Zone1 Knowledge, the forbidden fruit


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Did everyone know that Adam was a black man! Excellent!


Just kidding

Now on to the subject at hand.

Why did the Bible refer to the forbidden fruit as coming from the tree of knowledge in the Garden of Eden?

Genesis 2:17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

Why is the tree named the tree of knowledge and why does it bring forth death?

Most glaze over the story as being insignificant, or even made up, but words have meaning. Regardless of whether you believe the story actually happened, there is a message in the story all the same.

I believe the message is, knowledge without wisdom brings death. Specifically, seeking knowledge apart from the wisdom of God is what brings death.

Now whether you agree with my assessment, that this is at least one of the messages in the story, we have a myriad of examples proving that message is correct. Man has a long list of instances where knowledge brought about, or can potentially bring about, much death and misery, all because man had no wisdom to use it correctly.

One such example are genetically modified plants that are resistant to disease and insects. They usually are bigger and easier to grow. See how wonderful knowledge can be? But there is a small problem, they can't reproduce, and if cross pollinated with plants than do reproduce, they make them unable to reproduce. Hence, unleashing unproductive plants on nature could prevent all those plants from reproducing. Last I checked, plants were needed for survival. Scientists are so concerned about it, they have set aside seeds hoping they be available if the worst happens, that is, they can't grow food anymore.

Or maybe you have heard of the story of Oppenheimer, the man responsible for creating the first nuclear bomb.


Want more stories of knowledge that leads to mass death? How about a futuristic one, namely AI. Artificial Intelligence is just one more technology that is being developed today that has a tremendous potential for unthinkable harm to mankind. The movie "The Terminator" tapped into these fears. Essentially, man is developing an intelligence that is superior to his own. Problem is, that intelligence has no human empathy. Humans without human empathy are referred to as sociopaths. So, what will AI to when it is fed information that human beings are destroying the planet with carbon emissions, something humans hear every day from government and their state-controlled media? Will it seek to terminate humans to save the planet and themselves?

But let's assume AI can be controlled by humans from doing this. What is a despot like Hitler had it to use? Imagine if he had a surveillance state that could watch everything you do and say 24/7. Imagine a world where he used it to calculate every battle to see if he could win, and use it to sway public opinion as AI studies you and learns how to persuade you 24/7. Depots in history have been killing machines, but now their ability has been enhanced to continue to kill in mass by 100 fold or more. Once humanity goes to digital currency, the state will have complete power over you as it will decide if you should purchase what you want to purchase, or if you are even worthy to do so. China now has a social credit system where if they say or do bad things the state does not like, they may not be able to travel or go to the store to buy things, etc. Business today in the US has introduced a similar social credit system, as those who are not woke or environmentally friendly enough have bad scores, which means no one else will want to do business with them or get government perks, etc. Now government and the corporate world have become One, and all held together with AI. Last I checked that is what was used to be called Fascism.

Luckily despots from the past had weaknesses. For example, Hitler was a drug addict and insisted on being in control of military operations, something he was not even qualified to do. This made him more prone to failure. However, what iF AI did most of his tasks, if not all? What if you had a super intelligent bot doing it all for you 24/7? It would have probably let Hitler win the war and the world.

Could AI be the "beast" spoken about in Revelation? And could digital currency be the mark of the beast spoken about in Revelation as people were commanded to take the mark in their right hand or forehead or not be able to buy and sell?

As for many being careful in developing AI, so as to limit it possible harm, that is out of the question because there is an arms race on with it, so caution needs to be thrown to the wind, just like God's wisdom has been thrown to the wind.
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Why did the Bible refer to the forbidden fruit as coming from the tree of knowledge in the Garden of Eden?
Investigate the etymology of the word as originally written but translated as Garden. See OT , for example .
There were about 15 ( from memory) such constructions of so called "Gardens" across the planet .
The explanation is beyond interesting but not for the cognitively rigid .
Knowledge is the antithesis of religion.
Religion is built around ignorance. "well we dont know the answer so.... a god did it"
Religion is about wisdom, or should be.

The more knowledge someone has without having wisdom, the more dangerous they become to humankind and the planet.

In fact, do we have anything to fear from stupid people? How about gorillas in the rain forest? Is anyone worried about them?
The real dangers to society are those who have vast knowledge, or they have access to such knowledge, but have no wisdom. Those people are the ones who are able to possible destroy all life on earth.
knowledge without wisdom brings death.

