The GOP can never win the ballot harvesting game, so restore mail-in voting to a rare practice only, when necessary, by illness or absence.

As voter ID gains momentum, they may want to include Federal IDs (Government issued) as acceptable forms of ID in addition to State IDs. State IDs are most efficient given that they include the address for quick reference and validation the person lives in the voting district.
Show us the mass voter fraud?

Voter ID has been used in the past as Voter Suppression tactic...

Sorry when you see the methods of voter suppression used and the same people now wanting Voter ID. We ain't falling for that..
When the North Carolina court case is relevant to a debate I am involved in, then I will debate it. The core debate here is voting integrity. You are free to start a thread about the North Carolina case, have at it.
It's only because you're an absolute bitch that you can't acknowledge the North Carolina ID Law ruling is the evidence that Black voters and Democrats aren't incapable of having or getting IDs what we have a problem with is Republicans targeting black voters with these laws.
birth certificate, Social Security card, utility bills etc etc. It works great we've never had a problem and thinking people are going to register fraudulently is ridiculous and make no sense.
So, I can take your utility bill, say I'm you, and vote in your name? And you don't see a problem there?
As voter ID gains momentum, they may want to include Federal IDs (Government issued) as acceptable forms of ID in addition to State IDs. State IDs are most efficient given that they include the address for quick reference and validation the person lives in the voting district.

Well I 100% support Voter ID.

But Voter ID really falls into two categories:
  • Identification at the time of voter registration which establishes BOTH the voter's identify AND their eligibility to vote in the precinct where they are registered.
  • The second is identification of the Voter standing at the polls, the presentation of ID at that point is simply to verify identify NOT to verify eligibility.
Two very different things.

In my state, Voter ID at time of casting a ballot includes:
  • State Issued Driver or ID (Has address)
  • Photo Employer ID (No Address)
  • US Military ID (No Address)
  • Student ID (No Address)
  • Passport (Has Address)
  • Voter Registration Card (Has Address)
  • Nursing Home Resident ID (No Address)
  • etc.
Now I'm an odd man out because I support the concept of "Motor Voter" in that you can register to vote while obtaining a Drivers License (or equivalent State ID). However I disagree with same day registration, elections are not a surprise, IMHO voter registration should be closed 30 days before an election to give election officials time to correctly process. (Of course younger folks will be able to register in advance as long as they will be of age on election day.)

Now I'm an odd man out because I support the concept of "Motor Voter" in that you can register to vote while obtaining a Drivers License (or equivalent State ID).

Absolutely not....Motor Voter, or the NVRA is among the most corrosive laws that have eroded election integrity in the modern era...

Throughout the history of the National Voter Registration Act, liberal interest groups that have regularly opposed election integrity efforts have conducted an aggressive litigation campaign against state and local election officials. States with a large number of Electoral College delegates or where important statewide races occurred have been subjected to lawsuits brought under the NVRA by progressive groups.

The NVRA, fully utilized, provides important tools that progressive political interests can use to shape the voter rolls to their advantage."

I'm going to give you a hard concept to get your arms around: It's the concept that there are people in this country who want to intentionally collapse our economic system.

How could it be that any American would or would want to do such a thing? Well, those involved sleep just fine at night because they tell themselves that they're not collapsing, they're transforming — transforming — America into something better.

The progressive movement in which these people are involved started around the turn of last century. These are the same people who gave us the Federal Reserve. They brought America the concept of redistribution of wealth through the progressive income tax, telling Americans at first that only the rich would be affected. They are the same people who felt that they knew better about your health than you did that they needed to force you to stop drinking alcohol-through Prohibition. They brought us the League of Nations, then the United Nations. And their biggest contribution of all: They brought the understanding that our Constitution was a flawed, living, breathing document and that our Founding Fathers were a group of rich racists."

We have to understand the battle we are in...These progressives seek the total economic, and real destruction of America. Nothing short will do...
And all these changes are for what reason?

Btw, you do know that the only state that you have a say at how they run their elections, is only the one state you reside in....?
Wherever they are stationed is where they reside
Wherever they are stationed is where they reside

Where they (we) are stationed will not normally be their legal permeant home of residence which is their voting location. In the military you have your local residence and your permeant residence. In the military you vote based on permanent residence.

And no, military members should not be required to change their state of residence based on military transfer orders. Over my career I should not have been forced to become a sequentially a resident of Illinois (3 months), Tennessee (1 year), Florida (1 year), California (1 year), - overseas of many years then back to CONUS - Tennessee (4 years), and finally Virginia (4 years). Not only would it screw up their voting, but also their finances as different states have different income tax laws. Sorry, No.

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So, I can take your utility bill, say I'm you, and vote in your name? And you don't see a problem there?
Yes you can...

You will also be found, arrested and convicted...

You are highly unlikely to change the election but you will have a criminal conviction...

Hence why it is so rare...

While Voter Suppression is systematically attempted and achieved in multiple states...
Courts have said so...
Where they (we) are stationed will not normally be their legal permeant home of residence which is their voting location. In the military you have your local residence and your permeant residence. In the military you vote based on permanent residence.

And no, military members should not be required to change their state of residence based on military transfer orders. Over my career I should not have been forced to become a sequentially a resident of Illinois (3 months), Tennessee (1 year), Florida (1 year), California (1 year), - overseas of many years then back to CONUS - Tennessee (4 years), and finally Virginia (4 years). Not only would it screw up their voting, but also their finances as different states have different income tax laws. Sorry, No.

What you say is true

but an act of congress can change those rules for military members to vote
Yes you can...

You will also be found, arrested and convicted...

You are highly unlikely to change the election but you will have a criminal conviction...

Hence why it is so rare...

