The GOP can never win the ballot harvesting game, so restore mail-in voting to a rare practice only, when necessary, by illness or absence.

The GOP can never win the ballot harvesting game, so restore mail-in voting to a rare practice only, when necessary, by illness or absence.

22 May 2023 ~~ By Thomas Lifson

Perhaps the most consequential political outcome of the Covid panic that was engineered is the widespread use of mail-in voting in place of actually showing up at a polling station on Election Day. On the spurious grounds that standing in line to vote would spread the virus that was lethal mainly to the infirm and elderly, our entire process of voting was upended, and made highly vulnerable to cheating.
Writing in The Federalist, Joseph Arlinghaus and William Doyle, Ph.D. argue that Republican efforts to match the Democrats’ ballot harvesting efforts are fruitless.
Democrats currently execute a ballot-harvesting game vastly more complex, sophisticated, expensive, and labor-intensive than most Republicans even remotely understand.​
The Democrats’ powerful election-industrial complex consists of two types of institutions: national types devoted to election strategy and policy, and local types, including public-sector unions, devoted to fielding and deploying boots-on-the-ground election activists.​
Public-sector unions comprise a vast potential workforce to aid in solidifying the grip of Democrats on the election process in their states through the sheer manpower they can deploy for vote canvassing, voter registration, assistance in early voting, and ballot harvesting.​
Local urban-based activist organizations also contribute to the left’s army of community organizers. It is where the armies of Democrat vote canvassers and ballot harvesters come from in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, et al.​
Democratic ballot harvesters are guided by sophisticated statistical models and data mining schemes devised by an army of highly skilled, Ph.D.-level data analysts. Republicans have generally disdained this technical aspect of political science and instead published think-tank papers on political philosophy or public policy, leaving the ranks of high-level Republican data analysts generally empty.​
Nonetheless, apparently ending mass mail-in voting is the struggle that they advise, though they don’t come out and say so directly.
If matching the Democrats’ efforts is futile, simply accepting the sudden drastic change originally justified by a questionable “emergency” is a recipe for capitulation to permanent rule by the Democrats and their deep state allies.

The war has started, so returning to “status quo ante” is off the table.
Electoral goals should be:
- ID voting only​
- No “drive-up registration”​
- Voter registration closes 2 weeks prior to election​
- No mail in ballots unless requested 1 month before election and rec’d before election day​
- Voter rolls purged every 10 years with census. Must re-register​
- No voting season - 1 day / 24 hours for voting only​
- Make election day a holiday​
Votes should be counted by midnight on voting day. Those doing the counting must have all their ballots counted or risk hefty jail time; that will prevent counters from stalling and from creating phony ballots. This has become a criminal enterprise in swing states such as NV, MI, GA, PA, etc. Democrats have been preparing and honing cheating methods in earnest since 2020.
The vast majority of affidavits of fraud during te 2020 and 2022 elections came from Democrats and independents who were poll watchers, and judges.
A good example of election fraud was found in Arizona.

Now let’s talk about the Republicans’ gerrymandering game.
Nice story you dumb OX. Yet CA or CT (heavily DEM votes) had no such 3AM 100K spiking. Weird huh? Its called FRAU. Massive Ballot dumping after they saw they trailed. Shutdown/dump. Caught on video room#604 11P-1AM NOV03 in ATL.
California and Connecticut both count absentee ballots EARLY.

UNLIKE Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania....where the Republican legislature had written in to their election law, mail in votes could not be counted as they received them.... Mail votes could not be counted until AFTER same day in person election votes. Democratic legislators proposed Bills to change this procedure to counting mail in votes as they come in or early, but the Republican majority voted it down....

Also: the lie you keep repeating, came from a TWEET that was FALSE, which went viral.


Fact check: Vote spikes in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania do not prove election fraud​

By Reuters Staff

Social media users have been sharing posts claiming that during the night of Nov. 3 to Nov. 4 there were vote dumps of hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots only for Democrat Joe Biden in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, suggesting this proves voter fraud allegations. These vote spikes did occur, but they also included Trump votes, accounted for largely left-leaning urban counties, and one state experienced a clerical error.

Reuters Fact Check. REUTERS
The posts (here , here , here , here) appear to originate from a tweet (here) by Nick Adams, who describes himself as a bestselling author endorsed by President Trump ( The tweet, posted at 12:48 a.m. GMT on Nov. 5, 2020, says: “Between 3:40-4:30AM, they “found” 140,000 mail in ballots for Biden in Wisconsin. Between 3:30-5:00AM, they “found” 200,000 mail in ballots for Biden in Michigan. Between 2:00-4:00AM, they “found” 1,000,000 mail in ballots in Pennsylvania. All for Biden. None for Trump.” Comments and captions say, “Fraud!!”; “Fraud gone rampant”; “A fraud is a fraud.”