Knowledge with or without wisdom brings death
Ignorance with or without wisdom brings death

Death is the only thing we can be sure will visit all of us, regardless of our levels of knowledge or wisdom, eventually.
Knowledge is the antithesis of religion.
Religion is built around ignorance. "well we dont know the answer so.... a god did it"
I think there needs to be a line drawn between organized religion and those to hold to whatever faith.....The belief that there's something going on that's bigger than yourself and immediate circle of family, friends, associates has been the glue the holds peaceful societies together.

IMO, this is why there has been such a frontal assault on the church in general, why the Catholics have a Marxist Pope, and the concept of national sovereignty.
Knowledge with or without wisdom brings death
Ignorance with or without wisdom brings death

Death is the only thing we can be sure will visit all of us, regardless of our levels of knowledge or wisdom, eventually.
I would say that knowledge with wisdom extends life.

There are lots of examples of this as well.

But yea, we will all die regardless, so........................
I think there needs to be a line drawn between organized religion and those to hold to whatever faith.....The belief that there's something going on that's bigger than yourself and immediate circle of family, friends, associates has been the glue the holds peaceful societies together.

IMO, this is why there has been such a frontal assault on the church in general, why the Catholics have a Marxist Pope, and the concept of national sovereignty.
The Left is Ok with religion so long as the religion bows its knee to them, and them only.

You are free to believe what you want so long as it does not interfere with a Left wing agenda.

Leftism is the global religion currently.
Religion is about wisdom, or should be.

The more knowledge someone has without having wisdom, the more dangerous they become to humankind and the planet.

In fact, do we have anything to fear from stupid people? How about gorillas in the rain forest? Is anyone worried about them?
The real dangers to society are those who have vast knowledge, or they have access to such knowledge, but have no wisdom. Those people are the ones who are able to possible destroy all life on earth.

correct, that is the opposite objective of all three desert religions based on the liar moses and used by the 4th century crucifiers that wrote the c-bible, religion of servitude.

a&e requested self determination and were granted their wish by the heavens and set on their journey with the hopes for remission as stipulated from the heavens, the religion of antiquity to triumph over evil, to acquire the purity required for their own objective presence than what was initially given than earned.
correct, that is the opposite objective of all three desert religions based on the liar moses and used by the 4th century crucifiers that wrote the c-bible, religion of servitude.

a&e requested self determination and were granted their wish by the heavens and set on their journey with the hopes for remission as stipulated from the heavens, the religion of antiquity to triumph over evil, to acquire the purity required for their own objective presence than what was initially given than earned.
The Mosiac law was revolutionary at that time. It was a time when men were mostly slaves 24/7.

Not only did Moses come to free the Hebrew slaves, but he also made provisions for slaves within his camp to be free after 7 years, giving them a new start in life.

And the Sabbath was equally revolutionary. Even slaves got one day of rest, and is why we have a weekend today.

You can thank Moses.

As for Christianity, they built the first hospitals and universities and today account for the most charities for the poor. All of these things improved life.

Today, though, the Left have taken over the universities and hospitals and now they don't even know what a woman is anymore as hospitals mutilate perfectly working body parts because the patient desires it and kill perfectly fine babies in the womb.

Did everyone know that Adam was a black man! Excellent!


Just kidding

Now on to the subject at hand.

Why did the Bible refer to the forbidden fruit as coming from the tree of knowledge in the Garden of Eden?

Genesis 2:17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

Why is the tree named the tree of knowledge and why does it bring forth death?

Most glaze over the story as being insignificant, or even made up, but words have meaning. Regardless of whether you believe the story actually happened, there is a message in the story all the same.

I believe the message is, knowledge without wisdom brings death. Specifically, seeking knowledge apart from the wisdom of God is what brings death.

Now whether you agree with my assessment, that this is at least one of the messages in the story, we have a myriad of examples proving that message is correct. Man has a long list of instances where knowledge brought about, or can potentially bring about, much death and misery, all because man had no wisdom to use it correctly.

One such example are genetically modified plants that are resistant to disease and insects. They usually are bigger and easier to grow. See how wonderful knowledge can be? But there is a small problem, they can't reproduce, and if cross pollinated with plants than do reproduce, they make them unable to reproduce. Hence, unleashing unproductive plants on nature could prevent all those plants from reproducing. Last I checked, plants were needed for survival. Scientists are so concerned about it, they have set aside seeds hoping they be available if the worst happens, that is, they can't grow food anymore.

Or maybe you have heard of the story of Oppenheimer, the man responsible for creating the first nuclear bomb.


Want more stories of knowledge that leads to mass death? How about a futuristic one, namely AI. Artificial Intelligence is just one more technology that is being developed today that has a tremendous potential for unthinkable harm to mankind. The movie "The Terminator" tapped into these fears. Essentially, man is developing an intelligence that is superior to his own. Problem is, that intelligence has no human empathy. Humans without human empathy are referred to as sociopaths. So, what will AI to when it is fed information that human beings are destroying the planet with carbon emissions, something humans hear every day from government and their state-controlled media? Will it seek to terminate humans to save the planet and themselves?

