The GOP and women's rights.

The party of less govt wants more govt intruding in my daughters womb. And some evil people believe the fact that my daughter is on the pill means she is preventing conception. They call themselves Christians. They are far from it.

No protecting life...

And that's that.

_Personally? I side with life,,,and submit that whomever goes for abortion does so of freewill, and subject to conscience for snuffing it out.

Liberty is an all or nothing proposition...with consequences to oneself and society.

Morality be the guide.
The party of less govt wants more govt intruding in my daughters womb. And some evil people believe the fact that my daughter is on the pill means she is preventing conception. They call themselves Christians. They are far from it.

No protecting life...

And that's that.

_Personally? I side with life,,,and submit that whomever goes for abortion does so of freewill, and subject to conscience for snuffing it out.

Liberty is an all or nothing proposition...with consequences to oneself and society.

Morality be the guide.

The problem with that is, unless you want to put Pregnant women under house arrest, there's no way you can enforce your opinion.

Leaving contraception off to the side, and just concentrating on abortion, the fact is, when abortion was "illegal", women still had no problem finding and getting them. Everyone knew of someone who could "take care of that problem", if you couldn't get the guy to marry you.

Now, there are sensible ways you could reduce abortion. Strong emphasis on good wages for working folks. Mandetory family and medical leave- PAID. Solid sex education, esteem building for girls and contraception education.

Those "socialist" countries you hate do all those things, and surprisingly, the abortion rate in France, the UK or Germany is half what ours is.
"Personally? I side with life,,,and submit that whomever goes for abortion does so of freewill, and subject to conscience for snuffing it out."

I agree. I also agree that those against preventing conception are anti liberty and anti freedom evil people.
"Personally? I side with life,,,and submit that whomever goes for abortion does so of freewill, and subject to conscience for snuffing it out."

I agree. I also agree that those against preventing conception are anti liberty and anti freedom evil people.

Did I state 'snuffing it out'? Don't belive that I did.

And morality, and self conscience has to be a guide. There's so damned little of it anymore.

Your are FREE to do as you are even more free to deal with the consequences of your decisions without demanding the rest of society to accept it.
The party of less govt wants more govt intruding in my daughters womb. And some evil people believe the fact that my daughter is on the pill means she is preventing conception. They call themselves Christians. They are far from it.

No protecting life...

And that's that.

_Personally? I side with life,,,and submit that whomever goes for abortion does so of freewill, and subject to conscience for snuffing it out.

Liberty is an all or nothing proposition...with consequences to oneself and society.

Morality be the guide.

The problem with that is, unless you want to put Pregnant women under house arrest, there's no way you can enforce your opinion.

Leaving contraception off to the side, and just concentrating on abortion, the fact is, when abortion was "illegal", women still had no problem finding and getting them. Everyone knew of someone who could "take care of that problem", if you couldn't get the guy to marry you.

Now, there are sensible ways you could reduce abortion. Strong emphasis on good wages for working folks. Mandetory family and medical leave- PAID. Solid sex education, esteem building for girls and contraception education.

Those "socialist" countries you hate do all those things, and surprisingly, the abortion rate in France, the UK or Germany is half what ours is.

I never ASSERTED it...YOU DID.

Nice straw DAWG by Joey again...


"Your are FREE to do as you are even more free to deal with the consequences of your decisions without demanding the rest of society to accept it."

Agreed. One also must agree that two married people that choose not to conceive are brave and honorable. They will never abort. They will never conceive a child. It is their choice and there are no consequences. Those that believe differently are ilk.
50% of American women will have an unwanted pregnancy in their lifetime. The Republicans want the government to force these women to bring their pregnancy to term. Unwanted children are MUCH more likely to be abused.

Therefore, Republicans are pro child abuse.

And don't tell me an embryo is a human being. If it was, the thousands of frozen embryos in fertility labs in this country would have the right to own guns.
50% of American women will have an unwanted pregnancy in their lifetime. The Republicans want the government to force these women to bring their pregnancy to term. Unwanted children are MUCH more likely to be abused.

Therefore, Republicans are pro child abuse.

And don't tell me an embryo is a human being. If it was, the thousands of frozen embryos in fertility labs in this country would have the right to own guns.

That explains your situation...I guess.

However, it would nice if you would (just once in a while) supply a link to support your claims.

I have never heard this one before. I will be most anxious to see if it consistent across all races and economic groups.
50% of American women will have an unwanted pregnancy in their lifetime. The Republicans want the government to force these women to bring their pregnancy to term. Unwanted children are MUCH more likely to be abused.

Therefore, Republicans are pro child abuse.

And don't tell me an embryo is a human being. If it was, the thousands of frozen embryos in fertility labs in this country would have the right to own guns.

That explains your situation...I guess.

However, it would nice if you would (just once in a while) supply a link to support your claims.

I have never heard this one before. I will be most anxious to see if it consistent across all races and economic groups.

You really don't do much research do you.
The 1972 Rockefeller Commission on Population and the American Future is one of the better known early versions of this claim, but it was surely not the first.[2] The Commission cited research purporting that the children of women denied an abortion "turned out to have been registered more often with psychiatric services, engaged in more antisocial and criminal behavior, and have been more dependent on public assistance." A study by Hans Forssman and Inga Thuwe was cited by the Rockefeller Commission and is probably the first serious empirical research on this topic. They studied the children of 188 women who were denied abortions from 1939 to 1941 at the hospital in Gothenburg, Sweden. They compared these "unwanted" children to another group – the next children born after each of the unwanted children at the hospital. The "unwanted" children were more likely to grow up in adverse conditions, such as having divorced parents or being raised in foster homes and were more likely to become delinquents and engaged in crime.[3] Levitt and Donohue revived discussion of this issue with their paper, "The Impact of Legalized Abortion on Crime."