A spokesman for data analysis website FiveThirtyEight ( ) told Reuters via email that the jumps in Michigan and Wisconsin were due to counties releasing large batches of results all at once and that the votes were not just for Biden. One large jump of almost 140,000 ballots in Michigan was due to a clerical error that has since been resolved. In Pennsylvania both the Trump and Biden campaign gained around 1 million votes on the night of Nov. 3 to Nov. 4.
Reuters has previously debunked claims that vote spikes prove Democrats are trying to steal the election in Wisconsin and Michigan ( here ).


The posts claim that 140,000 ballots for Biden were found in Wisconsin on the night of Nov. 3 to Nov. 4.
There was a jump in votes for Biden on the night of Nov. 3 to Nov. 4, but this was because Milwaukee County, home to the largest city in the states of Wisconsin, reported its 170,000 absentee votes, which were overwhelmingly Democrat ( here ).

FiveThirtyEight published a graph of the jump in votes in Wisconsin at 8:27 a.m. EST on Nov. 4 on its election live blog (here) alongside this explanation by reporter Maggie Koerth: “Biden was down in Wisconsin before the Milwaukee absentee results came in early this morning. The boost pushed him up past Trump, but the race in this state is still very, very tight.”

FiveThirtyEight told Reuters that it is not true that Biden received all the votes in the overnight dump: “These batches were NOT 100% Biden votes; behind the blue line, there is also a red line representing the thousands of votes Trump gained. There are also counter examples, where Trump’s line shoots up suddenly when a favorable batch of results are reported.”


The social media posts claim that 200,000 mail in ballots for Biden were found in Michigan on the night of Nov. 3 to Nov. 4.

There was a jump in votes for Biden in Michigan of approximately 200,000 around 6:00 a.m. EST as shown in the FiveThirtyEight election blog update at 8:27 a.m. EST on Nov. 4 ( here ), which explains that this was due to a “tranche” of new votes from Wayne County, home to Detroit, where Biden led Trump at the time 67% to 32%.

FiveThirtyEight told Reuters this overnight vote increase in Michigan also did not solely consist of votes for Biden.

The spike in Democrat votes in Michigan was just after 6:00 a.m. EST, not 3:30-5:00 a.m. as the posts suggest.

There was also confusion over the Biden vote count in Michigan during the night of Nov. 3 to Nov. 4, when Biden received 153,710 votes in Shiawassee County, instead of 15,371, meaning his vote count jumped by much more than expected ( here , here ).

Several social media users pointed out the jump in votes ( ,, including President Trump (here) . The tweets showed screenshots of the change in vote tallies on the elections map by Decision Desk HQ, an election data service (, where Biden’s count jumped from 1,992,356 to 2,130,695 while Trump’s tally stayed at 2,200,902.

However, Decision Desk HQ explained in a Twitter thread that the jump in votes was as a result of a “clerical error” in Shiawassee County, where an extra zero had been added to Biden’s vote tally here . Decision Desk HQ updated its data to show that Biden received 15,371 votes in Shiawassee (here).


The posts claim that there was a spike of 1,000,000 mail in votes for Biden in Pennsylvania on the night of Nov. 3 to Nov. 4.

The FiveThirtyEight election blog update at 8:29 a.m. EST on Nov. 4 by Dan Hopkins, which shows a graph of the Pennsylvania vote count on the night of Nov. 3 to Nov. 4 ( here ) does not show a dump of 1 million votes for Biden alone. Between 12 a.m. and 6 a.m. EST the graph says that both Trump and Biden’s votes increased by approximately 1 million. The biggest increase was from midnight to 3 a.m. after which the tallies stayed very stable, not 2:00-4:00 a.m. as the social media posts suggest.


Partly false. The vote spikes did occur, but they were not only Biden votes and can be explained by pro-Biden county vote dumps and a clerical error. The timings of when ballots were received in Michigan and Pennsylvania are not accurate.

This article was produced by the Reuters Fact Check team. Read more about our fact-checking work here .
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I haven't. Nor have millions and millions and millions of voters.
Interesting. And those millions and millions of voters have not applied for a job, applied for a loan, boarded a plan, driven a car? How many millions and millions of voters DONT or CANT get a state-issued ID? and why does the Left always point to Blacks as not being capable to acquire state-issued IDs?

