The GOP and women's rights.

It's truly amazing that we've got 3 posters who are willfully ignorant and intellectually dishonest/bankrupt enough to think that just attacking the name source is enough to discredit the information contained WITHOUT EVER ACTUALLY READING THE INFORMATION CONTAINED.

That is the difference between neocons/teabaggers and liberals/progressives......the latter will go toe to toe with any accusation/assertion and debate the issue using ALL the facts available. The former just bark like seals at the headlines and keep repeating their opinion/supposition and conjecture like third rate propagandist.

Let's watch them prove my case.

Actually, that happens daily here.

Seriously. I've commented on several and if you watch, its often the only answer the rw's have because, well, we all know they're allergic to facts.

This case is especially funny because they all depend on fux news for their dishonest propaganda. They all know fux lies for the GObP/Repubs and that's just fine and dandy for them.
Every woman in America has the right to an abortion.

And every corporation in America is getting 'free stuff' from the government.

Complete bull shit. No one has a right to an abortion, and no one has a right to free stuff from the government. I didn't say that no one was getting free stuff, I said no one has a right to it. Prove to me if you can that there is a right to an abortion. I'll wait.

You can wait all you want, it is the law of the land according to SCOTUS decision.

Apparently, rw's don't know that.

If we don't fight it, its just one more right the R's will take that freedom away from us too.
The women who fall for this "war on women crap" are just stupid brainwashed partisan hacks so I don't know why I even bother.

"WASHINGTON – Republican National Committee (RNC) Co-Chairman Sharon Day of Florida today issued the following statement in response to an interview by new DNC Chairman, Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman in which she claims Republicans have declared a “war against women” because of de-funding efforts on Planned Parenthood:

“As a mother, a grandmother, and a fellow Floridian, Congresswoman Wasserman Schultz’s comments clearly show she is out of touch with women, and with her south Florida constituents.

The number one issue for women is jobs, like the rest of America. Women, especially in the Congresswoman’s district where unemployment is over 9%, are worried about getting or keeping their job because of what the Obama Administration has done to businesses in this country.

Women are worried about keeping a roof over their heads for themselves and their families, especially in the Congresswoman’s district where foreclosures are close to the highest in the state and in the nation.

Women, unlike what the Congresswoman may think, are more concerned about the unconscionable debt that this President is putting on our children and grand-children. The Obama Administration’s reckless spending sells our future generations short.

Women, like everyone else in this country, are worried about keeping gas in their cars so they can get to work, get to the soccer games, get to the doctors, and do all the other things that keep their family going.

Women are especially concerned about the safety of their family and their country.

Congresswoman Wasserman Schultz is representing neither women, nor her constituents, when she makes statements like this. She’s only representing a Democrat President who has waged war against job makers and taxpayers.”

RNC Co-Chairman Sharon Day Responds to Attacks by DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz | RNC: Republican National Committee | GOP
Republicans state mandated rape in Texas

A woman is forced to endure a medical procedure likened to rape. No, it's not Egypt, where army doctors are accused of subjecting protesters to grotesque "virginity tests".
Instead it's Texas, where a controversial law, signed last year by failed Republican presidential candidate Governor Rick Perry, took effect in February.
Aimed at women who seek abortions, a legal right since 1973, the "Sonogram Bill" compels doctors to describe, and patients to listen to, a description of the fetus revealed by an ultrasound.
"A patient must make two visits," explains Rochelle Tafolla, a spokeswoman for Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast.
"During the first visit the doctor who is going to perform the abortion must perform the ultrasound. The doctor must display the ultrasound image to the woman. She can look away but the doctor must describe the image. If there is cardiac activity that suggests a heartbeat the doctor is required to turn up the audio so the woman can hear it."
This invasive procedure involves inserting an ultrasound device, or "wand", into the vagina to get a clear image of the fetus and detect any heartbeat in the first 12 weeks of a pregnancy, when most American women seek abortions.

How is that rape ?

You are a brain dead moron.

Your mother/wife/sister/girlfriend/aunt/cousin goes into a doctor's office for an ELECTIVE procedure, and the STATE declares that she has NO CHOICE but to have a camera tube put into her.

Forcing a woman to have something inserted into her vagina....sounds like rape to me. But hey, since the GOV'T is ENFORCING YOUR PERSONAL RELIGIOUS/SOCIAL BELIEFS on a woman, then it's okay by you, right bunky?:doubt:

It really shouldn't bother her, since someone FORCED something a whole lot bigger into her vagina in order to get her pregnant in the FIRST place... And if she gets the abortion she'll have something ELSE forced into her vagina, too!