The Impact of Legalized Abortion on Crime - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Are the Republicans/conservatives conducting a legislative "war on women"? You Bet'cha!

Republican "War On Women" Is Not A Left-Wing Invention | Media Matters for America

Is Media Matters full of betcha.

Republicans state mandated rape in Texas

A woman is forced to endure a medical procedure likened to rape. No, it's not Egypt, where army doctors are accused of subjecting protesters to grotesque "virginity tests".
Instead it's Texas, where a controversial law, signed last year by failed Republican presidential candidate Governor Rick Perry, took effect in February.
Aimed at women who seek abortions, a legal right since 1973, the "Sonogram Bill" compels doctors to describe, and patients to listen to, a description of the fetus revealed by an ultrasound.
"A patient must make two visits," explains Rochelle Tafolla, a spokeswoman for Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast.
"During the first visit the doctor who is going to perform the abortion must perform the ultrasound. The doctor must display the ultrasound image to the woman. She can look away but the doctor must describe the image. If there is cardiac activity that suggests a heartbeat the doctor is required to turn up the audio so the woman can hear it."
This invasive procedure involves inserting an ultrasound device, or "wand", into the vagina to get a clear image of the fetus and detect any heartbeat in the first 12 weeks of a pregnancy, when most American women seek abortions.
50% of American women will have an unwanted pregnancy in their lifetime. The Republicans want the government to force these women to bring their pregnancy to term. Unwanted children are MUCH more likely to be abused.

Therefore, Republicans are pro child abuse.

And don't tell me an embryo is a human being. If it was, the thousands of frozen embryos in fertility labs in this country would have the right to own guns.

That explains your situation...I guess.

However, it would nice if you would (just once in a while) supply a link to support your claims.

I have never heard this one before. I will be most anxious to see if it consistent across all races and economic groups.

You really don't do much research do you.

Well dickweed,

I didn't make the claim.
That explains your situation...I guess.

However, it would nice if you would (just once in a while) supply a link to support your claims.

I have never heard this one before. I will be most anxious to see if it consistent across all races and economic groups.

You really don't do much research do you.

Well dickweed,

I didn't make the claim.

The Impact of Legalized Abortion on Crime - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A recent Gallup poll revealed that American opinion on abortion has shifted. For the first time in about 15 years, a majority of Americans (51 percent) consider themselves pro-life. (See full story here).

Just a year ago, only 44 percent were pro-life. Further, for the first time in a decade, more men are opposed to abortion than women, at 54 percent versus 49 percent.

This may come as disturbing news to some. I used to blame various restrictions on abortion and reproductive health on partisan politics and the Bush Administration, but now it seems that such measures have the backing of the American public.

I also can't help but be appalled at the fact that men are more opposed to abortion than women. I understand that those men who are anti-abortion (yes, the failure to use the politically correct term, "pro-life" is intentional) believe that they are merely opposing murder, and that they have a right to defend innocent life.

Rise in percentage of Americans who are against abortion - National Anti-establishment |
50% of American women will have an unwanted pregnancy in their lifetime. The Republicans want the government to force these women to bring their pregnancy to term. Unwanted children are MUCH more likely to be abused.

Therefore, Republicans are pro child abuse.

And don't tell me an embryo is a human being. If it was, the thousands of frozen embryos in fertility labs in this country would have the right to own guns.

The T is probalby working on the tiny little gun now...
No protecting life...

And that's that.

_Personally? I side with life,,,and submit that whomever goes for abortion does so of freewill, and subject to conscience for snuffing it out.

Liberty is an all or nothing proposition...with consequences to oneself and society.

Morality be the guide.

The problem with that is, unless you want to put Pregnant women under house arrest, there's no way you can enforce your opinion.

Leaving contraception off to the side, and just concentrating on abortion, the fact is, when abortion was "illegal", women still had no problem finding and getting them. Everyone knew of someone who could "take care of that problem", if you couldn't get the guy to marry you.

Now, there are sensible ways you could reduce abortion. Strong emphasis on good wages for working folks. Mandetory family and medical leave- PAID. Solid sex education, esteem building for girls and contraception education.

Those "socialist" countries you hate do all those things, and surprisingly, the abortion rate in France, the UK or Germany is half what ours is.

I never ASSERTED it...YOU DID.

Nice straw DAWG by Joey again...



You fuckwits never, ever talk about how you are going to enforce an abortion ban once you get one.

Because deep down, you know you can't make one work.

The people who really run your movement don't want to ban abortion anyway. They just want to keep people like you upset about it.

Which is why Abortion is as legal now as it was in 1973.
50% of American women will have an unwanted pregnancy in their lifetime. The Republicans want the government to force these women to bring their pregnancy to term. Unwanted children are MUCH more likely to be abused.

Therefore, Republicans are pro child abuse.

And don't tell me an embryo is a human being. If it was, the thousands of frozen embryos in fertility labs in this country would have the right to own guns.

The T is probalby working on the tiny little gun now...

I'm guessing he already had the tweezers and magnifying glass ....

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