The GOP and women's rights.

Let me know when you've actually accomplished any "debunking" to date you are 0 for about 30.

Have a day.

Since you've already acknowledged that YOU will not compeletely read the material that is the topic of the discussion, that makes anything you say on the subject irrelevent.

Not only are you not "listening", but you're not "reading" as well....that makes YOU willfully ignorant, Listy....a common trait necessary for neocons and teabaggers. So until you can actually discuss the content of the information provided in the OP, I'll just ignore your silly ass and watch you stamp your widdle feet and stick your tongue out. Carry on. :badgrin:

And because you continually make stuff up to argue aganst............


Which part of this is made up?

1) Republicans not only want to reduce women's access to abortion care, they're actually trying to redefine rape. After a major backlash, they promised to stop. But they haven't yet. Shocker.
House GOP Unanimously Passes Anti-Abortion Bill That Redefines Rape, Raises Taxes, And Creates Rape Audits | ThinkProgress

Which part of this?

5) In Congress, Republicans have a bill that would let hospitals allow a woman to die rather than perform an abortion necessary to save her life.

House passes HR 358, the 'Let Women Die' act - Atlanta Progressive |
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Article [XIX].

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.

Ratification was completed on August 18, 1920.

Woman voters matter ... at least since 1920 and only after the same Rs who opposed women's rights then as now that tried to prevent it.

You do realize that the 19th Amendment was passed by the Senate with 36 Republicans and 20 Democrats voting in favor and 8 Republicans and 17 Democrats voting against? The 19th Amendment was passed thanks to Republican votes and the strongest opposition came from Democratic Senators.
Economy recovering.....check

Al Qaeda destroyed.....check

GM rebuilt.......check

What will the Republicans run on?


Article [XIX].

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.

Ratification was completed on August 18, 1920.

Woman voters matter ... at least since 1920 and only after the same Rs who opposed women's rights then as now that tried to prevent it.

I seriously doubt that anyone who opposed women's sufferage in 1920 is still around to conduct your war on women. All the vampires, witches, ghoals, and goblins seem to be registered left wing Democrats.

Creating bills as right wing Republicans, doing everything they can to put women back 100 years.
Economy recovering.....check

Al Qaeda destroyed.....check

GM rebuilt.......check

What will the Republicans run on?



They will run on the economy and kick Dear Ruler's ass all day and all night with his failed record.
Woman voters matter ... at least since 1920 and only after the same Rs who opposed women's rights then as now that tried to prevent it.

I seriously doubt that anyone who opposed women's sufferage in 1920 is still around to conduct your war on women. All the vampires, witches, ghoals, and goblins seem to be registered left wing Democrats.

Creating bills as right wing Republicans, doing everything they can to put women back 100 years.

Wow Republicans opposed women's suffrage? Wow democrats really have no clue on history do they. They just read their democratic party talking points. I'll give you a hint, the republican party freed the slave AND got women the right to vote. The democratic part went from owning slaves to being socialists (which if you've seen Cuba are pretty much the same thing)
So Liberals are trying to make us into Cuba setting EVERYONE back 100 years
I love the way the rw's hide behind the whining about "source". The facts have been published all over the internet, in print, on TV and radio news and yet, they choose not to believe the FACTS because of this one source?

Now that slimebucket O'Donnell is whoring to be veep, we won't see anything about his War On Women until after the election. Then, he'll be able to go back to trying to rape women with his disgusting vaginal ultrasound.
I seriously doubt that anyone who opposed women's sufferage in 1920 is still around to conduct your war on women. All the vampires, witches, ghoals, and goblins seem to be registered left wing Democrats.

Creating bills as right wing Republicans, doing everything they can to put women back 100 years.

Wow Republicans opposed women's suffrage? Wow democrats really have no clue on history do they. They just read their democratic party talking points. I'll give you a hint, the republican party freed the slave AND got women the right to vote. The democratic part went from owning slaves to being socialists (which if you've seen Cuba are pretty much the same thing)
So Liberals are trying to make us into Cuba setting EVERYONE back 100 years

Sadly, that GOP is long gone and has been replaced by professional Peeping Tom's interesting only in lining their own pockets and taking women back to the 16th century.
Economy recovering.....check

Al Qaeda destroyed.....check

GM rebuilt.......check

What will the Republicans run on?



