The GOP can never win the ballot harvesting game, so restore mail-in voting to a rare practice only, when necessary, by illness or absence.

You keep glossing over Blacks not having State issues IDs and how they are needed in everyday life. You either don’t think it is a problem and/or you would rather wait every election to cry and whine about Blacks not having IDs as a means to prevent more security controls in an election. Either way, you are insulting Blacks and/or leveraging their plight for your gain or advantage which is typical of Democrats.

2006 - Democrats predict voter ID problems

What the fuck ate you talking about? You're second link is an opinion piece and the first one starts off with this story:

On Indiana's primary day, Rep. Julia Carson shoved her congressional identification card in a pocket, ran out of her house and raced down the street to be at her polling site when it opened at 6 a.m. The Democrat, seeking to represent Indianapolis for a sixth term, showed the card to a poll worker, who told her it was unacceptable under a new state law that requires every voter to show proof of identity.

She had ID you Bingo. She had an ID issued by the State as it was a Congressional identification card. The problem isn't that black voters don't have IDs. The problem is that Republicans don't want IDs that black people and democrats are more likely to have than Republicans or white people to be used as IDs for voting. And in all of this is no hint that these people are trying to vote illegally or do any sort of fraud, its all a Republican effort to harass their political opponents as they try to exercise their constitutional right.
What the fuck ate you talking about? You're second link is an opinion piece and the first one starts off with this story:

On Indiana's primary day, Rep. Julia Carson shoved her congressional identification card in a pocket, ran out of her house and raced down the street to be at her polling site when it opened at 6 a.m. The Democrat, seeking to represent Indianapolis for a sixth term, showed the card to a poll worker, who told her it was unacceptable under a new state law that requires every voter to show proof of identity.

She had ID you Bingo. She had an ID issued by the State as it was a Congressional identification card. The problem isn't that black voters don't have IDs. The problem is that Republicans don't want IDs that black people and democrats are more likely to have than Republicans or white people to be used as IDs for voting. And in all of this is no hint that these people are trying to vote illegally or do any sort of fraud, its all a Republican effort to harass their political opponents as they try to exercise their constitutional right.
A Government agency-issued ID is not a State-issued ID. Carson either knew that going to the election and getting rejected so she could score political points or she was just ignorant. My bet is that she has a state-issued ID and chose not to use it.

So I will ask the question again, if Democrats keep complaining how hard it is for Blacks to have State-issued IDs yet Democrats know how necessary State IDs are for everyday life, why aren’t Democrats doing anything about the problem? What did Rep. Julia Carson do to solve the problem?
A Government agency-issued ID is not a State-issued ID. Carson either knew that going to the election and getting rejected so she could score political points or she was just ignorant. My bet is that she has a state-issued ID and chose not to use it.
I don't give a shit what you're betting boy, I care what you can objectively prove and so far that ain't shit.

A government issued ID isn't a State ID? Why? By what objective measurement? Because you say so? Do you not know the difference between the objective and the subjective?

What other government is it issued by? Do you think IDs for Indiana Congressional representatives are issued by Brazil? Those IDs are issued by the State government. They are literally and objectively State IDs you dumb fucking Bingo.
So I will ask the question again, if Democrats keep complaining how hard it is for Blacks to have State-issued IDs yet Democrats know how necessary State IDs are for everyday life, why aren’t Democrats doing anything about the problem? What did Rep. Julia Carson do to solve the problem?
I don’t know what you mean by necessary for every day life. You haven't even attempted to define what that means. If these IDs were necessary for every day life and black people didn't have them wouldn't that mean they die? Objectively if you are lacking in something necessary for life you're dead or dying. That's just basic logic and reasoning.
As someone who lives in a state (CO) where the preponderance of votes are cast by mail without incident, and as someone who lives in a country with an infinitesimally small about amount of documented voter fraud (as opposed to batshyte crazy, unsubstantiated allegations of vote harvesting) my considered response to Mr. Lifson is to say go fuck yourself.
I don't give a shit what you're betting boy, I care what you can objectively prove and so far that ain't shit.

