The GOP can never win the ballot harvesting game, so restore mail-in voting to a rare practice only, when necessary, by illness or absence.

You’re a lazy sack of shit. Everything has due dates and deadlines. There’s no reason voting should be different. Grab your ID and get your ass to a polling place.
You are a Nazi sack of shit. There is absolutely no reason that voting has to be done at a polling place.
Without the ability to conduct a legit audit after? Anything goes.

there were R in place in 2020 hotly contested swing states who would not or could not do anything about ATL late night secret vote count or 100K 3AM spikes in other states. Some R actually worked hard to stop any meaningful Audit. Boyer in AZ? Rigita-Genta in AZ? Porker & Voss in WI? Kemp & RATT?
There was no ATL late night secret vote count. The 3AM spikes were in swing states that had Republican legislatures. Republicans refused to allow mail in ballots and early votes to be counted before the in-person ballots were counted. It is a illusion fostered by you right wing Nazis.
You are a Nazi sack of shit. There is absolutely no reason that voting has to be done at a polling place.
Then why have them at all? Print up your own voting cards, fill out as many as you want and throw them all in the local grocery parking lot. How does that sound.
There was no ATL late night secret vote count. The 3AM spikes were in swing states that had Republican legislatures. Republicans refused to allow mail in ballots and early votes to be counted before the in-person ballots were counted. It is a illusion fostered by you right wing Nazis.

Nice story you dumb OX. Yet CA or CT (heavily DEM votes) had no such 3AM 100K spiking. Weird huh? Its called FRAU. Massive Ballot dumping after they saw they trailed. Shutdown/dump. Caught on video room#604 11P-1AM NOV03 in ATL.
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I’m just wondering, and maybe you have an answer for me, do people with odd working hours, kids or don’t drive make it to doctor appointment’s on time? And if they do do they bring their ID and insurance info with them?
What doctor appointments? What insurance? Most hourly workers have none of that......? ;)
The level of dishonesty required to beat Democrats at their own game in election fixing is much higher than most Reps would be willing to go.

Stronger laws to prevent rounding up old people, dead people, homeless people, and people in rehab to bribe them with votes are a great idea. But in many areas, we would be relying on Dems to both pass and enforce those laws.

I don't know the solution. We won't have honest elections with Dems in power, and we can't put Dems out of power without honest elections.
Republicans were in power in 35 plus states in 2020, they wrote the election laws and regs used....dems are not in power of elections......

Republicans shit on you, if you actually believe you were shit on in the last presidential election....Republicans wrote, passed, and delivered all the election laws and regulations in nearly every State.

If you actually want to win, get more voters, to side with your political choices....

How hard can it be to actually win people over to your side, if you are so perfect, so honest, so straight up, so politically correct? :dunno:
Its always amusing to watch the GOP piss themselves at the thought of people voting.

It’s beyond disturbing to listen to Democrats cry how difficult it is for legal voters to comply with current and proposed voting regulations and processes. Even more disturbing, Democrats point to Blacks as having the most challenged in every election yet Democrats do nothing to help Blacks make it easier. For example, complying with State-issued ID voting requirements. Democrats say that Blacks are supposedly the most challenged among voters in getting State Issued IDs. Elections are once or twice per year events. What about access to government and commercial services in everyday life that require state-issued IDs? How are Democrats helping address that supposed problem?
It’s beyond disturbing to listen to Democrats cry how difficult it is for legal voters to comply with current and proposed voting regulations and processes. Even more disturbing, Democrats point to Blacks as having the most challenged in every election yet Democrats do nothing to help Blacks make it easier. For example, complying with State-issued ID voting requirements. Democrats say that Blacks are supposedly the most challenged among voters in getting State Issued IDs. Elections are once or twice per year events. What about access to government and commercial services in everyday life that require state-issued IDs? How are Democrats helping address that supposed problem?
Bullshit. It's the work of people like Stacy Abrams in Georgia why black voters are able to counteract these GOP policies and show out the vote. Also the problem isn't that black people don't have IDs, it's that the GOP is transparently trying to make the IDs black people are more likely to have ineligible for being used as an ID to vote. This was exemplified in the North Carolina case where the courts had found the Republicans there had "targeted black voters with surgical precision". That's the courts quote. North Carolina Republicans requested information about what IDs black voters were more likely to use to vote than white voters and set about eliminating them as being valid IDs to vote. That's pretty fucking transparent right there.

