The GOP and women's rights.

Are the Republicans/conservatives conducting a legislative "war on women"? You Bet'cha!

Republican "War On Women" Is Not A Left-Wing Invention | Media Matters for America

No, they aren't. But guess who really is?

April 26, 2012 4:00 A.M.
The Real War on Women

Honor killing, forced marriage, genital mutilation — that is a war on women.

Her name was Derya. She lived in Batman, Turkey, she was 17 years old, and she had a problem that few American women know about, let alone have ever experienced: The men in her family were doing everything they could to get her to kill herself.

It started with text messages like this one from her uncle: “You have blackened our name. Kill yourself and clean our shame, or we will kill you first.”

What was Derya’s crime? What had she done to deserve a message like that from a relative? She had fallen in love with a boy she had met in school the previous spring.

When news of this outrage reached Derya’s family, her mother warned her that her father — her own father — might kill her. She didn’t listen.

The rest of the story:

The Real War on Women - Lee Habeeb - National Review Online
Oh boy, just what we need, more fodder for the Tort Bar to sue over even more stupid shit.

Yeah, because if its YOUR WIFE OR DAUGHTER OR SISTER OR MOTHER who discovers that she's being paid LESS than her male co-worker FOR PUSHING THE SAME AMOUNT OF PAPER IN THE OFFICE, that's okay by you because...?:confused:

I need a few more details... like, was my wife paid less because the was unavailable for the same amount of travel as her male counterpart? Does she have to leave early certain days to pick up the kids? Is she unable to work late hours?

Why are you assuming the woman has kids? Why are you assuming she can't work late? Why are you assuming she can't have the same travel time as her male counterpart?

And if the woman has kids, why are you assuming that she can't pull the same cumulative office time? Or why are you assuming that the husband can't take time off for any reason dealing with the kids. Or that a woman would go beyond the guidelines of her job to take time off sans an emergency?

See, YOU automatically knee jerk EXCUSES to short change a woman's salary FOR DOING THE EXACT SAME WORK AS A MAN. But here, let the GAO enlighten you as to what's going on in the real world:

GAO Report: Why Women Still Make Less than Men
Yeah, because if its YOUR WIFE OR DAUGHTER OR SISTER OR MOTHER who discovers that she's being paid LESS than her male co-worker FOR PUSHING THE SAME AMOUNT OF PAPER IN THE OFFICE, that's okay by you because...?:confused:

I need a few more details... like, was my wife paid less because the was unavailable for the same amount of travel as her male counterpart? Does she have to leave early certain days to pick up the kids? Is she unable to work late hours?

Why are you assuming the woman has kids? Why are you assuming she can't work late? Why are you assuming she can't have the same travel time as her male counterpart?

And if the woman has kids, why are you assuming that she can't pull the same cumulative office time? Or why are you assuming that the husband can't take time off for any reason dealing with the kids. Or that a woman would go beyond the guidelines of her job to take time off sans an emergency?

See, YOU automatically knee jerk EXCUSES to short change a woman's salary FOR DOING THE EXACT SAME WORK AS A MAN. But here, let the GAO enlighten you as to what's going on in the real world:

GAO Report: Why Women Still Make Less than Men

Thank you. I'll be looking forward to their responses.
Are the Republicans/conservatives conducting a legislative "war on women"? You Bet'cha!

Republican "War On Women" Is Not A Left-Wing Invention | Media Matters for America

No, they aren't. But guess who really is?

April 26, 2012 4:00 A.M.
The Real War on Women

Honor killing, forced marriage, genital mutilation — that is a war on women.

Her name was Derya. She lived in Batman, Turkey, she was 17 years old, and she had a problem that few American women know about, let alone have ever experienced: The men in her family were doing everything they could to get her to kill herself.

It started with text messages like this one from her uncle: “You have blackened our name. Kill yourself and clean our shame, or we will kill you first.”

What was Derya’s crime? What had she done to deserve a message like that from a relative? She had fallen in love with a boy she had met in school the previous spring.

When news of this outrage reached Derya’s family, her mother warned her that her father — her own father — might kill her. She didn’t listen.

The rest of the story:

The Real War on Women - Lee Habeeb - National Review Online

And what of this Revelation out of Egypt and a new law they have?