What a bunch of hyperbolic BULLSHIT!
The women who fall for this "war on women crap" are just stupid brainwashed partisan hacks so I don't know why I even bother.

"WASHINGTON – Republican National Committee (RNC) Co-Chairman Sharon Day of Florida today issued the following statement in response to an interview by new DNC Chairman, Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman in which she claims Republicans have declared a “war against women” because of de-funding efforts on Planned Parenthood:

“As a mother, a grandmother, and a fellow Floridian, Congresswoman Wasserman Schultz’s comments clearly show she is out of touch with women, and with her south Florida constituents.

The number one issue for women is jobs, like the rest of America. Women, especially in the Congresswoman’s district where unemployment is over 9%, are worried about getting or keeping their job because of what the Obama Administration has done to businesses in this country.

Women are worried about keeping a roof over their heads for themselves and their families, especially in the Congresswoman’s district where foreclosures are close to the highest in the state and in the nation.

Women, unlike what the Congresswoman may think, are more concerned about the unconscionable debt that this President is putting on our children and grand-children. The Obama Administration’s reckless spending sells our future generations short.

Women, like everyone else in this country, are worried about keeping gas in their cars so they can get to work, get to the soccer games, get to the doctors, and do all the other things that keep their family going.

Women are especially concerned about the safety of their family and their country.

Congresswoman Wasserman Schultz is representing neither women, nor her constituents, when she makes statements like this. She’s only representing a Democrat President who has waged war against job makers and taxpayers.”

RNC Co-Chairman Sharon Day Responds to Attacks by DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz | RNC: Republican National Committee | GOP

Yeah, I don't know why you bother, either. I certainly didn't bother reading past the bolded bit.
How is that rape ?

You are a brain dead moron.

Your mother/wife/sister/girlfriend/aunt/cousin goes into a doctor's office for an ELECTIVE procedure, and the STATE declares that she has NO CHOICE but to have a camera tube put into her.

Forcing a woman to have something inserted into her vagina....sounds like rape to me. But hey, since the GOV'T is ENFORCING YOUR PERSONAL RELIGIOUS/SOCIAL BELIEFS on a woman, then it's okay by you, right bunky?:doubt:

It really shouldn't bother her, since someone FORCED something a whole lot bigger into her vagina in order to get her pregnant in the FIRST place... And if she gets the abortion she'll have something ELSE forced into her vagina, too!

What a bunch of hyperbolic BULLSHIT!

Really? You think women only get pregnant if rape is involved? Tres bizarre.
Every woman in America has the right to an abortion.

And every corporation in America is getting 'free stuff' from the government.

Complete bull shit. No one has a right to an abortion, and no one has a right to free stuff from the government. I didn't say that no one was getting free stuff, I said no one has a right to it. Prove to me if you can that there is a right to an abortion. I'll wait.

You can wait all you want, it is the law of the land according to SCOTUS decision.

SCOTUS did not grant the right to an abortion. All the SCOTUS did was prevent the states from forbidding it. That does NOT make it a right. Do you understand the difference?
Complete bull shit. No one has a right to an abortion, and no one has a right to free stuff from the government. I didn't say that no one was getting free stuff, I said no one has a right to it. Prove to me if you can that there is a right to an abortion. I'll wait.

You can wait all you want, it is the law of the land according to SCOTUS decision.

Apparently, rw's don't know that.

If we don't fight it, its just one more right the R's will take that freedom away from us too.

The reason we don't know it is because it isn't true.
So, no one can come up with even one right that the GOP is taking away. Not surprising because there isn't any rights that are being threatened.

You people on the left should educate yourselves. But then again, if you did, you wouldn't be in the left.
It's truly amazing that we've got 3 posters who are willfully ignorant and intellectually dishonest/bankrupt enough to think that just attacking the name source is enough to discredit the information contained WITHOUT EVER ACTUALLY READING THE INFORMATION CONTAINED.

That is the difference between neocons/teabaggers and liberals/progressives......the latter will go toe to toe with any accusation/assertion and debate the issue using ALL the facts available. The former just bark like seals at the headlines and keep repeating their opinion/supposition and conjecture like third rate propagandist.