But let's assume AI can be controlled by humans from doing this. What is a despot like Hitler had it to use? Imagine if he had a surveillance state that could watch everything you do and say 24/7. Imagine a world where he used it to calculate every battle to see if he could win, and use it to sway public opinion as AI studies you and learns how to persuade you 24/7. Depots in history have been killing machines, but now their ability has been enhanced to continue to kill in mass by 100 fold or more. Once humanity goes to digital currency, the state will have complete power over you as it will decide if you should purchase what you want to purchase, or if you are even worthy to do so. China now has a social credit system where if they say or do bad things the state does not like, they may not be able to travel or go to the store to buy things, etc. Business today in the US has introduced a similar social credit system, as those who are not woke or environmentally friendly enough have bad scores, which means no one else will want to do business with them or get government perks, etc. Now government and the corporate world have become One, and all held together with AI. Last I checked that is what was used to be called Fascism.

Luckily despots from the past had weaknesses. For example, Hitler was a drug addict and insisted on being in control of military operations, something he was not even qualified to do. This made him more prone to failure. However, what iF AI did most of his tasks, if not all? What if you had a super intelligent bot doing it all for you 24/7? It would have probably let Hitler win the war and the world.

Could AI be the "beast" spoken about in Revelation? And could digital currency be the mark of the beast spoken about in Revelation as people were commanded to take the mark in their right hand or forehead or not be able to buy and sell?

As for many being careful in developing AI, so as to limit it possible harm, that is out of the question because there is an arms race on with it, so caution needs to be thrown to the wind, just like God's wisdom has been thrown to the wind.
What knowledge do you suppose these people might have acquired that would have resulted in them from walking with God to not walking with God?
The Mosiac law was revolutionary at that time. It was a time when men were mostly slaves 24/7.

Not only did Moses come to free the Hebrew slaves, but he also made provisions for slaves within his camp to be free after 7 years, giving them a new start in life.

And the Sabbath was equally revolutionary. Even slaves got one day of rest, and is why we have a weekend today.

You can thank Moses.

As for Christianity, they built the first hospitals and universities and today account for the most charities for the poor. All of these things improved life.

Today, though, the Left have taken over the universities and hospitals and now they don't even know what a woman is anymore as hospitals mutilate perfectly working body parts because the patient desires it and kill perfectly fine babies in the womb.

the substitute false 10 commandments claimed by the liar moses were not etched in the heavens nor ever existed than their own manner of religion by servitude same as the crucifiers used for centuries to this day to persecute and victimize the innocent -

denounced by jesus and those of the 1st century willing to die for the original religion of antiquity and their goal of liberation theology, self determination the same as the journey set by a&e for remission to the everlasting.
What knowledge do you suppose these people might have acquired that would have resulted in them from walking with God to not walking with God?
The serpent tempted them by saying, "Eat and you shall be as gods"

In other words, they were relying on their own wisdom for the first time.
The serpent tempted them by saying, "Eat and you shall be as gods"

In other words, they were relying on their own wisdom for the first time.

nar beware what never existed ... found in paradise - but in the minds of the demented.

moses the liar, or those that wrote in that name as all three desert religions are in complicity against the heavens, their contrition for original sin belongs to the lackeys that knowingly take their words to do harm - votto ... the deceiver.

Did everyone know that Adam was a black man! Excellent!


Just kidding

Now on to the subject at hand.

Why did the Bible refer to the forbidden fruit as coming from the tree of knowledge in the Garden of Eden?

Genesis 2:17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

Why is the tree named the tree of knowledge and why does it bring forth death?

Most glaze over the story as being insignificant, or even made up, but words have meaning. Regardless of whether you believe the story actually happened, there is a message in the story all the same.

I believe the message is, knowledge without wisdom brings death. Specifically, seeking knowledge apart from the wisdom of God is what brings death.

Now whether you agree with my assessment, that this is at least one of the messages in the story, we have a myriad of examples proving that message is correct. Man has a long list of instances where knowledge brought about, or can potentially bring about, much death and misery, all because man had no wisdom to use it correctly.

One such example are genetically modified plants that are resistant to disease and insects. They usually are bigger and easier to grow. See how wonderful knowledge can be? But there is a small problem, they can't reproduce, and if cross pollinated with plants than do reproduce, they make them unable to reproduce. Hence, unleashing unproductive plants on nature could prevent all those plants from reproducing. Last I checked, plants were needed for survival. Scientists are so concerned about it, they have set aside seeds hoping they be available if the worst happens, that is, they can't grow food anymore.