"Farewell Intercourse Law"

Muslim Brotherhood in SICK is this...really?
I heard the right wants to punish women with a baby.

And Obama said it whenhe was referring to his own prodginy...

[ame=]Obama: "Don't want my daughters to be 'punished' by a baby" - YouTube[/ame]

Yes, and he spoke correctly. People make mistakes. Unless they committed a crime, it shouldn't lead to an eight-year sentence.
It ain't over until the fat lady sings, my intellectually impotent Listener!

I never said it was over, moron.

I said then they should have no problem getting rid of him.

And it looks like that might be the case.

You are so blinded by your own filtered view of the world that you can't even comprehend a pretty basic statement.

The prior posts show YOU asserting that Walker has "nothing to gain" by the actions I DOCUMENTED he was doing, there by insinuating that my statement and subsequent facts weren't valid....which highlights your intellectual dishonesty in dealing with facts that discredit the neocon/teabagger tin gods.

Then there's this:

As usual, Listy posts without sufficient knowledge of the current situation. Currently, Gov. Walker is looking down the barrel of a recall vote that looks shaky for him

....DESPITE his attempts to stymie voters by enacting voter laws that make it more difficult for registered and new voters to vote in his state.

The chronology of the posts ALWAYS confirms you to be a liar and a fool, Listy.
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It ain't over until the fat lady sings, my intellectually impotent Listener!

I never said it was over, moron.

I said then they should have no problem getting rid of him.

And it looks like that might be the case.

You are so blinded by your own filtered view of the world that you can't even comprehend a pretty basic statement.

The prior posts show YOU asserting that Walker has "nothing to gain" by the actions I DOCUMENTED he was doing....which highlights your intellectual dishonesty in dealing with facts that discredit the neocon/teabagger tin gods.

Then there's this:

As usual, Listy posts without sufficient knowledge of the current situation. Currently, Gov. Walker is looking down the barrel of a recall vote that looks shaky for him

Scott Walker recall set for June 5 -

....DESPITE his attempts to stymie voters by enacting voter laws that make it more difficult for registered and new voters to vote in his state. After Signing Law Disenfranchising ID-less Voters, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker Closes 10 DMV Offices | ThinkProgress

The chronology of the posts ALWAYS confirms you to be a liar and a fool, Listy.


You are absolutely right.....I said he had nothing to gain by doing this is that was his only motivation. was a bad move.

I also said, that women should have no problem helping him out of office by voting against him.

As usual, you can't see past your own froth and spittle to actually read thing for what they say.

You are beyond being a are a leftwingzealot and an asshole too.

I hope you don't look as stupid as you sound.
My point exactly... are you telling me at this moment women can't buy contraceptives, or not buy contraceptives, or have a baby, or not have a baby, an abortion, or not have an abortion, or screw 10 guys in one day, or not screw even one guy in 10 days?

So much for the GOP war on women.


Pay attention chuckles, the "war on women" is being waged by the conservative/religious right factions of the GOP to PREVENT AND OR ELIMINATE the very things you listed.

If you had actually READ the content of the link I provided in the OP (as well as other links on this thread), you'd have a clue. So next time get your Soggy ASS in NOLA in gear and READ CAREFULLY AND COMPREHENSIVELY before your fingers hit the keys....makes you look less stupid.

Great response.. right on target. A simple response to my point would have been nice.... but hey, act like a condescending douche if that's what works for you.. or, answer the questions..... you goofballs throw out these asinine terms like "GOP war on women" and never, NEVER provide one instance where a Republican has denied a woman's right to do ANYTHING.

The FACTS are contained in the OP link, genius. Either read it or STFU, because this thread is chock full of neocon/teabagger clowns who are doing EVERYTHING but.
Pay attention chuckles, the "war on women" is being waged by the conservative/religious right factions of the GOP to PREVENT AND OR ELIMINATE the very things you listed.

If you had actually READ the content of the link I provided in the OP (as well as other links on this thread), you'd have a clue. So next time get your Soggy ASS in NOLA in gear and READ CAREFULLY AND COMPREHENSIVELY before your fingers hit the keys....makes you look less stupid.