A government issued ID isn't a State ID? Why? By what objective measurement? Because you say so? Do you not know the difference between the objective and the subjective?

What other government is it issued by? Do you think IDs for Indiana Congressional representatives are issued by Brazil? Those IDs are issued by the State government. They are literally and objectively State IDs you dumb fucking Bingo.

I don’t know what you mean by necessary for every day life. You haven't even attempted to define what that means. If these IDs were necessary for every day life and black people didn't have them wouldn't that mean they die? Objectively if you are lacking in something necessary for life you're dead or dying. That's just basic logic and reasoning.
Check the law. Government-agency issued IDs are not recognized as state-issued IDs. Should they be? Absolutely. But, they are not. Congress can change that…. Another opportunity for Democrats to help this “problem” by pushing legislation to include Government Agency-issued IDs as state-issued ids.

Here is what / why you need a state-issuedID in everyday life:

* Job Application
* Loan Application
* Government Assistance
* Access to Government Buildings
* Financial Transactions
* Air Travel / Cruises
* Alcohol
* Bars and Nightclubs

Logically, if Blacks aren’t complaining about being denied these services, then they must have State-issued IDs and like to be played by the Democrat lies and bullshit that Blacks don’t have IDs or don’t know how to get them.

Thanks for playing.
Check the law. Government-agency issued IDs are not recognized as state-issued IDs.
Let's stop right here. Not recognized as and not literal IDs issued by the State are two totally different things. Government IDs, issued to government workers of the State, are in fact literal IDs issued by the State. They aren't recognized as State IDs eligible to be used in voting because Black voters, who dominate in public sector work are more likely to have those IDs than white voters and Republicans know if they eliminate them it harms more black voters than white voters. These sorts of IDs are the exact sort of IDs Republicans in North Carolina targeted when they targeted black voters. Your argument is basically why aren't Democrats doing more to fight racist Republican policies.
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Here is what / why you need a state-issuedID in everyday life:
* Job Application
* Loan Application
* Government Assistance
* Access to Government Buildings
* Financial Transactions
* Air Travel / Cruises
* Alcohol
* Bars and Nightclubs
Buy a gun
Let's stop right here. Not recognized as and not literal IDs issued by the State are two totally different things. Government IDs, issued to government workers of the State, are in fact literal IDs issued by the State. They aren't recognized as State IDs eligible to be used in voting because Black voters, who dominate in public sector work are more likely to have those IDs than white voters and Republicans know if they eliminate them it harms more black voters than white voters. These sorts of IDs are the exact sort of IDs Republicans in North Carolina targeted when they targeted black voters. Your argument is basically why aren't Democrats doing more to fight racist Republican policies.
Blacks dominate public sector workforce? Once again you are lying due to your sense of entitlement. In the Federal Government alone, Whites account for 60 percent of the workforce. Three charts on diversity in the federal government's workforce - USAFacts

Here is some logic for you. In order to get a Government Agency-issued ID, you must first provide a State-Issued ID.
Blacks dominate public sector workforce? Once again you are lying due to your sense of entitlement. In the Federal Government alone, Whites account for 60 percent of the workforce. Three charts on diversity in the federal government's workforce - USAFacts

Here is some logic for you. In order to get a Government Agency-issued ID, you must first provide a State-Issued ID.
You are a moron. Black people only make up 13% of the population. Of course there are more overall white workers in public sector jobs. The difference is that a larger share of the black workforce works in the public sector than the share of the white workforce. More over for a larger percentage of these black workers their government issued work ID is there only picture ID. Black Americans are less likely than white Americans to have driver licenses or passports for instance. That's why when you eliminate these IDs from being used as identification for voting you disproportionately harm black voters.