You'll notice that the democrats are not running on Obama's record. Even the left acknowledges that.

But the right is going to run on his record.

The contraception issue is already dead (Sanda Fluke has flammed out).

You are a moron with a wet dream.

And Obama is a one termer.
Economy recovering.....check

Al Qaeda destroyed.....check

GM rebuilt.......check

What will the Republicans run on?



Just for a quick reality check here, guy. The economy still sucks..

Chris does not live in reality. He lives in Virginia where he needs the fed to keep growing so he can keep selling houses.
Article [XIX].

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.

Ratification was completed on August 18, 1920.

Woman voters matter ... at least since 1920 and only after the same Rs who opposed women's rights then as now that tried to prevent it.

You do realize that the 19th Amendment was passed by the Senate with 36 Republicans and 20 Democrats voting in favor and 8 Republicans and 17 Democrats voting against? The 19th Amendment was passed thanks to Republican votes and the strongest opposition came from Democratic Senators.

Well, beyond that...the liberal bastion of Wyoming was giving women the right to vote in local elections 50 years prior to the passage of the 19th.

Oh, how it sucks for liberals that history does not fit their "reality".
A Wisconsin law that made it easier for victims of wage discrimination to have their day in court was repealed on Thursday, after Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) quietly signed the bill.

The 2009 Equal Pay Enforcement Act was meant to deter employers from discriminating against certain groups by giving workers more avenues via which to press charges. Among other provisions, it allows individuals to plead their cases in the less costly, more accessible state circuit court system, rather than just in federal court.

In November, the state Senate approved SB 202, which rolled back this provision. On February, the Assembly did the same. Both were party-line votes in Republican-controlled chambers.

Then women should have no problem helping the dems oust the sexist bastards in the next election cycle.

If they don't, then you can pretty much figure that women decided this isn't such a big deal or that there are other matters more pressing.

Walker has nothing to gain by doing this if his only motivation is what you claim.

Your post is just another fart in the hurricane.
Woman voters matter ... at least since 1920 and only after the same Rs who opposed women's rights then as now that tried to prevent it.

You do realize that the 19th Amendment was passed by the Senate with 36 Republicans and 20 Democrats voting in favor and 8 Republicans and 17 Democrats voting against? The 19th Amendment was passed thanks to Republican votes and the strongest opposition came from Democratic Senators.

Well, beyond that...the liberal bastion of Wyoming was giving women the right to vote in local elections 50 years prior to the passage of the 19th.

Oh, how it sucks for liberals that history does not fit their "reality".

What sucks is that Republicans who voted the vote for women then would today be called RINOs or worse by the Republican Party which worked very hard to defeat passage of the Equal Rights Amendment.

What really sucks is those Republicans would today be called RINOs by the extreme Conservatives who today control the former Grand Olde Party.
You do realize that the 19th Amendment was passed by the Senate with 36 Republicans and 20 Democrats voting in favor and 8 Republicans and 17 Democrats voting against? The 19th Amendment was passed thanks to Republican votes and the strongest opposition came from Democratic Senators.

Well, beyond that...the liberal bastion of Wyoming was giving women the right to vote in local elections 50 years prior to the passage of the 19th.

Oh, how it sucks for liberals that history does not fit their "reality".

What sucks is that Republicans who voted the vote for women then would today be called RINOs or worse by the Republican Party which worked very hard to defeat passage of the Equal Rights Amendment.

What really sucks is those Republicans would today be called RINOs by the extreme Conservatives who today control the former Grand Olde Party.

Try living in the real world.
You do realize that the 19th Amendment was passed by the Senate with 36 Republicans and 20 Democrats voting in favor and 8 Republicans and 17 Democrats voting against? The 19th Amendment was passed thanks to Republican votes and the strongest opposition came from Democratic Senators.

Well, beyond that...the liberal bastion of Wyoming was giving women the right to vote in local elections 50 years prior to the passage of the 19th.

Oh, how it sucks for liberals that history does not fit their "reality".