Great response.. right on target. A simple response to my point would have been nice.... but hey, act like a condescending douche if that's what works for you.. or, answer the questions..... you goofballs throw out these asinine terms like "GOP war on women" and never, NEVER provide one instance where a Republican has denied a woman's right to do ANYTHING.

The FACTS are contained in the OP link, genius. Either read it or STFU, because this thread is chock full of neocon/teabagger clowns who are doing EVERYTHING but.

I just watched Anderson Cooper take apart some democractic moron congresswoman from New York on this supposed war on women. He did a great job.

Your "facts" have been read and in the end "so what" ? You want to call that a war....go on ahead. The fact that others don't see it that way does not make them ignorant of the facts. it simply might mean they are not the zealot/asshole you are.
No protecting life...

And that's that.

_Personally? I side with life,,,and submit that whomever goes for abortion does so of freewill, and subject to conscience for snuffing it out.

Liberty is an all or nothing proposition...with consequences to oneself and society.

Morality be the guide.

The problem with that is, unless you want to put Pregnant women under house arrest, there's no way you can enforce your opinion.

Leaving contraception off to the side, and just concentrating on abortion, the fact is, when abortion was "illegal", women still had no problem finding and getting them. Everyone knew of someone who could "take care of that problem", if you couldn't get the guy to marry you.

Now, there are sensible ways you could reduce abortion. Strong emphasis on good wages for working folks. Mandetory family and medical leave- PAID. Solid sex education, esteem building for girls and contraception education.

Those "socialist" countries you hate do all those things, and surprisingly, the abortion rate in France, the UK or Germany is half what ours is.

I never ASSERTED it...YOU DID.

Nice straw DAWG by Joey again...



The only "straw dog" here is YOU, bunky!

YOU don't have the intellectual honesty to own up to the conclusions of your rhetoric.

You don't like abortion, fine. YOU don't have to pay for it, or have one...NO WOMAN has to have one. It's a CHOICE of a personal medical procedure. And CONTRACEPTION is "prevention" of pregnancy....something a lot of "pro-lifers" have a problem with also.

The FACTS I put forth in the link of the OP go BEYOND abortion. Deal with it.
Republican governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin quietly signed a bill that overturned The Equal Pay Enforcement Act of 2009, allowing for easier discrimination and continuing the War on Women.The Equal Pay Enforcement Act was designed to discourage employers from discriminating against certain groups and give individuals, who were discriminated against in the work force, more avenues to press charges against employers who discriminate.
The bill, titled SB202, which Walker signed on Thursday without informing the public, overturns all of that.
Women make 75 cents for every dollar men make in Wisconsin and 77 cents nationally for every dollar men earn.
Presupposes that the alleged Equal Pay Enforcement Act of 2009 actually enforces equal pay for women. Clearly, by your own admission, in the same thread, we see that the EQEA09 only allows for MORE avenues to sue, not more ways to enforce equal pay. The bill is a boon for trial lawyers and was enacted as a means to buy their support in elections.

To say that Republicans are anti-choice is to assume that everyone agrees with your definition of anti-choice. Clearly, many in this country do not, so your entire scenario is worthless.

Lets be real here. A difference of opinion and policy is NOT a war on anyone. It makes people who claim there is, out to be fools.
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A recent Gallup poll revealed that American opinion on abortion has shifted. For the first time in about 15 years, a majority of Americans (51 percent) consider themselves pro-life. (See full story here).

Just a year ago, only 44 percent were pro-life. Further, for the first time in a decade, more men are opposed to abortion than women, at 54 percent versus 49 percent.

This may come as disturbing news to some. I used to blame various restrictions on abortion and reproductive health on partisan politics and the Bush Administration, but now it seems that such measures have the backing of the American public.

I also can't help but be appalled at the fact that men are more opposed to abortion than women. I understand that those men who are anti-abortion (yes, the failure to use the politically correct term, "pro-life" is intentional) believe that they are merely opposing murder, and that they have a right to defend innocent life.

Rise in percentage of Americans who are against abortion - National Anti-establishment |

Gee, a poll sampling that finds more men than women are anti-abortion....sort of like the leadership of the religious fanatics that push the right wing evangelical movement! Who'd a thunk it! :doubt:

The information in the OP still stands valid. Deal with it.

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