Over the years, I’ve seen and heard Black politicians and civic leaders get outraged over comments that Blacks can’t be a certain profession or play certain sports or play a certain position in a sport. All of these are valid reasons to be outraged yet what is mind boggling is the silence among these same Black leaders when their party says that Blacks are least able to obtain a state-issued ID card.
You're brain washed anti-american tools of Scumbag Liars OMG. Your disrespect for all American institutions With no evidence that can go anywhere near a courtroom LOL is treasonous. Can you tell the difference between Russian and GOP garbage propaganda?
Dem scum have been rigging and cheating in elections for decades. They have been caught on video bragging about it.
Interesting. And those millions and millions of voters have not applied for a job, applied for a loan, boarded a plan, driven a car? How many millions and millions of voters DONT or CANT get a state-issued ID? and why does the Left always point to Blacks as not being capable to acquire state-issued IDs?

Over the years, I’ve seen and heard Black politicians and civic leaders get outraged over comments that Blacks can’t be a certain profession or play certain sports or play a certain position in a sport. All of these are valid reasons to be outraged yet what is mind boggling is the silence among these same Black leaders when their party says that Blacks are least able to obtain a state-issued ID card.
That doesn't have anything to do with intelligence, it's about poverty and lack of transportation, Super Dupe.
That doesn't have anything to do with intelligence, it's about poverty and lack of transportation, Super Dupe.
Congratulations…. You just insulted Blacks even further. What the hell is the matter with you people?

Let’s see some of that poverty and lack of transportation that impacts Blacks more than any other American.
Think about Elections. Everyone votes local. The only state issued-IDs that confirm you live in a voting district are a drivers license and ID card with your address. Currently, a Government Agency ID card does not provide an address for you. So, right now, if you allowed Government Agency issued ID cards which are primarily used for employment at the agency verification, anyone with this type of ID could flood a district or a state and vote in a Presidential Election. For example, in my state, liberals and Democrats always win so my vote doesn’t mean anything. But, under your proposal, if I had a Government Agency ID, I could travel to a hotly contested state and simply show my agency ID and vote in that district which would artificially influence the Election.

Do you want that?
Are you stupid? Your picture ID is just to confirm who you are on the voter registration list. Let's take the woman in the story you linked to. She is an Indiana Congresswoman with an Indiana State Issued picture ID identifying her as an Indiana State congresswoman. How would she use that to travel to say Texas and vote? Is she registered to vote in Texas? No. So when she shows her ID and they look for her name on Texas' voter registration list and they don't find her then what? Do you know how voting works you moron?
Interesting. And those millions and millions of voters have not applied for a job, applied for a loan, boarded a plan, driven a car? How many millions and millions of voters DONT or CANT get a state-issued ID? and why does the Left always point to Blacks as not being capable to acquire state-issued IDs?

Over the years, I’ve seen and heard Black politicians and civic leaders get outraged over comments that Blacks can’t be a certain profession or play certain sports or play a certain position in a sport. All of these are valid reasons to be outraged yet what is mind boggling is the silence among these same Black leaders when their party says that Blacks are least able to obtain a state-issued ID card.
Still pushing this racist lie are you? Republican voter ID laws target black voters on purpose by trying to eliminate the IDs they're more likely to have.

Court: North Carolina Voter ID Law Targeted Black Voters
Democrats push the notion that Blacks are least capable of getting a state-issued ID card. Do Blacks really believe that?
I'm a black person telling you Republicans target black voters even linking you to a court ruling that confirms that. What don't you get moron?
Are you stupid? Your picture ID is just to confirm who you are on the voter registration list. Let's take the woman in the story you linked to. She is an Indiana Congresswoman with an Indiana State Issued picture ID identifying her as an Indiana State congresswoman. How would she use that to travel to say Texas and vote? Is she registered to vote in Texas? No. So when she shows her ID and they look for her name on Texas' voter registration list and they don't find her then what? Do you know how voting works you moron?
your vitriol aside, the state issued card has name and address on it to cross reference with the voter registration list. Simple solution…. Put the address on the agency card..
I'm a black person telling you Republicans target black voters even linking you to a court ruling that confirms that. What don't you get moron?
So you are OK with Democrats justifying their argument against voter ID by saying it impacts Blacks the most? You believe that??
your vitriol aside, the state issued card has name and address on it to cross reference with the voter registration list. Simple solution…. Put the address on the agency card..
Solution? You haven't even identified a real problem. The idea that people would be getting fake IDs in order to vote in place of actual voters is not a rational one. One, the moment the actual voter went to vote and couldn't they'd know there was an issue and two, are you going to really successfully do this the thousands of times you'd need to to change an election? You have a solution to a problem that doesn't even exist.
So you are OK with Democrats justifying their argument against voter ID by saying it impacts Blacks the most? You believe that??
because of Poverty and lack of Transportation, not a problem with intelligence, brainwashed functional moron.

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