What sucks is that Republicans who voted the vote for women then would today be called RINOs or worse by the Republican Party which worked very hard to defeat passage of the Equal Rights Amendment.

What really sucks is those Republicans would today be called RINOs by the extreme Conservatives who today control the former Grand Olde Party.

Wow, you can spin anything. Must come from experience.
Well, beyond that...the liberal bastion of Wyoming was giving women the right to vote in local elections 50 years prior to the passage of the 19th.

Oh, how it sucks for liberals that history does not fit their "reality".

What sucks is that Republicans who voted the vote for women then would today be called RINOs or worse by the Republican Party which worked very hard to defeat passage of the Equal Rights Amendment.

What really sucks is those Republicans would today be called RINOs by the extreme Conservatives who today control the former Grand Olde Party.

Wow, you can spin anything. Must come from experience.

Not a spin, you've got conservatives on this very board who miss Barry Goldwater.
You do realize that the 19th Amendment was passed by the Senate with 36 Republicans and 20 Democrats voting in favor and 8 Republicans and 17 Democrats voting against? The 19th Amendment was passed thanks to Republican votes and the strongest opposition came from Democratic Senators.

Well, beyond that...the liberal bastion of Wyoming was giving women the right to vote in local elections 50 years prior to the passage of the 19th.

Oh, how it sucks for liberals that history does not fit their "reality".

What sucks is that Republicans who voted the vote for women then would today be called RINOs or worse by the Republican Party which worked very hard to defeat passage of the Equal Rights Amendment.

What really sucks is those Republicans would today be called RINOs by the extreme Conservatives who today control the former Grand Olde Party.


You've got no basis for that claim, or you've provided none.

What is true is that Wyoming gave women the right to vote. Fact.

Wyoming is not very liberal.

The GOP supported the 19th.

Now you are trying to change the argument.

Here is a clue......

Santorum ain't gettin nominated.
Gingrich ain't gettin nominated.
Paul aint getting nominated.

All three claim to be more conservative than Romney.

Seems the GOP is going to put up a near centrist against your far leftist.

The wacko right wing really has control :doubt:

You want to try again ?
In 2011 over 600 anti choice bills were introduced at the state level by Republicans.

From the Center for Reproductive Rights' 2010-11 annual report:

"The Center is hard-pressed to cite a time in the last twenty years that can rival -- in volume and in severity -- this most recent period of anti-woman, anti-child, and anti-health legislative action in the United States."

Chris stop with that crap. The only thing your pro choice on is abortion and maybe same sex boinking. Other than that you want the govenrment to control us.

That's right. Let's talk about "choice" for a minute. What about the "choice" to: own a gun, hunt, eat meat, drive an SUV, be independent, self-reliant, defend ourselves, protect our property at the end of a gun if necessary, the choice to purchase medical insurance or not of our choice, and many other "choices" which the liberals don't want people to have. The only "choices" the liberals bitch about are being able to kill your unborn child, but NOT some piece of shit who just murdered someone in cold blood, to be able to marry your same gender, even cousin, and well, that's it.
In 2011 over 600 anti choice bills were introduced at the state level by Republicans.

From the Center for Reproductive Rights' 2010-11 annual report:

"The Center is hard-pressed to cite a time in the last twenty years that can rival -- in volume and in severity -- this most recent period of anti-woman, anti-child, and anti-health legislative action in the United States."

Chris stop with that crap. The only thing your pro choice on is abortion and maybe same sex boinking. Other than that you want the govenrment to control us.

That's right. Let's talk about "choice" for a minute. What about the "choice" to: own a gun, hunt, eat meat, drive an SUV, be independent, self-reliant, defend ourselves, protect our property at the end of a gun if necessary, the choice to purchase medical insurance or not of our choice, and many other "choices" which the liberals don't want people to have. The only "choices" the liberals bitch about are being able to kill your unborn child, but NOT some piece of shit who just murdered someone in cold blood, to be able to marry your same gender, even cousin, and well, that's it.

Yes, and you should have control over your own body...right ?

But you don't have control over whether or not you have to purchase health insurance.

Reps for you post !!!

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