NC court strikes down GOP voter ID law for targeting Black voters
Bullshit. It's the work of people like Stacy Abrams in Georgia why black voters are able to counteract these GOP policies and show out the vote. Also the problem isn't that black people don't have IDs, it's that the GOP is transparently trying to make the IDs black people are more likely to have ineligible for being used as an ID to vote. This was exemplified in the North Carolina case where the courts had found the Republicans there had "targeted black voters with surgical precision". That's the courts quote. North Carolina Republicans requested information about what IDs black voters were more likely to use to vote than white voters and set about eliminating them as being valid IDs to vote. That's pretty fucking transparent right there.

NC court strikes down GOP voter ID law for targeting Black voters
The only bullshit is in your retort. From the article you used, it actually drives home my point that Blacks are less likely to have photo IDs vs whites and all Democrats food whine about it only during elections.We hear this every election. My argument is what are Democrats doing in between elections to help Blacks get IDs given how often ID’s are required in everyday life. Do you have any articles that point to the GOP trying to prevent Blacks from getting State Issued IDs?
The only bullshit is in your retort. From the article you used, it actually drives home my point that Blacks are less likely to have photo IDs vs whites and all Democrats food whine about it only during elections.We hear this every election. My argument is what are Democrats doing in between elections to help Blacks get IDs given how often ID’s are required in everyday life. Do you have any articles that point to the GOP trying to prevent Blacks from getting State Issued IDs?
Sorry Bingo. When you can address the article I posted that referenced a court decision that flat out stated Republicans were targeting black voters then we can carry on this conversation. Otherwise I'm just going to point and laugh at you for being a total bitch. 😄
Sorry Bingo. When you can address the article I posted that referenced a court decision that flat out stated Republicans were targeting black voters then we can carry on this conversation. Otherwise I'm just going to point and laugh at you for being a total bitch. 😄
You are calling me names while exposing yourself as incapable of being able to debate a core topic. You want to debate the North Carolina case, go start a thread.
You are calling me names while exposing yourself as incapable of being able to debate a core topic. You want to debate the North Carolina case, go start a thread.
You not being able to address my point and my evidence exposes your unwillingness to debate so what else is there except to point and laugh at you? :lmao:
You not being able to address my point and my evidence exposes your unwillingness to debate so what else is there except to point and laugh at you?

You shifted the debate in a piss-poor attempt to retort to my position that Democrats don’t do shit for Blacks when it comes to the ID gap except to bitch about it every election. Most likely, it is your sense of entitlement and lack of intellectual accountability. While you continue to weaken yourself with name-calling, I’ll help you out…. If Democrats got off their asses and truly helped Blacks in Ned of IDs instead of leveraging their daily plight for political purposes, there would be problem in North Carolina or anywhere else.
You shifted the debate in a piss-poor attempt to retort to my position that Democrats don’t do shit for Blacks when it comes to the ID gap except to bitch about it every election. Most likely, it is your sense of entitlement and lack of intellectual accountability. While you continue to weaken yourself with name-calling, I’ll help you out…. If Democrats got off their asses and truly helped Blacks in Ned of IDs instead of leveraging their daily plight for political purposes, there would be problem in North Carolina or anywhere else.
You mean you made a claim about Democrats that you provided absolutely no support for with objective evidence and then I countered your claim about Democrats with objective evidence of Republicans looking up what IDs black voters were more likely to use than white voters and eliminating them as IDs eligible to be used in voting and you cried like a little bitch and mumbled something about that being Republicans in North Carolina which for some odd reason you seem to think means it doesn't count. That about sum up this exchange you crying little Bingo? 😄
You mean you made a claim about Democrats that you provided absolutely no support for with objective evidence and then I countered your claim about Democrats with objective evidence of Republicans looking up what IDs black voters were more likely to use than white voters and eliminating them as IDs eligible to be used in voting and you cried like a little bitch and mumbled something about that being Republicans in North Carolina which for some odd reason you seem to think means it doesn't count. That about sum up this exchange you crying little Bingo? 😄

You keep glossing over Blacks not having State issues IDs and how they are needed in everyday life. You either don’t think it is a problem and/or you would rather wait every election to cry and whine about Blacks not having IDs as a means to prevent more security controls in an election. Either way, you are insulting Blacks and/or leveraging their plight for your gain or advantage which is typical of Democrats.

2006 - Democrats predict voter ID problems


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