While Voter Suppression is systematically attempted and achieved in multiple states...
Courts have said so...
Um no....Courts are corrupt....
What you say is true

but an act of congress can change those rules for military members to vote

Yes. They could.

And no, Congress should not force military members to vote based on were the Military sends someone PCS or TDY/TAD.

(Note: Military service-members can already voluntarily change their residence. My daughter was a resident of Virginia but changed it to Texas when she was stationed there. But that was a tax thing not a voting thing. She continues to vote in Texas even though she is in Germany. Just like when I was in I voted in local elections for upstate NY no matter where I was stationed.)

Yes. They could.

And no, Congress should not force military members to vote based on were the Military sends someone PCS or TDY/TAD.

(Note: Military service-members can already voluntarily change their residence. My daughter was a resident of Virginia but changed it to Texas when she was stationed there. But that was a tax thing not a voting thing. She continues to vote in Texas even though she is in Germany. Just like when I was in I voted in local elections for upstate NY no matter where I was stationed.)

Libs will nit pik any good idea to death
Two things:

#1 it’sa crappy idea.

#2 I voted GOP since 1978 and voted for Kasich twice in 2016. I’m not a lib.

Ok, you are not a lib

But most of the big government repubs in washington are not conservatives

Voting for them is not what it used to be
LibStain BS is off the charts in this Election Fraud thread. Spinning Twisting Deflecting obfuscation hallmarks of losing communists.

Bottom line: Libstain print Ballots for all names they can get on the list. We all saw what happens after those ballots are submitted by whomever. ~23K submitted more than once in Maricopa. They watch who has not yet voted. They then vote for them into drop boxes late (got caught on many). They disable SIG match. Keep dumping & counting open for 5-21 days after, until they get enough to overcome. They get to pick their own boss.
Ok, you are not a lib

But most of the big government repubs in washington are not conservatives

Voting for them is not what it used to be

Right. Like black gater, badmac, dblack and others aren't Libstain loons. SMH!
Ok, you are not a lib

But most of the big government repubs in washington are not conservatives

Voting for them is not what it used to be

Agree, the "conservatives" in Washington now have a lot of the wackadoodles that Goldwater warned us about.

Then Trump came along and con'd the GOP breaking it even further.

Agree, the "conservatives" in Washington now have a lot of the wackadoodles that Goldwater warned us about.

Then Trump came along and con'd the GOP breaking it even further.

I suspected you were an anti trumpster

The Orange Man has his faults

But he is not a washington insider beholden to the Good Old Boy network

Thats why he was hated by sleazy swamp rats in both parties

The GOP can never win the ballot harvesting game, so restore mail-in voting to a rare practice only, when necessary, by illness or absence.

22 May 2023 ~~ By Thomas Lifson

Perhaps the most consequential political outcome of the Covid panic that was engineered is the widespread use of mail-in voting in place of actually showing up at a polling station on Election Day. On the spurious grounds that standing in line to vote would spread the virus that was lethal mainly to the infirm and elderly, our entire process of voting was upended, and made highly vulnerable to cheating.
Writing in The Federalist, Joseph Arlinghaus and William Doyle, Ph.D. argue that Republican efforts to match the Democrats’ ballot harvesting efforts are fruitless.
Democrats currently execute a ballot-harvesting game vastly more complex, sophisticated, expensive, and labor-intensive than most Republicans even remotely understand.​
The Democrats’ powerful election-industrial complex consists of two types of institutions: national types devoted to election strategy and policy, and local types, including public-sector unions, devoted to fielding and deploying boots-on-the-ground election activists.​
Public-sector unions comprise a vast potential workforce to aid in solidifying the grip of Democrats on the election process in their states through the sheer manpower they can deploy for vote canvassing, voter registration, assistance in early voting, and ballot harvesting.​
Local urban-based activist organizations also contribute to the left’s army of community organizers. It is where the armies of Democrat vote canvassers and ballot harvesters come from in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, et al.​
Democratic ballot harvesters are guided by sophisticated statistical models and data mining schemes devised by an army of highly skilled, Ph.D.-level data analysts. Republicans have generally disdained this technical aspect of political science and instead published think-tank papers on political philosophy or public policy, leaving the ranks of high-level Republican data analysts generally empty.​
Nonetheless, apparently ending mass mail-in voting is the struggle that they advise, though they don’t come out and say so directly.
If matching the Democrats’ efforts is futile, simply accepting the sudden drastic change originally justified by a questionable “emergency” is a recipe for capitulation to permanent rule by the Democrats and their deep state allies.

The war has started, so returning to “status quo ante” is off the table.
Electoral goals should be:
- ID voting only​
- No “drive-up registration”​
- Voter registration closes 2 weeks prior to election​
- No mail in ballots unless requested 1 month before election and rec’d before election day​
- Voter rolls purged every 10 years with census. Must re-register​
- No voting season - 1 day / 24 hours for voting only​
- Make election day a holiday​
Votes should be counted by midnight on voting day. Those doing the counting must have all their ballots counted or risk hefty jail time; that will prevent counters from stalling and from creating phony ballots. This has become a criminal enterprise in swing states such as NV, MI, GA, PA, etc. Democrats have been preparing and honing cheating methods in earnest since 2020.
The vast majority of affidavits of fraud during te 2020 and 2022 elections came from Democrats and independents who were poll watchers, and judges.
A good example of election fraud was found in Arizona.

When your primary tactic is to exclude voters, your party is in trouble.
So, I can take your utility bill, say I'm you, and vote in your name? And you don't see a problem there?
And when I go to vote they would tell me that I have already voted.

This would lead to a report. Have many reports of that kind been filed?

Almost none?


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