The GOP and women's rights.

And I'll ask again. Then what is it?

You're saying that people should pay taxes and expect nothing in return? Only rich people are entitled to the stuff that should be basic care of American citizens? The rest of us are entitled to nothing. No matter how hard we work. There are no 'rights.' Right?

This conversation has taken a bizarro turn.

What is what ?

You've made up several strawmen here without even posting the quote you are responding to.

I like that you used the word "entitled".
Are the Republicans/conservatives conducting a legislative "war on women"? You Bet'cha!

Republican "War On Women" Is Not A Left-Wing Invention | Media Matters for America

Media Matters as a source? Surely you just. It ain't about free condoms. More women have become unemployed since Barry Hussein took office. That's all you need to know. While Barry was giving aid and comfort to the crooks in Solyndra who helped get him elected 3/4 of the female factory workers in the Country got laid off.
This must be your 'baffle 'em with bullshit' section of the evening.

And by the way.


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Woman voters matter ... at least since 1920 and only after the same Rs who opposed women's rights then as now that tried to prevent it.

Oh, really? "The same R's", is it? Please tell me which Republican in EITHER house of Congress has been there since 1920, much less "opposed women's rights" the whole time.

If you can't say something intelligent, don't talk.

Initially, the GOP was a power behind the Women's Suffrage Movement.

But as times change, they are now the opposite of that.

National Federation of Republican Women

“We are here to help you,” she declared, “and we are here to stay.”

At the request of Susan B. Anthony, Sen. A.A. Sargent, a Republican from California, introduced the 19th Amendment in 1878. Sargent’s amendment (also known as the Susan B. Anthony Amendment) was defeated four times by a Democrat-controlled Senate. When the Republican Party regained control of Congress in 1919, the Equal Suffrage Amendment finally passed the House in May of that year and in the Senate in June.

When the Amendment was submitted to the states, 26 of the 36 states that ratified it had Republican legislatures. Of the nine states that voted against ratification, eight were Democratic. Twelve states, all Republican, had given women full suffrage before the federal amendment was ratified.

On August 18, 1920, Tennessee became the 36th and final state needed to ratify the amendment. The U.S. Secretary of State certified the amendment on Aug. 26, 1920.

Cecilie: Please tell me which Republican in EITHER house of Congress has been there since 1920 ...

You are correct Cecilie, including there are non of them remaining ... is the problem.
RICHMOND, Va. — Hundreds of women have locked arms and stood mute outside the Virginia State Capitol to protest a wave of anti-abortion legislation coursing through the 2012 General Assembly. Capitol and state police officers, there to ensure order, estimated the crowd to be more than 1,000 people — mostly women. The crowd formed a human cordon through which legislators walked before Monday’s floor sessions of the Republican-controlled legislature. The group was protesting bills that would cut off state aid to poor women seeking abortions, define embryos as humans and criminalize their destruction, and require “transvaginal” ultrasounds of women seeking abortions. In the procedure, a wand-like device is inserted and used to send out sound waves. None of the protesters carried posters. Few spoke, even when spoken to. Richmond resident Molly Vick wore a shirt that read, “Say no to state mandated rape.”
Are the Republicans/conservatives conducting a legislative "war on women"? You Bet'cha!

Republican "War On Women" Is Not A Left-Wing Invention | Media Matters for America

Media Matters as a source? Surely you just. It ain't about free condoms. More women have become unemployed since Barry Hussein took office. That's all you need to know. While Barry was giving aid and comfort to the crooks in Solyndra who helped get him elected 3/4 of the female factory workers in the Country got laid off.

WTF are you babbling about? Are you drunk or high? You totally avoid the content of the link provided and instead vomit forth every disproved distortion by the neocon/teabagger punditry to date. When you sober up, READ the information in the link and then get back to us.

Oh, and it's J-E-S-T.
Using media matters as your credible source? I cant take you seriously.

Who cares? All you wilfully ignorant and intellectually bankrupt neocon/teabagger flunkies keep bitching about the source, but you cannot logically or factually disprove or refute the information contained within. That makes YOU and your "opinion" worthless. Carry on.
Thanks for admitting such....which justifies my not wasting time with your silly ass anymore.

Does that mean you'll STFU ?

No genius, that means that I won't be entertaining obstinate clowns like Predfan with an attempt at a rational discussion by responding to him.

But YOU, a complete neocon/teabagger fool who refuses to read material but insists upon commenting on it are entertaining and a good platform to debunk the conservative propaganda. Carry on.
Thanks for admitting such....which justifies my not wasting time with your silly ass anymore.

Does that mean you'll STFU ?

No genius, that means that I won't be entertaining obstinate clowns like Predfan with an attempt at a rational discussion by responding to him.

But YOU, a complete neocon/teabagger fool who refuses to read material but insists upon commenting on it are entertaining and a good platform to debunk the conservative propaganda. Carry on.

Let me know when you've actually accomplished any "debunking" to date you are 0 for about 30.

Have a day.
I don't think there's a war on women.

I think that the problem is the GOP finds itself enthralled to religious zealots and corporate interests pulling it into two directions.

I think the underlying GOP desire, to stand up for traditional values, is a good one. Everyone should be bothered by the fact that there are nearly a million abortions every year. (Although said number has been declining.)