Let's watch them prove my case.

So debate it. Say why the content resonates with you. Give us your views.

You say why you agree with it, then I'll read it. Why expect others to make an effort when you've made so little yourself?
100% bull shit.

Name one right that the GOP is taking from women.

From the OP link:

In May 2011, House GOP Passed Bill That Would Ban D.C. Reproductive Funding. In May 2011, House Republicans unanimously passed the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act, which created a "ban on the District [of Columbia] using its own money to fund abortions for low-income women." From The Washington Post:

The House approved a bill Wednesday that would make permanent a ban on the District using its own money to fund abortions for low-income women, dealing D.C. another setback in its quest to retain control over its finances.

The No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act cleared the House on a 251-175 vote, with 16 Democrats joining all 235 Republicans present to support it. The bill would tighten laws designed to prevent federally-funded abortions across the country, and would enshrine the District ban into federal law. The spending resolution signed by President Obama last month contains a similar restriction on D.C., but it only lasts through Sept. 30. [The Washington Post, 5/4/11]

"No Taxpayer Funding For Abortion" Bill Originally Included Language Restricting The Definition Of Rape. The original version of the No Taxpayer For Abortion Act included language amended from the Hyde Amendment, which limited federal funding for abortion to cases of rape, incest, and when the mother's life is in danger. The law would have removed all exceptions other than "forcible" rape. A January 28, 2011, Mother Jones article pointed out that this would have "rule[d] out federal assistance for abortions in many rape cases." From Mother Jones:

For years, federal laws restricting the use of government funds to pay for abortions have included exemptions for pregnancies resulting from rape or incest. (Another exemption covers pregnancies that could endanger the life of the woman.) But the "No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act," a bill with 173 mostly Republican co-sponsors that House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) has dubbed a top priority in the new Congress, contains a provision that would rewrite the rules to limit drastically the definition of rape and incest in these cases.

With this legislation, which was introduced last week by Rep. Chris Smith (R-N.J.), Republicans propose that the rape exemption be limited to "forcible rape." This would rule out federal assistance for abortions in many rape cases, including instances of statutory rape, many of which are non-forcible. For example: If a 13-year-old girl is impregnated by a 24-year-old adult, she would no longer qualify to have Medicaid pay for an abortion. (Smith's spokesman did not respond to a call and an email requesting comment.) [Mother Jones, 1/28/11]

Arizona GOP Promoting Law That Restricts Abortion To 20 Weeks And Requires Ultrasound. The Republican-led state legislature in Arizona is promoting a bill that would ban "most abortions performed after 20 weeks of pregnancy." From Reuters:

A controversial Arizona bill that bans most abortions performed after 20 weeks of pregnancy moved closer to becoming law on Wednesday in the Republican-controlled state legislature after clearing the state Senate.

The bill, which would still allow abortions after 20 weeks in the case of medical emergency, was passed by a mostly party-line 20-to-10 vote in the Senate on Tuesday. Only a small number of abortions are performed in Arizona after 20 weeks.


The Arizona bill would also require women to have an ultrasound at least 24 hours prior to having an abortion, instead of the one hour that is currently mandated under state law.

In addition, the bill would require that the state create a website that details the risks of the procedure and shows pictures of the fetus in various stages. [Reuters, 3/28/12]

Pennsylvania GOP Proposed "Invasive" Ultrasound Bill. In February, Republicans in the Pennsylvania State House introduced legislation requiring that "medical professionals say women would have to undergo an invasive, vaginal ultrasound." From

Under the bill in Pennsylvania, medical professionals say women would have to undergo an invasive, vaginal ultrasound. That prospect is drawing outrage among supporters of abortion rights.


The bill, proposed by Rep. Kathy Rapp, a conservative Republican from Warren County, outlines what women seeking an abortion would undergo in great detail.

The bill requires that the woman not only get an ultrasound, but that the ultrasound screen be in her line of sight. The woman can choose to look away, the legislation states, but the technician performing the ultrasound would have to note if the woman viewed the results.

The patient would also have to hear the results of the physician's finding, sign a written report to give to the abortion provider, and receive a sealed copy of the ultrasound's image.

No one has a right to an abortion, and no one has a right to get free stuff from the government. You haven't shown even one right that the GOP is trying to take away.

Total fail.

And yet another example of neocon/teabagger intellectual dishonesty and cowardice.

