Sometimes I Really Wish the Democrats Were as Evil as the MAGA Folks Say They Are

Nothing until AFTER the appeals are processed, so nothing.

And Trump’s opponents have no real desire to see him in jail – they just want him to go away, respect the will of the people, retire from politics, and allow responsible, serious, competent individuals to govern.

You already have,
responsible, serious, competent individuals to govern.

Theses are the same,
responsible, serious, competent individuals to govern.

Who use their Soros funded lackies to change laws allowing them to target their political opponents.
"Legal experts" also said there was nothing to this case. But then the unthinkable happened.

It's not about legalities. It's about keeping Trump from office--whatever it takes.
Trump will likely get no jail time.

One would think that if the so-called “Deep State” was so powerful and active and above all else, unaccountable....that it would be a lead pipe cinch that Trump would go to jail. But he likely won’t.
They are, Today's Donkey Party is composed almost entirely of radical leftists bent on suppressing or eliminating any belief, thought, or utterance that it fears could possibly tend to lessen its grip on power. It’s not just “The Squad,” or the likes of Adam Schiff who are keen to stymie, cancel, erase, or shut down opposing viewpoints. Nearly all of today’s Democrats disdain the First Amendment in their tyrannical lust for eternal power and control, President Biden chief among them.

Another Democrat, Harry Truman, once stated: “We need not fear the expression of ideas—we do need to fear their suppression.”

And the person who many claim founded the Democratic Party, Thomas Jefferson, solemnly averred: “I have sworn, on the altar of God, eternal hostility to all forms of tyranny over the minds of man.”

Today, the “Democratic” president is trying to imprison his Republican rival. College campuses are hermetically sealed off from anyone with an allegedly “conservative” or traditional viewpoint. Federal agencies warn media outlets against telling the truth. Speaking out against the pandemic-induced lockdowns, social distancing requirements, mask mandates, or COVID-19(84) vaccines, could lead to your being mocked, shadow-banned, or pink-slipped depending on your circumstances. Challenging “climate-change” orthodoxy will get you branded a “Denier” with a capital, crimson ‘D’—and possibly labeled a nut case. Disagree with the rapidly evolving and expanding “trans” agenda? Don’t believe in the artificial hormone-altering or genital mutilation of our children? Prepare to be at least figuratively assaulted by the most hyper-sensitive, close-minded, and thuggish identity group that has ever existed.

Dare to speak up for your beliefs? If you happen to be a straight, white, Christian male that believes in the Founding values—or a proud, independent-thinking black person that doesn’t toe the Democrat Party line—prepare to have your voice stolen, silenced, rendered mute. The Party doesn’t like the former. Period. And won’t abide the latter straying from the ideological plantation on which they intend to keep them. (Democrats, eventually rather successfully, attempted to institute mental slavery almost immediately upon Republicans ending physical slavery.) As Biden said, “You ain’t black” if you have trouble deciding between him and Trump.
Dare to speak up for your beliefs? If you happen to be a straight, white, Christian male that believes in the Founding values....prepare to have your voice stolen, silenced, rendered mute. The Party doesn’t like the former. Period.

Yet strangely they nominated someone just like that in two consecutive election cycles for President.

you lose.

And Trump’s opponents have no real desire to see him in jail – they just want him to go away, respect the will of the people, retire from politics, and allow responsible, serious, competent individuals to govern.
The will of the people? Look at the polls, Simp. That is the will of the people, not some kangaroo NY court.
Yes he likely won’t, the appeals courts will overturn this conviction. Pretty obvious
Hmmm... they’re not all rigged?

Trump says they’re all rigged.

You’re telling me that the “deep state” is going to let the blob ooze off the hook?

How can that be possible?
Hmmm... they’re not all rigged?

Trump says they’re all rigged.

You’re telling me that the “deep state” is going to let the blob ooze off the hook?

How can that be possible?
Trump said all appeals courts are rigged? Link
Trump said all appeals courts are rigged? Link

I'm sure you don't want to go there...but you may surprise me.

Oh what you're saying is that the appeals courts are not rigged. Whatever they decide is not because of some "rigging"....right? Really want to put your name next to that--you can't later say it's rigged if they find against your blob.


I'm sure you don't want to go there...but you may surprise me.

Oh what you're saying is that the appeals courts are not rigged. Whatever they decide is not because of some "rigging"....right? Really want to put your name next to that--you can't later say it's rigged if they find against your blob.


I never said all appeal courts were rigged, so do you have a link to trump saying that?
I never said all appeal courts were rigged, so do you have a link to trump saying that?
I'm glad that you're saying the appeals courts are not if they deny the're not going to say they are, right?
I'm glad that you're saying the appeals courts are not if they deny the're not going to say they are, right?
You seem to be having a hard time…you claimed trump said all appeals courts were rigged, then claimed I did. When and where did either of us say that?
I agree. I wouldn't mind seeing him shipped off to GitMo, but he likely won't get anything more than probation. Not even house arrest.
I'm good with probation in Brooklyn with weekly piss tests and community service picking up street trash.

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