Of course, what the GOP can't endorse are practical ways to reduce the number of abortions. Teaching sex education and contraception would upset the religious zealots. Making keeping the baby more economically desirable by providing family and medical leave, increasing health benefits, forcing companies to stay in this country thorugh sensible trade policis, etc would upset their corporate sponsors.

So what are they left with to placate the religious fanatics while not upseting the corporate interests?

Comine up with silly laws like making a woman get an ultrasound (when an ultrasound wouldn't show anything at that point) or passing "personhood bills" that grant civil rights to zygotes.

Take a country like France. The government pays for abortions. They also pay for health care. and not suprisingly, they have half the number of abortions we have per capita.
Does that mean you'll STFU ?

No genius, that means that I won't be entertaining obstinate clowns like Predfan with an attempt at a rational discussion by responding to him.

But YOU, a complete neocon/teabagger fool who refuses to read material but insists upon commenting on it are entertaining and a good platform to debunk the conservative propaganda. Carry on.

Let me know when you've actually accomplished any "debunking" to date you are 0 for about 30.

Have a day.

Since you've already acknowledged that YOU will not compeletely read the material that is the topic of the discussion, that makes anything you say on the subject irrelevent.

Not only are you not "listening", but you're not "reading" as well....that makes YOU willfully ignorant, Listy....a common trait necessary for neocons and teabaggers. So until you can actually discuss the content of the information provided in the OP, I'll just ignore your silly ass and watch you stamp your widdle feet and stick your tongue out. Carry on. :badgrin:
I don't think there's a war on women.

I think that the problem is the GOP finds itself enthralled to religious zealots and corporate interests pulling it into two directions.

I think the underlying GOP desire, to stand up for traditional values, is a good one. Everyone should be bothered by the fact that there are nearly a million abortions every year. (Although said number has been declining.)

Of course, what the GOP can't endorse are practical ways to reduce the number of abortions. Teaching sex education and contraception would upset the religious zealots. Making keeping the baby more economically desirable by providing family and medical leave, increasing health benefits, forcing companies to stay in this country thorugh sensible trade policis, etc would upset their corporate sponsors.

So what are they left with to placate the religious fanatics while not upseting the corporate interests?

Comine up with silly laws like making a woman get an ultrasound (when an ultrasound wouldn't show anything at that point) or passing "personhood bills" that grant civil rights to zygotes.

Take a country like France. The government pays for abortions. They also pay for health care. and not suprisingly, they have half the number of abortions we have per capita.

Well said.
No genius, that means that I won't be entertaining obstinate clowns like Predfan with an attempt at a rational discussion by responding to him.

But YOU, a complete neocon/teabagger fool who refuses to read material but insists upon commenting on it are entertaining and a good platform to debunk the conservative propaganda. Carry on.

Let me know when you've actually accomplished any "debunking" to date you are 0 for about 30.

Have a day.

Since you've already acknowledged that YOU will not compeletely read the material that is the topic of the discussion, that makes anything you say on the subject irrelevent.

Not only are you not "listening", but you're not "reading" as well....that makes YOU willfully ignorant, Listy....a common trait necessary for neocons and teabaggers. So until you can actually discuss the content of the information provided in the OP, I'll just ignore your silly ass and watch you stamp your widdle feet and stick your tongue out. Carry on. :badgrin:

And because you continually make stuff up to argue aganst, you've become something of a one man comedy show. Sorta like Rachael Maddow lite.

Your constant bleating about the periphery of a subject is nothing more than a poorly veiled attempt at deflection since you can't seem to win on the basis of the subject alone. As with most projectionists, you've identified yourself as narrow minded whore who really cares little about how things are...but insted is a fanatic in trying to force others to see things the way you think they should be seen.

Being ignored by you would be a complement. It shows that you simply can't handle the fact that you are not smarter than everyone (and, in fact, are not as smart as most). So, the info on the OP gets discussed by the board according the dictates of those on the board.

You don't set the rules.

You don't set the standard.

Things don't always go your way.

If you can't handle that, maybe you should contact a counseling service to help you. The unfortunate outcome of that will be that they might help you to understand that people are not laughing with you...but at you.

You're reference to TaiChi is funny in that your efforts to defend yourself in "debate" only result in you kicking yourself in the balls.
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Article [XIX].

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.

Ratification was completed on August 18, 1920.

Woman voters matter ... at least since 1920 and only after the same Rs who opposed women's rights then as now that tried to prevent it.

I seriously doubt that anyone who opposed women's sufferage in 1920 is still around to conduct your war on women. All the vampires, witches, ghoals, and goblins seem to be registered left wing Democrats.
Article [XIX].

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.

Ratification was completed on August 18, 1920.

Woman voters matter ... at least since 1920 and only after the same Rs who opposed women's rights then as now that tried to prevent it.

I seriously doubt that anyone who opposed women's sufferage in 1920 is still around to conduct your war on women. All the vampires, witches, ghoals, and goblins seem to be registered left wing Democrats.

Then please explain the actions of the Republicans as documented in the Media Matters link.
A Wisconsin law that made it easier for victims of wage discrimination to have their day in court was repealed on Thursday, after Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) quietly signed the bill.

The 2009 Equal Pay Enforcement Act was meant to deter employers from discriminating against certain groups by giving workers more avenues via which to press charges. Among other provisions, it allows individuals to plead their cases in the less costly, more accessible state circuit court system, rather than just in federal court.

In November, the state Senate approved SB 202, which rolled back this provision. On February, the Assembly did the same. Both were party-line votes in Republican-controlled chambers.

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