YOU asked for examples were women's rights were being taken away. I documented SEVERAL, the paramount being how right wing politicos in red states are PREVENTING the state the RIGHT to determine how to spend it's money regarding health related issues (i.e., abortion). Funny that, being conservatives are allegedly all against the "nanny state".

So faced with FACTS that PROVE you wrong, you just regurgitate YOUR OPINION and BELIEFS as it it's FACT. America is all about the individual right to CHOOSE, and be free of others religious dictum.

Sorry bunky, but that dog of yours won't fly....but ideological zealots constantly try to rewrite history, facts and reality to suit their dogma. And that makes YOU a propaganda driven clown. Now, repeat your BS ad nauseum.
Complete bull shit. No one has a right to an abortion, and no one has a right to free stuff from the government. I didn't say that no one was getting free stuff, I said no one has a right to it. Prove to me if you can that there is a right to an abortion. I'll wait.

You can wait all you want, it is the law of the land according to SCOTUS decision.

SCOTUS did not grant the right to an abortion. All the SCOTUS did was prevent the states from forbidding it. That does NOT make it a right. Do you understand the difference?

I understand you're still pissed we can have abortions.
It's truly amazing that we've got 3 posters who are willfully ignorant and intellectually dishonest/bankrupt enough to think that just attacking the name source is enough to discredit the information contained WITHOUT EVER ACTUALLY READING THE INFORMATION CONTAINED.

That is the difference between neocons/teabaggers and liberals/progressives......the latter will go toe to toe with any accusation/assertion and debate the issue using ALL the facts available. The former just bark like seals at the headlines and keep repeating their opinion/supposition and conjecture like third rate propagandist.

Let's watch them prove my case.

So debate it. Say why the content resonates with you. Give us your views.

You say why you agree with it, then I'll read it. Why expect others to make an effort when you've made so little yourself?

Either you're drunk or a poor liar or too damned lazy to back track a discussion on a thread.

As the chronology of the posts shows, not only did I express my personal viewpoint, but I backed it up with valid, documented FACTS. Seems its YOU and your cohorts who want to discuss this issue based solely on your opinion, supposition and conjecture. Sorry if I don't play that game, because it's akin to debating how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.

The chronology of the posts validates my stance. If you won't acknowledge the information provided, that's not my problem nor does it warrant wasting any further time on you.
From the OP link:

In May 2011, House GOP Passed Bill That Would Ban D.C. Reproductive Funding. In May 2011, House Republicans unanimously passed the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act, which created a "ban on the District [of Columbia] using its own money to fund abortions for low-income women." From The Washington Post:

The House approved a bill Wednesday that would make permanent a ban on the District using its own money to fund abortions for low-income women, dealing D.C. another setback in its quest to retain control over its finances.

The No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act cleared the House on a 251-175 vote, with 16 Democrats joining all 235 Republicans present to support it. The bill would tighten laws designed to prevent federally-funded abortions across the country, and would enshrine the District ban into federal law. The spending resolution signed by President Obama last month contains a similar restriction on D.C., but it only lasts through Sept. 30. [The Washington Post, 5/4/11]

"No Taxpayer Funding For Abortion" Bill Originally Included Language Restricting The Definition Of Rape. The original version of the No Taxpayer For Abortion Act included language amended from the Hyde Amendment, which limited federal funding for abortion to cases of rape, incest, and when the mother's life is in danger. The law would have removed all exceptions other than "forcible" rape. A January 28, 2011, Mother Jones article pointed out that this would have "rule[d] out federal assistance for abortions in many rape cases." From Mother Jones:

For years, federal laws restricting the use of government funds to pay for abortions have included exemptions for pregnancies resulting from rape or incest. (Another exemption covers pregnancies that could endanger the life of the woman.) But the "No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act," a bill with 173 mostly Republican co-sponsors that House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) has dubbed a top priority in the new Congress, contains a provision that would rewrite the rules to limit drastically the definition of rape and incest in these cases.

With this legislation, which was introduced last week by Rep. Chris Smith (R-N.J.), Republicans propose that the rape exemption be limited to "forcible rape." This would rule out federal assistance for abortions in many rape cases, including instances of statutory rape, many of which are non-forcible. For example: If a 13-year-old girl is impregnated by a 24-year-old adult, she would no longer qualify to have Medicaid pay for an abortion. (Smith's spokesman did not respond to a call and an email requesting comment.) [Mother Jones, 1/28/11]

Arizona GOP Promoting Law That Restricts Abortion To 20 Weeks And Requires Ultrasound. The Republican-led state legislature in Arizona is promoting a bill that would ban "most abortions performed after 20 weeks of pregnancy." From Reuters:

A controversial Arizona bill that bans most abortions performed after 20 weeks of pregnancy moved closer to becoming law on Wednesday in the Republican-controlled state legislature after clearing the state Senate.