Public Sector Unions Mean Middle-Class Jobs for Black Workers

Government jobs have been an important source of economic mobility for Black workers and their families for many years. The federal government was an early adopter of anti-discrimination provisions, and today about a fifth of federal workers are Black. This includes those employed by the United States Postal Service, which provided well-paying jobs and career pathways to formerly enslaved people well before the rest of government, and in 2020 employed just under a fifth of Black federal workers. State and local governments have similarly emerged as wellsprings of relatively stable and well-paying employment for Black workers and pensions for Black retirees. The public sector’s legacy as a path to the middle class for the Black community persists today; government workers are disproportionately Black, and the pay gap between Black workers and white workers is smaller in the public sector than in the private sector.
You are a moron. Black people only make up 13% of the population. Of course there are more overall white workers in public sector jobs. The difference is that a larger share of the black workforce works in the public sector than the share of the white workforce. More over for a larger percentage of these black workers their government issued work ID is there only picture ID. Black Americans are less likely than white Americans to have driver licenses or passports for instance. That's why when you eliminate these IDs from being used as identification for voting you disproportionately harm black voters.

Public Sector Unions Mean Middle-Class Jobs for Black Workers

Government jobs have been an important source of economic mobility for Black workers and their families for many years. The federal government was an early adopter of anti-discrimination provisions, and today about a fifth of federal workers are Black. This includes those employed by the United States Postal Service, which provided well-paying jobs and career pathways to formerly enslaved people well before the rest of government, and in 2020 employed just under a fifth of Black federal workers. State and local governments have similarly emerged as wellsprings of relatively stable and well-paying employment for Black workers and pensions for Black retirees. The public sector’s legacy as a path to the middle class for the Black community persists today; government workers are disproportionately Black, and the pay gap between Black workers and white workers is smaller in the public sector than in the private sector.
Go back to your own words. You said Blacks dominate the public sector. And, now that you have established that Blacks have a significant impact on public sector work relative to their overall population, go find yourself at least one (1) worker who obtained their Government Agency Issued ID without first providing State Issued ID.
Go back to your own words. You said Blacks dominate the public sector.
Yes. I meant as a proportion of the over all black workforce. I took for granted that you Bingos knew the history of racism, segregation and discrimination of this country and how Black Americans found the greatest protections and parity of pay through public sector jobs and public sector unions. You're an even bigger Bingo than I had originally assumed. My bad. 😄
And, now that you have established that Blacks have a significant impact on public sector work relative to their overall population, go find yourself at least one (1) worker who obtained their Government Agency Issued ID without first providing State Issued ID.
No. My job isn't to jump because you say so. You have not provided one piece of objective evidence of your claim. You misrepresent the Democratic position and the position of Black voters which is that Republicans are targeting them with their voter ID laws and I provided objective evidence of that happening and not even once have you even tried to qualify why you're putting black voters through all this hassle. It isn't to stop any massive effort of fraudulently voting because there is no evidence that that has ever occurred. Your Bingo arguments have been found wanting.
Yes. I meant as a proportion of the over all black workforce. I took for granted that you Bingos knew the history of racism, segregation and discrimination of this country and how Black Americans found the greatest protections and parity of pay through public sector jobs and public sector unions. You're an even bigger Bingo than I had originally assumed. My bad. 😄