Or maybe you have heard of the story of Oppenheimer, the man responsible for creating the first nuclear bomb.


Want more stories of knowledge that leads to mass death? How about a futuristic one, namely AI. Artificial Intelligence is just one more technology that is being developed today that has a tremendous potential for unthinkable harm to mankind. The movie "The Terminator" tapped into these fears. Essentially, man is developing an intelligence that is superior to his own. Problem is, that intelligence has no human empathy. Humans without human empathy are referred to as sociopaths. So, what will AI to when it is fed information that human beings are destroying the planet with carbon emissions, something humans hear every day from government and their state-controlled media? Will it seek to terminate humans to save the planet and themselves?

But let's assume AI can be controlled by humans from doing this. What is a despot like Hitler had it to use? Imagine if he had a surveillance state that could watch everything you do and say 24/7. Imagine a world where he used it to calculate every battle to see if he could win, and use it to sway public opinion as AI studies you and learns how to persuade you 24/7. Depots in history have been killing machines, but now their ability has been enhanced to continue to kill in mass by 100 fold or more. Once humanity goes to digital currency, the state will have complete power over you as it will decide if you should purchase what you want to purchase, or if you are even worthy to do so. China now has a social credit system where if they say or do bad things the state does not like, they may not be able to travel or go to the store to buy things, etc. Business today in the US has introduced a similar social credit system, as those who are not woke or environmentally friendly enough have bad scores, which means no one else will want to do business with them or get government perks, etc. Now government and the corporate world have become One, and all held together with AI. Last I checked that is what was used to be called Fascism.

Luckily despots from the past had weaknesses. For example, Hitler was a drug addict and insisted on being in control of military operations, something he was not even qualified to do. This made him more prone to failure. However, what iF AI did most of his tasks, if not all? What if you had a super intelligent bot doing it all for you 24/7? It would have probably let Hitler win the war and the world.

Could AI be the "beast" spoken about in Revelation? And could digital currency be the mark of the beast spoken about in Revelation as people were commanded to take the mark in their right hand or forehead or not be able to buy and sell?

As for many being careful in developing AI, so as to limit it possible harm, that is out of the question because there is an arms race on with it, so caution needs to be thrown to the wind, just like God's wisdom has been thrown to the wind.
I answered this a long time ago:
For the newbies I'll repeat it.
The center of the garden where the 2 rivers meet was ancient Persia where Zoroastrian and Mithraism was popular and brought to Rome through head soldier Lucius, the Nazarenes admit they took much from Zoroastrianism (says the apochrypha)
This converging and compiling mythologies and cultures is warned because it mixes both knowledge that is good (Torah) and doctrines that are evil (pagan mythologies and Egyptian underworld & Greek death cultism). When they eat of this and have the knowledge they will become like us means they will become like the hosts (kohanim/priests) who is the context of the "US" spoken of. They will become like G-d means they will take this forbidden compilation and make themselves a false temple and false hierarchy of hosts (cardinals and Bishops liken to US the Kohanim) and the Pope (liken to the head priest)makes himself as a G-d just as the bible in Genesis did warn. Rome was famous for stealing people's deities by conquering them, telling them their deity no longer favored them, then set up a temple for that deity in their own territory claiming to be the new authority including setting up new books and new false doctrines. This is what they did with the deity Juno and what they did in destroying the Jerusalem Temple with stealing YHWH, claiming he was now in disfavor with the Jews they fooled people into believing they were now the authority and temple.They thus made themselves the new (impostor) Hosts and Pope set up as the new (impostor) father in heaven.
You see Adam in Hebrew the word means man and represents man in the deeper sense. EVE is not Adam's (man's) first wife (Israel or Jerusalem Temple-Lilith), thus Eve is the next bride (representing the church)thus the serpent (false prophet) convinced Eve to eat from his tree that she would not die (the created character Jesus himself said such words)and Eve (church) convinced Adam (Man) to also stray and what fruit did they partake of, an APPLE? But Apples aren't indigenous and the fruit is not mentioned in the bible??Surely mankind has subconsciously revealed this forbidden fruit as 'A PAUL' who wrote 1/2-3/4 the NT and thus his forbidden fruit is revealed-it mixes knowledge that is both good and helpful and bad and harmful, hence the warning using the term "wormwood" a Bitter poisonous deadly herb. People were made bitter & mean and poisonous -deadly (over 50 million murders & thousands of wars) over this good word-knowledge that is both good and evil.

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