More.
That's great, just wanted to say thank you again. Have a great day and have a great life, you deserve it.

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