No. My job isn't to jump because you say so. You have not provided one piece of objective evidence of your claim. You misrepresent the Democratic position and the position of Black voters which is that Republicans are targeting them with their voter ID laws and I provided objective evidence of that happening and not even once have you even tried to qualify why you're putting black voters through all this hassle. It isn't to stop any massive effort of fraudulently voting because there is no evidence that that has ever occurred. Your Bingo arguments have been found wanting.
I showed you plenty of evidence. You just chose to ignore it just like you are ignoring that Blacks do not have a problem getting State issued IDs in order to get the Government Agency issued IDs. I showed you how Democrats could push Legislation to have Government Agency IDs to be eligible in elections. But, Democrats don’t want to help Blacks with the so-called ID gap. They just want to exploit Blacks. Check your history….. Democrats are good at that.
I showed you plenty of evidence.
You did not. You posted one link that was an opinion piece (opinions aren't objective evidence). And another link that started with a story of a Democrat who was in the State Congress and who had a literal ID from the State identifying her as State Congress person but for some reason wasn’t a valid ID for voting. That's the evidence you've presented so far.
You just chose to ignore it just like you are ignoring that Blacks do not have a problem getting State issued IDs in order to get the Government Agency issued IDs. I showed you how Democrats could push Legislation to have Government Agency IDs to be eligible in elections. But, Democrats don’t want to help Blacks with the so-called ID gap. They just want to exploit Blacks. Check your history….. Democrats are good at that.
Why aren't Government Agency IDs valid IDs for voting in the first place? Oh right Republicans.
You did not. You posted one link that was an opinion piece (opinions aren't objective evidence). And another link that started with a story of a Democrat who was in the State Congress and who had a literal ID from the State identifying her as State Congress person but for some reason wasn’t a valid ID for voting. That's the evidence you've presented so far.

Why aren't Government Agency IDs valid IDs for voting in the first place? Oh right Republicans.
You did not. You posted one link that was an opinion piece (opinions aren't objective evidence). And another link that started with a story of a Democrat who was in the State Congress and who had a literal ID from the State identifying her as State Congress person but for some reason wasn’t a valid ID for voting. That's the evidence you've presented so far.

Why aren't Government Agency IDs valid IDs for voting in the first place? Oh right Republicans.
Think about Elections. Everyone votes local. The only state issued-IDs that confirm you live in a voting district are a drivers license and ID card with your address. Currently, a Government Agency ID card does not provide an address for you. So, right now, if you allowed Government Agency issued ID cards which are primarily used for employment at the agency verification, anyone with this type of ID could flood a district or a state and vote in a Presidential Election. For example, in my state, liberals and Democrats always win so my vote doesn’t mean anything. But, under your proposal, if I had a Government Agency ID, I could travel to a hotly contested state and simply show my agency ID and vote in that district which would artificially influence the Election.

Do you want that?
Dems will be ALL IN on cheating again so the GOP needs to prepare.
You're brain washed anti-american tools of Scumbag Liars OMG. Your disrespect for all American institutions With no evidence that can go anywhere near a courtroom LOL is treasonous. Can you tell the difference between Russian and GOP garbage propaganda?
Is competence who can get the most unqualified voters to the polls the goal?
If you are registered you are qualified. While the GOP base has their own planet where they can vote for a giveaway to the rich and a screw job for themselves without having to worry....
That is not why Republicans are losing. Republicans do well in less densely populated areas of the country. Voting is person is not a big deal in terms of time. Mail in voting helps those who live in more densely populated urban and suburban areas where voting in person is more time consuming. Urban areas generally vote Democrat. Democrats have made inroads in suburban counties. That is why mail in balloting will always benefit Democrats at this point in time. That is why Republicans want to end mail in balloting.
Also Republican policies suck for 99% of the people and brainwashing only goes so far.... We can't help it if GOP propaganda makes it anti Republican and Anti American to do other than vote on election day in person LOL. More divisive hateful GD idiocy....
It’s beyond disturbing to listen to Democrats cry how difficult it is for legal voters to comply with current and proposed voting regulations and processes. Even more disturbing, Democrats point to Blacks as having the most challenged in every election yet Democrats do nothing to help Blacks make it easier. For example, complying with State-issued ID voting requirements. Democrats say that Blacks are supposedly the most challenged among voters in getting State Issued IDs. Elections are once or twice per year events. What about access to government and commercial services in everyday life that require state-issued IDs? How are Democrats helping address that supposed problem?
What government services REQUIRE a govt issued photo ID? NONE!

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