The bill, which would still allow abortions after 20 weeks in the case of medical emergency, was passed by a mostly party-line 20-to-10 vote in the Senate on Tuesday. Only a small number of abortions are performed in Arizona after 20 weeks.


The Arizona bill would also require women to have an ultrasound at least 24 hours prior to having an abortion, instead of the one hour that is currently mandated under state law.

In addition, the bill would require that the state create a website that details the risks of the procedure and shows pictures of the fetus in various stages. [Reuters, 3/28/12]

Pennsylvania GOP Proposed "Invasive" Ultrasound Bill. In February, Republicans in the Pennsylvania State House introduced legislation requiring that "medical professionals say women would have to undergo an invasive, vaginal ultrasound." From

Under the bill in Pennsylvania, medical professionals say women would have to undergo an invasive, vaginal ultrasound. That prospect is drawing outrage among supporters of abortion rights.


The bill, proposed by Rep. Kathy Rapp, a conservative Republican from Warren County, outlines what women seeking an abortion would undergo in great detail.

The bill requires that the woman not only get an ultrasound, but that the ultrasound screen be in her line of sight. The woman can choose to look away, the legislation states, but the technician performing the ultrasound would have to note if the woman viewed the results.

The patient would also have to hear the results of the physician's finding, sign a written report to give to the abortion provider, and receive a sealed copy of the ultrasound's image.

No one has a right to an abortion, and no one has a right to get free stuff from the government. You haven't shown even one right that the GOP is trying to take away.

Total fail.

And yet another example of neocon/teabagger intellectual dishonesty and cowardice.

YOU asked for examples were women's rights were being taken away. I documented SEVERAL, the paramount being how right wing politicos in red states are PREVENTING the state the RIGHT to determine how to spend it's money regarding health related issues (i.e., abortion). Funny that, being conservatives are allegedly all against the "nanny state".

So faced with FACTS that PROVE you wrong, you just regurgitate YOUR OPINION and BELIEFS as it it's FACT. America is all about the individual right to CHOOSE, and be free of others religious dictum.

Sorry bunky, but that dog of yours won't fly....but ideological zealots constantly try to rewrite history, facts and reality to suit their dogma. And that makes YOU a propaganda driven clown. Now, repeat your BS ad nauseum.

You documented NOT ONE SINGLE right. But then seeing that you use the label "Teabagger" that shows me that you don't have the intellectual capacity to understand the difference between what a right is and what it isn't.

Nothing you posted was a right. Not one single thing but hey someone as empty-headed as you wouldn't understand that so. Thanks for playing.
And yet another example of neocon/teabagger intellectual dishonesty and cowardice.

YOU asked for examples were women's rights were being taken away. I documented SEVERAL, the paramount being how right wing politicos in red states are PREVENTING the state the RIGHT to determine how to spend it's money regarding health related issues (i.e., abortion). Funny that, being conservatives are allegedly all against the "nanny state".

So faced with FACTS that PROVE you wrong, you just regurgitate YOUR OPINION and BELIEFS as it it's FACT. America is all about the individual right to CHOOSE, and be free of others religious dictum.

Sorry bunky, but that dog of yours won't fly....but ideological zealots constantly try to rewrite history, facts and reality to suit their dogma. And that makes YOU a propaganda driven clown. Now, repeat your BS ad nauseum.

Oh yeah. Here's another personal favorite of mine from the idiotic next state over.

According to a Wisconsin Bill, Single Moms Are a Child Abuse Threat | Healthland |

Awww. Sadly, it failed to pass. And it showed such promise!

2011 Senate Bill 507
You can wait all you want, it is the law of the land according to SCOTUS decision.

SCOTUS did not grant the right to an abortion. All the SCOTUS did was prevent the states from forbidding it. That does NOT make it a right. Do you understand the difference?

I understand you're still pissed we can have abortions.

Actually, I'm pro-choice, but that still doesn't make abortions a right.

I guess you don't understand what a "right" is.

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